God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 430: Shen Yankai's Lament

Chapter 430 Shen Yankai's Lament

When the Paris underground was in a dire strait, Zhu Zhiyu was sipping a good Bordeaux wine in a winery located outside of Paris, while watching the first-angle view of the underground battle.

The 60-inch wide plasma display makes the experience more comfortable than watching a movie.

Zhu Zhiyu drank red, but smiled and refused to put a cup on.

At this moment, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Shen Yankai, the son of the Shen family, stepped in. Although he thought he was calm, the fear in his eyes could no longer hold the fire.

"Mr. Zhu, where did the battle go?" Shen Yankai stepped forward.

"Let ’s see for yourself, my people have found him, and he was defeated by him in the first round of the four v, but it does not matter, Natasha you and I know have blocked him, it will not be long before Complete the task. "Zhu Zhiyu confidently.

"Really? That's good. Actually, I have something to worry about Mr. Zhu." Shen Yankai said eagerly.

"If it's not difficult, I can help you, after all, you invited me to drink so much good wine." Zhu Zhiyu huhe said.

"In fact, I don't know why. The group suddenly gave up the idea of ​​using force to kill Pinfan, and also increased the original 2 billion US dollars to 2.5 billion US dollars to buy the almost useless land. I think they are crazy. Shen Yankai made no secret of his disgust at the upper levels.

"In fact, it is not difficult to understand that the woman's younger brother is a mouse. He is the most powerful network engineer in the world. He claims to be able to take a keyboard and a line to destroy a country's horror role. Now he is a member of the Nirvana camp. The Nirvana camp puts pressure on your country, and then puts pressure on your group through the country. It is difficult to compromise without compromise. "Zhu Zhiyu explained the mystery in detail.

"I don't understand what you said, but now, I really can't let Pinfan die, otherwise I will definitely die if I go back! So I ask Mr. Zhu to raise his hand and give up the hunting plan." Shen Yankai Liyuyou Added.

"Hey, if I refuse to say it, my little master intends to use the thirty or so special bodyguards ambushing outside to rush in to make me a sieve?" Zhu Zhiyu reluctantly lowered his wine glass and pressed the remote control to turn it off. The TV set faced Shen Yankai.

"How is that possible? Mr. Zhu and I are already confidants. How could I know that I would die without helping me?" Shen Yankai said this without his friends.

"Actually, you, the rich second generation, are good friends, ignorant but generous, and understand the novelty of eating and drinking so much. These are all I lack. The only disadvantage is that it is too stupid." Zhu Zhiyu shook his head and sighed. "You don't have a trace of analysis of the situation at all. You don't know what is the need for fear. Is it your parents who are shouting to interrupt your legs, or is it dangerous for me to chat with you and threaten me? You are really not qualified, in my opinion you are more like a pet, but dare to grin at me. "

"Zhu Zhiyu, you found me from the beginning. I didn't want to mess with you at all. Now that the plan has changed, but you still want to continue, can you play happily?" Shen Yankai has turned his face.

"Let me guess, why did you dare to talk to me like this, because I sent all the men and women to the groundwater channel?" Zhu Zhiyu laughed loudly.

"You laugh a fart, what's the matter?" Shen Yankai was laughed by Zhu Zhiyu's back hair.

"I'm sorry, I can't control it, after all, your IQ is so funny, do you think I'm like you and relying on my soft and powerful eggs? No, I don't need anyone to protect me at all, because my biggest bodyguard That's it. "Zhu Zhiyu pointed to his head," I'm not afraid of it. "

"Really? Then I'll take it off for you now! Come!" Shen Yankai shouted into the door, but no one answered at all, let alone entered.

Looking at the corridor outside, a bodyguard who fell to the ground twitched holding a firearm, spit his mouth and rolled his eyes, and it was not far from death.

It wasn't Zhu Zhiyu's men who killed them, it was just an extremely secretive nerve gas transmitter installed in the corridor, which was also controlled by Zhu Zhiyu's brain waves.

"You!" Shen Yankai noticed that she was getting up and trying to leave, but her feet fell to the sofa without listening.

"Actually there is a poison gas launcher in this room, but we have such a good relationship, how could we be willing to kill you, my dear?" Zhu Zhiyu hehe said, stood up and walked in front of Shen Yankai, and touched him across his clothes. stand up.

"What do you want to do?" Shen Yankai's whole body was weak and rebellious, and she had a kind of ache and tightness.

"Rest assured, since I promised to help you, I will help you in the end. Do n’t you have a vengeance with Shen Ming? When I reform your body, you will be able to revenge yourself. Of course that wants my ant people You must be defeated before you have a chance to appear. Come on! Let me take you into the world of science! "Zhu Zhiyu laughed out loud.

