God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 380: Land on Monte Island

Chapter 380 Landing on Monte Island

For special reasons, intelligence has opened the world's borders. The two fleet formations of the dynasty and the two aircraft carrier formations of the Bald Eagle arrived at the outer sea of ​​Monte Island as early as possible. Twenty-four hours or more, the number of fleets outside Monte Island will exceed the number of joint military exercises around the world. They will have enough firepower levels to erase the entire Monte Island from the map, but their purpose here is to stand in friendship. To avoid the prophets who escaped from the island without faith.

The assembly of such a large-scale fleet cannot be ignored by the news media, so it is announced to the outside that this is a humanitarian rescue, helping intellectual countries to survive the difficult period of volcanic eruptions.

The President of Intellect wants to cry without tears, even if your mother is driving an aircraft carrier to help, even if you do n’t even give me a tent!

They could not learn about the situation on the island, and they also tried to send drones to conduct investigations. However, once they entered the volcanic ash drifting area, the signal disappeared, and the engine sucked in a cylinder of ash and exploded directly into a fireball.

Facing the unknown in the war zone is a difficult problem for everyone, including the C ** transport aircraft flying in the sky.

"I have set up autonomous driving. The current fall parachute coordinate is the central park of the city of Monte. I ca n’t predict what kind of attack I will encounter. The biggest headache is that I do n’t even know if the airdrop safety cabin of the US Emperor will work well. After all, it is an experimental stage. If something goes wrong, we will land on a pile of corpses. "Et is the most experienced driver in a group of people, but looking at the tin cans in the warehouse is still unhappy, after all, it landed There is no way to control the equipment, and all life and death are left to the equipment to adjust.

"Relax, there are so many people accompany you to die together, how lively!" Shen Ming smiled and said.

"Do you think you are a beauty? What's so confusing about dying with me?" Et grumbled.

"He's not a beauty, I am, let's go." Black Pearl touched et's jaw charmingly, and just walked into the airdrop cabin.

Speaking of Shen Mingq, this airdrop capsule is an important invention in the Bald Eagle Sauce downhill battle. An airdrop capsule is similar to a rocket-shaped satellite capsule in a conical shape. In theory, it can airdrop a battle formation of up to twelve people in one breath. And full equipment.

The use of the airdrop cabin allows the height of the airdrop to break through the human limit. It can launch airdrops from the near-orbit area and reduce the personnel's air time to a minimum because it uses an anti-gravity rocket to slow down, making it able to lift off the ground. The brakes are activated in an area of ​​only 500 meters, which can send soldiers to the battlefield as soon as possible.

In addition, the airdrop cabin also has an armored layer to resist anti-aircraft artillery. The use of this decoy can effectively avoid missile attacks, and it can also correct itself in the air to ensure that it falls 100% into the predetermined coordinate area.

Although the benefits are endless, the only drawback is ... is he too expensive! The cost of an airdrop cabin is as high as 3 million US dollars, and it is only a one-time prop. This has made a group of big names in the military scold. This is not an airdrop soldier, or airdrop cash! You have to know that the cost of a parachute is only a few hundred dollars, and the pensions for the 12 soldiers' annihilation are only 1 million. None of them need to be airdropped under the protection of such expensive equipment.

This plan can only be used as the material for the sci-fi war in the game company. In reality, there are no silly hat leaders who let their soldiers use special equipment to enter the theater on a large scale.

"Everyone." In the airdrop cabin, Shen Ming tied himself to a fixed position and watched everyone laugh, "I hope we can meet again alive on the ground."

"Can't you say something good to him?" Et scolded resentfully, and the others also raised their middle fingers towards the captain.

The airdrop location arrived, the rear cabin of c17 opened, and the slide rail naturally ejected the airdrop cabin out of the cabin. At this moment, they were free-falling at an altitude of 14,500 meters. The small glass windows around the cabin showed a blue sky. You can watch how you fall down.

The gravity tear felt like parachuting with a tank car, and the airdrop capsule pierced vertically towards the volcanic clouds below.

As it penetrated the volcanic ash cloud, the surface of the airdrop capsule was crackled by the impact of countless gravels, as if hundreds of anti-aircraft guns aimed at them.

The entire airdrop capsule vibrates more severely than a mobile phone, and it feels like it will be torn apart in this gravel cloud at any time.

Everyone is worried that the external airdrop capsule rocket launcher will not be damaged, otherwise they will become suicide idiots and die by accident.

Fortunately, at a distance of 500 meters from the ground, the engine of the airdrop capsule quickly started, and the four rocket nozzles were intact, which made people lament the excellent technology of the American Emperor's goods. Products must be dead.

