God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 292: Escape from enemy headquarters

Chapter 292: Escape From Enemy Headquarters

At the end of Shen Ming's "Monitoring" mission, Lan Die's interview was almost finished. Finally, after reading the questions of many disgusting people in the interview draft, watching Luo Xing answer all the way to the shameless self-advertising brainwashing propaganda, it is estimated that duang added a stunt on the head, and he really wanted to use himself as a save the world Are you an angel?

Although the dishes in front of her were abundant, she was disgusted by Luo Xing, but she did not eat a bite or even picked up chopsticks.

"It seems that Miss Lan Die has a bad appetite, and this dish has been cold and I haven't seen you taste it." Luo Xing was already full in the interview and was wiping the corners of his mouth with a tissue.

"No, according to the call of the superior, don't accept the banquet casually. In addition, there is a saying in the dynasty called 'Eating people's mouth short'. For the interview, I'd better have a long mouth." Lan Die smiled.

"Hey, Miss Landie is really funny, so come on, ask your last question." Luo Xing turned around, and he also knew that this was the real reason why Landie was sick all the way.

"Actually, I have been thinking about this last question for a long time, and I have been thinking just now that if you agree, this is a problem that you cannot avoid, and then just now, I finally think about it." Lan Die took a deep breath and let go of her useless Interview draft, facing Luo Xingdao, "Just now, you have defended your war a lot, knowing that you are moving with affection, and even I almost believe that you are the savior. So, please, so conscientious you, why not Dare to accept a real interview?

At this moment, I finished reading the interview drafts written by others, sitting in front of the camera crew provided by you, saying what you want me to say, I saw the guard with a gun and felt the threat of death.

However, it is you who really make me feel afraid. Are you afraid that I will ask questions other than the manuscript? Are you worried that I will ask why you are called a 'Big Butcher'? Are you afraid that I told the audience in front of the TV that your father was really brave enough to be poisoned, and was cruelly delayed by you after surrendering?

Maybe you are afraid of me asking, why do you still have appetite to eat after killing so many innocent people? "

The photographer was caught in an embarrassing situation here, and the photographer was frightened, not knowing whether to continue shooting or just shut down.

Standing next to Luo Li couldn't stand it anymore, she wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Luo Xing's hand.

"Miss Landie, you also call me a 'Big Butcher', aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Luo Xing leaned forward and asked coldly.

"Fear, but I'm more afraid of making such false reports. I want to see my flaming face on TV. I would rather die." Lan Die firmly said.

"Miss Landie is really a man of temperament, that sense of justice is admirable, I ..." Luo Xing's words were not finished yet, and a cluster of missiles with 32 rounds of warheads came to the administration in a parallel attitude. In front of the building. At 1.6 times the speed of sound, it did not give any defenders the slightest chance to react. When leap over the fence, it quickly burst and scattered all 32 rounds of warheads. Each cluster bomb, the size of a can, hit like a heavenly girl. The side of the administration building.

"Boom!" The continuous explosion sound was almost uprooting the building. Many people in the building were instantly burned to the ground by the flames, and the shock wave lifted half of the defenders on the top of the building out to death.

The explosion destroyed all glass products within a 200-meter radius, and the tumbling fire cloud flew up more than a hundred meters. Even the doe helicopter parked in the backyard was also blown into a fireball.

"Confirmed to hit the target." The pilot calmly reported the end, manipulating the Tianchao pterosaur drone, turned the nose, and began to return home.

This domestic drone uses a propeller engine, which is not fast and can perform a variety of tasks such as reconnaissance, attack, and counter-terrorism. The shortcoming is that it has almost no defense against advanced air-to-surface-to-air missiles ... If it wasn't for Shen Ming's damage to the rapier 2 anti-aircraft missile on the roof in advance, it must have been the ball that was blown into a fireball.

"Shen Ming, I can only help you here." The general sighed softly, and ordered, "Quickly contact the noodle shop official and report to them the details of the bombing, so that they can prepare a press conference and take responsibility. .

Everyone remember, we have never done this kind of thing, what just happened is just an illusion. "

"Yes!" Everyone answered in unison.

As for this side, the sprinkler system in the building was activated instantly, and a man-made heavy rain made the messy building even more unbearable. The building's power supply system was completely paralyzed, and the emergency green light was on, making it look like a haunted house.

Wailing echoed in every corner of the building, scattered warheads killed and caused a large number of corpses and maiming. Fortunately, these rebels have been used to being bombed. It is not too panic to encounter such a thing. The rescue operation has begun at the moment the fire dissipated.

