God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 372: Team members gather!

Chapter 372 The team members gather!

"Father, I want to kill as soon as I see a pagan wearing your clothes. To this day I have killed at least a hundred pagans who worship the gods. Watching them draw a cross on my chest, I can't help it They are going to blow their heads. You said that this sin, can God forgive me? "A terror head walked across from the night watchman, and put a" Book "on the table, just like the night watchman. The red-edged Bible touched his head.

Behind that man, there are 6 big-handed hanks with portable aks. They are all killing devil butchers, watching for their every move.

"God saves all those who can be saved, but no one like you can help you with a stupid person like you. The best way to die is to let your mother regenerate one." The night watchman sneered while drinking beer.

The strong men behind them wanted to come forward and listen to their hands, but their heads raised their hands and stopped, jokingly, "Mr. Father, you are very dragged? Monks from all directions, dare to beep on our ground, you Is there someone covering it? "

"I drag because my heart is fearless. If I ask, I have no cover. Of course, the answer is yes, that person is called" God. "The night watchman smiled and cried.

"Really? Then you'd better start praying for his old man's blessing now," the head reached out, took out the pistol and put it on the table. "Now you have two choices, either to tear the Bible to me in my presence Eat bite by bite, or I'll send you to meet his old man. "

"Hmm ..." Et sighed helplessly, "I'm always annoyed to find trouble, really annoying."

"Do you know why the pages of the Bible are red-edged?" The night watchman smiled. "Because of the preaching of the preacher, blood is inevitable."

There was no sign that the glass handle of the vigil was pulled out by one hand, like a dagger that pierced the palm of the head and the wooden table. Et was not eating dry rice either. When the vigil took his hand, he took it A pistol was fired from the tabletop, and the puppet was three shots.

As soon as the gun went off, the bar exploded. Although everyone knew the rules of the trial bar, it was strictly forbidden to shoot guns, but it really fought. Who would be interested in controlling any rules and regulations?

For a while, the table was filled with drinks, and various gunfires were intertwined, and from time to time someone fell to the ground and from time to time came explosions.

"You should pay me money." The trial came to the corner of the bar, pulled the bar's electric switch, clicked, and the environment suddenly fell into a dim state. Now it really turned into a ghost.

The trial that came back lost a gas mask to Shen Ming and threw several flash smoke bombs.

The trial yelled "mustard gas!" In local language.

Suddenly, all the people who were shooting guns went crazy, and the ghost wailed and rushed outside.

At this time, the trial pressed the organ, and several continuous explosions blasted the walls of the bar four large holes. These gangsters also rushed out faster.

"This bunch of idiots is dead of mustard poison gas, and they can escape?" Et scorned in the darkness.

"Small voice, don't mess up again." The night watchman pushed et.

"Have you made enough trouble? Can you go?" At this time the masked trial came up, and the little young waiter just opened the door of the hole.

"It's also a covering hand. You seem to use your brain more than your muscles? Why do you always give people a fool image?" The night watchman praised as he walked past the trial.

"Rarely confused, my style is to cover the flow of strategy. What I need is an understanding of the battlefield environment and a comprehensive analysis of the opponent. I have more teammates, more ideas, and more variables. I prefer to act alone. Safe. "The trial apparently already has its own set of rules of survival in a decade-long Nirvana career.

"Will you talk later? Go away!" Shen Ming greeted the crowd and jumped into the cave first. This shortcut for refuge took everyone to the two mountains, and went straight out of the border of Afghanistan.

The last player is required to be a master of melee specialization and the most difficult to survive to the last of the nirvana species. This kind of fighter is mostly used to perform high-risk industries such as incubation, assassination, and spy reporting. Even when performing missions in the context of intelligence, wanting to become a melee specialization requires several times more effort than his people, which is one of the reasons why An Qi is valuable.

Shen Ming took everyone's next stop and flew directly to the capital city of Dubai—Dubai, the same sandy soil as A`Fuhan, but here it looked like gold and bright, the sun was like fire, and the **** the beach was wearing a rude dress His clothes were playing with each other, and the ladies in robes and white turbans were enjoying the fine wine and watching their 47th wife play in the sea water.

This is a world of paper drunken gold, a paradise for the rich, and a treasure trove for the poor.

Shen Ming was lying in a fancy dress under the sunshade, drinking cold orange juice, looking for his prey. The trial next to him was to prepare a cocktail and taste it.

The idle et drove a quad bike on the beach and played "Fastness and Furious 7" with Prince Babdullah Bamagan. The night watchman was not too hot, and the priest was still in his robe. He sat in a large tent and organized a dozen foreigners to listen to him tell the story of God ...

