God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 429: Shenming vs Natasha

Chapter 429: Shen Shenming vs Natasha

"Completed!" In the library-like computer room, the mouse sitting on the ground hit the 1 millionth keyboard, and finally pressed the last Enter key.

The special command symbol information runs through the entire computer room up to 512 sets of servers along the optical cable, and then the signal is transmitted to the hive and Camp 2 by interconnection.

Since then, the network defense system of the Nirvana camp has changed dramatically. A new defense method has been fully implemented. It has changed the previous style of hiding network signals passively resisting invasion, directly exposing subjects to large-scale interconnections, and monitoring global networks including personal mobile phones, Computers, e-mails, and other methods of action were used to speculate on the potential threats to Nirvana camps and then closely control them.

Before these people took action against Nirvana camp, they were arrested first, and the danger naturally dropped to the minimum standard.

This monitoring method is not new. It was learned from Bald Eagle Sauce cia. After the well-known Norndon students announced to the public, the world has learned about the tactics of democracy fighter Bald Eagle Sauce.

However, this Nirvana Active Defense System edited by the mouse is a monitoring system for all networks in the world. There is no dead end and no maintenance pressure. Although the main body is in the computer room of Nirvana Camp 1, the sub-system is hung in the hive and 2 Linkage was formed in the computer room of Camp No.

Even if one of the areas is destroyed, the systems in the other two bases can still act as defense emergency mechanisms to prevent paralysis.

The way this whole system works was conceived when the mouse first entered the field of hacking, and it has been researched in the following years. It was not concluded until it was summoned to the Monte Island.

The mouse understands that this is an indomitable network operation mode in the world, and there can be a huge enough structure to accommodate it ... Only Nirvana camp is an equivalent organization. After a noise from the prophet and a referral from Shenming, the mouse found his next home for this system.

"Husband, you're finished, congratulations!" The door of the machine room opened at this moment, and Meng Na came in with a casserole.

"Old ... wife ... how did you come here? Didn't I say that? There is radiation here, don't you come here!" The mouse looked black.

"I'm not afraid of the gun bullet rain. Are you afraid that the radiation will kill me? Besides, because of the radiation, I will send you anti-radiation soup to drink. If you accidentally get rid of the radiation by the radiation, how can we have children in the future? Where's the baby? "Mengna walked over with a smile and put the casserole in front of the mouse.

"Wife ... here again? I have eaten for 3 days. The first day is a black ant stew beetle ... The second day is an elephant whip burning rhino eggs ... Today is a **** horse?" The mouse looked at so freshman Pot, tears came down.

"Relax, I ’ve been eating for two days, and today I made it very light! Dang ~ Dang ~ Dang! Cactus stewed with Huanglianxin, medicated diet plus anti-radiation ingredients, how wonderful!" Meng Na's "praise me" expression.

"Oh, my wife's craftsmanship is unique in this world. Fortunately, in this life, I have eaten your food, which is the blessing I repaired in my last life!" The mouse cried a piece of cactus with tears, not to mention peeling, the thorns on the cactus I did n’t remove it. A pot of green water is like Xiang, and the yellow lotus heart floats on it. The taste is almost spit out when you think about it.

The poor mouse understands that in the world of code, a wrong character loses everything. When he knows Shen Ming, he should have foreseen such a miserable future, and he will live an extra day for a day.

"If you like it, I'll make it for you every day. Now, I'll finish this first. No bite left!" Meng Na stared forward and stared at the mouse for soup.

"Well!" The mouse dug a sip of soup with shaking hands, sending it to his mouth slower than the 80-year-old grandpa.

"Well, what's the name of this burdock system?" Meng Na suddenly became interested in the work of the mouse.

"Do you like this system? Come here! I will explain it to you in detail!" The mouse dropped the spoon and wept with joy, Limara visited the computer room with Meng Na.

Regarding his first-class secrets and super-level authority, as long as he could not drink the pot of green xiang, the mouse knew everything and said everything to Meng Na.

"Her name is" Xingbai ", which is the core of the future network operation of human beings. After 30 years, no, and 20 years, when" Xingbai "is mature enough and has an artificial intelligence system, all networks will be Extending based on her program was then truly connected, "said the mouse with enthusiasm.

"Why do you use‘ she ’as‘ it ’? Do you still want to find a computer for me to fail?” Apparently Mengna ’s focus is completely different.

"No no no! How could it be, I just said it casually, wife don't be angry!" The mouse hurriedly curtsy.

At this moment, Li Wang, who was carrying a cigar, also came to the computer room. "Child, mouse, are you done with your work? Kaos wants to see you."

