God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 374: Killing of the Prophet

Chapter 374 The Killing of the Prophet

The task of silently sneaking is always the most boring in the submarine. Not only must all the entertainment activities be stopped, but even the toilets must be booed against the edge of the urine to avoid excessive noise.

Of course, the food in the silent state is even worse, and the ingredients that need to be cooked ca n’t be eaten. They can only use the military feeling every day. For the soldiers of the US emperor, although they have not eaten shit, the **** must be better than they are now. This stuff is delicious.

In addition to the inconvenience of life, it also has a psychological impact. Like a chat in a silent state, soldiers can only whisper by biting their ears. Over time, straight men have also been bent alive. Army In this way, the Chinese **** culture has a long history.

Among the many boring soldiers, the most boring are the sonar radar soldiers of the submarine. They not only have to keep quiet, but also have a noisy sonar headset, pay attention to the subtle changes in the sea, and stare at the radar as Watching as intently as a small movie, there can be no slightest loss.

Leo is such a miserable radar soldier. When he was transferred from the old fleet to the Thunder eel, when he was a radar soldier, he felt that it was an absolute glory. After all, this is the most advanced battle platform in the world. It is also the best talent in the army. However, his understanding has changed completely since he entered the ship. Every day he repeats the work without any day. The working time has been extended from 8 hours to 14 hours, and there is no overtime subsidy. Now he is only worried that he will not suffer from deafness, tinnitus or glaucoma when he retires, and will spend the rest of his life with disability.

Just when the boring tactical duty was on, a huge spot of light suddenly appeared on Leo's radar screen. He immediately opened the active sonar for a detailed analysis.

In terms of sound and speed, it looks like an adult sperm whale, but this whale discovered the location of the nuclear submarine strangely, and quickly came towards the submarine.

Leo quickly reported to Captain Hui, who was reading a book, "Sir! There are large creatures swimming towards us at high speed."

"Don't be nervous, Godzilla had Bumpman killed. Compare the map to determine the type of creature," the captain joked disapprovingly.

"After comparison, 87% of them appear to be adult sperm whales. It seems to be interested in submarines and is approaching in a straight line." Leo continued reporting.

"Maybe we are treated as giant squids? Rest assured, our hull is made of a titanium alloy shell. If it can't bite, it will go away and continue to monitor." The captain looked at the comics of "Pacific Rim" One side ordered, the most important characteristic of being the boss of the world's first submarine is calmness, and a sense of humor.

Even if there is a stock market disaster, you must calmly tell the crew, "Don't be afraid. It must be just a technical adjustment. Don't be afraid."

In the dark sea, it was not a cute whale that was swimming, but a 10-meter-long Qinglin dragon that twisted its body, even if the red beast pupil was in the dark It can also be clearly seen in the deep sea that the tadpole's appearance frightened the other small fishes all around.

Qinglong swam all the way to the torpedo launch port at the front of the eel submarine. The open mouth of the dragon bite up, and the sound of his teeth rubbing against the titanium case sounded real.

Annoyingly, in the course of what should have been the rapid escape after the molar test, the hatch of the torpedo launcher a was so bitten! The magic is not just that the sperm whale's teeth are as good as heavy cutting machines. The signal belonging to it disappears after the torpedo compartment is opened.

The protective hatch on the back closed quickly, and the seawater in the tube was emptied. Then Leo heard something like in a horror movie ... "Knocking!"

Until this moment, the alarm sound of Thunder eel was finally sounded, and all the members entered the state of first-level combat readiness, and quickly rushed to their jobs. The seals on the boat, an eight-man squad, and the combat crew In total, 20 people rushed to the torpedo room and aimed at the hatch of a torpedo cabin with live ammunition.

Every time a period of time, knocks will come from the door, proving that everyone is not hearing illusions. This is at the extreme water depth of 1100 meters. Even a water ghost should be squeezed into a cricket by that water pressure. Where can the energy knock on the door alive?

The captain of the SEALs signaled to one of the players to come forward to open the door, and the others kept their bullets loaded. They use light weapons, and the bullets also use copper core low kinetic energy bombs, because this is after all a submarine, not a surface ship. Once the bullet breaks any equipment, everyone can feed the sperm whale in the sea, so although The position of the gun was very scary, everyone was not enough to prepare for the trigger.

The members of the trenches stepped forward and manually opened the hatch. Some unsprayed seawater splashed onto the floor of the cabin. I saw a man wearing a black diving suit directly from the cabin. Crawled out.

He was wet all over, like a passerby who had suffered a heavy rain, trying to find a place to hide from the rain.

