God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 428: Shame party

Chapter 428 Shame Party

The groundwater tunnel junction area is arranged in a circle, which is the junction of the 8 waterways around it. Sewage flowing from other areas is concentrated here, pressurized by the turbine in the central area, and then flows from the main drainage channel to the filtration system to flow into the Seine . It is said that the filtration system in Europe is very burdock, and the water at the outlet can be drunk directly.

Remember Gates, who once drank tap water filtered from urine, had the same filtering principle.

The hub area is covered with red stone bricks, covering an area of ​​two hundred square meters, and a single stone brick cylinder with a height of 2 meters is erected in the center. The turbine bearings are erected inside.

The turbine is spinning continuously for a while, and the vibration of the floor tiles under the feet can be felt.

I chose this place as the battlefield because there is enough solid space to temporarily protect Pin Fan, and there are also all-round locations that do not limit the direction of evacuation, but the disadvantage is that it is too central here, so that reinforcements in all directions can come quickly.

If you don't want to be trapped to death, you must make a quick decision, the total length of time can not exceed 10 minutes, otherwise you will erect two monuments here and bury yourself.

After setting up the battle area, Shen began to rest against the stone pillar in the center. From the dynamic tracker, it takes at least 20 minutes for the nearest Ant-Man group to approach. He took out the emergency food, but took a small piece, but did not eat it, but put it in front of him.

It didn't take long to wait. A dark-skinned mouse with the size of a forearm found the food. It crawled out of a waterway, looked at the Shen Ming with closed eyes, and looked at the food again. It spreads its paws on the nose and walks forward.

When he reached for his food and stuffed it into his mouth, Shen Ming suddenly slipped across it, piercing the mouse's celestial cover, and there was no chance to make it scream. This was his "emergency food".

Regarding how to dissect, how to slice, and how to eat raw, I will not continue to describe it. The Shen Ming who ran for several hours was the first meal after he started to escape. The protein content of fresh wild meat is indeed beef. 6 times as much, but it definitely doesn't taste like chicken, and it won't be crunchy after biting the buns.

In 20 minutes, Shen Ming can arrange an area of ​​100 meters to make the enemy painful; can make the area of ​​20 meters become the mass grave of the enemy; can turn into a purgatory within 10 meters. There are endless traps, and they will consume the enemy like magic.

But ... Shen Ming set it up this time with 1 minute, 3 minutes to eat, and 16 minutes to recuperate. He will also be tired, especially when under siege. Resting in a war of attrition is more important than killing the enemy.

When the 20-minute limit arrived, Shen Ming naturally opened his eyes. He didn't need to look at the individual tactical computer on his arm. He could also smell the dangerous and quiet breath.

In the "4" waterway, an ant-man warrior emerged from the sewage channel, and together with it was lifted a dark m60 machine gun. On the aisle next to him, three companions With the p90 submachine gun equipped with various auxiliary props, he moved forward.

They looked rather embarrassed, and many of them were painted, some of them were injured by nails, some of them were ripped out of their battle suits.

Pursuing Shenming in this kind of sewer area, the faster the more traps will be encountered. Fortunately, they are ant-man. They ca n’t feel the pain and fear. Naturally, they will not give up hunting to break the cold needle. Even if there is blood in the soldiers, it will not stop flowing, but they will continue to move forward with cold faces. Their angle could not see the deepness hiding behind the central red brick pillar, but they could see the closed studio door.

Even if they want to ignore the door, it ’s difficult, because on the wall around the door, Shen Ming filled with fluorescent markers, "Here it is!" "Come here!" "The prey is in it, open fire!"

Various shameless posters let a group of ant people communicate with each other. They only left the machine gunners to set up a machine gun cover at the edge of the waterway. The other three, one aimed at the iron gate, and the other two were alert to other dark painters. Hole.

"Shame party, start!" Shen Ming raised his hand and pressed the switch above his head, and the power of the turbine under him suddenly went from 20% to 100%. With a strong attraction, the machine gunner Ant-Man standing in the waterway pulled forward, and was tightly adsorbed on the iron railing filtering the garbage.

The sudden change made 3 people look back uncontrollably. Shen Ming jumped out of the hand at the same time with 3 shots. The bullets were all hit on one person. The landing point was all on his back neck. The bulletproof fiber's neck blocked the first two. He fired a bullet, but the last shot interrupted his spine, resulting in his life.

In addition, the p90 of the two Ant-Man A and Ant-Man B sprayed out cross-shaped tongues of fire, and the bright red dust splashed on the stone pillars.

