God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 298: Dark tiger is hard to defend

Chapter 298 The Dark Tiger Is Hard to Defend

Everything that happened in the next 5 minutes was an immersive 4dx movie. The explosion near the ears caused pain in the eardrums. It was too late to restore the body from the air waves. The explosion on the other side had already You pushed back.

All kinds of interweaving gunfire are like the firecrackers of the New Year's Day, 5.56mm assault rifles, 7.62mm sniper rounds, 9mm pistol rounds, 12.7mm heavy machine gun rounds, 25mm machine gun rounds ... too many Landie are too late to learn The brains of military expertise poured out.

She just felt like a kite. The end of the line was firmly in Xiao Ming's hands, and he was dragged left and right by the pull, keeping her from being destroyed in the storm.

Somehow, Lan Die was pulled into a Hummer jeep by Shen Ming, and the engine ran forward along the street. Lan Die instinctively fastened herself with a seat belt, but found a hand of blood from the slimy table. She didn't dare to imagine what happened to the previous passenger sitting in this position, she just wanted to end this nightmarish nightmare quickly, return to the table where the two were still joking, and finish it before she finished it. Lunch.

Shen Ming is as eye-catching as the Uranus superstar in this new market. He has immediately followed a group of chasing teams behind him, and the sound of gunfire has not stopped for a moment.

"Help me grab the steering wheel." Shen Ming pulled Landie's hand to the steering wheel, and she pulled out four or five grenades and threw them directly from the windows on both sides.

The parabolic of a car window is naturally not a civilized act. It will be penalized if it is filmed by the electronic eye, but it is booming! Several consecutive explosions, watching the jeep headed by the chasing unit was blown over, even if the license of Shenmian was revoked, was it worth it?

"Don't be so nervous, I won't let you die, keep breathing open, try to lower your head, reduce the target, you are not tall, this improves your survivability on the battlefield." Shen Ming calmed while driving. Landie beside her.

"Who the **** are you?" Lan Die could ignore the blood under her body, but could not help asking such questions.

"My name is Shen Ming, a bodyguard, hired by the country`s family, to go to a dare to perform a secret mission, and a traitor appeared in the team I organized not long ago, and then it turned into this, implicated you, I I'm sorry. "Shen Ming apologized sincerely.

"Why not tell me earlier?"

"Because I'm worried to scare you, I'm also worried that your acting skills are not good enough to help," Shen Ming said, embarrassed. "Now that your identity has been exposed, you are no longer safe, and I must send you out of the country as soon as possible."

"You are so relaxed. This is the only interview I have. It is also my chance to trade my life. Why should I be involved in all of this? Why choose me?" Lan Dieyan asked with tears. A faint impression of Shen Ming was destroyed in an instant.

"In fact, there is no special reason, right?" Shen Ming smiled and tried to resolve the embarrassment, but Lan Die didn't laugh at all.

"Your sister! Give me back! Give me back my interview! You devil!" Lan Die finally burst out shouting, and then the jeep driving by Shen Ming had turned to the road out of the city. , 3 more intersections will leave this enemy's central city.

Landie's complaint didn't vent for a few seconds, Shen Ming suddenly pressed her seat button, and put her in the carriage flat without any sign. Just because the future soldier Wang Bozheng with camouflage armor stood there at the intersection ahead of the market, he had already raised the fn-2000 assault rifle in his hand.

The pouring barrage suddenly hit the front face of the Hummer Jeep. The bulletproof windshield was pierced through countless holes just like the window paper. The glass fragments bounced in the compartment and pulled a bullet-proof bullet in the back seat. The clothes covered her face directly.

He also lay flat in the compartment at the same time. I didn't know where to grab an 81-bar assault rifle. He was framed by a broken window, and the muzzle of the muzzle connected to the drum ejected a dazzling flame.

Shen Ming didn't take the lead at all, nor did he have any visible high-tech equipment, but he could keep two shots out of every three shots on Wang Bo's body.

Wang Bo couldn't help sighing during the shooting. What kind of monster is this and can he keep such a high hit rate in blind shooting?

In fact, Shen Ming completely judged the opponent's location by trajectory. Shen Future, the future warrior system, also knew that the Nirvana camp technology team had also evaluated its combat potential. This kind of thing can make a rookie into a master, a master into a superman, but only makes superman a rookie.

Because when your firing response is much faster than the corrections made by the computer, the future warrior system becomes an ancient warrior system, slowing down your action.

However, the combination of Wang Bo and the rm future warrior system is just right, turning this master into a superman.