Lan Die didn't understand what happened. The shock wave hit her directly on the ground. The building trembled violently, and then the artificial rain fell. At first, Lan Die thought it had suffered an earthquake and had just gotten under the table to take refuge. The shaking is over.

"Commander-in-chief!" Rory, who was shocked to the ground, had no time to manage her broken heels, stood up and rushed to the dining table.

"Don't make a ghost call, I'm not dead yet." Luo Xing stood up without a problem and took off the falling ceiling dust from his body. "Separate warhead air-to-ground missiles ... Noodle shop government forces are not like this Advanced weapons ... is heaven ?! "

Luo Xing has already determined the type of missile only from the way of bombing. This kind of surface-killing weapon does not pursue precision at all. It is for slaughtering the city. If it comes up on a flat battlefield, it will attack people and vehicles within the attack radius. All will be fatally hit, and it can be called a hit.

However, Luo Xing did not understand why the missiles that Tianchao attacked would choose this type of missile that is not the right one. If the cloud explosion bomb is used, it is estimated that there is no living mouth in the building now. Either burnt to death or suffocation (cloud explosion can burn all air in the explosion area instantly).

When Luo Xing wondered, Lan Die suddenly remembered the deepness in the side hall, panic rushed out of the restaurant, but the side hall across a corridor was blown up so that the door was standing besides the walls on both sides Have collapsed. Some high-grade wood furniture is still burning.

"Xiao Ming! Xiao Ming!" Lan Die shouted in a sigh of exhaustion, and her whole body was soaked for a while, irrespective of the madness of digging through the gravel,

"Don't look for it, there is no hope." Luo Xing, standing at the door, advised that the side hall was obviously the blasting point of a bomb, the ceiling was completely collapsed, and the pile of his own soldiers fell on the ground. The corpses were incomplete, and sometimes they were burned to black carbon.

"Xiao Ming! Come out to me ... don't die in this place ... don't leave me alone ..." His hands were covered with blood, and Lan Die knelt down on the ground weakly, her tears mixed The rain slipped over a small face.

When everyone felt that there were no survivors in the side hall, there was a loud bang, and the thick rocks were pushed away aside, and the grey-faced faced dreary crawled out of it.

"Don't cry, I'm not dead yet." Shen Ming smiled bleakly.

"Asshole! I was scared to death by you!" Lan Die rushed up, clutching only Shen Ming's neck, crying with joy.

"What the **** is this ... it didn't die like this?" Luo Xing finally met Shen Ming, again shocked by his ability to resist the sky.

With the help of Lan Die, Shen Ming climbed out of the ruins and limped to Luo Xing.

"Commander-in-chief, you ca n’t shake hands when you meet such a wolf for the first time." Shen Ming's body leaned on Lan Die, and his blood was as dead as possible. The most severe thing was a wound on his abdomen, which stretched from left waist to right Waist, crouched like a mouth with a split in the stomach.

"Lier, quickly send Mr. Xiao Ming to the battlefield hospital and find the best doctor to treat him. Mr. Xiao Ming, I will not let you die." Luo Xing kindly said.

"Oh, Commander Luo is so kind, I will continue to live for you!" Shen Ming said.

In this way, Luo Li and Shen Ming and Lan Die quickly evacuated the administrative building and got into a jeep in the refugee camp military area.

Luo Xing did not leave the bombed building. While other people were involved in rescue and moving supplies, he inspected 8 corpses in the ruins of the side hall. Although many were incomplete, Luo Xing quickly confirmed They were not blown to death. The fatal wounds were all wounds caused by unarmed fighting. They were as good as being bitten by wild animals.

Then check the position where Shen Ming climbed out. Under the ruins, a solid wood cabinet is simply not an evasion measure that can be carried out at the time of the explosion. It can only be said that Shen Ming knew the bombing had come and was ready to protect it. ...

This guy deliberately covered the scene of the killing with a blast. Luo Xing immediately understood the purpose of Shenming and ran to the negative third floor. The two dogs were still there, but some blood remained on the ground.

"Asshole ..." Luo Xing immediately called Luo Li, "Lier, don't leave those two alive, kill them, and deduce that they were killed by missiles!"

"Commander-in-chief ..." said Lori in a murmur, "too late ..."

Luo Li's so-called too late was because Landie had already made a video connection with Yangshi official on the car, confirming that they were safe. And at first Luo Li also had the intention to kill the two, but after Shen Ming got into the car, she leaned on the back seat and pulled her hand on her neck. The hand seemed unintentional, but she could twist off at any time Her neck. Shen Ming showed the unique skill of twisting her neck with one hand in the battle video. Of course, Luo Li didn't want to die so unclear.

"Asshole!" Luo Xing smashed the phone into the ground and broke into pieces.

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