God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 291: Fire a missile at me!

Chapter 291 launches a missile at me!

When Shen Ming was walking through the administrative building, seeing people killing people, and seeing the dogs descending from the dogs, far away in the secret umbrella of the Tianchao Command Center, an analysis meeting was underway. Everyone thinks that Shen Ming's aggressively entering the administrative building is suicidal. If he really finds a crypto machine and destroys it, the chance of Shen Ming's successful escape is less than 1% by any analysis.

But everyone wants to see this kind of result. It is a big deal to secretly chase him the title of a martyr and give him a pension. This is all possible.

The general rarely takes care of these whimsical speculators. What he asks everyone to participate in is that if you are staying inside at this moment, what would you choose to do? Then, all kinds of answers came out, just as interesting as watching the People's Congress.

"I will kidnap Luo Xing and force him to surrender the cipher machine."

"I would pretend to trade with it and quickly destroy it after confirming the crypto machine."

"I will kill a **** road and look for ammunition depots to completely destroy the area." (Watch too many American movies → _ →)


"Enough, you guys with big brains have a rest ..." The general listened for a while and finally said, "Wu Qing, tell me your guess?"

"General ... I'm not qualified to speak at such a meeting, right?" The girl calling from the general's mouth was sitting at the very end of the parliament table, wearing a pretty military uniform, with a shoulder tag showing that she was a major, and could sit here. At least the rank of Colonel and above, she said that she is not inadequate.

"It's brainstorming time, and there will be no table on the table. Besides, I asked you to join the General Staff directly after graduation from the military school and appoint a deputy general staff, not to make the old and childish." The general chuckled. What is needed is real learning, not hypocritical politeness.

"Yes. Then I am ugly." Wu Qing stood up obediently, walked to the conference table, turned over a white demo version, and saw that it was full of names, and the names were in different colors. The line segments are connected together to form a huge network of relationships, and in the center of this network is "Shenming".

Seeing this chart, the general smiled, and obviously, compared with the people here, Wu Qing had done the best preparation.

"First of all, to figure out what he will do as Shen Ming, first of all, how many cards he has in his hand?" Wu Qing, 164 standing in front of the blackboard, said slowly. "We all know Shen Ming as a nirvana. During the Nirvana period of the past ten years, he outlined a huge network that helped him to complete the security task more than once. For example, when the National University broke the Sakura Falls headquarters, the Nirvana camp even violated the rules of collective exercises. Name, sent a large army to help him.

It can be seen that Shenming is a popular and important Nirvana species in Nirvana camp.

Of course, this time the Nirvana camp was limited by the treaty and could not provide Shen Ming with help, but Shen Ming still had many cards to play, for example, his team covered his sister, assistant, genius doctor, and a mechanic and an urban management. Scud.

The role of Scud was demonstrated yesterday. His assistance allowed Shen Ming to completely smash the enemy's assassination plan without revealing his identity to fellow journalists. He had to admit that he was strong and very good at using his own chess pieces.

Today, Shen Ming can be said to be automatically deployed to the administrative building. He will not participate in the interview with Luo Xing. Of course, due to Luo Xing's fear of the above-mentioned 'abducted' and other speculations, Shen Ming should be imprisoned alone. in environment. "

Wu Qing's speculation can be described as ten out of ten, and the super analytical ability makes people speechless.

"Although it seems to us that Shen Ming is deeply trapped in the enemy's base camp at this moment, but everyone is forgotten. He has a powerful invisible teammate who is interspersed in almost all his actions. This person is named Mouse, World It is recognized as the strongest computer super hacker.

As far as the current strength assessment is concerned, the network systems all over the world are in front of him.

With his assistance, Shen Ming can ignore any monitoring technology in the administrative building. As long as he is assassinated, he can walk through the building.

"What is the purpose of his operation? Searching for a crypto machine?" One expert speculated.

"I'm afraid not. The password machine is too small and critical. He doesn't have enough time to search it out, but there is another goal that is easier to find, the kidnapped Air Force pilot.

The information provided by the general showed that he had a personal relationship with the pilot, which was also the key reason for Shen Ming to take on this dangerous mission. "

"Joke, can he bring the hostages out?" No one believed.

"He doesn't need to bring anyone out at all, just tell the detainee that he has been there. The purpose should be to force the detainee to transfer the pilot who was stranded. Because the pilot is in the administrative building, he can't effectively rescue it. The locator can help him find Ji Chen's place quickly.

