God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 278: Eat lobster!

Chapter 278 Eating Lobster!

The special interview section belongs to a million oil department in Yangshi, and the opportunities are less than ten times a year. The display here is messy and sometimes no one comes once a month. More like a library, there are maps of all over the world, as well as literature for free inspection by colleagues who are traveling.

In an office that is not more than 20 square meters, there are only Shen Ming and Lan Die. Don't look at this young girl, but she's not ambiguous when she does things. Sitting in front of a mountain of copywriting, I saw it more seriously than anyone else, and my notebook was almost full.

In nearly 6 hours of contact, Landie spoke to Shen Ming no more than 10 sentences, and the content was mostly, "Xiao Ming, help me to pour a cup of coffee." "Xiao Ming, help me to get **** information." "Xiao Ming, I'm hungry, get me a takeaway ..." and so on.

Shen Ming only felt that the role he played was not a videographer at all, but rather like a small attendant or a maid.

"I said Senior Landie, although I am a newcomer in and out of Yangshi, is it really good for you to bully me like this?" Xiao Ming complained to Xiao Nizi who was sitting on his shoulders.

"Who told you to crash my ladder and give me a complaint when you stepped on the ladder?" Lan Die sat on Shen Ming's head and took down the information and looked at it like this, "Did you not listen when you were reading? Passed? It ’s hard to suffer but to be bitter. I was bullied all the way into the sheep, so bear with me. ”

"Oh, senior, was someone sitting on top of you to bully you?" Shen Ming was also crying and laughing. To be honest, Lan Die was very light, and he could not carry it on his shoulders. Qingxiang, holding her legs also feels very good, even Shen Minghao is also a big man, and being humiliated by someone sitting on the head is also somewhat offensive.

"Just answer!" Lan Die knocked Shen Ming's head with her data. "Let me down."

After landing, Lan Die tirelessly taught, "The workplace is like a battlefield. Little newcomers should listen more and talk less, do more and ask less, and suffer from losses."

"Dare to ask how long Senior Landie has come in?" Shen Ming curiously said.

Landie didn't answer, raised her right hand to a number "6".

"6 years? Then you didn't come to work at the age of 16? You also said that Yang Shi does not recruit child labor," Shen Ming said in shock.

"Are you stupid? Did I say 6 years? It's been 6 months ..." Lan Die herself was also very embarrassed. Compared with the newcomer Shen Ming, it was a half-pound.

"Senior, you are so fat, you dare to be a reporter for the battlefield in 6 months." Shen Ming took a breath. Yangshi ’s rules for dispatching field reporters are that internal publishing tasks are applied by reporters who have the qualifications for interviews. Because of the high mortality rate of field reporters, superiors have no way to designate who will pass. Fear of reputation and can only increase the bonus for going out. Generally, it is calculated on a daily basis. It costs 1,000 yuan a day. For big-name reporters, seeing this allowance has to sneer, and it is not as good as when they go out to host a local tyrant wedding. The appearance fee paid by others casually is 100 times that number. Why bother to venture out?

Therefore, the general dispatch of field reporters is not a high-pressure task, as everyone has never heard of. Landie, a journalist who has been employed for only half a year, in principle does not even have the qualifications to earn such allowances.

However, it is amazing that a total of three reporters applied for it, but Landie passed the customs clearance. The information that Shen Ming learned from the side was that the list of assigned field reporters was first sent to the Kokang Alliance Army Headquarters in the theater, and they determined who they would come to interview. As a result, they chose such a rookie. There is no way, the theater is now under their control, and the safety of the personnel cannot be guaranteed at all without knowing these rebels.

Obviously, the rebels are deliberate. If you choose this kind of inexperienced reporters to enter the country, even if they are killed, it is easy to explain to the outside world, right?

Shen Ming was embarrassed to tell Landie the truth and looked at this little Nizi for a while. "This has nothing to do with fatness. Is it strength? Is it good? I originally graduated from the journalism department of a prestigious university. As a result, When I arrived at Yangshi, I could only be responsible for proofreading. It was not as good as an editor. This time is my opportunity for nirvana! As long as I can do this interview and show my face on TV, I can do real news in the future! "

"Don't you be afraid of gun bullet rain?" Shen Ming wondered.

"Come here, stretch out your hand." Lan Die beckoned to Shen Ming mysteriously.

Unknown Shen Ming stretched her palm all the way, and was suddenly reversed by Landie, and Landie, which was rotated to her chest, lifted her light back and pulled her hands. Shen Ming was so light that she was only two thirds of her weight Lan Die, who had hit her head, fell over her shoulder and fell to the ground.

Although pretending, a hard fall on the tiled floor still hurts Shenming's back.

