God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 360: New energy

Chapter 360: New Energetic Decision

This is not a magic movie, but the dragon head of the inverse scale opens its mouth full of fangs, and drools down the ground along the tip of its teeth.

Sudden changes have strained the nerves of a group of ready-to-serve ghost slaves. The sense of depression is like the first time a scientist in Jurassic Park encountered the tyrannosaurus-like egg.

"Shen Ming ... Do you care about pain?" Feng Quan asked worriedly.

"Do you only have this one you want to ask?" Shen Ming shook her head with a slight smile.

"Well, you seem to have had a lot of stories after you separated from me. I won't ask for specific details." Feng Quan said, picking up a cell phone and taking a photo of Shen Ming to testify, "Now I announce, start Relief for the emergency plan, that is watching the fire across the shore. "

With the orders of Feng Quan, many of the ghosts' slaves who had put on their postures gathered their weapons and stepped back. The charm under the mask was also happy to put away their bright silver guns and stood again.

"Feng Quan, as the saying goes, cannibalism is short and people are short. You eat and treat it well, but now you play with me? Tell me that your old Feng's signboard is completely unwanted?" Liu Qingcheng already No longer so angry that he used to call Feng Quan a "master".

"Boss Liu, you have been wronged against me. I have been trying to save your life. I want to help you resolve the conflict and make things small, but you just don't spare it. I know the background and my strength. I also understand that even if he ca n’t get it today, he will come to you like a crazy dog ​​tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. "

"Hey, pay attention to your adjectives." Shen Ming, described as a mad dog, was upset.

"You also saw that his arms can become dragons. We are just martial arts masters, but not dragon warriors. How can such a fight be fought?"

"The hero finds his opponent, and the coward makes an excuse. It probably means that he is in a state like this now. I don't think I can show you **** the dragon." Liu Qingcheng stepped forward and stood in the distance without fear The position of five meters.

"Boss Liu, I don't want to hurt you, give me someone, I disappear immediately." Shen Ming asked for the last time.

"People? Here you are." Liu Qingcheng suddenly became better at talking, clapping his hands and letting his men drag four gold-seeking silver, platinum rings, silver nails, and gold tripods tied to independent metal chairs into the side door, Thrown in a row not far away.

"Remember our rules?" Liu Qingcheng said as he took off his suit jacket.

"One move for one?" Shen Ming certainly remembered.

"Changing a new model that allows you to fight back, as long as you can beat me down, everyone will let you take it away. I won't ask you any trouble in the future, I promise as the gang leader."

"It seems you are not willing to kill me," Shen Ming sighed, shaking her head.

"Wrong, I just want to find someone who can kill me." Liu Qingcheng walked forward speaking. He walked very slowly, but every step was extremely stable, just like the numerous trees that quickly spawned when the feet touched the floor. Root, stabbed his body firmly into the ground.

The full-breathing breathing and breathing, even Shen Ming, is not ashamed. It is measured by scientific methods. The air equivalent of each breath in the lungs is 3 times that of other people. If it is a vital capacity measuring instrument, If he checked, he could blow the drum directly for more than two turns.

Shen Ming just looks like a monster, but Liu Qingcheng is the real monster, just wearing a human skin.

"Shenming, he is very dangerous." The inverse scale, who has rarely spoken, also discovered the strangeness of Liu Qingcheng.

"Already feel it, my king, give me control. This time, I can't stay strong." Shen Ming said in his heart.

"Let's play." After finishing the inverse scale, the arm and mouth of the dragon's head cracked and turned into a five-finger shape, and the deformable characteristics made the audience particularly surprised.

The distance was only two meters, and Shen Ming rushed with a black inverse arm to take the lead, and his fists turned sideways toward the lower rib of Liu Qingcheng.

Unstoppable Liu Qingcheng grabbed Shen Ming's black fist with one hand and took all the strength, which was enough to destroy the front armor of an armored vehicle like a mud ox into the sea, instantly turned into nothingness, and Shen was stunned. His eyes widened, and he saw countless spider webs bursting from the ground where Liu Qingcheng's feet took root. Within five meters of him, the marble floor tiles were affected.

"100% offload?" Shen Ming knew that his zero body could achieve the same effect, but this was a gift, and Liu Qingcheng achieved the ultimate offload by relying entirely on Qinglian's "deterrence without pollution".

"I can do more than that, brother." Liu Qingcheng pushed out with a smile, and the strength borrowed from the ground came back along the deep inverse fist, judging by Liu Qingcheng's own strength, he even Can push away a five-ton truck.

But Shen Ming stepped back a half step against the strength, all the strength was unloaded into the ground again, a loud boom, and the floor tiles that had been broken into spider webs were all shaken to a height of more than two meters.