In front of a group of soldiers, he took off his half-diving diving suit, exposing a sculpture-like figure.

"Handcuff him!" The captain threw a pair of handcuffs to the team members, and the closest team member directly pulled the prophet's hands behind his back and quickly handcuffed them together.

Capturing a captive at 1100 meters underwater is as rare as encountering Godzilla. The captain ordered to report to his superiors quickly, but the helpless submarine was experiencing an electromagnetic interference zone, and the communication was completely interrupted. It took at least 2 hours to recover, Floating up to the sea.

The order of extreme dives cannot be disobeyed, and the captain can only ask to speed up to leave the electromagnetic interference zone. Then a trial of 1100 meters below the sea began.

In a temporarily modified interrogation room, the prophet was severely entangled with a chain of up to three fingers and turned into a mule. His hands and feet were also fixed on a metal table. He watched the horror film "Silent Lamb" at the beginning. At the same time, the cannibalism professor inside was not treated so inhumanly.

But the prophet didn't care. He always smiled and looked at people kindly, even if the guard next to him held a gun against everyone's head.

A captain in a white uniform walked into the interrogation room accompanied by the guards. The four guards raised their guns in a circle and aimed at the prophet's head. Any abnormal behavior of his head would be immediately killed.

In this case, the captain can sit opposite the prophet with fearlessness, watching the character who fears the top to death.

"The Prophet ... Who are you sacred? You can dive to such a level without any equipment, and you don't know whether you should be smart or stupid. Now you have been detained in the most advanced submarine in the world, called Tiantianbu "Yes, the ground is not working. No one can save you any more." The captain showed a showy, then went on, "said, what evil plan do you have? If you really recruit it, you can still eat less. "

"Master Captain, correct the current situation, not that I was detained in the most advanced submarine, but that you and I are trapped in a cage that cannot be escaped. For you, the most important thing is not to catch Stop me to ask for merit, but try my best to escape from me. "The Prophet smiled and reminded.

"Really?" When the captain asked back, a red light flashed, and four soldiers with guns landed on their heads, so they could not scream before they collectively fell to the floor.

Blood sprayed the captain's head, and the calm captain was also scared to urinate his pants. Whoever called the prophet in front of him looked like a alien, and three red tails were born from behind. The blood was dripping from the end, and he The shackles on his body were torn into pieces by the white and black striped tiger claw arms. The prophet, who should have been unable to move, walked more like the interrogator and took the captain beside him, using his tiger-like sharp nails. , Lightly on his shoulder.

"Dear Captain, there is no deep hatred between us, and what I want does not belong to you. Now I will hand in the key and password for the nuclear bomb launch, and tell me the emergency communication channel between you and the Pentagon.

"Prophet, you must be crazy, even if you want to hijack the most advanced strategic nuclear submarine of the US military, no one will let you go, the whole world will come to you and kill you. You are the enemy of the world." When Chang Yi filled his indignation, he had handed the key of the nuclear bomb launched on his neck into the hands of the prophet.

"Actually, I am a person with a strong sense of right and wrong, right is right, wrong is wrong, and I will not forcibly treat wrong as a pair because of the disparity in the number of people. The current world is on a wrong trajectory, and The enemy of the world is to make a mess anyway, and I have no fear. "The prophet smiled.

"Okay! That ’s a great word! The password is xxxxxx and the channel is xxxxxx. I really admire the prophet ’s courage. I am also a dedicated philosopher. I am always looking for a chance to serve justice. "The captain is so resolutely surrendered, and all the universal values ​​of capitalism have been returned to Austrian horses.

"Your statement is very appealing. Unfortunately ... your acting skills are too lazy to accept your sincerity, but in the future history, you will be the most important starting point in your personality transition, so rest in peace. The prophet seized a 180-degree turn of the captain's Tian Lingge with one hand. He just wanted to be Wu Sangui's captain, and instantly became a corpse.

The prophet took the key and strolled out of the interrogation room. The next way followed the rules of silent stealth, walking forward silently, and then killing all visible and invisible members of the submarine.

It is indeed the world's most advanced submarine, and the drainage system is also outstanding. No matter how many people the prophet killed and how much blood was splattered, blood and water can be quickly absorbed by the perforated metal floor and immediately discharged out of the submarine.

When he reached the submarine bridge, Leo became the last person to see him.

"Let me guess, you are not a sperm whale." Leo made the last joke with his life.

"Let's take a rest, the next story belongs to me." The prophet killed the radar soldier with a single stroke.

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