"Okay! Coming soon!" The mouse apologized to Meng Na, and rushed out like a dodger.

"Cut, bother our husband and wife in flirtation, you are really unkind." Meng Na despised.

"Sister, do you guys call it flirting? Everyone in the camp knows that it is strong x!" Probably only Li Wang is not afraid of Mengna's brutality.

"This is the way we love, you know the fart! Your husband was taken away by you, and you drank this pot of soup!" Meng Na angrily pointed at the cactus on the ground and stewed Huanglianxin.

"Oh, I would rather go to the battlefield to eat rotten corpses for 30 days, and I won't eat your stuff like this, you will die!" Li Wang turned his head and retreated.

The escaped mouse came to Kaos's office. Kaos had just completed a video call with Angel of the Hive, Angel of the 2nd Battalion.

"The defense systems of the mouse, the hive and the 2 battalion have been turned on, and now everything is working normally. Thank you for everything you do." Kaos smiled and praised, "I know you are essentially advocating freedom and don't want to be with us for Dancers are forced to become one today. If you want to leave, I can handle the nirvana procedures and make sure that no one will dare to trouble you in the future. "

"No need. The world is so big. I've seen it everywhere. It is good to have Nirvana. At least I can do what I want to do here. Since you said there is a reward, I want another thing. "

"It seems you are prepared." Kaos smiled, knowing what the mouse was about to say.

"Let the Shenhu group guys stay away from my older sister ..." The mouse gritted his teeth.

"Actually, even if I don't agree with you, you can do such a thing, right?" Kaos sighed.

"Revenge doesn't make sense to me. I can destroy their business empire in a few days, but I can't save my sister's life with my network. By comparison, Nirvana's deterrent is more useful than me. Colonel Kaos, I only have Could this request help me? "The mouse begged.

"Do you still need to ask? You are already one of us, and your family is naturally also our family. Rest assured, the problem will help you now." Kaos did not hesitate.

And on the other side of the moment, in the underground world, the chase is not over.

This is the second time that Phan Van has played sewer diving. When Phan Van climbed up from the water, he never vomited to death. Even though the air was already entrained with ammonia and foul odors, Pin Van began to feel glad that he could still breathe.

Shen Ming held her for 10 minutes in a snorkel. Shen Ming could not use artificial breath to protect the brahma for so long. Fortunately, two cola bottles filled with air were prepared in advance.

"Are you okay?" Shen Ming asked behind Pin Fan, patting her back.

"Shall I ask you this? Look at your hand ..." Pin Fan looked at Shen Ming's **** right hand as if he could feel the pain.

"This kind of minor injury is okay and will soon heal, but you need to take a bath? I'll find if there is a water pipe." Shen Ming turned around and just wanted to leave, but was pinched by Pin Fan from behind.

"No, my.queen is here again? How can I offend you again?" Shen Ming was crying without tears. She was hugged for the last time, and the encounter on the top of the knife was not forgotten.

"No ... I'm just afraid ... afraid to leave you." Pin Fan's body was shaking, making her say these two words more difficult than sending a satellite to space, "Can you leave me?"

"Relax, I won't leave you alone." Shen Ming patted the palm of the lottery in front of him, and stood up with a smile.

"It was such a warm and romantic moment, I was a little embarrassed to come out and interrupt the two." In a black tight-fitting combat suit, a 1.2-meter-long Tang-style battle knife was hung horizontally from the waist. come out.

"How did you find me?" Shen Ming knew that she had been exposed when the water pipe was broken, but she did not expect that she could lock her position during the burst of the sewer hub.

"How do you say? I just seem to be able to sense where you are, and then go with the feeling, maybe this is a kind of fate, right?" Natasha smiled vaguely.

"Yi Yuan? See you, I'm all bad." Shen Ming sighed helplessly, the poor current was too rapid, not even a gun was found, and the only thing left in his hand was the fencing saber.

"Help me and help yourself, this task has nothing to do with you. What we want now is the life of the woman behind you. Give way, you can live." Natasha no longer smiled, sincerely sincere Asked, but the slender right hand held the handle of the Tang knife behind the waist.

"How much time do we have to play?" Shen Ming asked, holding his fetters in his hands.

"In 10 minutes, there will be two groups of worker ants, a group of soldier ants will arrive, and then ... you will never be able to leave alive again." Natasha did not care to conceal such information.

"Then 8 minutes, beat you in 8 minutes, run in 2 minutes, good." Shen Ming made a decision with a smile.


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