God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 293: New mission

Chapter 293: New Tasks

"Thank you very much, Mr. Lori, for taking us to the hospital in person. Your careful attention has made me wonder how to repay." After leaving the jeep, Shen Ming smiled around Lori's neck and thanked him.

"Remove your hand from me, and leave it far away, and I will thank you." Luo Li did not like the feeling of life being threatened, and she did not like the **** smell of Shen Ming.

"You and I understand that this is the only reason to ensure that I am still alive. Miss Luo Li, to be precise, we don't have to be antagonistic. From the beginning, you guys did it first. I just made sure I was alive. That's it. "Shen Ming worked hard to resolve the contradiction.

"Mr. Xiao Ming, brainwashing is my usual tactic. Your rhetoric has no effect on me. If you really dare to twist my neck now, in fact, things will be easier to handle. It is your unrelenting attitude. Only to complicate matters. "Luo Li sighed helplessly.

"Why don't you believe that I like this state?" Shen Ming finally walked out of Pluto's surgery camp. Although Luo wanted to die, she still kept the promise and found the best doctor for Shen Ming. On the level of surgery at this moment in the courageous, even in the territory of the country, no one is better than Pluto's technology.

To this end, Pluto and two other nurses came out to greet the patient.

"Doctor, this gentleman is our distinguished guest. In any case, please save his life." Luo Li looked at Shen Ming and ordered to Pluto.

"Do your best." Pluto also looked at Shen Ming and Xiao Yi and Waner helped Shen Ming walk into the surgical camp.

In the end, Lan Die still wanted to go in to accompany Shen Ming, but was stopped by Waner. "Sorry for the surgery, please wait outside.

"Xiao Ming! Be strong, you must live!" Lan Die's eyes cheered up Shen Ming with tears.

"I will, senior." Shen Ming waved goodbye with a smile.

"You move fast enough! I saw another girl in a couple of days." Xiao Fuming Xiao Yi said softly in his ear.

"'Xiaoyue' ... I saw Ji Chen." Shen Ming lowered his forehead, and didn't even have time to slap with Xiao Yi.

"What's wrong with him?" Xiao Yi suddenly became nervous.

"He's alive ... but he's seriously injured." Shen Ming had been lifted to the operating table. Pluto with a mask cut his clothes with scissors, exposing the wound on his stomach.

"This wound ... is so neat, did you cut it with a ruler?" Pluto frowned, looking at the wound, which just hurt the surface of the skin. Although it caused a lot of blood loss, it was not life-threatening at all. Shen Ming even controlled abdominal muscle contraction. Except for the beginning, the blood loss was very small.

"You look down on him too much. His knives have been as sophisticated as computer operators. If he wants to cut his throat, he won't hurt the slightest carotid artery." Waner walked over with surgical supplies when he introduced him. .

"Why didn't you save him?" Xiao Yi's eyes were moist and the tears fell for Ji Chen.

"The defense at the headquarters is too tight, and I can't guarantee to bring him out alive. But with such a disturbance, it can be determined that he will be transferred. At that time, you will save him." Shen Ming had already considered all the plans. .

"Sorry, it's not that I want to disturb your old story. I'm going to start suture the wound and need to inject anesthetic." Pluto finished cleaning and disinfecting the wound and said with a surgical suture needle.

"Come on without narcotics," Shen Ming said, plugging his mobile phone into Xiao Yi's hands, and continued, "He swallowed the positioning device used by Nirvana, and the soul-chasing password was already bound to the phone. You can find him.

Remember, you can't keep your hands this time. Only killing can save people. "

"Actually, I also support your values, which are in line with the principles of equivalence exchange and conservation of quality. However, Mr. Tour Guide, it is good for you to save the hostages, but who is responsible for my safety? I am not a combatant, you really want to It ’s a real sword to grab people, and it ’s an equivalent exchange, which is quite useful for me to change hostages. ”Pluto said while stitching the wound.

"My Excellency Pluto, I thought you trained your running fitness for 7 days, and you will be more boned." Shen Ming smiled.

"Bone strength is not stupid, no matter how hard people train, they can't outperform bullets. Since I'm your team member, you should think more about the safety of my life." Pluto said slightly angrily.

"Pluto, remember what I said to you?" Shen Ming said deeply.

"I have instant memory, and I remember every word you say, including your expression when you speak."

"I said, here is the battlefield. Surviving on the battlefield, the brain is the most important thing. You have 160 IQs, and I believe that even if everyone dies, you can find a way for yourself." Shen Ming Weiwei Smile.

"What do you mean?" Pluto brow.

"Only knowing it is unspeakable. In addition, remember our mission, that is the key to the game clearance." The two "Pluto" chat only they can understand.

