God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 424: Deadly game

Chapter 424: Fatal Game

It took only one second for Shen Ming to switch from assistant to bodyguard. He began the transformation of the president's office, installing hidden cameras, pulling thick curtains, and wearing a tracker for Pinfan.

Shen Ming originally hoped Pin Fan could put on bulletproof protective gear, but after Pin Fan glanced at the bulletproof vest, she willingly died, and refused to put the ugly thing on her body.

In addition to this, Shen Ming also sent Xiao Yi something.

"Hey, are you really here now?" Xiao Yi reminded when she handed the package to Shen Ming.

"The opponent's level is different, you better be careful, I don't want you to be in danger." Shen Ming worried.

"Rest assured, you have been ** for so long, you may not be able to beat others, but the road must be a good hand, you still have to be careful!" Xiao Yi said and drove away.

Back in the office, Shen Ming opened the parcel in front of Pin Fan, and it turned out to be a usp semi-automatic pistol, and a bunch of various bullets.

"Is it necessary to use a gun?" Pinfan wondered.

"If I can, I don't want to use firearms in an urban environment, but the opponent I'm facing this time is not an ordinary person." Shen Ming said generally while holding down a magazine. The gun was the one he asked Xiao Yi to buy from local Yes, it is not cheap, but the goods are very formal. Absolutely new guns. You can also buy steel core armor piercing bullets.

The foreigner who sold the gun to Xiao Yi also reminded many times that this kind of bullet hurts the gun machine very much, but it is not guaranteed if it is broken.

Service can be described as industry conscience.

"How did you meet my brother?" Pin Van curiously asked.

"In the past, he did an incredible job, and my superiors at the time gave me a password, and I was the one who did it.

But when I saw him, I realized that he was only a child. My heart softened and I didn't have to go.

Later we became friends. He helped me a lot. "Shen Mingyi said in the past.

"Then what is he doing now? Is he a good guy?" Pinfan was nervous.

"From the perspective of information security, he must be a bad guy. If he is a trusted brother in terms of making friends," Shen Ming's answer made Pin Fan's heart much wider.

Just then, Jasmine pushed in the door and walked in, holding the schedule, saying, "my.queen, it's time to go. The reporters of the press conference have gathered in the hotel, and thirty minutes will start."

"Itinerary is not available. Jasmine asked the media to reschedule. We will inform you of the specific time 30 minutes in advance." Shen Ming said as he took over the schedule from Jasmine.

"Shen Ming, you are so brave, you can modify my.queen's schedule at will, don't you want to do it?" Jasmine was angry.

"Jasmine, arrange according to his intentions, and find a reason to explain to the media that the meal will be better." Pin Fan even helped Shen Ming speak, clearly such acts in the past were absolutely not allowed.

"But queen ..." Jasmine wanted to say something more. The phone on Pinfan's desktop rang. Before Pinfan picked up, Shen Ming took the lead to connect the phone.

"This is the Pinfan office. I can help you with anything." Shen Ming signaled to the angry Jasmine and calmed down.

"Shen Ming, do you really have something to help me, can Phan Fan ’s head give me?" It wasn't someone else who called, it was Zhu Zhiyu.

"This request is a bit difficult. If you are booking your own head, I can help you remove him." Shen Ming is approachable.

"Hey, sure, you and Natasha are the same, and they are a funny guy. I have n’t introduced myself for the first time. I ’m Natasha ’s owner and reformer. My name is Zhu Zhiyu, a member of Heihe Science and Technology Research Institute. One. "Zhu Zhiyu was never fired as himself.

"Hello, I'm not interested in who you are. I'm just curious. Do the big guys in the Black Technology Research Institute need to do private work other than scientific research accidents? Are you short of money for cosmetic surgery?" Judging that Zhu Zhiyu was ugly.

"Don't talk so badly, I am full of affection for you. After all, you are the work of the worm division, he is a biological scientist I admire very much. For the special fighting power you have shown, it also makes me surprised. Interests let me dissect? Of course it's all for science. "Zhu Zhiyu sincerely invited.

"Hey, are you head on?" Shen Ming despised.

"I know you do n’t have dedication, but fortunately I am also prepared. Let ’s play a game. Since you are a bodyguard and I am an assassin, I will use the life of Pinnacle as the criterion for victory. In the next 72 hours Inside, I will use her person to take her life. If I can do it, please come and wash the fart and come to me as the experimental material. "Zhu Zhiyu decided without permission.

"What if you can't do it? Do you bring your own head to play for me?"