"Is there any way of resilience?" Platinum ring opened his mouth and shocked.

"Daddy, you didn't teach us!" Yin Nai was jealous.

"Qi Jin has no law of unloading at all. It is a vigorous effort ... and he has no sign of energy. The principle of unloading ... is his own talent." Xun Jin did not know that Shen Ming had this. This kind of cruel ability.

"Interesting! Come again!" Liu Qingcheng excitedly clawed his palms into fists and blasted them out in parallel. To tell the truth, the speed was not fast at all. Shen Ming ducked sideways. After Liu Qingcheng's white shirt, he was unable to tear the wound on his body. His fingertips just touched his body. The muscles inside the skin combined with the depth of the fingertips contracted downward to avoid bearing the force. It felt like holding a sharp blade. Sweeping general weakness on the soft cloth in the air.

"Can you unload, can you unload this way?" Liu Qingcheng's empty fist directly caught Shen Ming's neck collar and referred him to mid-air. No matter what mysterious method, it needs to be supported by the ground. , Shen Ming immediately understood the meaning of Liu Qingcheng, but had been dodging, and turned back in front of the scale arms.

Liu Qingcheng's other punch had already struck, and was hitting Shen Ming's inverse scale arm. In that force, Shen Ming felt as if he had been hit directly by a cannonball. His mouth was smelly, the blood was spit out, and his body became The disconnected kite flew backwards.

There were a few black inverse scales scattered in the air, and the forceful landing forced the ground to release the force quickly, but it still slid out ten meters after following the inertia, leaving two long cracks on the clean floor. .

The stopped Shen Ming wanted to launch a quick counterattack, but before stepping halfway, she was already kneeling on one knee, vomiting and bruising, feeling that even the internal organs would vomit out.

"Life is so hard, it won't die like this." Liu Qingcheng just used the strength of 10%. His strength can completely ignore the defense and blast the human's internal organs into fragments. He used to deliberately solve the problem of being killed by the strength of 10%. Opponent, the internal organs are all mixed into a ball, just like a pot of assorted tofu brain, he has not seen the existence of a person who can't be beaten.

"Is Qinglian Gong really overbearing? Is it possible that our boss can deal with this kind of martial arts?" Feng Quan was frightened. He knew that if he chose to violate the task of returning love, he also had the cruel inhumane confidence that came from Trust in the deep. If he wins, it ’s okay to go home. If he loses, haha, Feng Quan estimates that his head will be made into decorations and mailed to Liu Qingcheng as a toilet.

"Shen Ming ... Remember the energy determination I taught you?" Suddenly, the sound of gold and silver behind the crowd shouted.

"Of course, my memory is against the sky!" Shen Ming waved the blood on the corner of her mouth and stood up again.

"Fine, now, forget it! Qi Jin can never beat Liu Qingcheng's qigong. This is not a product of a level at all, just like how Alto will definitely not win Ferrari.

However, there are differences in cars, but the principle of the engine is common. You only need to remember the principle of qigong, the feeling of Qi, let the body adapt, feel, and create the qigong that suits you best! You can do it! I believe you! "Xun gold and silver roared.

"Easy to say, difficult to do. Qigong is not a trick. Even if it is ok to set up a line, once the way of accumulation of Qi is memorized by the body and modified without authorization, it will go into magic. The state is similar to epilepsy?" , While reminding friendship.

"Oh, guess how long have I been exposed to qigong?" Shen Ming smiled mysteriously.

"You are quite talented, one year is worth ten years of work, and at least three years." Liu Qingcheng estimates as a professional.

"You deserve me so much, in fact, it's only one week when you're full?" When Shen Ming said this, everyone's expression on the scene was "Does he say a dog!"

"Remembering things is my strength, forgetting things is also my strength. When talking to you, I have forgotten what I have learned, and even forget who you are? Sir, your surname?" Shen Ming changed in one breath. The fixed form of Qi Jin Jue becomes more random and invisible, but the speed of Qi Jin's rotation and promotion in the body is controlled by himself. With the technique of muscle control, the velocity of Qi in the body is 6 times faster than blood. Measuring his blood pressure at this time has exceeded the peak state of human beings.

"Shenming ... what are you pouring into the King's body?" Inverse Scale has felt wrong, and a steady stream of power filled the scale armor, making the scale armor appear red, like a piece The black dragon was stained with red edges.

"How does it feel?" Shen Ming smiled wildly, all the bloodshot in his eyes bulging, feeling that even his eyes had become red pupil.

"It's never been better. The King feels that both heaven and earth should surrender to my feet! Hahahaha!" Inverse scale laughed in Shen Ming's heart.

"Now ... let him kneel down!" Shen Ming stepped forward.

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