God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 311: Full raid!

Chapter 311: Fully Assault!

At the moment when the rocket artillery bombardment began, as many as eight sets of light sword type 2 air defense missiles in the four air defense positions continued to sound. All the missiles were launched into the sky in only 2 seconds. Each of the 32 missiles locked the target. A fiery explosive air mass exploded in midair on all sides of the new market.

But it did not wait for the rolling fire cloud to disperse, the remaining rocket guns passed through, and the flight trajectory hit the air defense positions without any impact. As many as 20 rocket guns landed on each side, the explosion shook the asphalt ground and the soldiers together. Broken into pieces, killing all breathing organisms in the mournful field, the base of the light sword 2 anti-aircraft missile was blown into distortion and could not be used again.

The explosion equivalent of 20 107mm high-explosive rockets was not as horrible as imagined. Who said that the self-defense consciousness of these defenders was too weak, and the spare missile ammunition used by the air defense missiles was not too far away from the position? Position, no protective measures have been established, causing rockets to detonate these anti-aircraft missiles, making the explosion even more horrible.

At that time, there was even a mushroom cloud-like flame tumbling, and the entire new market was shaken as if a magnitude 5 earthquake shook. No need to report, Luo Xing also knew what happened. Seriously, he wanted to kill the one who had delayed him all night, and made him a kid who was rich and dreamy, but it was too easy to shoot him. Moreover, guns are not allowed in the auction hall.

"You guys, how do you feel about this arrogant kid?" Luo Xing asked calmly from the podium.

"Thoughts? Are there any other thoughts besides turning him into a horse-honey?" Bourne exclaimed.

"Let me come if you want to kill!" Hatoyama Sang snapped his fingers, and two bodyguards like ninjas stood in front of him.

"Since I am going to kill, of course, I have a copy of it." Bashkir is also upset, and just found out that Sui Tao was scared of a heart attack. He was not killed, and it is estimated that he will have nightmares at night.

"That being the case, leave your bodyguards to play with Mr. S. I will make a beautiful CD during the whole process of death, and each will send you a copy." Luo Xing sneered.

"Very good! Very good!" Everyone agreed with the agreement. The eleven arms dealers retreated to Luo Xing and Yuri, and the remaining 22 thugs surrounded Sui Tao in a ring. They have begun unarmed. The self-made weapons that dismantled the coffee table, likewise, a wooden coffee table became various weapons in their hands, some were sticks, some were wooden cones with shields, and bodyguards who wanted to enter the auction hall were not ordinary goods.

"Let's go, everyone, we won't disturb Mr. S's performance killed alive, first move you, your safety is the most important thing." Luo Xing is indeed the commander-in-chief, even if he has been attacked, just now Only a huge amount of wealth of 3.3 billion US dollars was lost.

"Hey, Butcher, you will be even worse after leaving here." Sui Tao shouted without fear.

"Do you really think that a little bit of rotten fish can threaten me? No matter how you die, you must be worse than me." Luo Xing sneered and left.

In the huge basketball court auction hall, only Sui Tao and 22 bodyguards with various weapons were left. These desperate people have long regarded human life as a mustard, and have learned one-hand killing techniques, and will never show mercy to Sui Tao.

"So, let's get started." Sui Tao clenched the meteor hammer in her hand and shouted, and the bodyguard siege group rushed up at the same time.

When leaving the stadium, Luo Xing quickly issued a counter-attack order. Four female deer gunships flew to four rocket ambush points outside the new market. Powerful air-to-ground rockets attacked the many still-smoke. The base of the rocket launcher and the bunkers around it exploded into pieces.

"Is this how it is played?" And in the seemingly overwhelming counterattack, he did not expect that in the north of the city, about three kilometers away from the rocket gun position, Li Ba suddenly carried an fn-6 air defense missile. Standing up, pulling the trigger, a missile screamed out.

This third-generation portable air defense missile is extremely efficient, and can hit targets in the environment of complex infrared interference. It has once shot down the US imperial f16. However, Li Ba's luck was back to the limit. He was facing a pilot operating a helicopter. He was not panic in the face of the attack of anti-aircraft missiles. A round of electronic interference bombs were ejected. Then he forced the helicopter and flew sideways. Its turning angle and speed exceeded the design peak of the female deer gunship. The missile whistled past the helicopter and was thrown out of the clouds.

"Well! Didn't you say this was a fool-type missile? A dozen hits are necessary? Amuse me?" Li Ba was startled, his nose crooked.

