God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 379: Battle of the Volcanic Island

Chapter 379 The Battle of the Volcano Island

"The Kalibut active volcano last erupted in 1972. The current type of jet is a Pliny-type eruption, a powerful form of volcanic eruption that can spray volcanic ash to an altitude of more than 45 kilometers and then cover a large area This type is mainly acidic magma, with small flow force and high viscosity, but can form a powerful volcanic debris flow.

A brief eruption can end in a day, but it can also last for days or even months. At present, Karibut has not seen magma flowing out, and has been in a state of volcanic ash. Geographic experts explain the state of Monte Island.

"Because the volcanic ash clouds are too thick, we cannot observe the area with satellites and other military means. The volcanic ash clouds have reached a maximum of 20 kilometers, and have now fallen and stabilized at about 10,000 meters. However, it is not recommended to conduct airdrops. First, it is impossible to determine the ground condition, and second, opening an umbrella in volcanic ash is no different from opening an umbrella in a shotgun barrage. "Military experts spoke.

"The volcanic ash cloud has a strong current response and a large number of metal elements, which has caused the communication environment in the area to be very complicated. It is likely that the soldiers who have invested in the area will interrupt communication with the rear and even each other, regardless of any dangerous situation. There is no way to effectively deliver it, only to fight alone. "Communication expert frowned.

"In addition to these unfavorable elements, the most terrifying thing is the threat from that active volcano. No one knows how long the Pulini jet can be maintained. Once converted into a super Vulcano jet, All creatures in that area will be subject to indiscriminate shotgun rain, with a survival rate of less than 1%, "added a geography expert.

While listening to a group of experts analysing the situation, Kaos' face was filled with regret. "I don't know when the Nirvana camp operation will become as procrastinating as it is now.

Danger? How could the battlefield chosen by the prophet **** not be dangerous? Which task is not dangerous for everyone who joins Nirvana? Are our fighters puppets who need superior command? No, they have honed the strongest adaptability in the war and have the strongest ability to adapt to war.

Such trouble is not a category we consider, but a problem they need to face.

And our soldiers are experts in solving problems. They can survive in the most impossible environment, complete tasks, and complete their nirvana.

All we need to do is tell them what the task is. "

While talking, the angel's emergency phone rang, and after being connected, it turned out to be the communication of Bald Eagle Sauce, "Go to your uncle! Can you nirvana camp manage your dog? Just now we were in Canada A military base was raided! A c-17 military transport plane was hijacked, along with a set of airdrop equipment under test! The photos show that the hijacker is exactly what your Nirvana damn!

"It is said that your own defense system is too weak, haven't you told you to strengthen your own defense system?" The angel was also very irritable.

"It's your fault! I want to make a complaint! I won't give you so much small money in the future! The plane's money must be deducted!" The Bald Eagle hanged up without making a call.

"Did Pluto start?" Kaos had already guessed the full contents of the call.

"Yes, I have taken the Bald Eagle's transport plane. I believe it was going to Monte Island. From a distance point of view, he will have a higher priority than us to enter the enemy occupied area." Nirvana's team, Shen Ming at most counts as a veteran veteran, regardless of the efficiency of information acquisition or the efficiency of their operations are slamming their faces.

"Order the combat troops to board the aircraft with their weapons and equipment set off, and detailed combat missions will be delivered before they reach the combat area. Even so, how much slower will our operations be?" Kaos asked for parameters.

"If they choose to drop air directly to the main island ... about 2 hours later," military experts estimate.

"2 hours ... With luck, Pluto may have completed the task, we are just going to clean the battlefield." Kaos optimistically.

"Unlucky, our people go to Shen Ming to collect the dead." Angels are not so optimistic.

"Rest assured that Pluto is the type of person who won't make the goal better, even if he dies. He has priority over us to enter the war zone. It is good and bad. If possible, let our people try to give him some convenience." Cao Steve still reads the old feelings.

At this time, on the seized c-17 military transport plane, et drove this large machine independently, accelerating toward intelligence, and it felt particularly good to fly the plane again after many years. He was reluctant to open the autopilot mode. The upper and lower jumps let the plane sit in various aerobatic actions. You must know that although it is resistant, it is a large transport aircraft after all. Several people sitting in the rear cargo cabin only hate that there are not enough seat belts on the seat. This lunatic driving skills.

Everyone thought that Shenming would make a combat plan on the plane, but Shenming's plan had only one ... determine the target, kill the target, and evacuate the combat area. These cannot be determined before the start of the battle, so it feels simple and simple.

