God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 279: Place of war

Chapter 279 The Land of War

At dawn, before the sun rises, Lan Die is ready to set off. As a photographer, Shen Ming can even carry anti-tank rocket launchers. At first Lan Die was worried that Shen Ming could not carry it by himself, but found that he carried the equipment weighing up to 100 kilograms on one shoulder lightly, and he was relieved when he didn't pant and flushed.

There is still an advantage for the little newcomer who dares to love, that is the strength of the shirt, should it be okay when used as a horse?

The two of them set off from the big pants and directly arrived at the airport. They will take domestic aviation to fly to the nearest Lincang to Guogan, and then drive to Blue Umbrella Town. They will enter Guogan from the border crossings connecting the roads.

Because of the rise of the border-crossing gambling industry in recent years, this seemingly unpopular transportation line has gradually developed, and even the mountain roads that have passed are tarred, and there is no sense of bumps in the border.

Shen Ming and Lan Die started at 6 am and stood in Blue Umbrella Town in only 5 hours. This is the most important port of commerce south of the dynasty. When there was no war, there were as many businessmen and merchants as possible. These daily necessities and specialty noodle shops are exchanging trade with each other.

However, since the rebellious war, the appearance of Lan umbrella town has also changed dramatically. The traffic on the streets is no longer a caravan of consignments, but it is carrying soft asylum seekers. Many refugees come too late. I didn't find a floor to rest in the exhibition center. I just lived on the street and lived a begging life. The slightly richer refugees can still rent a board house in this town to protect their families from the rain, but the rent is also rising, which is close to the price of second-tier cities in China, and the rent method is to learn from hotels. It is based on worship. Every week there will be a stepped price increase.

Drinking water, instant noodles, and even basic civilian biomass such as shampoos have increased in the town. However, under local suppression, it has not yet reached the point of death. In order to stabilize prices, a large amount of food and daily supplies are transported every day. In the past, the Tianchao also invested a lot of manpower and material resources to appease the refugees to maintain local peace.

However, it is difficult to find true happiness on the faces of bold dare refugees who also have yellow skin and black hair. Most of them are old, weak women and children, and the strong men in the family did not follow them to flee, because the house and their local property still need someone to take care of them. They ca n’t even flee for the family.

The communication between Kokang and Lan umbrella town has long been interrupted, and these refugees can only pray that their men are still safe. Of course, the most important thing to pray is that the war will end soon, so that they can return to their homes and enjoy a stable life.

"Is this the war?" Accurately speaking, Lan Die has not stood on the real battlefield, here is close to the frontier of the battlefield.

Seeing the appearance of the stranger Lan Lan and Shen Ming, a group of children around the road surrounded them with incomprehensible words and asked for things. They were not really helpless, at least in Shen Ming It seems that those malnourished children in Africa who have not even been able to call a "pass off point" should really be relieved.

But Landie didn't know that the nerve had been touched. It was like the rebirth of a bodhisattva, and the tearful eyes dropped the package, and took out a bunch of chocolates to distribute to the children.

"Don't grab it, everyone has it, pass it on to the younger brother behind." Lan Die said gently.

"Senior! Those are all our emergency supplies!" Shen Ming quickly stopped, he knew what the state of the war zone was, and gave away all the food, and it was really difficult in the later period, then he couldn't help crying.

"Xiao Ming! Do you have sympathy, do these children need emergency more than we do? Quickly! Take yours out too! This is an order!" Lan Die roared seriously.

"Well, I'm unlucky ..." Shen Ming could only interrupt his teeth and swallow his stomach. Whoever said that he played a role was a little newcomer who had never been on the battlefield, and couldn't explain to Lan Die, these little rabbits Not bad eating.

No way, Shen Ming's beef jerky and chocolate were all distributed to this group of children, just like Landie and the two of them clean and lingering, with a pile of equipment that can not move, can not bite and continue to the customs office.

The customs gate that originally thought that the trade had been terminated was deserted, but the streets along the customs gate were filled with nervous refugees. When they saw Shen Ming and Lan Die walking towards the customs gate, they were surrounded in groups. Come up. This is not a begging child, but they are desperately stuffing letters on their bodies. The jumbled scenes are jerky Chinese or English speaking their request.

Basically, they asked Shen Ming and Lan Die to go to see their home situation, bring a message back, their detailed address in the envelope, photos of their family members, and many of them still contain banknotes. Although not many, they represent them Anxious mind.

"Shenming! Protect the equipment, don't break it! Sorry, everyone, please let it go!" The little Landie was squeezed in the crowd, and it was almost invisible, and a group of refugees had their hands on them Stuffing things will inevitably be eaten by tofu. Lan Die is shy, annoyed, and helpless, and can only tell Shen Ming to be careful!

