God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 297: Hell on the battlefield

Chapter 297 The Demons on the Battlefield

At noon, Shen Ming and Lan Die were eating at the same table. The courageous food is also deeply affected by the heavenly dynasty. It uses a variety of wild spices. Although it is not as good as the heavenly one, it tastes good.

Due to Shen Ming's injuries, Yang Shi suspended all plans to connect with Lan Die for 2 days. The interview with the Commander-in-Chief that was unprecedented was not broadcast due to the missile attack.

However, as a compensation, Luo Xing agreed to accept Landie's second interview, and the interview draft was written by herself, but she would need to discuss with Luo Li before making a decision. This made Lan Die's heart full of belonging to reporters, even writing an interview draft for dinner.

"Do you know? According to incomplete statistics, half of the women left in the dynasty are due to too hard work." Shen Ming teased while chewing the steak.

"What about the other half?" Lan Die was still struggling to write.

"Of course it's too ugly and nobody left it." Shen Ming laughed.

"Dare to laugh at me?" Lan Die lowered her mouth, "I'm afraid you have a mouth to talk about others, and a face to say yourself."

"Thank you for your concern, don't look at me like that, in fact, I have a female friend."

"Inflatable or silicone?"

"The seniors know so much, it disappoints you, my girlfriend is a living person." Shen Ming smugly said.

"Tell me what the girl likes you?" Lan Die said with interest in the gossip.

"Of course it is handsome, funny, humorous and cute." Shen Mingtian said shamelessly.

"Oh, unless my brain is broken, or your girl friend ’s brain is broken, the ghost will believe what you said." Lan Die finally took up chopsticks to eat when she despised, and seemed to feel her words. It's heavy, and then relaxes, "In fact, you are not as bad as you think, and there are flattering places."

"For example?" Shen Ming asked indifferently.

"For example ..." Lan Die thought and thought, "For example, you are a good listener. No matter what others say right or not, you will listen quietly. And you are worthy of belief. It is the kind that no matter what happens It's hard to imagine that you would leave a companion who flees alone, and that's important. In the modern world, such reliable men are rare. "

"You really value me, thank you." Shen Ming was flattered.

"I'm not bragging about you, it's just seeking truth from facts. Your girlfriend is very happy to have a boyfriend like you." Lan Die didn't seem to be used to being so straightforward, her face flushed slightly.

At this time, Wan Er's communication came from Shen Ming's headset.

"Good news, bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" Wan'er still had a mood to tease, indicating that the operation was successful.

"Good news," Shen Ming said softly.

"The pilot has been rescued and alive. Xiao Yi and I were not injured. The mission was very successful." Wan'er finished the good news and spoke coldly. "The bad news is that we can't contact another Pluto student. , I have a bad hunch. "

"Your hunch is right, don't go back to the medical refugee camp, hide it, watch out for the encirclement and pursuit of the enemy." Shen Ming quickly reminded that he had not lowered his voice.

"Xiao Ming, who are you talking to?" Lan Die also found something wrong.

"Hey, if that white-haired dog mutinizes, the most dangerous thing is you. Do you need support?" Wan'er sincerely worried about her brother's safety.

"Don't worry about me, I naturally have a way to come out and take care of yourself." Shen Ming had already stood up and walked towards Lan Die.

"Xiao Ming, what's the matter with you?" Lan Die only felt that the man in front of her suddenly changed her appearance, and Xiao Ming who stood in front of her was no longer that silly young photographer.

"I'm sorry to involve you in all of this. If I have the opportunity to explain it to you, now ... the most important thing is to live." Shen Ming pulled Landie from his seat into his arms, and kicked them over. Shared solid wood dining table.

In the hallway outside the wall, the eight soldiers with portable light machine guns did not have any warning. They blasted wildly at the wall of the guest room. They did not need to aim at all, but poured out the 7.62 millimeter steel core armor-piercing bullets in the drum. .

The fierce gunfire, noisy enough to shatter people's eardrums, the light of fire lit the entire corridor. What appeared in the guest room was just a tofu-like hole in the wall of a steel core armor-piercing projectile. Everything in the room was being shattered, and cement fragments and dust were scattered everywhere.

Lan Die didn't even have time to scream in fear. She could only cover her ears and lie on the floor with Shen Ming and feel the bullet flying over her head, shaving her face. The sawdust flew up and made you dare not open your eyes, death from Not so close to your body.

The continuous mad firing lasted for 30 seconds, knowing that the machine gunners had burned 200 rounds of drums and replaced the ammunition.

The walls of the guest room and the hallway are left with only half of them standing upright, and the dining table overturned like a horse-shaped honeycomb.

