God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 425: Break out of the siege

Chapter 425: Out of the Encirclement

Driving a small motorcycle on a continuous highway, because of the posture, Shen Ming can only stick to Pin Fan's back, and her head can only be seen on the shoulder to see the road ahead.

In the presence of more than 1,000 people, Pin Fan dared to wear only the development conference of lace underwear, but at the moment in the arms of Shen Ming, some deer's bodies were trembling slightly.

"Are you afraid?" Shen Ming mistakenly thought that Pin Fan's tension came from the threat of death.

"Well," Pin van slightly shyly said.

"Don't worry, the security is my old profession. I have protected many people. I have played hooligans, gangsters, and killers. I have crossed the battlefield, and I have never missed them." Shen Ming boasted like a wife Road.

"Can you tell me who wants to kill me?" Pin Fan wasn't really that curious, except he felt like talking in his ears.

"Have you heard of the Shenhu Group?"

"Being an industrial multinational conglomerate, I have a relationship with them that I can't beat, right?" Pinfan wondered.

"It doesn't matter to you, your little brother just bought a piece of land and waited to knock on their bamboo bars, and the land was bought with your name. Accidentally the news was revealed and these people came to take your life. There are less than half a month, as long as you are alive, they will have to obediently pay. "Shen Ming answered truthfully.

"How much does he want?" Pinfan didn't expect the mouse to do business.

"2 billion ... US dollars ..."

"I can do this profit for another 3 years. He only makes a single business ..." Pinfan didn't know if he should brag about his brother or call himself incompetent.

"These are the last words. We are only thinking about how to survive." Shen Ming's motorcycle came to a crossroads as he spoke. The red light was on, and Shen Ming stopped the car and waited.

Another black road motorcycle was parked next to it. Compared to other 300,000 motorcycles, the little antelope under Shen Ming was even worse than a bicycle.

Pinfan could not help but glanced sideways. The knight under the black helmet was slender, and the clothes and vehicles were very good. From a fashion perspective, he could score 80 points.

And Shen Ming kept staring at the red light. At the moment when the green light was on, the black helmet knight suddenly took out the Uzi submachine gun from his arms. A shuttle swept horizontally, and Shen Ming struck his head with the kick of the knight's gun, causing his body to make a 90-degree turn.

The rounds of bullets damaged the windows of several cars next to them, and the scene immediately became chaotic, while Shen Ming urged the throttle to cross the intersection.

"My dear, I missed it. The response of this product is faster than my shot. Is it evil?" The black helmet knight complained in the headset.

"Isn't the evildoer able to defeat the boning knife? No one can count on killing this guy with a single stroke, nor expecting that he can complete the task alone. We still have time to use the encirclement and the consumption mill to kill them alive. Tasha never wanted to end her life.

Pinfan's ears were still echoing the sound of gunfire, and Shen Ming had driven the motorcycle into a second-hand car dealership.

I did n’t even look at it and paid for a n-handed vintage Beetle sedan. Is the thing painted yellow, just like a bumblebee? It doesn't conform to Pinnacle's aesthetics at all.

Shen Ming dropped the motorcycle and replaced it with a four-wheeled vehicle to continue the city without purpose.

"Here, put this on." Shen Ming took out a bulletproof vest from his backpack and handed it to Pinfan.

"It's ugly," Pin Van frowned.

"The armor designer has always been a nerd who has no chance with fashion. It will be safer to wear it." Shen Ming appeased.

"Shenming, will I die?" Pin Fan was never a fear of death. When she left the house, she had already realized that Yingnian died early, but she was about to see her brother right now. Are you so afraid of death?

"Yes, but that is after decades of waiting for you to switch to osteoporosis and atherosclerosis, if your exercise habits are maintained, it is normal to hang up after the age of 100." Shen Ming smiled and said .

"Your joke is not funny at all. Since you are the bodyguard chosen by your younger brother, and believe that you are invincible in the world."

Mercedes-Benz's beetle driving in the streets of Paris is an insult, but Shen Ming is very happy. He deliberately sought the main road with the most traffic to change directions at any time.

They bypassed the Arc de Triomphe, passed the Luzhu Palace, and opened the Eiffel Tower. They almost got a panoramic view of half of Paris. It was a bit like a day trip to Paris. There was no escape tension.

Pin Fan was asleep, leaning against the window of the car asleep.

Just when the car stopped at another intersection, the bright sunshine sprinkled on her face, it was beautiful.

Suddenly, when Pin Fan dreamed about his younger brother and was about to see his face, Shen Ming pulled Pin Fan a little and pulled her back into her arms.