The astonishing airdrop capsule landed on the lawn of the original Central Park, and in the door opened with one foot, five different types of firearms were suddenly extended. After waiting for 5 minutes without shelling, Shen Ming took the lead and stepped out of the airdrop cabin.

At the moment Monte Island no longer looks like a resort. A large number of red volcanic ash clouds are covering the sky, dyeing the earth and everything red. The original green grass was piled with red volcanic ash with a depth of 30 centimeters. This ash is more like a small stone.

The sky was like snow, and red and black volcanic ash were constantly floating. The respirator and eye mask worn by Shen Ming dare not take it down, because in this environment, all the sharp stealth killers entrained in the air, once inhaled into the lungs, it will only die for half an hour due to bleeding in the lung lobe. Many deceased will find that the lung lobes have become cement-like when they finally planed.

"There is no reason. This should be a key area for airdrops. Will the prophet not arrange personnel defense?" The trial came out with the machine gun of the m60, and he was carrying a large ammunition box just like Rambo.

"No one has bombed you, are you still not used to it?" Black Pearl jumped out of the airdrop cabin lightly. She didn't like bulky weapons. In addition to her flying knife, she also had a puppet country hanging upside down behind her. Outside of the samurai sword, there were only two mp7 fast-fire miniature submachine guns in his hand.

"I'm here! Hahaha!" Et excited to be alive, drove out of the other side of the airdrop cabin with a four-wheeled battlefield motorcycle, and then the tow truck was filled with various ammunition equipment, rolled up for a while Laterite.

"Be careful, don't get stuck in the sand. No one will help you to pull the car." After confirming the safety, the mouse came out of the airdrop cabin. His portable computer system has been upgraded. The tactical computer allows the display screen to fit completely on his right arm. A half-length physical keyboard can pop up under both hands, which can be spliced ​​or split input. Of course, it can also be input directly on the touch screen. .

The entities of the host are in his backpack. The performance is comparable to the main military server, and the battery life can be maintained for 4 days and 24 hours.

"Pluto, I said goodbye here." The night watchman walked to Shen Ming with a large bag of sniper equipment.

"Understand, pay attention to safety." Shen Ming nodded.

"You are." The night watchman smiled. "May God bless us, except for the mouse, because he does the baby."

The mouse is too late for the anti-voicing trough. The night watchman has run away. As the best sniper in the team, he will be the most trusted long-range fire shield for everyone. In order to cover everyone, he naturally cannot stay in the team. Specifically, he will appear there, and he will not tell anyone to ensure that even if a player is arrested, it will not threaten the safety of the night watchman.

You just need to know that there will be such a muzzle always looking after them.

Through the analysis of the electromagnetic environment, the maximum effective distance of the communication system is only about 1500 meters. Beyond this distance, there is only pure current noise, and the power supply system in the city is still partially maintained, but the monitoring system has been Totally destroyed.

Searching for a latent enemy in such an environment is actually not much different from finding death.

However, the mourning of the high-precision sniper rifle surrounding the m200 intervener went to the city before the team. Sweeping neighborhoods has always been the most dangerous operation in counter-terrorism operations, especially without any intelligence support.

Shen Ming took the mouse to the right of the street, and Black Pearl and Judgment walked to the left of the street, leaving Liu et alone to drive a quad bike to follow the back of the team.

"Mom, I always feel fooled!" Although et wore heavy armor and was wrapped like a mech warrior, he was still insecure because he was like a fireflies in the dark with a lot of supplies, bright Flail will glow.

With the habit of training in Nirvana camp, it ’s better to beat people and hit their faces, shoot their legs, and destroy the enemy ’s supply than anything else.

"Rest assured, my warning range is more than 800 meters, and the night watchman's warning range is more than 1500 meters. Once someone dares to say hello to you, we have so many shots together, he is dead." Shen Ming Mao walked forward with his waist on his side. While comforting et.

"Hehe, to put it plainly, I'm a poor little fishing lure to help you come fishing, and you didn't tell me earlier, mom, I want to go home and never play with this group of daddy!" To make every day should not be, to make the earth not work.

In fact, the investigators who advanced ahead of the troops were black-eyed ants, which transmitted information back through the camera, all in Shen Ming's tactical glasses.

Sweeping for an hour, Shen Ming and others found nothing, not to mention the prophet, not even the figures of those Nirvana warriors. The most important thing is that Mingmeng Island is the battlefield selected by the prophet, but the local defense is too weak, and even a few scattered mines cannot find one, let alone a hidden high lethal trap.

What did the Prophet want to do? Such a defense could not counter the large-scale invasion of the Nirvana camp. Shen Ming came to the famous commercial pedestrian street of Monte Island with the doubts in his heart, and the murder that he expected was among them.


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