God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 391: Shoulderless sniper

Chapter 391: Nobody Shoulder Sniper

The relaxed atmosphere in the camp was directly lost by those two slaps, and everyone sitting by the campfire couldn't laugh anymore. This is a small camp with 8 people. In addition to two people sending out whistle, the other 6 people are sitting in front of the campfire eating barbecue.

Li Wang was a member of this team, but one day after Meng Na left, there was some emotional deviation in the big team that belonged to her, and there were not enough people to shock the scene. Li Wang came to help .

As for this, it is left to others to manage. Generally speaking, the problem should be small. The fighting strength here is not bad, and the loss of scouts is also the least, but what King Li unexpectedly did is that the Falcons really did kill a deep player, and the Falcons reported that they were "killed", but Now he denies it.

"Say, why are you a prophet's running dog with Shen Ming's traitor?" Falcon roared in the set of forced confession.

"It's very simple, because he doesn't smell bad to you, can you stay away from me? In that tone ... have you eaten shit?" Frowned.

"Pop!" The Falcon slaps again, which is even more strenuous, and even the rear molars burst out.

"Well, Falcon, just play, there is no need to come to the real." A member of the team persuaded.

"What does it mean to play? The prophet killed so many of us, rushed to our base with nirvana, even the king's head died in his hands. Is it fun? Shen Ming originally brought a group of people I think the prophet is quite righteous, but did he end up fighting, when he was the bastard's running dog, he forced us to participate in this meaningless exercise and killed 15 of our team members. Are they playing? His words were obviously better than his marksmanship, which evoked nameless anger in everyone's heart.

"Don't call it as anxious as the little aunts who have come to the aunt? I'm not Shenming, you can use my hair to smoke. Want information, or that sentence, ready to order good wine and good food, maybe grandpa Just say. "Et didn't understand what the falcon was calling.

"No, I don't want any information from you. I want you to kneel down now and tell me, 'Dad, I'm wrong.'" The Falcon smirked and came up with a different gameplay.

"Good boy, even if you call me dad, I won't be happy. Who told you to bad breath and not brush your teeth? Bad your dad's reputation!" Et shook his head and sighed.

Everyone then reacted, and accidentally, the Falcon was taken advantage.

"What about him! It's not honest to be tied!" The falcon furiously set a combination of fists, swinging a wooden pole, and the et on the pole swung left and right like a banner, blood sprayed on it. A bonfire sparked a spark. Enforcement of torture and anti-torture training are the basic skills of Nirvanas, but they are all for training, and now everyone is uncomfortable looking at each other.

And just outside the camp, at 1100 meters, Shenming was sitting on a branch of a tall tree, setting up his m200 intervener long-range precision sniper rifle and watching everything happening in the camp.

"I said that the sniper point you chose has a good view, but it has exceeded its range too much, unless you plan to use live ammunition ..." The inseparable prophet was sitting next to Shen Ming. The air today is good, and the volcanic ash finally stopped after many days Now, the thick volcanic clouds that were slightly scattered, faintly sprinkled some moonlight.

"It ’s an exercise, why am I using live ammunition? Am I the kind of idiot?" Shen Ming despised and took out his last aluminum-painted rubber paintball, using a fencing saber to be careful on the warhead He pulled up the V-shaped thread traces, "But obviously, some people on their side have forgotten to call him the convention, the terms of preferential treatment for the captives are all forgotten, it is necessary to help them remember."

"You really can make the bullet hit the target more than double the range?" The prophet also learned sniper before, not the top, but also the sniper level of special forces of all countries in the world. He can only be full of doubts about what Shen Ming is going to do.

"It's not that I let the bullet hit the target more than twice the range, but that the earth helped me to complete the trajectory correction beyond the range. With the help of the current windless weather, a suitable earth rotation angle, a clean atmosphere, and some ammunition, Modification, this is not too difficult. "Shen Ming finished, slid the carved bullet into the barrel of the gun, and removed the muffler and muffler at the muzzle, in order to ensure that the initial speed of the bullet's vent Will be weakened, but this is doomed to expose his goals.

"Do you think about what the consequences of this shot will be? If they catch up, and you won't let me take the shot, can you kill 8 people by yourself?" The prophet reminded.

"What about eight people? As long as you are not a burden to me, in this dark forest, even if the gods dare chase me, I can make them unable to see the sun of tomorrow." Shen Ming crouched with a chuckle and sat down, With the knee supported the gun body was aimed in the direction of the camp.

