God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 359: Meet old friends

Chapter 359 Meet Old Friends

"Hands on!" Hua Lei gave an order, and the two sword men, iron claw men, and sword men soldiers rushed towards Shen Ming in three ways. The movements and cooperation were unmatched by those miscellaneous soldiers that Shen Ming had dealt with.

They left, right, and one behind, encircling each other, leaving the front alone.

Shen Ming had no time to look around, because the frontal Hua Lei squatted on the ground in a starting position, and suddenly rushed towards Shen Ming. She had to be fast enough to let Shen Ming's eyes light up, and the floor tiles supporting her body and the position supported by her fists were all shaken back into the spider web's crumbs.

"Yeah!" Hua Lei took his first shot at the last start, came to Shen Ming, and hit the door with a fist.

Shen Ming lifted his knife and made a hard connection, but was still taken out by Zhen Fei for more than 2 steps. Shen Ming looked like he had eyes on the back of his head, and twisted his body with the attack of Swordsman, avoiding the sword twice.

The guys on both sides also pinched up. Shen Ming raised his hand and threw the double knives in his hand, forcing them to take a step back. The crisis that was supposed to be temporarily resolved, but because of Shen Ming's wide open arms, Hua Lei once again made up from the front, a stroke to hit his chest in the middle.

This foot was sincere, and Shen Ming stepped back three steps. When Hua Lei shot, the back of the double-knife man had already moved aside, and when he passed away with Shen Ming, he wanted to continue to make up the knife. However, Shen Ming reacted quickly, but he used a newly drawn locust knife to stop it.

"Oh, a bit troublesome." Shen Ming looked down at the footprints on his chest and smiled. He thought that the hardest thing to do here was Liu Qingcheng and Feng Quan's kid and his slave. Now look Now, there are many talented people in the youth gang, far more difficult than expected.

"Ready, come again." Hua Lei said, squatting down on the ground again, and continued to charge with his starting position. The two sword men, iron claw men and sword men presented a straight line with her.

They rushed up, and Shen Ming slammed their assault one to three, and just now they blocked the double knives, the iron claws rushed forward, just flashed off the iron claws, and the sword came straight.

The most terrible thing is that when Shen Ming blocked three people from attacking, Hua Lei, who had finished charging, rushed to the front like lightning.

The fist blessed by the bronze gloves was more horrible than the hammer, and a locust knife used by Shen Ming in his hands was forced to fly out.

Shen Ming's back-and-forth reciprocated the cheers of the onlookers, while others took the gun out of the crowd while they wanted to sneak in.

It's just that Shen Ming is extremely sensitive to firearms. As long as there is such a guy, he doesn't have to look back at it, and the blade that flew away throws them directly to the ground.

"Boy, you're crazy, only here." Hua Lei declared with a fist.

Shen Ming didn't care what they said at all. He breathed in and adjusted his internal content leisurely, passed all the knowledge taught by gold and silver in his mind, and beckoned and challenged the four Rakshasa with a smile.

court death! Spear formation! kill him! Hua Lei said that he was already squatting on the floor again. The sword man was the head of the spear. The two-knife man and the iron claw man were standing on the sides behind him and turned into blades. Hua Lei became the spear handle and joint killing method. carry out.

The three men in front rushed at the same time, and the distance and movement between them were exactly the same, completely covering the movement of Hua Lei in the back. In terms of the power of coordinating the battle, the four Rakshasa is definitely stronger than any special forces team in the world. Members.

But now that he has arrived in the world of martial arts, Shen Ming does not plan to solve it in a battlefield manner. He is determined to be strong—this is the first ancient martial art he has come into contact with, and it is a new continent that opened him to a certain degree. How much can he learn? I can't predict it myself, I can only try to be the best!

In the face of the sharp blade coming straight, Shen Ming did not evade, just holding the blade with two fingers, the light force was twisted, and the long sword made of steel was twisted into a twist. The body of the sword man was transmitted directly through the hilt of the sword, and before he reacted, his body had been lifted into the air, and the force behind the sword's turning force turned over by itself.

Bypassing the sword man who turned to roll his eyes, Sword Man and Iron Claw Man attacked from both sides. Standing at the same place, Shen Ming did not retreat, and evaded the two swords directly. He came to the two swords men and said that he hugged them tightly. The gesture scared the two swords men and they couldn't help chrysanthemum.

The Shenming's move exposed the entire back, and the iron claw man's flying claws blasted out, just as powerful as a shot put on the back of Shenming.

Ordinary people faced it like this, the ribs of the lighter broke, and the heavy ones vomited blood and died on the spot. But Shen Ming was hit unconsciously, and all the power penetrated through his body and banged on the chest of Sword Man.

"Ah!" Shuangdaonan screamed and flew out of Shen Ming's arms, spitting blood in his mouth.