"Pluto, although you have joined your team, do you really understand how a prophet exists?" Analyzing opponents is the thing that judges do best. Sometimes, in order to analyze the character of a character, he even buys the opponent's original underwear. , To feel everything about each other through the smell, regardless of men and women.

"Do you understand?" Shen Ming replied casually.

"When I joined the Nirvana camp, it was not long before the turning event passed. I wonder if the prophet was impossible. For many Nirvanas of that era, he was a godlike existence. He joined the Nirvana camp at the age of 10 and was 18 He was promoted to be one of the three managers of Nirvana camp, and the speed of promotion could not be compared even with rockets.

Many people say that he is a demon. He can live for 2 days even if he is left in the water to rest, and some people say that he is a god. After 7 days of being killed, he can crawl out of the cemetery by himself. He has independently destroyed the world's most dangerous rebel group, and has also urged terrorist plots to destroy the earth. The trial is getting more and more evil.

"Please, do you believe these?" Shen Ming sneered.

"I believe it doesn't matter. The important thing is that our opponents are very bullying. There are a bunch of believers who are willing to die for him. No one knows what he wants to do. This is the most dangerous." Do not like opponents that can not be mastered, this will limit his ability to calculate a hundred to one hundred fighting style.

"I can tell you clearly ... what he thinks." Shen Ming replied. "The data released during the turning event was very small, only that the prophet committed a crime and became the biggest traitor in Nirvana camp history.

It happened that a friend of mine read all the information about the turning event and revealed something to me. Just 20 years ago, not long after the Soviet Union disintegrated, the world ’s largest nuclear arsenal fell into a semi-anarchy state. Nirvana camps carried many out-of-control nuclear bombs back to the camps for management in order to perform peacekeeping missions. Period ... More than 100 large-equivalent nuclear warheads were parked in the Nirvana camp, enough to level the world nuclear level.

At that time, the prophet, one of the three main managers of the Nirvana camp, put forward a bold plan ... named, 'Nuclear Exchange for Peace'.

He wanted to use this huge inventory of nuclear bombs to threaten nuclear weapons nations around the world, to force all nations to sign agreements to abandon nuclear weapons, and to destroy all nuclear bombs collectively.

If you don't agree ... then strike a nuclear strike against all these countries. "

"Isn't he crazy?" The trial was completely stunned.

"When the plan was revealed, I think the same thing happened, so he cut off his hands and feet and imprisoned him for 20 years. It is understandable that what he will do after he comes out is definitely not smaller than 20 years ago. The news I have received is that all nuclear-armed nations around the world have entered the state of first-class readiness, and their nuclear arsenals have also increased their manpower by 10 times to avoid any threat. "Shen Ming and the trial conducted intelligence. shared.

"When you are so nervous, then you still have the mood to come here to bask in the sun?" The trial only felt that Shen Ming was more nervous than himself.

"This isn't looking for someone, well, our last player appeared!" Shen Ming finally found the player he was looking for. I saw a fiery red bikini, wrapped in a bumpy s-shaped figure, and a black girl walked on the catwalk of sexuality.

This girl also looks like she is about 30 years old. She has the unparalleled height of Asians, and the invisible muscle lines that highlight the arc are perfect. No wonder it attracted a group of local tyrants to drool.

This female Nirvana is coded as Black Pearl. The Nirvana period is 10 years. The backbone of the Nirvana 2 Battalion has left the camp for 3 years. After she left, the 2nd Battalion could not find a sneaker who could go shoulder to shoulder with her. Some people even called her the Yasha of the Second Battalion. However, she does not like this title personally. Black Pearl has a completely different hunting style and personality than An Qi.

It's like An Qi doesn't like being frivolous by a man, even if he is performing a task, in the end those who have touched his father will have a different place in their hands, except for meditation.

But Black Pearl regarded being surrounded by men as a kind of enjoyment and fun. Many of her targets died in her bed. Maybe this is also an occupational disease?

"My noble and black pearl, you are my heart, you are my liver, you are three-quarters of my life! For you I have abandoned my thirteen wives, plus 24 children, just for Marry you through the door! Accept my love for you! "Another big-belly rich man in the Middle East confessed to her in his tent.

"Give up, fat man, just your bones, she will be dead in two days." On the top of the tent, Shen Ming and the trial fell from the sky, the trial quickly subdued the rich, and Shen Ming has begun to draw, Pearl, are you interested in becoming my teammate? Take you to pretend than take you to fly. "

"Dingding's famous Pluto is invited, and of course I'm interested." Black Pearl smiled charmingly.

"Let's talk about compensation first." Shen Ming was uncomfortable with that smile.

"Reward? Pay for the meat." Black Pearl licked his lips.

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