I heard that Nirvana camp has this permanent positioning technology. "Wu Qing knows far more than expected.

"It's a good analysis, but have you thought about it? What about assassination all the way, how to deal with so many corpses? The enemy cannot fail to find out, and when he leaves, he will still go to war." A major general said.

"Actually, when we analyze Shenming's actions, he is also analyzing our actions. Among his many chess pieces, the most powerful and practical, not his team, it should be us.

Mingxiu plank road secretly Chencang, or killing with a knife ... If I did not make a mistake, we will soon become his knife ... "Wu Qing's analysis is now complete.

Without waiting for anyone to question, all the surveillance images of the command center instantly turned into beating snowflakes. The staff members became busy ants on the hot pot, constantly reporting information about the network being invaded.

"It seems that the creditor has come to the door." The general was not nervous about this situation, because after 30 seconds of snowflake point washing, the picture suddenly became like a meditation sitting in the side hall. It was the sofa, but he had removed the handcuffs and was covered with blood. Although the murder by hand was quick and fast, it was inevitable that it was dirty.

Shen Ming put his tactical glasses on the opposite base piled with corpses for self-photographing.

"Shenming, you killed." After several days of absence, the general almost did not recognize the man who had bargained on the plane.

"Isn't that what you asked me to do? General, being here, killing is not killing, that is destroying the enemy." Shen Ming supported his forehead with one hand.

"You are now at the enemy's headquarters, killing so many people, have you considered how to retreat with your whole body?" The general curious.

"So I didn't find you? Your plan b, isn't that an air strike here with a drone missile? Come on, I'll give you a chance, how about a shot in advance?" Shen Ming grinned.

"You asked us to hit the building with missiles?" The general shocked.

"Of course, otherwise how could these bodies be explained?"

"Have you thought about how to explain it? The heavenly dynasty cannot be involved in his civil war. This is the basic principle." The general insisted.

"Principle? On the battlefield, there are other principles besides death or death? The interview time will not last too long. I will give you 10 minutes, coordinate 147. Don't go too far. Use multiple cluster warheads to make it more accurate." Shen Ming It was not a request or a negotiation, it was simply a command of the general.

"Excuse me, the bombing conditions during the day are too poor, there are rapier 2 air defense systems there, even if drone bombing, there is more than half the chance of being shot down." The general has begun to consider the success rate.

"Rest assured, I guarantee that the thing will not work. You promise to blow up the scum in the room I'm in, and perform my duties. Let's start work." Shen Ming said after hanging up the communication, and the screen reverted to snowflakes.

Everyone was dead, waiting for the general to give orders.

"Wu Qing's staff, what do you think?" The general did not immediately order, but looked at Wu Qing who stood aside.

"No need to ask other people's opinions, you are not willing to do it, I will personally intervene to help." Shen Ming is gone, but the mouse is still there, he said with great fanfare through the internal communication channel. I'm strong, but long-range ballistic missile bombing with 2 guns is accurate.

But then you will have a harder time dealing with international relations, right? Listen to all the adults, Shen Ming is my brother, and I will not sit idly by and see if he is sold and can't get the money for the sale. "

The threat of the mouse is far more powerful than Shen Ming, and we can't determine whether this super hacker is alarming or can really control the second artillery unit to complete this kind of counterattack.

"General ... we have no choice." Wu Qing also gave his rating.

"Well, let the crew know how to do it." The general sighed and gave an order. There wasn't much threatening humor. After all, Shen Ming was the chess piece of his choice, and he could only swallow his stomach when he broke his teeth.

Gaze returned to the side hall where Shen Ming was. He got up and brought back his tactical glasses. He ordered the other two comrades, "Panda, black eyes, let's do it."

"Ga! Ga! (Beast translation: Salmon owed to me, double it!)" Pan Da called and flew over the administration building. He pulled out a large bubble of white bird droppings and smashed it. Hit the forehead of the technician next to the light sword 2 air defense missile.

"Eh! What the hell?" The technician left the anti-aircraft missile in disgust, and ran downstairs to wash his hair.

At this time, the black-eyed ant quietly climbed into the inside of the anti-aircraft missile machine, using the iron pliers to bite off its radar connection line.

"Well, in the movie, they shouted and fired at me. It turned into firing missiles at me ... what kind of **** is this for me?" Shen Ming resentment began to find a suitable bunker in the side hall. .

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