Shen Ming ’s animal companion has asked Xiao Yi to help deliver it while staying at the mouse ’s house. Because the birds are too big, facing the nirvana master, Pan Da is a good battlefield delicious, so it ’s Let the big bird eating salmon rest at home. Instead, black-eyed ants have become more practical. And it's not picky, it doesn't have high requirements for postal delivery, even if it uses a brutal postal company like Yuantong, it can be safely delivered to Shen Ming's hands.

When the black-eyed ant was lying on Shen Ming's shoulder and resting, he dialed a phone number to Xiao Yi. From the time difference, it should have been 2 am in Linhai City and it was time to sleep.

Shen Ming noticed this after making a phone call, but the other side let the phone connect with only one thought, "Hey, Shen Ming?"

"Well, it's me," Shen Ming smiled.

"Oh ..." Xiao Yiben felt like she had a lot to say and a lot of questions to ask, but after hearing Shenming's voice, she found out that what she wanted to say was nonsense. She only wanted to confirm one thing. The person he loves is alive.

"Xiao Yi, we have already set off. The battlefield environment is a bit complicated. When it arrives, it should interrupt communication for a period of time. Please don't worry." Shen Ming said with a preventive needle.

"Well, I know, is your team okay?" Xiao Yi worried.

"No problem, all of them are better than me, and there are no passers-by in the place of operation. They are very good combat equipment." Shen Ming is true.

"Shen Ming ... I miss you so much." Xiao Yi is also a stubborn girl. Let her actively express her emotions, probably only Shen Ming can get it.

"Yeah, I miss you too, should you sleep now?" Shen Ming worried.

"are you busy?"


"Well, talk with me?" Xiao Yi begged.

"Okay, whatever you want to talk about." Shen Ming leaned on his seat to relax and chat with Xiao Yi. From the recent change in Linhai City, all the way to Waner's test results, all trivial matters, but Let Shen Ming miss her ordinary, simple, and even boring family life more and more.

Only those who have experienced the bullet rain will truly be full of awe and desire for ordinary people, and only those soldiers with ordinary lives will not lose themselves in the blood and rain and always know which direction to go.

After a 30-minute international call, Shen Ming talked to Xiao Yi and fell asleep while listening to Shen Ming's voice, and then Shen Ming quietly hung up the phone.

"I didn't expect you to say so, mother-in-law and mother-in-law." The mouse sitting next to Shen Ming slammed the keyboard and despised.

"After you fall in love, you will understand that this nonsense is also a kind of happiness." Shen Ming laughed.

"Who said that our mouse sauce is not in love? Doesn't that iced version sleeping in his closet count?" The trial teased with a cigar.

"Shen Ming means talking partner." The night watchman reminded.

"Who said that his Bingbing version of the doll would not speak? That thing can at least speak Yalong butterfly in sixteen languages." Black Pearl smiled.

"In order to prevent my girlfriend from being derailed, I saw the mouse let off my girlfriend's anger when I left." The et in the cockpit also made a noise through the intercom.

"You bastards, don't have a bank card, otherwise you will become poor in minutes." The mouse pushed the black frame glasses on the bridge of the nose.

When military forces around the world were approaching Monte Island, the prophet sitting in a residential study was reading a book.

A worm division in a white coat came over and knocked on the open door.

"Prophet, it's time." Zushi arrived at the sofa and sat down, holding the monitoring device in his hand and putting it

On the side, various metal sheets were pasted over the prophet's body, and the potion was reconstituted for the prophet to instill. The smell was more disgusting than the bitter Coptis chinensis, but the prophet didn't frown.

"Your physical condition looks good, but the four **** beasts are advancing along the blood vessel meridians toward the main internal organs. Once occupied by them, you will die." Worm Division was extremely honest.

"I heard that I am the second person to drive a nanoworm. Did the previous one have the same confusion as me?" The prophet asked without fear, smiling.

"The person you said is Pluto. It's a great warrior like you, probably because of different control methods, and he had an arm as a host when colonizing, so there was no sign of spread." The entomologist couldn't ensure every nanoworm. All hosts can support them for years.

"How long can I live?" The Prophet asked.

"It depends on how often you use the Four God Beasts, up to three years, the shortest, maybe only one month." The worm division pronounced the death sentence of the prophet.

"It's enough for me. Thank you for giving me a second life so that I can do what I want to do. Thank you." The prophet said sincerely.


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