God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 373: Hunting Thunder Eel Nuclear Submarine

Chapter 373 Hunting Thunder Eel Nuclear Submarine

Black Pearl's request can be described as falling out of the pie in the sky. However, Shen Ming has always felt that he does not have a high degree of martial arts.

"Are you kidding me? Is it still a bargain?" Shen Ming said with sweaty beads hanging from the corners of Shen Ming's eyebrows.

"I'm not kidding. In the camp they used to compare me with Yasha, and even called me Er Yasha. It's ugly. I just want to find something she can't do, but I can do it. Haven't you slept with Yasha yet? Give me a sleep, even if you surpass it. "Black Pearl God logically said.

"Oh, Chen Ye can't do it, by the way, do you like Mao Zi? The tiger-backed trial Shu Shu beside me can fully meet your requirements." Shen Ming is selling like Lao Chen.

"Hehe Shenming, do you really love me ... can be sold successfully, my remuneration can be discounted." The trial looked coyly.

Who knows at this time, the local tyrant in the trial uniform found out the emergency alarm from the crotch, outside the gorgeous tent, four special soldier-level bodyguards rushed in.

"Sale and wait for a chat, now is the show of strength." Black Pearl Pear Vortex took off the eleven centimeter high heels on his feet with a smile, grabbed the stilettos and went on. Four men to one woman thought they would appear The horrible picture like Dongre, only ten seconds later, all four men were brought down. This is definitely the shortest love action movie in history.

In terms of skill, Shen Ming really feels that she is not much worse than An Qi. She replaced her former self. If she can't do 50 moves in close combat, she will also be beaten into a dog. The fighting style of Black Pearl is also very different from An Qi. An Qi likes to use complex techniques to conduct vital attacks. Black Pearl likes to use weapons, and she never limits the type of weapon, whether it is high heels or wine bottle belts. In the world, as long as you have something you can use, you can use it to fight.

"Pluto, in fact, I have heard about the hive." Black Pearl looked back while binding the bodyguard with a belt. "Although I don't like Yasha, the Prophet has done too much. I am willing to be your teammate. . Just because Yasha has no winning opponent, I want to fight it. "What's mixed in Black Pearl's winning heart is the soldier's righteousness.

"Thank you," Shen Ming said sincerely.

The personnel have been assembled, and then they will pick up the last teammate, who is also the team's technical support specialist.

Until now, the address of the mouse was absolutely confidential to Shen Ming. As the self-confessed world's best hacker, it is not only Nirvana camp that wants a mouse to die. Almost half of the global killer groups have received rewards for others, and four countries have listed him as an international one. Repeated offenses, but they are all ridiculous, except for the mouse's name, they don't even have a picture of the mouse. There are no more than five people who can recognize a mouse in the world, and Shenming is one of them.

The flight they took came to the northernmost tip of Canada. This is a cold dog's daddy's place. Except for judging the rough skin and thick hairs, they are very kind to the weather. Everyone else thinks they will never think of it in their next lives Here it comes.

Walking on the street at minus 15 degrees is like walking through an ice sculpture exhibition. A small city that can't be named has a very small flow of people and cars.

Following the mouse phone instructions, Shen Ming came to the door of an old apartment in the 1980s.

Before Shen Ming pressed the doorbell, the gate had been opened from the inside.

Everyone knows the name of the mouse, after all, he is one of the few guys who can get the chicken flying in Nirvana camp. However, everyone has always thought that he was dead, and the person who started it was Pluto.

Because Pluto has never missed, everyone will not doubt that the mouse is still alive. Now it seems that Shen Ming has given everyone a shit.

"Don't stand stupid, come in." The mouse greeted everyone into the apartment building, and to everyone's surprise, the well-known mouse turned out to be a fragile young man who looked like he was in his early twenties. Black plastic frame glasses, white shirt and black trousers are no different from ordinary college dogs.

Asians have yellow skin and black hair. As for which country, Shen Ming has never gossiped, and the mouse never said.

"Please do n’t touch my things. I am a Virgo. I have a clean-up and take-out layout control syndrome. I have medication, but the effect is not obvious." The mouse pushed the black plastic glasses on the bridge of the nose with a single finger. The crowd walked into the apartment.

The entire four-storey apartment building can accommodate more than 300 people, but in reality there is only one mouse.

Don't look at the old-fashioned exterior of this apartment. In fact, the interior is made of reinforced concrete, and the walls and roof are mixed with steel plates. Even modern standard ground-drilling missiles may not penetrate through its thick walls.