With a bang, there was a single hole in the window that Pinfan had just relied on, the front glass shattered into a spider pattern, and the seat back pillow became a large hole.

From an angle analysis, the distance of the ambush point selected by the sniper is 600 meters away, and the included angle of the visible sniper is less than ten degrees. Almost the skill of aiming the sniper through the gap is already the top level of sniper.

"Cut! Is there a solution to this? How did he do that?" Nick snapped the lollipop in his mouth and called out.

"Get used to it early, he's not human. Kyle, Zart, do it." Natasha ordered and did not wait for the red light to end. Not far behind the Shenming car, two were equipped with steel bumpers. Hummer off-road vehicle rushed out.

The cars parked in front of them were all knocked aside, and they rushed towards the sinking position.

"Come on!" Exclaimed Pin Van.

"Don't worry, wait a minute." Shen Ming banged the throttle, but stepped on the brakes simultaneously.

Two Hummers, like bulldozers, slammed into the left and right, but Shen Ming suddenly evacuated backwards by two meters, and Pin Fan watched the two black Hummers collide in front of each other. It was the modified collision vehicle that was separated by a passage by its own person, the red lights in front of it also ended synchronously, and Shen Ming quickly accelerated towards the front.

"Catch up! Catch up! Don't let him run!" Nick shouted and started chasing again.

Hundreds of horsepower horses are used to chase old beetles, just like tigers chase tortoises, and soon the distance between them is only a few meters.

"My.queen, can you swim?" Shen Ming asked suddenly.

"What?" Pin Van looked back at the chasing Hummer before responding.

"Not going to learn now!" Shen Ming kicked the throttle to the end, and the accelerated Beetle hit the road, and the car and Pinfan flew up.

The Queen turned back staggeringly, and saw not the wide and straight road, but the wide and straight Seine!

"Shenming!" Shouted from Pin Fan's mouth, before he said anything, he snorted, and the Beatles car plunged into the billowing river water. All of a sudden you can't see it.

The Pin Fan Club swims, but does not dive. The sudden drop of water makes her unable to breathe even if she fills her nose with water.

Shen Ming dragged her out of the car quickly and kissed her with a mouth.

What a rude and savage kiss, Shen Ming poured a large mouthful of air into Pin Fan's lungs.

Pulling Pin Fan's Shenming pointed to the drainage outlet not far away, the two quickly swam over, the drain pipe was dead with four huge screws, it could not be pulled at all, Shen Ming was full of energy and could not shake the slightest.

At this time, the Hummer over his head had stopped, and Kyle and Zart who jumped down took p90 submachine guns and shot wildly at the water. There was no chance for Shen Ming to take the lead.

Looking at the bullets penetrating through the water not far away, Pin Fan tried hard to make the oxygen in the lungs stick for a while, but only felt that it was consumed faster.

Shen Ming has no time to spit out why the quality of the Frenchman's screws is so high. He has still not been able to open the muscles with his closed muscles and energy.

"My King, just this time, help me!" Shen Ming shouted in his heart. At a critical moment, Shen Ming's right arm flashed a hint of black halo. The instantaneous inverse of the scales made Shen Ming like opening a soda bottle. The cover was easily torn apart, and the pinnacle was quickly swam in.

The killer on the water's shore had hit two shuttles and fifty rounds of magazines and quickly replaced the third one.

Two police cars responded quickly, and the four policemen who rushed out of the car aimed at their backs with pistols.

There was a sound of orders in English and French at the same time. There was nothing more than to immediately lower the weapon, put both hands on the head, and squeeze both feet into the mouth. These warnings.

Kyle and Zart simply didn't care about the threats of these policemen, but just clinging to the water, for fear of missing the moment when the air came up for breathing.

Two shots of "," came, and the two-meter policeman was sniped and brought down. The other two were shot down by Natasha, who came quickly. There was no room to fight back.

"Is the target out?" Natasha came to the broken riverside fence.

"Not yet. The target's diving ability is at least the commando level. Five minutes of diving and 500 meters of swimming, the problem is not big. It is likely that it has already gone." Kyle analyzed.

"Don't be stupid, he's a demon, but Pin Fan isn't." Natasha jumped into the water directly after speaking, her elegant posture was enough to get full marks.

When she came to the water, Natasha found the drain door that was opened not far away.

"Quickly evacuated, the target entered the drainage system, horse eggs, and now it's the most troublesome to find." Natasha emerged to signal Kyle and Zart to escape, and she used the freestyle swim to the other side.

At this time, the shore quickly exploded, a major traffic accident, gunmen fired, and the police died, and Paris entered an emergency state.

Shen Ming didn't need to call the police, and the police had started to intervene.


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