How do you need to rely on gravity and inertia to attack too much, you can't even see the falcon in the deep cross mirror, only a little black hair on the lower edge.

"If this shot can hit ... heaven and earth, no one can stand with you on sniping." The prophet was filled with emotion.

"What if no one is shoulder-to-shoulder? Isn't it a group of funny demigod dolls?" Shen Ming smiled and bent his fingers gently, the ultra-light trigger acted like a pushed feather, and activated the firing pin without any sign, accurate. The fire of the positive neutron bomb, the threaded aluminum shell warhead was ejected from the m200 muzzle by the impact force, and the flash of fire quickly attracted the attention of a sniper guard. The instinct of raising the gun wanted to counterattack and only reacted. That was From a sniper 800 meters away from him, his bullets did not have the ability to counterattack at all.

And for such a long distance sniper, unless Shen Ming uses live ammunition, there is no chance of hitting.

He knew in his mind that he only remembered the report at this moment, but the sound of gunfire had already come, and everyone also reacted and made evasive actions. Only the falcon with his back to the sniper point, and the body he was excited to forget Dodging.

The thread of the cartridge case allows the bullet to rotate wildly in the air, and the speed is even close to the ultra-high-speed customized warhead. The small aluminum warhead first penetrates the softest and most fragile part of the falcon's body. If you think of eggs, sorry, you are evil.

The left ear of the falcon was torn by the inertia of the hole, and the aluminum shell was peeled off and scattered, exposing the real rubber paintball inside, hitting the chest of et.

The relationship of too much impact force even pushed the wooden rod used by the et to the ground.

The et who was beaten to an unrecognizable place didn't know if it was stupid or stupid, and smiled bitterly, "Dog Pluto, are you a maggot in my stomach? I just want to get a shot, you give it I made up the shot, cool! "

Rescuing or removing captives is a common tactic in team operations. But now that the weapon range of both sides has been shortened by a large area, the nirvana elites have not considered the possibility of Shen daring to come and "kill" et. After all, this is an exercise. At risk, such a shot, et does not It's really dead, and you can still open your mouth to talk.

The ultimate test of an exercise is everyone's limits. Not only the limits of physical fitness, limits of tactics, but also the seriousness of limits. Only enough concentrators can stand on the battlefield to become kings.

The falcon covered his blood-shedding ears, and turned tremblingly and looked into the distance. Under a moonlight, Shen Ming stood up from his hidden treetops, and the m200 intervener in his hand was like a high one. Gods. He didn't rush to escape at all, and the gap of 1100 meters was the biggest reason for his fearlessness.

"My bastard! I want your life!" The furious falcon forgot the rules of the Shenming exercise, took awp in his hand to remove the rubber paintball in the barrel, and filled the live ammunition of the long-range armor-piercing bullet.

But before he raised his gun to aim, a nirvana next to him finally punched him in the face. The brother was a large heavy armored soldier who directly swung the falcon in the air for two and a half weeks. , Fell heavily to the ground.

"Do n’t you see him here? Others rely on super-range snipers with real skills. If you have the skills, you can use a practice bomb. It does n’t matter if you lose, and you are afraid that you wo n’t even lose your face.” All the voices of everyone.

Faced with the demise of success, everyone watched him lightly jump off the treetops, then disappeared into the dark forest.

This result is also obtained after everyone's report. King Li forbids any personnel to pursue. The night forest is the best battlefield in Shenming. Once he is dragged to the ambush area, how much nirvana is not enough for him to eat.

The so-called nirvana are not all superhuman beings in body structure, but they use richer experience and more diversified tactics to understand what kind of enemy they should face, when they should use it, and what skills they use. At the same time, avoid killing enemies that you cannot deal with at times that are not yours.

Shen Ming wasted his last long-range warhead tonight, but only one ear was captured, which is the most loss-making trade in his one-and-a-half day's war of attrition.

However, the shot of Pluto also made these nirvana elites understand that although everyone was born of nirvana, obviously the way Shen Ming opened the copy was different from them. The talents and skills were also very different. I wanted to kill the professional jungler. Fighting alone is a must to give away.

On this side, King Li also issued an order. The scout operation time was reduced from the original 3 hours to 2 hours. The rotation frequency was higher. The number of personnel increased from 8 to 12. The combat mission was in addition to the traditional destruction of enemy zone traps and communications. In addition to the monitoring equipment, it also comes with a search for fighters and eliminates living forces such as Shen Ming.

Shenming's big trouble is coming ...


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