But without waiting for him to make two more complaints, the armed helicopter has straightened the nose, and the double-armed machine gun burst into a sudden burst, immediately breaking the towering tree of Li Baqi into a pile of scattered fragments. Facing the gunfire, Li Ba directly jumped to the ground, and hurried forward without any damage at a height of 15 meters.

The pilot used this to judge that the attacker was Shen Ming who had fled. After all, Shen Ming also had a high-altitude jump without any damage.

"Vulture No. 1 report, found the primary target, and requested support for rapid encirclement strangulation!" The pilot called in the communicator.

The other three helicopters that had completed the bombing position did not return to the city, and detoured directly toward Li Ba's ass. After today, Li Ba was fully aware of the entanglement mentality of the hawker when he was chased by himself. After returning, he determined to move the bricks to the construction site, and he would no longer be the unscrupulous city management. It was such a pain to be chased by someone.

"Fish bite." Through the high-power telescope, Shen Ming saw the departing helicopter gunships and docked the general headquarters in Lan umbrella town through a direct communicator. "Dear, are you ready?"

"Nine remote operating systems have been docked, and the signal code should be sent." When the general responded seriously, there were nine elite tankers deployed from the armored forces overnight, and nine artillerymen with them. .

"Ok, send it to you now, start the tank battle, teach these indigenous scholars, what is the armored battle of the heavenly dynasty." With the order of Shen Ming, the code of 9 mouse boxes has been transmitted to the command center of the general Medium, docking with 9 tank remote control systems.

The electronic screen in front of the tankers suddenly turned on. Although they already knew what they were going to operate, they really saw themselves in the world's most advanced tanks, such as the US-made m1a2 main battle tank, the Russian-made t90s main battle tank, and the Japanese-made 10-type tank. The inexplicable excitement still made their excited palms sweat.

At the beginning of the war, all the members entered the first-level combat readiness. Those tankers who were still resting remembered the "margin" equipment in the warehouse, and quickly ran towards the warehouse. As soon as I arrived at the door, I hurriedly took out the key and opened the door. There was a loud noise. Nine rounds of armor-piercing bombs exploded the steel door into a horse honeycomb. The explosion that burst out of the house directly blasted the group of tankers into the sky.

Armed with billowing diesel smoke, nine armed tanks lined up from the warehouse. Quickly formed a team of 2 cars and rushed in 4 different directions.

The task they received was to make an indiscriminate attack, to do their best to create chaos in the city, and to destroy the enemy's heavy firepower weapons and positions.

After these modern main battle tanks were equipped with automatic loaders, long-range tank operations also became a feasible and efficient way of warfare. Especially in combination with satellites to support operations, the effect is better.

For a while, the new market was blooming everywhere. Some tankers had not responded yet. The car bottom had been blown up by these remotely controlled main battle tanks.

The last single Leopard 2 main battle tank was the strongest tank after careful modification of the pillars. It not only added twice the reaction armor with other tanks, but also equipped with anti-aircraft missile pendants. Black cheetah.

Behind it, the black Thunderbolt Straight Assault helicopter was dragged out of the warehouse, and the pillar was sitting in the cockpit of the aircraft, opened various airborne equipment, and connected with Shenming. Sir, Condor One entered the take-off state and requested details of the attack mission. "

"No content, go and fight as much as you like. Also, you must survive. I brought you here, and you must be brought back alive. I know it often says, 'Complete the task at all costs',' for The country gave its life and died well. 'I just want to say that it's all farting, there is nothing when you die.

Only living is the most important. Although Shen Ming challenged tens of thousands of defenders with the power of seven people, he never thought that anyone would die here.

"The Condor One understands! Never die here!" Zhu said, launching the gunship's engine and flew into the night sky of the new market. The specially installed 32-round rocket launcher uses 3 to occupy an external point In this way, a total of 6 were installed, and the infrared tracking missile was installed in parallel with a mounting point and added 8 rounds, a total of 16 rounds.

In addition to the 23mm rotating machine gun in front of the nose, the ammunition bay has been doubled to more than 2,000 rounds.

This increased load has exceeded the maximum load of Wuzhi 10 combat, but the Tianchao technicians of the magical reform used the broken aircraft as the fundamental purpose and removed all the extra parts on the aircraft. The fuel tank was reduced to only half the tank. The battle reconnaissance system was completely dismantled, and even the outer armored version of the aircraft was replaced with composite materials. The attack power of this gunship was increased to the extreme, and the defense and endurance were reduced to 0. This is commonly known as the "3 minutes real man" mode.

The helicopter whistled into the sky, and the tracking missiles instantly locked 10 targets. The missiles launched at the same time exploded them into a ring-shaped fire group, just like the fireworks released in celebration of Wuzhi 10's ascension to heaven.

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