God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 310: A hundred dollars won't give you!

Chapter 310: One Hundred Dollars Will Not Give You!

A single lot was auctioned for an hour in this exclusive auction hall. Except for the first three shots, the rest of the time became a bayonet with real gold and silver.

Byrne, Bashkir, and Hatoyama are all cunning to the extreme, mean and shameless cunning people, but the entanglement with Sui Tao started, and they found that no matter how cunning and mean, there was nothing they could do. The price increase has added a crazy, invincible point.

When the auction price became 2.5 billion, Hatoyama Sang picked up the phone and constantly communicated with the superiors about the current situation. When the price range entered 2.8 billion, he hung up the phone, announcing that Lao Guo had withdrawn from the game. After all, Lu Guozheng ’s government has also been plagued by debt recently. It would become more worthwhile to spend such a large price to buy a military loophole in the heavenly dynasty.

Byrne and Bashkir at the same time picked up the phone to continue competition through exchanges when the price soared to 3 billion. The time interval between each bid is getting longer and longer, and sometimes it may even take a pause of 2 minutes before calling out again.

As the auction executive, Yuri was not in a hurry to urge or drop the hammer, and she supported herself leisurely on the podium and watched the audience tear down with money.

Sui Tao is simply too good. The price has reached this level, and there is still no need to inform anyone.

"How much power does this kid have?" Bashkir said with the sweat on his head, just as the telephone grew to his ear.

"What a joke? The landlord's family doesn't have any idle food. Why can't he treat money as money at all? The price comes out! 3.210 billion!" Byrne also raised the phone with one hand and immediately raised his hand after receiving a reply Shouted.

"3.22 billion, can you be a little faster? I don't want to play this kind of boring game anymore." Sui Tao played boringly with 4 cans of Coke on the wooden coffee table next to him, and put 4 bottles of 330 The ml cans are neatly organized.

"Don't want to play, just give up, stinky boy, isn't it good to keep a small amount of money to go to the western development? It ’s $ 3.2 billion to get Hope Elementary School to the Himalayas! 3.23 billion!" Called for a new price.

"Foreign enemies are attacking our national defense. Does it make sense to repair anything? Is it worth 3.3 billion?" Sui Tao directly raised the price by another price, and Bern's surprised jaw fell with sweat, this time on the phone It was very refreshing, and hung up the communication directly. The price for him was enough for an f22 aerial formation, and the lunatic would use this price to buy a broken cipher machine.

"Boy, I don't understand, what exactly gave you the courage to shout so brazenly?" Although Bashkir's phone side also hung up, he asked with a doubt on the phone.

"That thing is called faith." Sui Tao smiled all night, because he knew that no one would follow him anymore and continue to shout.

Equally happy are Yuri and Luo Xing on the stage. The two creators of the auction did not expect that the price could reach such a level. The price of 3.3 billion US dollars is enough to arm the current Kokang Allies into the world. The highest level of modern corps is also a more efficient slaughter machine.

"It seems that no one will continue to increase the price? Old villain, I said you don't insist anymore, the kid's psychological base price is also 4 billion U.S. dollars, do you insist that the price is not in place?" Yuri He smiled as he watched Bashkir.

"That's enough. There must be a limit to shamelessness. This price is far more than the price of the cipher machine. You picked up a huge bargain, **** it, you must send me a batch of golden bottles of vodka when the money comes!" Kiel became more and more upset and robbed at the podium.

"No problem, I will also send you a beautiful man with yellow flowers to cure your hemorrhoids!" Yuri's "generous" in exchange for Bashkir's middle finger.

"Mr. King of War, is it over?" Sui Tao urged.

"No problem, now I officially announce that the final auction price of this communication cipher machine auction is 3.3 billion U.S. dollars, and the recipient is Mr. s from the heavens. Thank God, I ca n’t wait to kiss your forehead in person! I ’m so handsome I want to change my taste! "Yuri joked and jostled on the wooden mat.

With a crisp sound, the big deal equivalent to the two most modern destroyers is over. Perhaps the arms dealers did not complete the task given by their superiors, but their decisive trip was not a loss. After all, the arms of the security deposit can also be fully received by Luo Xingzhao. 10% more commission space is also more. $ 2 million in gratuities.

Arms dealers are not as generous as they think. What they sell is also a large equivalent of artificial machinery. Most of the time they can sell them are low-priced rifles. There are only a handful of customers who can afford armored vehicles in the world. Trading can only make a few million dollars, but also spend a lot of money to make up and down the relationship to keep their own lives.