Shen Ming escaped with a gun fire, fired back, and the stones that were shot by the bullets hit the body like a shot, but Shen Ming didn't dare to rest in the slightest. The bullets that were snapped hit the ants. The armor flickered on Ren Jia's body, which forced him to lose sight of his muzzle.

The fencing saber thrown by the other hand was aimed at Ant-Man B aside and flew out, nailing it accurately into the gap between his p90's magazine and the gun body.

The silk engine connected to the armband shrank and pulled, dismantling the p90 in Ant-Man B into a bunch of parts. At this moment, Shen Ming also came to the front of Ant-Man.

"This distance? Is it still possible for you to survive?" Shen Ming smiled at p90 pointing to his forehead. The moment Ant-Man armor pulled the trigger, Shen Ming pushed upwards with one hand, forcing the muzzle to fly to the ceiling. With a stroke of determination, he used his palm as a medium to hit his chest.

The impact force blasted the Ant-Man armor as high as 190, which could resist the 7.62 mm caliber armor but could not stop the energy of the deep body, directly shattered the liver, and fell heavily to the ground.

In general, humans do not expect to continue fighting, but Ant-Man-Jia stood up instantly, completely ignored the bleeding pain in the liver, and rushed away without breaking his arm.

Ant-Man B sneaked on the ground from the other side and pulled out a mountain knife for tree cutting as a saber. The blade dragged a trail of red dust on the floor tiles.

"It's really difficult to see, it depends on whether you really can't fight." Shen Ming held the knife against the front and resisted one to two.

Ant-Man's ability to resist attack becomes even more defensive after adding protection. No matter you break their knees or break their arms, they can continue to fight against you without hesitation.

Ant-Man Armor, whose limbs were completely interrupted, hooked his grenade on his chest with his tongue, pulled the latch and wanted to end up with Shen Ming.

Shen Ming slammed his foot quickly, kicking the grenade with Ant-Man's Armor out. There was a loud bang, and the main drainage channel was blown down. The blocked water channel caused sewage to gush out from other channels. The water level suddenly rose by more than ten centimeters and flooded the ankle.

Ant-Man B waved the slashing knife regardless of the slashing, slashing towards Shenming's chest, caught by the fencing saber erected by Shenming, with too much force, the edge of the slashing knife stuck into the edge of the fencing saber in.

"You're not playing!" Shen Ming just wanted to fight back. Ant-Man Yi's arm tendon strained again, forcing his two swords to Shen Ming's chest. Ant-Man B released the blade and hugged it directly. Shen Ming, opened his mouth and bite at his neck.

Teeth clenched into the flesh without causing spurts from the aorta. Shen Ming covered his neck with his other hand, but his forearms were still bitten with flesh and blood.

"Get off!" Shen Ming kicked Ant-Man Yi to his feet, Ant-Man B hit a central stone pillar, bounced to the ground, and wanted to get up, all turned into hope, because the tendons of his hands and feet were all Shocked. The mouth was full of blood and spit bubbles outward.

"I don't understand fear and pain, I'm really tired." Shen Ming looked at his right hand forearm, and there were 4 ant-man's teeth in the **** wound.

"I don't know if there is rabies virus? Biting is also drunk." Shen Ming pulled out a bandage and bandaged the wound briefly.

At this moment, Ant-Man C, the machine gunner who was stuck at the beginning could not break the iron railing that stuck his ankle.

I saw him pulling the crane gun, facing his underwater ankle with a messy shot, splashing water, blood and sewage mixed together. That's it, he just climbed from the waterway railing to the pivot platform, and then looked at his right foot, his instep was gone, and the white calf was supported on the ground, looking like a zombie.

Ant-Man C, who raised his gun, aimed at Shenming indifferently. Shen Meng, faster than the rabbit, jumped directly behind the central stone pillar.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The sound of the sound kept tilting the barrage, breaking the stone pillar into slag.

Hundred rounds of drums just penetrated the stone pillar. When Shen Ming thought that he could not survive, he snorted. The bearing of the turbine stuck in the stone pillar was broken, and the entire platform burst like ice. The splattered debris, large water gushing out from below like a fountain, no matter alive or ant-man who came for reinforcements were washed away by the turbulent water.

Shen Ming's wielding fencing saber rubbed into the wall aside, braced for 30 seconds, and withstood the most turbulent flood.

Pin Fan, who was hiding in the dark studio, was panicked. The outside battle lasted for only 3 minutes, and then stopped abruptly after a loud noise.

Next, desperately pouring sewage into the door gap, she crawled out of the sleeping bag, using the sleeping bag to face the gap, but to no avail.

When she thought she was going to drown, the door was pulled open from the outside,

Biting the light of the fluorescent light stick, holding her hand, pulled her out. Where will they go with the flow? Not even Shen Ming himself.


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