"The sanctuary you chose is really chic, but isn't it too pretentious?" Shen Ming noticed the sturdiness of the apartment building, but living alone in such a large area or downtown area is not very suitable for hiding. standard.

"It used to be a permanent maintenance project of fbi in Canada, and it was evacuated after the end of the Cold War. I bought it from a real estate company that was about to go bankrupt. A rough house. And this thing can resist missiles.

I also know that it is good to be low-key with a gun, but my profession does not allow me to be low-key. The mouse took everyone to visit his computer room on the 2nd to 3rd floors. The dense processors were lined up like bookshelves in a library. The numerous data lines were wrapped together in an orderly manner and put together in one place by color number. The apartment The building has an independent satellite network and power supply system. Even if the end of the world is here, it can live longer than others.

The real living area of ​​the mouse is on the 4th floor. In an open area where all four windows are locked from the inside, in addition to the columns, it is a bed, a wardrobe, a computer with 14 semi-circular screens, and a treadmill.

In his words, proper exercise by programmers can help maintain blood circulation in the brain and prevent the formation of occupational diseases.

Of course, the Bingbing version of the 1: 1 Extreme Pure Silicone Doll that was found by et from the cabinet was also explained by him as the necessary fitness equipment to maintain mental health.

"Sit down for a while, I'm busy." The mouse sat down in front of the computer and everyone looked at each other. Except for the chair he sat on, there was no chair they could sit on. Helpless, everyone could only Sitting on the floor, resting against the pillar.

Shen Ming went behind the mouse and asked softly beside him for the first time, "Is there any news about the prophet?"

"Sorry, I have been following them for the past three days, but I have no clue. Now the world is looking for them except us. The Nirvana camp borrows a global satellite system. The intelligence personnel of all countries are also working 24 hours.

The worst thing is that the nuclear forces of nuclear countries have become all soldiers. The fear of prophets of those legions was comparable to the fear of the discipline inspection commission. "

"There is no reason. The prophet cannot be so immersed for so long. His plan is to put his arrows on the strings. If he doesn't do anything, it doesn't make any sense." Shen Ming wondered.

"Who knows? After being locked up for so long, it ’s hard to come out. How can I relax? Bubble girls drink or drink. I have connected to the world ’s most famous red light district. Everyone who enters and exits there can see it directly. When he arrives, he will be able to hold him back. "The mouse asked for help.

"How to listen, how it all looks like the bad taste of real people." Black Pearl smiled with contempt.

"Don't say mouse brothers like this, he is a man who has a Bingbing version of 1: 1 Extreme Pure Silicone Doll. The three-dimensional mating, he has long been out of love." Et sneer.

"Theoretically, love for this kind of thing is an anti-God evil. If everyone is like this, how can God still have a devout people? Isn't humanity perished?" The night watchman worried about the country and the people.

"The doll has a good workmanship. Where can I buy it? Recommend it, dear." The trial interjected.

"So I said ... I like to live alone, and there are more acquaintances, all trouble." Mouse grumbled.

"Actually ... I also want to ask, where did you buy the doll? Is it a discount to buy it together?" Shen Ming's face flushed slightly.

The escape of the prophet was like dropping a heavy atomic bomb into a peaceful world. Where the world couldn't see it, the world's nuclear forces had entered a state of strict guarding against death. In addition to the military's internal nuclear base, even nuclear power plants and scrapped nuclear power stations are stationed in special forces, such as Chernobyl and Fukushima, where the soldiers in protective clothing can find patrols with firearms and ammunition. .

Even nuclear submarines are walking in the widest range, entering the state of extreme latency. Theoretically, like the most advanced Ohio-class magic-modified nuclear-powered submarine of the U.S. military, the steel monster code-named "Thunder Eel" can lurk in the dark ** for a full 4 months without making a leap.

The most advanced anti-sonar system makes this guy completely invisible even in the face of the most advanced anti-submarine radar. The ultimate dive depth is up to 1100 meters, which has exceeded the limits of tactical submarines too much. General submarine combat equipment simply does not have The ability to compete with it in this interval.

Of course, the most terrifying thing is the 24 US imperial experimental long-range ballistic nuclear bombs-"steel wood", covering a distance of one and a half circles around the earth. The speed of the falling end of the bomb is up to 18 times the speed of sound. Each missile has 10 Detachable large-equivalent hydrogen bombs can destroy a small or medium-sized country with one missile, and can completely wipe a province or state of a superpower off the map.

Thunder eel is the second-generation nuclear war arm of the U.S. military. It is thirty years ahead of the world's science and technology. It is their backbone to continue to dominate the world. However, it was not expected that it would stay alone in the deep sea and become a prophet's eye. First prey.

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