"No, no, no, I can help you solve the troubles of the Shenhu Group, and let them give up the life of taking the Brahma to gain benefits. I believe that you can reduce a lot of trouble, after all, they still have about half a month. You can continue to hunt. For you, 72 hours of protection is better than ten days of intimidation? "Zhu Zhiyu smiled.

"Why do I believe you will fulfill your promise?" Shen Ming continued to despise.

"Whether you believe it or not, 72 hours of desperate hunting will start. Accept it, you have a little benefit." Zhu Zhiyu looks like a believer or not.

"I see, say the rules." Shen Ming was also very refreshing.

"Very well, rule 1, you must not ask for help from others; rule 2, you cannot ask animal teammates to provide support; rule 3, you must not escape from the Paris area; rule 4, you must not call the police." Zhu Zhiyu's conditions can be described as excessive, as if I want to draw You, you stand firm and do not move as rude.

"Okay, I accepted, but I also had a request," Shen Ming added.

"Speak and listen." Zhu Zhiyu was also in a good mood.

"Except for me and Pinnacle, no one else."

"This one……"

"Come on, so many of you, playing so many rules, I only ask for one you are still hesitant about, how bad you are, and you don't even have the courage to stand up to me?" Shen Ming mocked ironically.

"Okay, the deal is over, then, I will wait for you to lie down on my operating table in my studio." Zhu Zhiyu excited.

"Wait slowly, there won't be this day." Shen Ming hung up the phone.

Facing the two inexplicable girls in the house, Shen Ming said solemnly, "Take the brahma, change clothes, we will go now."

"Go? Where are you going?" Jasmine's head is big, because Vitamy's new product launch is imminent, too many things are waiting for Pinfan to do.

"You still don't know well. We will lose contact within the next 72 hours, but please believe me, she will return safely. Do not report to the police during the period and cancel all activities." Shen Ming said while checking out , Basic cash, water and sleeping bags are packed in.

"What is Shen Ming doing?" Pin Fan couldn't understand.

"Want to see your brother alive, all you need to do now is listen to me." Shen Ming calmly said.

This single reason alone is enough to let Pinnacle drop all the rules established over the years.

Jasmine was stunned and looked at the ingenious queen who had changed into sportswear and jogging shoes in accordance with the deep requirements, which in the past were satired by Pinfan to be a shroud-like ugly design.

"Jasmine, I'm going to trouble you next. I will rush back before the press conference. You can email me the relevant work content. I will take the time to return to you when I have time." The hair became ponytail.

"Queen is really so dangerous. I'll call the police. We also ate with the police chief last time." Jasmine really didn't like Shenming's solution.

"If the thing we are facing is something the police can handle, I don't need to come here to help me. Time is not enough, it's time to leave." Shen Ming looked at his watch and walked with his backpack straight to the main entrance of the Vitami office building. go with.

The picture shows a red fire extinguisher taken out of the fire cabinet.

Immediately after opening the front door, Shen Ming threw the fire extinguisher directly onto the sidewalk. Passers-by around him had not responded yet. Shen Ming shook his hand and snorted with a muffler.

The fire extinguisher spinning on the road exploded into a cloud of white smoke, staining the entire Vitamy doorway white.

A crowd of passers-by fled, or fell to the ground.

A soldier Nick in a sniper's seat in the distance bit a lollipop and smiled. "Dear, that kid is very professional, and he has already entered the fighting state."

"Nick is on alert, don't rush to shoot if you can't die. Others pay attention to follow up." Natasha gave an order, and she turned into a commander.

"You told me to do it, notice that they moved west, and I changed to a sniper point." Nick said, carrying his full-size sniper rifle and turning his head off a high-rise platform.

Shen Ming held Pin Fan's hand tightly and pulled her through an alley.

Shen Ming walked very quickly, and the often-fit fitness Fanfan felt that it was a bit difficult to follow.

Although he has only been here for a few days, Shen Ming is beyond familiar with the surroundings, even the password of the back door of a pizzeria in the alley is known.

Shen Ming did not leave from the alley, but passed directly through the back chef of the pizzeria. He dropped 500 euros at the front desk, put a sunscreen on the pizzeria in the phantom coat, and picked up one on the wall. I took the motorcycle key and quickly took the motorcycle to the highway with Pinfan driving away.

In order to avoid the attack behind him, Shen Ming let Pinfan sit in front, and he drove from behind holding the faucet, it looked like Pinfan sat directly in Shenming's arms.

Pin Fan has n’t left this kind of thing for a long time, and said it ’s a go-and-go experience. The last time I took my brother away from home was the only way to do it. And now, although being hunted down, it feels good to have a solid chest to rely on.


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