"Let me do it!" Shen Ming suddenly leaned down, and carried the dwarf Landie on his shoulder, pushing out of the crowd. She was suddenly embarrassed, but in front of everyone, she was only carried by a big man in a hot pants vest, and she couldn't help being shy. Dare to sit in the room by yourself, so ambiguous girls in front of people will still be embarrassed.

"Let's go!" Shen Ming didn't look so good to these refugees. He carried the companion on his shoulders and a piece of equipment more than 1 meter in length. He was walking forward with iron bones. Even more terrible, let them help out a way.

When Shen Ming finally lowered Landie at the Chinese customs gate, the two men were covered with envelopes and claw marks on their bodies and luggage. The most shameless is that two black claw marks are added to the chest of Landie White T-shirt.

"This group of abnormalities, not even a-!" Shen Ming condemned in anger.

"Shut up! Change clothes! It's time to go!" Lan Die blushed, and jumped and patted Shen Ming's head. The standing soldiers took the two men to the inner room and let them change into clean clothes before going through customs.

Shen Ming put those letters together and was about to throw them away.

"What are you doing?" Landie followed, nervously.

"Of course it was thrown away. There is no way this wish can be done for them. And it is best not to look at it. They can write worse than Qu Yuan. Losing it is the best way to deal with it." Shen Ming also experienced such a thing.

"No! These are the expectations of the refugees, how can they be lost like this!" Lan Die grabbed the letter from Shen Ming, put it with her, and put it in her luggage.

"Senior ... you are troubled." Shen Ming sighed helplessly.

Soon, as the Yang Shi special field reporters, Shen Ming and Lan Die completed the customs clearance procedures at the customs gates. The captain also reminded the two of them that if they dare to be chaotic now, they must be more careful.

Retail Landie also clenched her hands with the captain to express YangShou ’s hard condolences to these frontier soldiers.

After crossing the border line that symbolized the border between the two countries, Ben, who was still waving goodbye to the soldiers, was suddenly gripped by his neck from behind. She hasn't responded yet, and Kokang's border fighters have dragged her and Shen Ming into a border checkpoint belonging to Kokang.

That rude attitude made several frontier soldiers excitedly raise the 95 aim in their hands, and even the gun insurance was turned on.

But with a big beard and a bold leader who carried the "81 bar" assault rifle on his shoulders, he scorned and chuckled his **** at the border guards these days. The arrogance was so irritating that he couldn't wait to break him s face.

"Stop! You can't treat us like this! We are a field reporter who has been approved and protected by international law!" Lan Die kept saying in English, and wanted to capture the theory of her soldiers.

The soldier didn't understand the English of Lanla in the butterfly, only felt provocative, and angrily raised the **** of the rifle in his hand and smashed it.

Yi Landie's small head must be seen red this time, but the **** fell just halfway before being blocked by Shen Ming's palm. Shen Ming explained with a smile on his face, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, she doesn't understand the rules, she's a little nervous."

Shen Ming said as he let go of the butt, and pushed Lan Die back to the corner.

"Do you speak noodle shop?" Landie has not expressed her gratitude for being rescued, but she is wondering about her deep language talent.

"I told you that my uncle is a good bet. I always come here to play. He taught me the noodle shop. Some everyday words barely get mixed up." Shen Ming explained, "There are seniors, international law is here." It ’s useless, you should soften your clothes. If you ca n’t eat it, you do n’t eat it. ”

If it wasn't for Shen Ming's timely shot, she is now on a stretcher.

"You newcomer is too boneless. Think of our revolutionary martyrs, which one has softened in the face of the enemy's artillery butcher blades?" Lan Die directly spread patriotic education to Shen Ming.

"Senior, those are all hung up ... Do you want us to hang here?" Shen Ming was crying without tears, but could only refute in his heart.

A group of decisive rebels has begun to find their luggage. Lan Die watched her underwear being picked up and kneaded back and forth by the soldiers, even wearing it on herself and making fun of her companions. Lan Die hated her teeth itching, just wanted to burn all those clothes.

After confirming that there are no contraband items in the luggage, they put their eyes on the stack of envelopes. They tore up these envelopes containing the wishes of the refugees, counted all the cash in them, put them in their pockets, and then Photos and letters were thrown into the trash.

"How can they do this!" Lan Die finally couldn't bear it.

"Of course they can ... This is a soldier who can be ruthlessly killed by others. What else can't they do?" Shen Ming has always kept Landie behind to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

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