It's no wonder that Yuri spent so many years on Luo Xing's blood, and chose this place as his retirement place.

"Now, is it okay?" Sui Tao opened the carrying case and took out the satellite phone from the inside.

"Of course, my distinguished guest, this is your right." Yuri raised her hand with a smile and made a please gesture, and the idiot would prevent his owner from notifying him to pay.

"Thank you." Sui Tao directly pressed the No. 1 key and dialed the phone. On that side, it was not the high-rise of Zhongnanhai, but the dwelling in the mountains at the moment.

"Did you buy it?" Shen Ming chuckled.

"I bought it."

"What's the price? Shen Ming continued.

"$ 3.3 billion."

"It's stink and shameless, it shouted so high, but it doesn't matter, they won't give them a dime anyway." Shen Ming smiled.

"Yes," Sui Tao said blankly.

"Secretly tell you that the communication cipher machine they showed is fake, even if you rush to fight and break it, it doesn't make sense." Shen Ming shared the love report.

"Probably guessed." Sui Tao's phone content was elusive.

"The real communication code machine is in the stomach of Luo Xing's butcher. Can you confirm that he is in the gym?" Shen Ming asked.

"Yes, I'm 100% sure." Sui Tao engraved his photo in his head. When Luo Xing appeared in front of him without a mask, when he smiled at the final auction price, he was no longer disguised. Possibility of counterfeiting.

"That's good, the first phase of your mission has been completed, and only one mission will be given to you next." Shen Ming smiled, "Give me the hard work to survive, live to me to save you."

"This, is it too difficult?" Sui Tao sighed.

"My raid will begin immediately, and their focus will not be on you. Although this does not mean that you are safe, but you should be able to support it if you work hard." Shen Ming commanded as an officer. .

"I see, do my best." Sui Tao commanded.

"Then, let ’s turn our face and perform." Shen Ming hung up the communication after finishing talking.

Sui Tao was relieved by the phone call. All the camouflage and deception that he was least good at was over, and the rest was his best survival battle.

The smiling Sui Tao sighed and pulled off the blood red tie on the collar of his neck.

"Mr. S completed the communication? When can your cash be delivered? Although you are unwilling to identify yourself, like the promise to other big brothers, 5% of the auction money will be transferred to any account you specify as a dividend. .If you are not good at dealing with this huge black money, I can help you set up a secure foreign account and ensure that every dime will be clean for you to enjoy. Rest assured, these are free services. "Yuri was extremely generous.

"Mr. King of War is really generous. How much is 5% of 3.3 billion?" Sui Tao said while binding the cans on the coffee table with a tie.

"US $ 165 million ... Damn egg, I have worked hard for decades, which is equivalent to a child's night's pumping ..." Bashkir smoked a cigar in depression.

"More than 1 billion US dollars, my tongue trembles when I read it. I know that in China I have less than 4,000 yuan a month, living in the capital, but in this life I feel hopeless to buy a commercial house of my own ...

However, I still love this country, and my blood is filled with the blood that my forefathers poured out to resist foreign invaders. I spend all my time learning how to defend my country.

For it, even though he died ten thousand times, he didn't give up. Sui Tao, speaking, had tied a tie with four bottles of canned Coke into a strong meteor hammer.

"What the **** do you mean?" Yuri's body was trembling.

"The meaning is not only to hit you, but to scold you, not even 100 yuan." Sui Tao's declaration is equivalent to a comprehensive face-turn, and the arms dealers around can't sit still.

The smell of gunpowder in the air made them stand up and let it go aside, returning all the battlefield to Sui Tao and Luo Xing.

"Boy, dare to tease us, aren't you afraid of death?" Luo Xinglu exclaimed.

"Who died today is not necessarily." Sui Tao, when he was hustle, outside the new market was located in a forest of 12 kilometers on all sides. On each side of the 63-type 107 mm rocket gun positions, 4 rocket gun bases were remotely controlled At the same time, a number of flare-launched cannonballs were fired at the air defense positions of the new downtown.

Shen Ming used the 63-mm rocket gun after the magic modification, which increased the range by nearly 4 kilometers from the original maximum of 8.5 kilometers. The rocket gun will automatically open the folding tail when it is launched. The GPS positioning system can correct the landing point by itself. , The stability and hit rate is far more accurate than the 107mm rocket gun that could only fly 8.5 kilometers in the past.

Each 63-type magic modified rocket launcher base has 12 launch tubes and 4 volleys. It can shoot up to 48 high-explosive rockets in 30 seconds, covering an attack radius of more than 100 meters, enough to cover everything in range. Into ashes!

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