God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 375: Threat Global

Chapter 375 Threatening the World

On a quiet and windless sea surface, a shrimp-fishing boat was parked in it, without catching shrimp and flashing the signal of distress. The most important thing is that this is not the scope of the shrimp group.

However, the group of people on the ship didn't care about the harvest. They had live-loaded guns and their faces were locked in locks. All they worried about was the safety of the Prophet.

Of course, there are also people who don't care about it, such as the worm division.

"Lan Long, don't be nervous, come and sit and take a rest, seeing you dizzy as you walk around." Zushi greeted with a smile.

"I have no reason to be nervous. It is said that the good plan and the current implementation are 108,000 miles away. We should use a virtual communication signal to induce the nuclear submarine to float up, and then everyone should go up and capture it on the sea.

How come now that it has become an independent action of the Prophet, still in the waters up to 1100 meters deep. Lan Long said without knowing how he agreed with this crazy plan.

"Lan Long, the prophet you know is completely different. After he accepted the four gods, the heaven and the earth have been too strong to reach." After seeing the Prophet fighting two fights, he will never be Worried about this monster, he only worried that the world would still be able to withstand the ravages of this monster.

"It's easy to say, but it's been more than an hour since the Lord Prophet agreed with us." This is what really worried Lan Long.

"There is no way to judge the battle under the sea, and it is normal to waste some time." As the worm division continued to appease, the butcher pushed in and walked in.

"Lan Long, black fish is here." The butcher just said that Lan Long had rushed to the boat.

I saw thunder eels quietly breaking out on the blue sea. Hundreds of drainage punching outlets drained the stored seawater to increase the buoyancy of the hull. The blood water absorbed by the drainage system in the previous hull was also discharged together with seawater.

I saw the submarine's surroundings quickly stained with blood and red, as if the submarine was pulled from the sea of ​​blood.

"You guys, have been waiting for you for a long time." The Prophet's greetings came from the loudspeakers outside the submarine, and a boat of nirvana warriors cheered excitedly, cheering for the prophet's miracle.

The next step was the internal cleaning and reconstruction of the thunder eel. A group of soldiers towed as many as eighty people, that is, eighty corpses, were piled up in the warehouse of a shrimp boat. The inside of the hull was also cleaned up, and all unnecessary personal belongings of the crew were removed.

They incidentally added more food and fresh water to the submarine, a large amount of weapons and electronics.

The busiest is the keyboard. He needs to remove up to thirteen signal tracking devices on the submarine, even the self-explosive devices that the original crew did not know.

Of course, the last and most terrifying step, they used lifting equipment to lift a steel-wood ballistic missile from the missile launch bay opened by the Thunder eel.

The all-black projectile is not as huge as expected. The advantage of steel and wood over the original Trident submarine-launched ballistic missile is that it optimizes the fuel formula and engine efficiency, making it larger without increasing the size of the projectile. Range and faster drop speed. At present, there is no anti-missile system in the world that can successfully intercept the attack of steel and wood. It is the sharpest spear in the world. Unfortunately, the strongest shield is Not created.

"Now the gadgets are really more and more refined. Each of the hairy nuclear bombs we have collected is as big as a rocket. The power comparison is now bigger than this basketball-sized bullet." Snow Fox Granny played with that. The rolling metal ball was replaced by ordinary people knowing that this thing is that the hydrogen warhead is probably directly scaring shit.

But all the arms experts are standing here. Everyone knows that the nuclear bomb sounds scary, but the complicated detonation method and rigorous craftsmanship make him safer than Xiaomi Charging Po. If you do not follow the launch method in detail, you can A high-explosive grenade wound around the nuclear bomb exploded. It leaked at most a little radiation, and that pollution amounted to less than one percent of the Kuo Fukushima nuclear power plant.

"Science and technology are advancing, and the process of killing humans against each other is of course also upgrading. With this momentum, it will not be necessary for terrorists to play human bombs in a few years. Directly on the human nuclear bomb is just around the corner." Watching the most advanced and terrible killings Weapons, Lan Long will be more certain, what they are doing now is justice.

It was also when everyone was busy that the prophets and pilots had arrived at their submarine bridge. At his gesture, the keyboard knocked down the special signal code for the Pentagon.

"Hello Thunder Eel, this is the Pentagon. I'm a number 117 operator. I'm happy to serve you. May I help you?" The friendly **** the other side said smoothly.

