God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 299: Big badass saves beauty

Chapter 299 The Big Bad Guy Saves Beauty

"Go, don't stop." This was the next sentence that Shen Ming kept repeating the most. Lan Die was too late to sigh for her encounter, and she was already on the way to escape. Knowing this, she would definitely not wear the pair of leather shoes on her feet, and having a pair of sneakers should alleviate the feeling of powerlessness in the mud.

Shen Ming never complains about his experience. Whether he is treated as a guest or at this moment in the situation of a dog in the water, he works with the environment to make the most appropriate behavior to ensure his safety.

While urging Landie to move fast, Shen Ming also arranged various simple anti-chaser traps in the jungle. Shen Ming's equipment was obtained from the military jeep. A 81-bar assault rifle produced by the North Koreans had 6 magazines, a total of 180 rounds of ammunition, a flashlight, and a battlefield supply bag. 7 A grenade, a smoke bomb, and a "night hawk flat blade" saber. This knife appeared in the movie "The Third Drop of Blood" and is a very practical knife.

With this equipment, Shen Ming can chase hundreds of people in the jungle, but it is not enough to protect Lan Die and survive with him.

Obviously, Landie, an ordinary girl, has increased his difficulty in survival. Looking at Landie's faltering movements, she has reduced the propulsive efficiency of Shen Ming by at least one-third, and everything has become a matter of fate.

Shen Ming has ordered Pan Da to bring Black Eyes to support him, but after all, it is because the bird is not a helicopter and rushed back from Xiao Yi's ambush site. It is estimated that it will also go at night.

Use tactical glasses to retrieve the azimuth plan. The straight line distance from their location to the border line of the North Korea is only more than 20 kilometers, but because there are 10 kilometers along the way to escape from the protection of the jungle, you must pass 5 defensive positions established by the rebels. Tank, Shen Ming didn't want to go that way in his life.

If they want to take advantage of the protection of the jungle and mountains, they will make detours up to 100 kilometers to complete the escape task. Even regular soldiers will need 2 days or more to complete, but with the sorrow of Landie, in order to ensure that The mission of destroying the crypto machine was finally completed, and the escape must be ended within one and a half days, so as to have time to return to the battlefield and continue to complete the mission.

This will be a test, and it will be equally difficult for Shen Ming and Lan Die.

"Just take a break and drink a spit." After reaching a rock on a mountainside, Shen Ming handed a kettle to Lan Die.

"Don't you say you want to go quickly? There are so many chasing troops to rest?" Although Landie was panting, she was not afraid of exhaustion compared to chasing soldiers with machine guns in hand.

"The situation is worse than I thought. There are very few soldiers chasing us." Shen Ming looked at the distance with his hips on his hips, and the jungle was quiet like a beast's hunting ground.

"No one chasing you, are you still upset?" Lan Die scorned drinking a kettle.

"You do n’t understand. The traps I have arranged have not been touched until now. It shows that we are chased by individual soldiers. The smaller the number, the easier it is to cooperate. Using the jungle as the background and advanced weapons and equipment can cause more Terrible killings.

And don't look at the chasing people's multiple battlefields, which are scary. Their fronts will be pulled longer and defensive shortcomings will easily occur. At that time, we can still get supplies from them from time to time, and intersperse them back and forth to make them burned. But in this state, we can only honestly play two fleeing prey, always being hunted with fear. "

After finishing speaking, Shen Ming squatted down and took off the pair of shoes that Landie's feet were already embarrassed. Landie showed her fruit foot could not help but shrink, but Shen Ming held her hands tightly.

Lan Die had walked for more than an hour, and many blood bubbles had formed on her feet, some of them were worn out, and pus was flowing, but you can imagine how painful it was.

"I'm sorry ..." Shen Ming took out the emergency medicine and carefully treated the wound, then wrapped gauze around Landie's feet.

"I'm sorry?" Landie frowned.

"I'm sorry for all this. You entered this war. You didn't care about your state, letting you and me escape quickly." Shen Ming really forgot Lan Lan wearing shoes.

"I will not forgive you, this is the opportunity I have been waiting for, and it is also my destiny to change my interview career. But now you are ruined!

When I was alive, I went back to the heavenly dynasty, back to Yang Shi, and all I was waiting for was the proofreading, and I was a cowboy and a horse. Lan Die retorted.

"Don't you understand after so long? It's not a chance to come to this place, it's just a nightmare you can't meet.

Compared to those refugees who have been hit by bullets, who have lost their loved ones and their homes, the life you are tired of is indeed a paradise for many people.