"Don't you look down on me now? I'm not afraid to tell you, I've been a wrestler in the National University Games and won the ranking!" Lan Die smiled. "

"Thank you for your trouble." Shen Ming smiled helplessly.

"So, obediently, I promise, I will take you alive and bring you back alive." Lan Die patted Xiaoping chest to assure that Shen Ming was protected for the first time, and she was really flattered.

The sky has been replaced by the stars, and the bright fluorescent lights can not disperse the darkness outside the window. He looked at the clock at 8 o'clock in the evening, and he groaned hungry even before dinner. Could not help but asked, "Senior Landie, you look so late, can you get off work?"

"After work? What work? Start at 8 am tomorrow, you will report today. Are the local customs familiar? Are you familiar with the basic noodle shop language? Until the basic rules of interviews in the battlefield?" Lan Die solemnly Asked the question.

"Senior, I am a photographer and not a reporter. I carry a camera at most. You go where you say you go, and you do whatever you say. Isn't it necessary to be so strict?" Shen Ming retorted with a smile on his back. Road.

"Large rookie! Do you think photographers can be prepared without care? What if I accidentally hang up, what about the news? Let me tell you, even in the field of journalists abroad, even if the reporter dies, the photographer will do the first thing. The thing to do is to pick up the microphone and continue to broadcast the news. This is the professional ethics of the media person. "Lan Die took off the gold glasses on her face and taught.

"I trust, isn't my first thing to do to rescue you?" Shen Ming said shamefully.

"The famous war correspondent Colvin once said, 'Raise one foot and step out, you can step on a mine at every step. Many people may ask, is it worth the price? Come change? I was also asked such a question when my eyes were hurt. My answer at that time was' worthy ', and I will answer it now. Our mission is to tell the truth.' The generosity of faith urged.

"This Xiongtai talks so much? Standing on the battlefield can still be so crooked, was it already killed?" Shen Ming was filled with emotion.

"Dare to insult my idol! Find a fight!" Lan Die got up again and knocked Shen Ming a brain collapse.

Between troubles, he looked up at the clock and couldn't help sighing, "Well, it's pitiful to see you. On the first day of employment, I went to the special interview section and on the battlefield the next day. As a senior, I would ask You have a meal and it's your turn to host a welcome banquet. "

"Very good! Very good! I want to eat a seafood buffet at Pangu Hotel. I heard that there is a lobster mountain, which is spectacular!" Shen Ming beamed his eyes.

"Okay! Isn't it just the lobster? Here are five of you!"

While Shen Ming was still dreaming of sitting in a high-end hotel and eating lobster, somehow he was brought into a barbecue booth in an alley by Landie, and five spicy dishes were placed in a plastic bag in front of him. Crayfish are still four yuan each. They are as good as polio, and their middle fingers are not as long as they are upright.

"This is ... God horse?" Shen Ming twitched at the frown.

"Eat and eat, don't be polite with me." Lan Die said as she turned around and called, "Boss, come with two big loins, more cumin and less pepper, and don't roast the leeks, and the potato chips should be crispy!" "

"Okay! Girl, do n’t you know what your uncle likes? Send you two bottles of orange-flavored 'Arctic Ocean' (soda)!" The 50-year-old boss laughed while skewers.

"The boss is the best and the most handsome !!! I love you!" Landie unexpectedly sold Moe, and seemed to have left the big pants office building, and she became an ordinary child next door.

"Do you come here often?" Shen Ming was a bit difficult to connect the reporter in front of Yangshi with the barbecue stall on the side of the road.

"The house I rent is in the alley not far away. Because I often work overtime, there is nothing to eat around here after returning, so I often come to this barbecue stall to eat something.

The boss is a laid-off worker, his son is studying abroad, his wife's health is not very good, and he is always taking medicine to see a doctor. He can only set up a roadside stall without money to open the facade.

On one occasion, the city management even started to raise his booth. At that time, I showed off my press card angrily to help the boss. Those city managers were scared and ran away, so they became familiar with the boss every time. I have money, but I said that our reporter is also a public servant of the people and cannot take advantage of ordinary people.

The boss was embarrassed, so every time I gave me a soda drink, only two dollars, I was embarrassed to shirk. Landie spit her tongue out with a smile.

"You seem to like being a journalist?" Shen Ming curiously eating crayfish, "Do you make a lot?"

"Don't link everything with money, you idiot in the city. I've turned it right now, it's only 4257 yuan a month, and the overtime pay is less than 5,000. The salary in Didu is lower than the salesperson in the mall, but ah, The reporter represents a glory, a seeker of truth, and a defender of justice.

Every journalist should have a sense of mission to report the truth and a sense of responsibility to the society. This is an ethics that cannot be bought with any money. "Talking about work, Lan Die's eyes are shining like stars.

"I'm afraid there's some truth, it's better not to see ..." Shen Ming sighed softly.

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