God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 309: See you well and do n’t accept it

Chapter 309 I Don't Accept Anything

Just before the auction, an estrus crow fluttered over the stadium, hoping to evoke the favor of the female birds with that bright singing voice, and lay the eggs together to fly.

Who knows, no partner has turned around for it, a flak of antiaircraft artillery has been sprayed into the sky, and the poor crow has been blown into scattered feathers.

The ground surrounding the stadium was sprinkled with highly toxic insecticides, and laser vents were installed at each vent. Make sure that no mouse or ant can sneak in. Obviously, because Wang Bo confirmed that Shen Ming is a master who can use animal comrades-in-arms, the defender's order was to be close to the stadium, whether it is an animal or a stranger, let alone kill.

"Panda, a friend of yours has been beaten as a roast bird. Fortunately, I didn't let you try it." Shen Ming looked through the high-powered telescope from the hillside and watched what happened in the new market. Pecked his head. The black-eyed ant lies on his shoulder, like a well-behaved pet.

"We have completely lost control of the internal environment. When do we start?" Xiao Yi worried.

"Don't worry so much, now we are just supporting actors, and the main character is Sui Tao, it depends on how he performs." Shen Ming watched its course.

Back at the venue, Yuri, wearing an evening gown, brushed her gray hair behind her head, and the gentleman looked like the marquis of the European aristocracy.

Luo Xing is still in a white military uniform, and his medals are almost on his buttocks. Unlike the daytime, he finally removed the mask on his face, exposing his original appearance.

It was Yuri who was in charge of the auction, and Luo Xing just sat on the sofa next to the podium and witnessed the birth of the results.

"Dear guests, before the auction begins, first of all, thank you for your enthusiasm for coming a long way, and the cash banknotes you prepared. After today, I will officially retreat from the arms market. I plan to settle here in the future. Into an endless war. "Yuri groaned with her hands on the podium.

"What's the matter, old gangster, is there a girl here who is so good at making you linger?" Bashkir laughed.

"No, it's just tiring. I've been in this business for 30 years, and have been close to the bullets countless times, and I can live to this day in addition to your support and luck. But the day that good luck always runs out, People must know how to collect it. After the end of the civil war in the noodle shop, I will have a gold mine, a piece of my own territory. Although I can't compare to the super rich who is rich, I can buy a few pigs to raise them. "For arms dealers, dealing with death and profiteering is an instinct.

Some people do not die for money, just because they are addicted to the smoke of smoke, like drug addicts. It's rare to be able to let go like Yuri said.

"Our king of war, can we start? I'm still rushing back to watch the Lakers basketball game." Byrne urged impatiently.

"That's all." Yury said, as Joe Booth pulled out a cowhide envelope from his arms, and a metal iron box out of it. machine.

"I will not introduce how to use the full version of the Tianchao communication cipher. The starting price is US $ 1.5 billion. Each time you raise your hand, you can increase the minimum price by US $ 10 million. We only accept cash payment for old banknotes. I believe everyone has no objection, right? "Yuri smiled after the introduction, and the silence of the audience agreed by default.

"Then, let's start the auction now." Yuri knocked it down with a small hammer, announcing the beginning of the battle.

With confidence that Luo Xing, who thought prices would rise quickly, witnessed a quiet anti-slaughter! None of the 12 arms dealers participating in the auction raised their hands and bargained. They were as comfortable as old men who had enough to eat and sleep, and some of them were talking nonchalantly. They talked about either basketball or their latest newcomer. Chick.

"Hey, you old foxes are waiting for me here." Yuri smiled helplessly. "Rejecting the bid so neatly and uniformly, is it trying to depress my starting price? It's too bad. Mr. s, you don't want to Have you got the PIN back? "

"There is no competitor, so why be so anxious." Sui Tao smiled while drinking light mineral water.

After waiting for 3 minutes, no one raised his hand to participate in the auction. Yuri had no choice but to sigh. "The first round of auctions, to meet the requirements of you bad guys, the starting price is adjusted to 1.4 billion."

Hitting the hammer again to signal the start of the auction, Yuri can only accept their "rebellion". After all, the things on hand are valuable, but only the 12 big men in front of them can afford it. Once they say no, the supply and demand relationship will change immediately. Yuri could only accept it.

However, Yuri's sincerity was still treated as **** by the arms dealers in front of him, and he continued to let the time pass without any care. The long night is long and everyone has no intention to sleep.

"Slap!" Yuri nearly hit the ground with a hammer, and almost did not smash the wooden pad.