Letting life be threatened only by the haze, letting life worry only about house prices ... is a kind of happiness in itself. "Shen Ming reluctantly shook his head and sighed.

"Perhaps you are right, but this is not your reason to use me. When you condemn those rebel crimes, you should also accept the condemnation, because there are not many people killed." Lan Die condemned on behalf of the moon.

"I didn't condemn anyone, I never said that they were bad people, nor did I say that I was a good person. I knew very well that I would go to hell, so I worked very hard to keep myself alive.

Because I owe you, I also try to keep you alive. No matter how much you hate me, you have to admit that at this moment, you can't do without me. Shen Ming said, pulling up the Landie sitting on the rock, Landie herself was ready to be carried away.

The thing that can be awkward is that Shen Ming let Lan Die hug his neck and hung it all in front of her. She let her hands catch her waist rod and fixed her hands around his waist with a bandage. That posture is extremely ambiguous no matter how you look at it. As long as Landie relaxes her arms slightly, she may fall, so no matter how red her face is, she can only pinch the big bad guy's neck in front of her.

"What are you doing? Why do you use such a shameful posture?" Lan Die finally complained unbearably.

"I know that the hero ’s escape from the theater with the beauties on the back is long, but that ’s actually the most wrong thing. When being chased, the back without eyes is actually the most vulnerable position for sneak attacks. Behind me, it is hard not to imagine that this is deliberate murder. Therefore, it is safer for you to hang in the place where my eyes can see. Then again, I am not a good person at all, and the big bad guy saves beautiful people in this position. It ’s a pistol with a single pistol, holding the thin waist in front of Landie with one hand, and starting on the rocks, he rushed towards the top of the mountain. The speed was so fast that Landie thought he was on a speeding jeep, but you need to know This is on the mountain road in the jungle, but he runs faster than on flat ground.

Although Landie was close enough to the men in front to feel each other's breath, she didn't know how powerful the pack was.

As she once said, Shen Ming is a trustworthy man, and at any time, don't worry about being left by him.

And when Shen Ming fled with Lan Die, there were also three kinds of fugitives entering the territory. Xiao Yi drove a four-wheeled motorcycle to take Ji Chen and Waner back to the cabin in the forest, where he simply treated and settled Ji Chen.

I have to say that in the two days following Pluto, the two sisters had a deep understanding of emergency care, and the technology has also improved a lot. In the face of sufficient drugs, Ji Chen's face gradually recovered. Wan'er settled on Xiao Yi and Ji Chen and settled on his double sword again.

"You can take a rest here for a while. At least one day is not necessary to worry about chasing troops. Your brother will be very busy and have no time to give you new tasks." Waner said she had packed her bags.

"Waner, what are you going to do?" Xiao Yi had a bad hunch.

"Certainly chop the turtle grandson who betrayed us. You know my brother's temper, sometimes it's too damn, hesitant to make a companion's shot. The softer eggs like Hades should be made sooner. It's more cost-effective to die, otherwise others will find it very interesting to betray us. It feels great, that's not good. "Waner explained so much, in fact, she just wanted to chop Pluto.

"Personal actions are too dangerous. Do you have to inform Shen Ming in advance?" Xiao Yi hesitated again and again.

"The elder brother is very busy now. If he is alone, I am not so worried. With a journalist towing the oil bottle, it is proper to block bullets because of the urine of his bodyguard. He cannot help him directly. It ’s also good to let the enemy take care of the base camp. Sister, do you think it ’s all our little secret? Do n’t tell me.

"Oh, you just can't control it. Be careful, don't be surprised." Xiao Yi still trusts Wan'er's ability. After all, she has shown her extraordinary strength just now that Xiao Yi thought she saw the soul of Shenming Possession.

"Rest assured, a few stinky fish rotten shrimp can't hurt me, let's go!" Waner smiled and waved goodbye and left the safe house.

On the other hand, Shen Ming had informed Zhu Zhu and Li Ba when evacuating the new market, allowing them to evacuate the casino quickly, because Pluto had seen them. Once they described the appearance, they only had to be under siege and the direction of evacuation. It is still an uninhabited jungle. There is no bed to sleep with. It can only be accompanied by mosquitoes. Pillar as a soldier can bear it. Li Ba is very uncomfortable as a city administrator. He can only pray continuously.

At the secret military base in Lan umbrella town, the general and his team faced another bad news ... that the signal source of the cipher machine was finally shut down because the battery was exhausted, and now they are no longer The possibility that the drone cannot be used to target it can only pin all hope on Shen Ming.

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