At a distance of 200 meters, the two shot exactly two magazines. The front face of Shen Jie's jeep had been beaten up, and Shen Ming had not relaxed the throttle for a while.

At the moment of collision, Wang Bo naturally walked aside to give way, pulled the 40mm slow-propelled howitzer hanging below the muzzle, filled the cannonball plug, and raised his hand toward the tail of the vehicle leaving at high speed. It was a shell.

When Shen Ming heard the sound of the grenade launching, he had already rotated the steering wheel to start the evasive action. However, the intelligent howitzer connected to the rm future soldier system can even self-correct the angle in the air and detonate by itself at the position closest to the target.

With a loud bang, the jeep was blown up and its **** turned up, and it turned into a fireball before and after, while Shen Ming continued to drive forward.

"Oh, it seems impossible to easily kill you ..." Wang Bo smiled and pulled out a steel core warhead that hit the deformed head, and the companion jeep that followed him had stopped by his side. . This is followed by more than 10 troop trucks and various combat vehicles, with a total staff of more than 200. The weapons worn are exaggerated, and some vehicles even trail mountain guns.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Wang Bo said in the communicator. "Is this lineup going to fight self-defense?"

"A thin-skinned general jumped down from the car and said with high toes," Wang Bo, Shang Feng ordered that the kid and the female reporter must die today. Do you have any questions? Or do you want to question Shang Feng's order. "

This general is usually a strong general in the Courageous Alliance. He has high powers. Like Wang Bo had to march in front of him in the past, but now he not only got a cool equipment worth 2 million US dollars, but also Together responsible for the siege operation.

Wang Bo had no intention of seizing power, and divided the roundup plan into a main plan and an alternative plan. The main plan is to obey the general's arrangements for all actions in the city, but once Shenming escapes from the city, the command of the action is handed over to Wang Bo.

The general had never thought that Shen Ming had the ability to escape from his iron bucket stormy attack, but eventually Shen escaped. Now he had to follow Wang Bo's instructions, which was what caused him the most irritability.

"Look, your right to action is over. With the alternative plan as the lead, all of you will immediately cancel the pursuit task and return to the city to complete the city defense task. The pursuit will be good if I come alone." Wang Bo said that the driver of the jeep had been kicked off and he sat up.

"Wang Bo, are you crazy? For the sake of greed, you took such a risk and acted alone. That guy just destroyed one of our gunships, 6 combat vehicles, and nearly a hundred soldiers. Didn't you see that?" I just feel that Wang Bo is too happy.

"I saw that this is still in the city, in the case that our heavy firepower can work. That's why I let you stay in the city and don't go out, because in the jungle, when your heavy weapons lose their effectiveness, you are not Go and besiege his soldiers, but wait for the head of his harvest.

Save yourself, and save your poor subordinates. To kill that kid, you don't really need an airplane cannon, you just need a bullet that can hit his head. Wang Bo sighed and started the jeep engine and drove up along the highway that Shen Ming left.

It didn't take long to drive along the mountain road for just 3 kilometers, the overturned jeep hit a large tree aside, and the tree was completely burned like a huge torch.

The two scorched corpses fell to the ground along the door of the car, and they were beyond recognition.

Wang Bo parked a hundred meters away. After getting out of the car, he pulled out a scout mechanical bee, and the small bug that started was buzzing and flew towards the burning jeep, but he was just near the body and a loud noise rang. The four grenades in the car exploded at the same time, and the shock wave lifted up the entire vehicle. A broken hand with a scorched black body even flew out a hundred meters and landed on the front cover of Wang Bo.

"Boy, you count this time, it's too essence." Wang Bo couldn't help laughing.

Generally, the traps designed for hunters are to bury institutions under the prepared corpses. Shen Ming simply does not put the chance of killing the enemy on that kind of movement, but instead sets a time-delay mechanism. It's completely unattractive, and just getting closer will be killed indestructively.

The explosion roared a few kilometers away, but the designer of the trap, Shen Ming, frowned slightly, because the explosion did not trigger a series of explosions, indicating that there were not too many casualties, and it was likely that they did not even cause casualties.

In his plan, it would be better if the enemy sent ground troops to siege. With the effective terrain of the jungle, he could stretch the front of the pursuer to a long distance, and break down one by one to obtain various supplies such as ammunition and food. .

Conversely, if the enemy's pursuit is controlled by single-digit elite hunters, it will become more passive. The pack of wolves is easy to hide, and the dark tiger is hard to prevent.

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