"Hey, there must be a limit to shame. Did n’t you listen to what I said just now? Take it as a friend when you see it. The starting price ... down 100 million, listen, this is the last time, and my patience is also limited. "Yuri smiled with a smile on her face. The starting price of 1.5 billion was 200 million less in an instant. That wasn't the coin, but the real gold and silver dollars.

Yuri's kindness didn't get any good news, and a group of arms dealers still did not raise their hands to bid, time lapsed again for 15 minutes. Luo Xing, who has been so temperamental, couldn't sit still.

"Yuri, is there any trouble?" Luo Xing's brow corners were exposed.

"No problem, I can get it, but my peers are the enemy. These **** just said they just wanted to take advantage." Yuri sneered.

"I see. You have come here for thousands of miles, not for the sake of masters' fame and fortune. You don't fish for your own belongings, and you won't hold my place if you are killed.

OK, I'm afraid of you. For all auction prices, I will return 5% of the final transaction price to the bidder. This is already a lot. This is pure profit. If I want more, I will tie you to the rocket. Bounce back to your own country! "Yuri finally let loose.

"It's so good. We didn't say anything!" Hatoyama Sang raised his first hand with a smile, and the reserve price of 1.3 billion returned the auction to its normal state.

"1.35 billion, I want something." Byrne raised his hand.

"I want to take home with such a bid, isn't the US emperor a financial crisis recently? Keep the money to solve the problem of the unemployed! 1.5 billion! Give you the original price!" Bashkir sneered.

"1.52 billion, Lao Guo communication technology is not developed, of course, it is needed." Hatoyama Sang raised his hand.

"1.6 billion." Compared with other bidders, Sui Tao's bid is simple and clear, and there is no nonsense.

"Heavenly shot really arrogantly, there is another kind of call to see, 1.62 billion." Byrne said more vigorously.

"1.7 billion." Sui Tao raised her hand calmly, and 80 million came at once. Only Bashkir, who was just curious, could compare with beauty.

"1.73 billion, little brother, take your time, long night, we have time to play." Bashkir raised his hand to bid.

"Others' things, we are not rare. Do n’t want to take our own things. This is our consistent principle ... 1.8 billion." Sui Tao's bidding was powerful and made others scared, but Luo Xing was very happy.

"1.81 billion." Arms dealers from stunner seemed unwilling to be passers-by and raised their hands once.

"1.9 billion." In Sui Tao's concept, it seems that there are no other counting units below 100 million.

"Do you really have so much spare money in heaven? I don't believe it, 1.91 billion!" The German arms dealers bargained.

"2 billion." Sui Tao was unwavering.

"So I like to throw money, I help you! 2.1 billion!" Australian arms giant sneered to increase prices.

Strangely, Sui Tao, who was catching up with the increase, suddenly shut up and no longer raised her hand. Not only is he not bargaining, Bern, Hatoyama and Bashkir are quietly sitting on the mountain watching tigers and tigers.

"2.1 billion, once!" Yuri on the podium shouted, and the Australian arms dealer just felt that his heart attack was about to startle.

Because the authorization he obtained must not exceed 1.8 billion, but now he is priced at 2.1 billion. The extra part will not help him out, and he needs to personally pull it out. This is almost equivalent to making him bankrupt. The painful expression follows Eat the same rice field.

"Don't play games that aren't yours when you're so old, beware that you're playing yourself to death." Sui Tao raised her hand and warned, "2.13 billion."

"Finally it's back to our game time, 2.15 billion." Byrne raised his hand.

"2.16 billion." Hatoyama's confidence is not enough, and the increase seems more conservative.

"It's really stupid of us to fight like this. Everyone has become a lamb who killed each other. Can't we find an individual way to resolve this dispute? 2.17 billion." Bashkir sighed.

"Yes, it all depends on whether Brother S is in a mood to chat with us, 2.18 billion." Byrne is also under great pressure. The benefits he wants are not on the podium, but Sui Tao's other Commitment, which makes his markup a very risky taste.

"That's your problem, we only need this cipher machine, 2.2 billion!" Hatoyama's Mediterranean hairstyle is covered with sweat beads, obviously his pressure is even heavier.

"All said, nothing will be given to you. On this issue, there is no trading space, 2.3 billion." Sui Tao raised his hand again.

"Boy, your thinking mode is too rigid, it's not good, 2.31 billion." Bashkir drank the mineral water in his hand on the first floor.

"This price is enough to build a state-of-the-art destroyer. Is it necessary? 2.232 billion." Byrne wiped the sweat on his face with a tissue.

"If you continue to bid, it will be necessary, 2.35 billion." Sui Tao continued to fight.

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