God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 390: Creationism

Chapter 390 Creationism

The term "shenming", Shen Ming, has been heard for the second time. The first time the worm division mentioned it to him, saying that the basic purpose of Heihe Science and Technology Research Institute is to create gods. At that time, Shen Ming also felt that it must be a gold owner who had too much money to hurt the egg.

But now it seems that the owner of the back of the Heilongjiang Science Research Institute and the owner of the Nirvana camp are the same people. These two organizations alone have mastered the world's most powerful force and intelligence, which shows that their tremendous strength is beyond doubt.

Why did you make God? What does God mean to them, it still needs to listen quietly.

"Prophet, do you believe that there is really a **** in the world? All the gods are so rich and free, why waste time on pursuing such meaningless things?" Shen Ming smiled helplessly.

"No, the **** they think is not the same as the God we know in the traditional sense, the Lord of the Buddha, the Supreme Master of Haotian, the supreme supreme nature, and the **** Miro to the true emperor ..." the prophet explained.

"Your words are shameless ... what's the difference?" Shen Ming was ashamed.

"The **** they speak of is the perfect life form above all living things, abandoning many human emotions that affect the mind, possessing demon-like fighting abilities, and wonderful thinking abilities. They can be absolutely absolute at any time. A fair attitude solves every problem that plagues human development.

These twelve lifeless people are also the demigods that I speak of. In fact, everyone controls a huge industry in the world of people, and there will often be conflicts between them. For the peaceful industry, the demigods that control the war industry must Compromise. In order to protect the environment, demigods engaged in the resource development industry must also give in.

This is not a random apology among the brothers. Each decision between them represents the future historical direction of humanity.

They understand that in addition to living infinitely, they actually have many human inferiorities. Selfishness, greed, suspicion, sex, etc. They cannot balance the relationship of the world, and the end result of human beings in their hands is likely to be perish.

So they need God, a **** who allows them to follow sincerely, to become the leader of all humanity.

Whether it is Nirvana camp or Heihe Research Institute, it is just one of their many ways to pursue God. "

"What you said is really good. If you can let them do it, human beings will only have to think about how to be a dog." Shen Ming cooked the lamb roll and tasted it. Authentic, but still edible.

"After knowing all this, there is only one thing I can think of, maybe I can do something for this world, and get out of the control of the twelve demigods. Although not a god, I want to change the world to a future without return." The prophet ate Niu Wan Road.

"In the end, you failed?" Shen Ming hehe said.

"Successful, will I still eat hot pot with you?" The prophet reluctantly said, "After 20 years of imprisonment, I finally wanted to understand that the purpose of their creation of Nirvana was not to create a **** in Nirvana camp. From that we can never become gods.

If all human beings in the world are likened to dogs, we must be war dogs in these dogs. Our existence is to become the deities of the demigods to hold the world firmly in their hands. Opposition, the mission of Nirvana camp is to completely destroy this country, and it is not necessary to kill as many people as possible. "

This is the reason why the Prophet must destroy the Nirvana camp. He cannot find the demigods who are high above him. At least he can destroy the sword in their hands and give the world a relative peace and stability.

"Isn't it the twelve demigods that have made such a big circle? Wouldn't it be great if they were made?" Shen Ming said lightly, just like killing a mosquito.

"That is not to challenge the world, but to destroy the world. Can you imagine the chaos when everything is out of effective control? Unstoppable war will devour everything, and barren regions without international assistance will be like **** on earth." Shaking his head denied the deep thought.

"You upper-class people, the advantage is that there are many ideas, and the disadvantages are too many ideas. Haven't you come yet? After this meal, everything has nothing to do with me. After this meal, you just have to think about what to eat next. Just fine.

Human beings are nothing but animals. Without leadership, they will find ways to survive. No matter what the world is, some people will survive. This is instinct. "Shen Ming said the prophet Mao Saidun opened.

"What an irresponsible speech you are!"

"People don't need to bear the responsibility of half a cent for everything except their own lives." Shen Ming smelled shamelessly.

"Then why are you here to rescue me as a bodyguard?" The prophet countered.

"1, it hurts when I'm idle; 2, am I on this island? 3, An Qi's account hasn't been calculated with you, our story hasn't been turned over yet, how can you sit by and watch my friends Play self-explosion? "Shen Ming raised his fingers one by one.