The people at the bridge were dumbfounded, and even the prophet didn't know how to speak about his evil plan. The butcher pushed the keyboard and said, "Did you make the wrong call? Let you hang up the Pentagon instead of calling 10086."

"This mother-in-law is the Pentagon! Who knows that their customer service came to this set? Maybe there are too many complaints?" The keyboard was cold and sweaty.

"Hello, I am a prophet. Now that you have hijacked your Lehman strategic nuclear submarine, I need to speak with your highest official." The prophet was also very polite.

"Hello, your request has been accepted, and it has been classified as hijacking and abduction. While waiting for the connection, please cooperate with us to make a simple registration. It will only delay you for two minutes. Can you see it?" The sister is still kind, let A group of nirvana fighters stared with wide eyes.

"Okay." The prophet only blame himself for being too polite.

"Well, may I ask if you have any special ransom for hijacking the submarine, and I need to remind you that the overall parry of the Thunder eel submarine is more than 3 billion U.S. dollars, which is an important US military property. We have its unquestionable ownership. Your ransom demand determines us The scale of follow-up actions is more than 10 million, and there will be seal commandos to chase you to death until more than 100 million. Drones will bring precision-guided weapons to your residence. If you are required to exchange for hostages or other forms of benefits, this can be Specific consultations. "

"I don't need money, can I transfer up quickly?" The good-tempered prophet has also been asked impatiently.

"The line is a bit busy, please wait. The next question, what is your approach to the crew? Option 1, all abducted; Option 2, some crew members have been killed; Option 3, no survivors. Also remind you The body that violates the hostage is against the humanitarian spirit, and of course it is relatively vague to infringe on men who like men. "

"I didn't sleep on any one person, but they are all dead." The prophet wanted to kill again, but unfortunately did not have the ability to bypass the telephone line to kill.

"That's option 3. Well, your line has been successfully transferred. The following will be negotiated by the president of the United States of America, O'Neill, personally. Thank you for your cooperation and I'd like to ask you to give me after the call. Service score, 1, satisfied, 2 very satisfied, 3 very satisfied ... "

After the prophet ordered 1, he took a long sip of water to calm his mood. After waiting for 50 seconds, the black face of the black donkey finally appeared on the electronic screen of the bridge, and the one representing the pinnacle of power. desk.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Because the black donkey was too dark, he couldn't tell whether he was angry or simply admonishing.

"I was a little hesitant before calling just now, and now ... I definitely have the urge to blow the White House with your **** up into the sky." The prophet's anger was written on his face.

"Listen, although you hijacked one of our strategic nuclear submarines, it does not mean that you can conquer the earth. The major countries have formed a joint response team against your terrorist attack. Do you think it's just me? , You are the enemy of the world! "Okui donkey harshly condemned, now he can see that he is angry.

"I do n’t need you to remind me who my opponent is. In my plan, you all need to clean up one by one. Now, I have 240 nuclear warheads on my hand and 24 steel and wood, the world's strongest ballistic missiles. I also don't need to tell you how powerful they are.

Listen to my request, and help me convey it to other nuclear countries, don't let me appreciate your mobile customer service level.

I have developed a global anti-nuclear plan, which will be sent to your mailbox later. The content is to end war with war and lead humans away from nuclear threats.

The plan requires that all countries open their nuclear arsenals, take out all nuclear bombs and concentrate them in the outer space of the earth for destruction, and promise to never develop nuclear weapons in the future. Said the prophet briefly.

"You must be kidding, you want to threaten the whole world?" Okuh's face was even darker.

"Looking at my expression, am I a joke? You only have 24 hours. After 24 hours, I must see your sincerity to sit down and improve this plan, that is, each of you express your willingness. Sit down and talk. Otherwise, a round of steel and wood will fall in the territory of one of your countries, letting you understand that stubbornness can't save anyone. "The Prophet threatened the most powerful man in the world. .

"I can't give you a positive answer. The United States needs to have a meeting to discuss it. As for other countries, I will relay your request to their heads. But in the end, I want to remind you that you are playing with fire." His face was tantamount to being severely beaten by the prophet, and now he had to find a little scene.

"Thank you for reminding me, I know what I'm doing and I can finally make it. I urge you to go to a meeting quickly. I understand the inefficiency of your parliament." The prophet hung up after finishing talking.

"That's it!" The keyboard hung up the communication randomly.

"What do you do now?" Zushi asked the prophet curiously.

"Of course it was an escape. According to time, their ballistic missiles will arrive in 3 minutes. At this time, we can run as far as we can." The prophet smiled.

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