"Don't! Let me go! Mommy's help!" Shen Yankai's crying at this moment looks like a coquettish who wants to refuse. After accepting such a setting, the boy looks pretty cute too!

On the other side, in the water channel that is more than ten meters deep, Shenming and Pinfan are standing in front of the staged sewage outlets. On a trapezoidal **** as long as ten meters, sewage is discharged every two hours. The scene is like a waterfall. , Unfortunately no one wants to enjoy such a view

What Shen Ming stands is the bottom sewage platform of this waterfall, which is five meters long and thirty meters wide. On one side of the slope, there is a sewage storage pond with an area of ​​more than half the size of a football field. The water looks clean, but what you see under the water will make you not want to eat for a few days. Sometimes the police will come here to find dead people and try their luck.

In the large space, the dim orange lights on the walls became darker, only ten meters apart, and Phan Van could not even see Natasha's face, only a hint of matte reflected when she took out the black tang knife behind her. Only then did Pin Van Gogh appreciate Natasha's killing intention.

"Stand back, the farther, the better." Shen Ming reminded with a single knife.

"Um." Pinfan ran back obediently, and Natasha ran up.

Her forward charge blinked at a distance of ten meters, as if her body had disappeared. When she was about to flash past Shen Ming's body, she was retreated half a step by the sword of Shen Ming's turning.

"Can't keep up with me?" Natasha was surprised.

"This is your full speed? It's really wicked, but it's a bit slower than my sister." Shen Ming playfully said.

"Your sister, Shen Waner with a steel heart?" Natasha slammed the knife and said, "Sorry, I pretend to be a cheetah-like heart. I can't increase the speed to the maximum like a mechanical prosthetic, so I need to run a Run until it reaches its peak. "

During the conversation, Natasha rushed again, but the target of the attack had been switched to Shenming. The tangled sword that Natasha suddenly appeared in front of Shen Ming cut a rustling wind in the air.

Shen Ming barely lifted his knife to greet him. When the blade touched, Shen Ming, who was a big man, was shocked and cracked and bleed. He took two steps back.

After waiting for Shen Ming to stand on his heels, the subsequent winds struck again.

Natasha's slashing force is not too large, at least it is much smaller than the boning knife that Shen Ming dealt with yesterday, but under the blessing of speed, each round of Natasha's attack is extremely powerful.

For a while, Shen Ming retreated, and the sparks that flew at the intersection of the saber and the tang sword illuminated the shock on each other's faces.

Natasha is shocked that Shen Ming can keep up with her speed, Shen Ming is shocked that Natasha can continue to accelerate again and again!

She was getting faster and faster, but she didn't even mess up her breathing, except that the undulations of the lung lobes were extremely exaggerated, each time making her chest span 3 sizes.

"It's too slow! It's too slow! Faster! Faster!" The tang sword in Natasha's hand is flipped like a swallow, and the angle of swing is completely independent of the musculoskeletal body, just like jumping a song Accelerating deadly round dance.

Each step of Shen Ming's back clip spilled his own blood on the ground along the way, and the laceration of the tiger's mouth saw the tendons of his fingers. Although he resisted every knife, the area where he could receive the knife had become more and more out of balance, and his body was scratched with wounds.

This round dance came to an end with Natasha's 360-degree turn, and the hard-wired Shen Ming was shocked and slid out 2 meters before stopping. At this moment, he was only 1 meter away from Pinfan, which is absolutely impossible. A half step back.

"137 slashes ... for the first time someone can stop me with so many knives." The high speed of the heart spurred Natasha's skin into red because of the blood flow, and white from the pores. The green smoke was like an iron bar just pulled out of the furnace, and it was like a bun taken out of a cage drawer.

"I'm not happy at all when you praise me." Shen Ming grinned and grinned.

"If you don't stick to it all the way, you will be more flexible, and you won't be so embarrassed." Natasha sighed regretfully. In her eyes, he is not even as good as he was when he was fighting the boning knife At least then, he was fearless, but now he is so scared, lest he avoid half a step, Pin Van ’s life is gone.

So you can dodge the knife, and you can do it at the expense of injury.

"Which way do you fight me? I have the ability to hack me to death, so much nonsense, do you fall in love with me?" Shen Ming panted, lowering his forehead.

"If I know what love is, maybe I've really fallen in love with you? You and I know that you have no distance, no time, and no physical ability to block my next sword. Is this knife to kill you or the woman? It's all up to you. "Natasha crouched, her blade pointed directly at the ground, her heart beating at high speed, and her blood pressure peaked again.

"Do you still need to ask? Come on." Shen Ming held a knife behind her and waved to Natasha.


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