"Waiting for me here." Shen Ming patted Lan Die and suddenly stood up from behind the table. The weapons in his hands made the soldiers laugh and urinate. It was a steel fork for Western food. But no one thought, Shen Ming threw his hand, the steel fork passed along the hole in the wall, just rubbed the waist of a machine gunner, tore off the bolt of a grenade, and the grenade bounced off. Into the ammunition pile near the machine gun's feet.

Some scrambled soldiers ran to the side, and some rushed to pick up the grenade and wanted to throw it back. However, the ground-filled cartridge case became a trap, and many soldiers slipped to the ground.

The 3.5-second delay turned into an explosion in the corridor after a loud bang, and the cartridge case was lifted by air waves, and the soldiers who escaped 10 meters away were also blasted.

Before the dust from the explosion dispersed, Shen Ming smashed through the incomplete wall and fell into the smoke-filled corridor.

The automatic sprinkler system again made artificial rain in the hotel, and several unscathed soldiers turned and aimed.

But in the face of their sorrow, they were no longer eating forks, but two black pistols drawn from the body.

At a distance of 20 meters, the small guns in Shen Ming's hands are as deadly as the light machine guns they use. Compared to the accuracy and efficiency, they haven't even responded. The four soldiers already have a blood hole in their brains. .

In the spraying rain water, Shen Ming returned to the table again and lifted up the butterfly on the ground.

"What's wrong with you, have you been hurt?" Shen Ming examined nervously, because Landie's face was pale and trembling as she was shaking.

"Why are they killing us? Why do you kill people? Why am I still alive?" Lan Die's mind was full of questions, but she couldn't say a word except shaking.

At this time, came from the run-down window, the roar of the helicopter that once made her sleepless, and the huge engine made Shen Ming's eyes widen. It was the sound of the doe attacking the helicopter.

"Run!" Shen Ming pulled Landie and turned along the aisle, rushing forward, picked up a light machine gun, and fired wildly towards the wall at the end of the corridor.

The whistling Mi-24 female deer helicopter hovered 200 meters away from the hotel building. The twin 23mm caliber guns under the nose carried a horizontal sweep on the 7th floor, and the cartridge shell was like a raindrop from the nose. The bomber ejected, accompanied by a harsh roar. The helicopter suspends four 32-round rocket launchers, and launches the rocket in parallel with the money like crazy. The entire building seems to be opened, and the fire of the explosion is sprayed from every window. Out.

While the pilot was still struggling to identify the target's body from the rubble, a square gate-shaped building appeared on the side wall on the 7th floor, and Shen Ming pulled Landie with a punch and punched the wall door. Boom away, followed by flying cement debris into the air.

"How can ..." The pilot was surprised before he could finish his words. The deepness of the air twisted his body, and the right arm under the sleeve was blackened as a whole. The instant inverse scale throws a grenade straight towards the female deer helicopter. Out.

The swollen grenade flew straight like a cannonball, shattered the bulletproof glass of the cockpit, and landed in the arms of the pilot.

"Oh!" This was the last word spoken by the two pilots. The explosion that engulfed the air overlord into a ball of fire and slammed into the hotel's building. The explosion nearly destroyed the hotel. Give complete destruction to the collapse. However, Shen Ming was holding Landie in her arms, taking a large tree up to 20 meters as a buffer on the side of the building, hitting the trunk and branches and layers, and quickly fell to the ground.

In the whole process, Landie felt the wind pressure of the machine gun bullets, exploded the hot air, and the rustle of the branches swept through her body, but she was not harmed in the slightest.

On the contrary, in order to protect the Landie, Shen Ming was innumerable branches and leaves and beating fragments, just like ** passed, the clothes all over the body were torn, revealing dozens of wounds.

The fierce movement caused the wound that had been sutured in his abdomen for less than a day, and the wound also collapsed, and blood was flowing down.

"The target is on the side! Attack! You must not let him leave alive!" The commander of the strangulation mission did not have time to grieve for the lost personnel and the plane, roaring in the earphones of more than 100 besieged soldiers, the garrison who had been ambushing at the front and back doors. There was no prediction of the direction of the deep escape at this moment, and he did not even think that he might escape from the building. They all rushed to the command and command place.

"There is no time to stay, it's time to go." Shen Ming has used an instant inverse scale, and the battlefield is purgatory for him at this moment.

"Who the **** are you?" Lan Die asked the doubts in her heart trembling. The way Shen Ming answered him was to hold her in her arms with one hand, and hold the pistol flat with one hand, to the enemies rushing forward. Shot,

What these soldiers don't understand is that they are clearly wearing heavy armor and holding heavy weapons, but in the face of Shen Ming's pistol, they are as vulnerable as babies. How did he achieve rapid fire and keep hitting the eye socket with each shot? How did he finish the loading with a single hand in 0.2 seconds and continue firing?

This guy is no longer a monster, it is just a monster on the battlefield ...

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