"How can ..." The word "can" of the iron claw man has not yet said, Shen Ming has turned, grabbed his face with one hand, and pressed it directly on the floor, with the back of his head hitting the ground, a bang, not dead He was in a coma, and his bones were hard.

In just 3 seconds, Shen Ming dealt with 3 Rakshasa in a row, killing the picture in 100% of seconds, the surrounding friends were shocked. The final killing move, Hua Lei, appeared again in front of Shenming like lightning.

"I'll wait for you!" Facing Hua Lei's fist, Shen Ming's muscles contracted and swelled again, and the fist turned back to the limit! Before Hua Lei's bronze fist came in contact with Shen Ming's fist, a wind pressure spread and spread her ponytail. The glove had not touched Shen Fist's fist. When the gap was half a centimeter, the fist The force that was passed through directly disintegrated into bronze fragments.

"Is this Qigong?" This is the last sentence that Hua Lei thought before he lost consciousness. Known as the head of Rakshasa, she flew 5 meters away and directly banged on the closed door of the banquet hall. The smooth floor was rubbed and rubbed out, and then stopped 5 meters.

The guests in the banquet hall were scared to say nothing, or they did not speak at all, because there were no wealthy businessmen convened by a Liu Qingcheng in the banquet hall, except only Master Feng Quan who was constantly enjoying the western buffet. His as many as a hundred slaves with masks.

"It seems you are waiting for me, sorry, late." Shen Ming stepped into the banquet hall with a smile, and the two servants quickly went up to lock the door of the opened room. Shen Ming's death or himself was forced to never let him out of the passage.

"Shen Ming, Shen Ming, what did you say let me say what you ordered? Obviously I have already said hello to you, don't come over, you just want to come to me and be happy, do you say you are interesting?" Feng Quan was eating Lobster sighed and sighed, not minding what Liu Qingcheng thought about him betraying him.

"Of course it's interesting. If you tell me not to come, I won't come, then I won't become your dog? You know my temper, and what I decided to do, no one can stop me." Shen Ming Even if surrounded by hundreds of people, there is no fear.

"I know you are jealous and do n’t treat others as people, but you also know the rules of the old Feng's family. Liu Qingcheng is our guest. He asked us to help, and we must not have the slightest favoritism. I have mixed well recently, but I ca n’t take my life for the shameless brothers to light up my brother ’s shame for the sake of brotherhood. ”Feng Quan said helplessly, and he could call his brother Shen Ming. His past friendship was also unthinkable by Liu Qingcheng.

"Is there a way to keep us from having to do it? You know, if you really fight, I don't necessarily lose." Shen Ming and Feng Quanquan were fake when Liu Qingcheng was chatting.

"Everything is there. For example, if you hold a sniper rifle or something, I can use the inadequacy to ensure the safety of the slave's life as an excuse to avoid confrontation with you.

The dangers that firearms have brought to our actions have been noted above. Since the last time I lost the lives of three heaven and earth four ghosts in the village of Belle, there has been an emergency plan inside the old Feng's house. Take your own life to pay back, if necessary, withdraw. Feng Quan didn't want to be opposed to Shen Ming from his heart.

"Are you guys a little too presumptuous, does the old Feng's family treat the guests like this?" Even if Liu Qingcheng had a good temper, he could not bear it.

"Boss Liu, I also work hard to protect you. The trouble that can be solved with my mouth is better than the solution with my life? Shen Ming, even if it gives me a face, what do you want to say first, I can be a peacemaker I must help you resolve the conflict. "Feng Quan put down the plate in his hand.

"I only have 4 people, and they are meaningless to Boss Liu, and they will not cause me any loss to the gang." Shen Ming said directly.

"It turned out to be a life-saving man. I thought you were so old with others." Feng Quan said charmingly, "Boss Liu, you see, this is the end, can you give me a thin face?"

"Master Feng's face must be given, but this matter is not discussed today. Either you did him and I will give you a big red envelope. Or I did him and sent a bad review to the old Feng family, Feng Quan Master chooses it. "Liu Qingcheng didn't let it go.

"Shen Ming, it's not that I don't help you. It's at this stage that I don't have to choose. Charm, haven't you always wanted to find a chance to make Shen Ming? Now the opportunity has come." Charm obediently walked out of the crowd. After coming out, she dragged a bright silver spear on the ground, and she with a pale mask couldn't hide the feelings in her eyes.

"Shen Ming, we met again, but unfortunately this is also the last one." Charm extremely regretted.

"How can I count the meeting without taking off the mask? I always remember you. I really want to do it with you, and I really don't want to." Shen thought for a while and looked at Feng Quan again. "Yes, You said just now, as long as you show the power of uncertainty, can you not step in? "

"Yes, did you bring a sniper rifle?" Feng Quan was surprised.

"No belt, but there are better than it, such as this." Shen Ming raised his right arm, black scales were formed on the surface instantly, and the reverse scales were modernized!

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