Wan'er received the message that there was a positive tough battle that needed them to fight next.

The operation was very successful, it was completed in just 40 minutes, and most of the time was blood transfusion and glucose injection. He didn't use any narcotic drugs, nor did he hear Shen Ming hum.

Shen Ming even changed the patient to walk out of the surgical camp after dressing the wound.

Luo Li has no concept of fighting, but she has never seen a guy whose stomach is about to split open and still survive. I don't know whether to praise the superb medical skills of Pluto, or to admit that this monster has strong vitality?

"In short, it's getting late, let Lu Li send the two back to the hotel to rest first." Luo Li said goodbye.

"Is Miss Rowley different? Rest assured, I'm fine now, and I won't touch your shoulder any more." Shen Ming smiled.

"I still have something to do. I don't have time to play with you for the time being. Forgive me." Luo Li was telling the truth at the moment, because just now a representative of the shop administration's army issued a statement, claiming that the air raid on the new downtown administrative building The matter is responsible. Although there is no explanation on where the attacking weapon came from, looking at their attitude is as proud as winning the battle.

However, as the leader of the PR war, Luo Li immediately launched an attack on them from the moral high ground. At the external press conference of the Kokang Allied Forces led by Lori later, she severely condemned the immoral attacks of the government forces because the government forces used very inhumane multi-warhead cluster missiles, causing a large number of personnel. Casualties did not cause any harm to the commander-in-chief.

In addition, although the new market was occupied by the rebels, a large number of civilians lived in it. Their attacks produced stray bullets, which also destroyed two residential houses, causing the deaths and injuries of more than ten ordinary people.

Although sighted people will find out at a glance that the explosion effect of the bombed residential house was not formed by cluster bombs, and there were more than a dozen people in the two houses, which can be said to be the "highest density" house in the new market.

But the noodle shop's external propaganda unit was a hundred mouths, because Raleigh's most effective weapon was that the reporter of Yangshi was conducting a private interview with the commander-in-chief in the administrative building. .

At the meeting, Luo Li also released photos of Shen Ming's **** blood when she was injured, without mosaics or ps. In this way, public opinion condemned the behavior of the government.

The noodle shop government can only dumbly eat Coptis chinensis, which is hard to say.

This night was destined to be a chaotic night. Vehicles in the streets of New Market were moving at high speed. The frontline troops suspended their advance. They even gave up Wang Dacheng who had just won, stopped the work of clearing the lanes, and the frontline troops evacuated 20 kilometers. .

The garrison in the new market is like a bamboo shoot after a rain, and it has more than doubled. The roar of armed helicopters flying in the sky makes people unable to sleep at all.

Yuri, the king of war, was very lucky that he was not in the new market at the time of the missile bombardment. The American h-47 slave gun propeller helicopter he took was escorted by the two helicopter gunships before and after midnight and landed on the newly opened apron outside the administration building.

Luo Xing, and a group of soldiers armed with teeth came forward to greet him.

"Commander-in-chief, commander-in-chief, but I left for a few hours to pick up a new shipment, you can make such a big mess, and I really convinced you." Yuri walked away from the plane with a helpless smile. Come down, "Did I not prepare air defense weapons for you? Why not?"

"Ask you something, let's talk." Luo Xing looked at the ailing saber air defense missile technician who was still beside him. The guards on the platform were all dead together. He escaped because he went to the toilet to wash the bird feces on his face. A disaster.

"Mr. Yuri ... I, I left a little bit at that time, there seemed to be bugs in the light sword 2 missile system, and the radar transmission line was snapped, so I did not intercept the incoming missile." The technician A European and American, brought by Yuri personally, with a monthly salary of 40,000 US dollars, is considered a senior technician.

"The bug bite? You want that metal wire to be made of a full copper wire and an aluminum shell, which has a thick thumb. Even if you use hydraulic pliers, it takes a bit of effort to cut it." Yuri was also surprised. Wordless.

"But the transmission line really broke. Mr. Yuri is really not my fault. Please believe me." The technician knelt down on the ground, he already felt the wrong breath.

"Sorry, haven't you seen Commander Luo Xing's distorted face? Someone has to pay for his anger. Coincidentally, you hit the muzzle." Yuri shrugged helplessly.

Luo Xing also took out the desert eagle without a word, and took a shot. A large hole was opened in the technician's temple, and a life ended.

"Did that monster do it?" Yuri asked Luo Xingdao.

"Anyone else?"

"It's okay, I brought you a new set of things specifically for catching" monsters. "Yuri smiled proudly.

"I didn't want to arrest him, I wanted him to die."

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