"Your thinking ... It's really simple, just like a single-cell paramecium, it's completely straight-line thinking, so simple that it doesn't turn at all." The prophet was shocked to heaven and could not think of a living nirvana. Boy can be so simple.

"4. You owe me this meal. You must pay me back the next day." Shen Ming continued to scoop up his mutton.

Three hours later, it was finally time for scouts to return to the sea. Li Wang and others continued their search at a constant speed while waiting for their news. But unfortunately, only four of the eight scouts returned successfully. Not to mention the loss rate was more than half. Two of the four returned were chased all the way ...

However, no one in Shenming has lost his combat power. The reason can be understood from the way of fighting and the preparation for fighting. Li Wang had long thought that Shen Ming would consume scouts in a one-to-one manner to protect his trap layout and monitoring rights, but he did not expect that even Meng Na would be in the damage sequence.

In order to stabilize the military mind, Li Wang and others announced that the reason is that Meng Na performs a long-term mission, so there is no need to return to report. But in fact, Li Wang told Meng Na that no matter how difficult the task is, he must come back and report once when the time comes.

I haven't returned now, for one reason ... she was "made" by Shen Ming.

This is by no means an easy task, at least during the deep periods of Nirvana before. To say that the team pits Meng Na, what Shen Ming can do at most is to force Meng Na to stop scouting missions to return home in advance. It is impossible to catch up with Meng Na's speed and endurance.

The only possibility was that Shen Ming chose a positive combat mode that Meng Na could accept, and lost to his hands.

To ensure the continuity of the battle, King Li did not terminate the scouting plan that lost more than half of it. The second wave of scouting rushed into the war zone from all directions immediately after only 3 minutes of interval. It is intended to completely destroy the Shenming team in this scouting mission.

As for Shen Ming's side, et has already drawn a lottery, but did not kill a scout, but just drove one away; Black Pearl, the night watchman, and Shen Ming each killed one, and the trial only drove one away, but it was uninformed Not hurt.

It's not that the trial can't be done, but in the face of this endless fighting mode, he hopes to keep his energy consumption low instead of killing scouts.

The horror of protracted warfare is not short-term personnel gains and losses, but endless battles. Can't sleep, can't breathe, even eating must be done while running. The enemy also does not plan to win against you in seconds, and consumes your physical energy to the maximum by means of a large transfer.

If you chase him, run and fight back; if you do n’t chase him, he will continue to undermine the task of communication monitoring network, feel that the strength is good, and will come back to tease you deliberately, just do not give breathing opportunities.

The war between nirvana and nirvana is a nightmare that is more terrifying than nightmares. They know each other too much. When the fundamental battle conditions such as the number of people and equipment are too different, the final result is hard to change no matter what you do. Everything looks back at your performance, it's probably just the performance of the clown jumping clown.

Finally, on the second day of the attrition war, that is, the seventh wave of scouts, the Nirvana camp accounted for a total of 15 scouts. On the Shenming side, Black Pearl was tired enough to stop fighting and fell into a forced rest. In the trials, the trials and the night watchmen were also overwhelmed by physical stamina. The pressure on the scouts was significantly reduced, and the fighting time was prolonged. Only the deep physical strength can be maintained. And et's "little life" also explained ...

He killed a total of scouts in these 7 waves of attacks and forced two away. When the nirvana elites knew that he had only been a low-level nirvana in Nirvana 2nd Battalion, they all took a cool breath, after all, it was the elite of the 1st Battalion.

"Brother, I'm just a corpse. Do you have to play with me like this?" Et was tied to a long wooden stick and stuck in front of the bonfire of the temporary camp where Nirvana was stationed, just like a wild boar ready to be roasted, just I almost got an apple in his mouth.

"Who said you were a corpse, I haven't killed you." Sitting on the side, the falcon stepped on that wooden pole, letting Et topple over to the bonfire, the hot feeling made the skin hurt. " You are a prisoner of war and an important source of information for us. I can't bear to die. "

"Is that right? I didn't say it earlier, it wasn't good to serve Uncle Ben with good wine and meat. After eating, I can tell you everything!" Et smiled.

"Do you want him to be good! There is no need to feed you, we also have a way to tell you!" The Falcon stood up, slap it on et's face, and his face suddenly became bruised, The corners of his mouth were bleeding, and he never took half a shot. The surrounding companions looked really awkward, after all, it wasn't how to count et and nirvana, they were their own.

"Cool, come again." Et continued to laugh.

"Do you think I dare not?" The Falcon slaps it back again.


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