God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 432: Frankenstein

Chapter 432: The Frankenstein Ant

Natasha returned to the ground to find a luxury hotel and opened a room. She first took a comfortable hot bath, gave her hair a treatment, put on a high-quality dress with lace edges, and sprayed French perfume. Before leaving the hotel to go back to life.

She was not arrogant, but she didn't like to look at people so embarrassingly. Take a taxi to the winery in the suburbs. Outside the window, you can see police and police cars patrolling everywhere. You can even see military soldiers in camouflage uniforms joining the search team.

"It's really lively today, and Paris is not very flat." The old driver sighed as he looked out the window.

"In fact, the world has never been peaceful, and the peace we can see is just an illusion." Natasha seems to have said a lot today.

"That's right, ordinary people like us are just fish that go with the flow, but wouldn't it be nice to have a meal every day?" Said the old driver with a smile.

The vehicle drove to the edge of the grove where Natasha had come last time, but this time Natasha did not kill anyone, and gave a generous 200 Euros as the fare.

It wasn't until the driver was seen that Natasha realized the joy of not killing, and realized that she was letting go of her mood. It turned out that it is so easy to have power, and it is the hardest to control it and not become a slave to it. I have to admit that Shen Ming did a good job.

As soon as she entered the winery Shen Yankai bought, Natasha frowned with the **** smell in the air. Natasha, who had taken out her tang knife, rushed into the house of the winery, looking for the owner's trace, but the body of Shen Yankai's bodyguards was everywhere, and the seven-hole **** death was extra terrifying. Obviously it was the nerve poison of the master.

Walking inward along the road, I have been to Zhu Zhiyu's temporary laboratory. The laboratory converted from a private wine cellar has a bitter cold and bursts of wine. The encrypted metal door is now open.

Natasha swallowed in and swallowed in. Various instruments were operating in Bibo Bibo. Zhu Zhiyu stood on the small step in front of the operating table with one scalpel and one welding torch. On the ground next to him were fleshy limbs, and a pile of messy parts.

You don't even know if he is repairing a car or dissecting it?

"Master, what are you doing?" It is not the first time Natasha has watched Zhu Zhiyu's work, but this is the first time such a terrifying scene.

"Ah? Natasha, are you back? Sorry, I was too focused on my work, so I forgot about your business." Zhu Zhiyu turned his head with a blood on his face and smiled, and threw away the scalpel. And welding torch, replaced with a hammer and chainsaw.

"Sorry master, I missed it." Natasha breathed deeply.

"Is he using a conspiracy?"


"Did he use inverse scales?"

"No, I was defeated head-on, I lacked experience, he was too strong, I lost no temper, and I was lucky to be alive." Natasha said frankly, "Master punish me, I have no way to pursue him . "

"Oh, it's okay. I don't want to go anymore. Anyway, I already have a new game. Come and help me finish this work. Even if Shen Ming is not killed by the little ants, I can let him die. In the hands of this new work, I plan to call him ... 'Science Ants!' "At this moment, Zhu Zhiyu is exactly like a teenager with a second-stage disease at the late stage, and has been indulged in his own world.

Without Natasha and Zhu Zhiyu's involvement in the underground chase, Shen Ming's war of attrition finally saw some dawn.

Shen Ming's game of taking a group of Ant-Man Corps in a circle is still very applicable, especially when he happened to encounter a single worker ant, and handed in a p90 submachine gun, 2 grenades, and a dozen 50 rounds. After the clip, Shen Ming flew with these gears in his eyes, and his eyes let out a satyr-like lust. In his words, with these things, he could play for a year.

That's right, the traps that can be placed with the ammunition of Shen Ming are becoming more and more threatening. Mourning, he even wrapped the unused steel core pistol bullets in a grenade to create a trap. The power of the explosion directly knocked down two teams of 8 worker ants.

In the past few days in the city of Paris, underground blasts have occurred from time to time, and some of them have collapsed. Everyone just felt that they were not as nervous as they were during World War II.

The police, special police, and soldiers ran around the street every day. They did n’t know how much gasoline was consumed, and the city ’s PM2.5 index was almost catching up with the sky. They were all noisy.

The police also began to learn to drill into the sewer, but they would crawl out after a while. The traps Shen Shen left for the workers were shameless, but what the workers left for these police officers was horrific.

All kinds of anti-infantry mines, laser trip mines, serial mines ... it just made this Paris sewer as horrible as the jungle rat way of the Vietnam Monkey Kingdom, let alone the police, even the professionally trained soldiers were injured. A lot.

The mercenary regiment originally used for external operations was urgently transferred back, but it also took about 2 days. At this time, the police were like the hunters who were waiting for the rabbits. The cats were aiming at the gates of various sewers. As a result, dozens of rats who secretly came up to breathe two breaths of fresh air died.

Without these obstructing police clashes, Shen Ming and the ant people's chase battle has not become faster.

When both sides learned the traps, the battle mode became a dismantling trap. The speed of advancement of each other has become extremely slow, but the energy consumption has increased several times. Ant-Man's advantage is that there are many people, and it is not only exhausted. These guys have no supplies, and can even eat rats raw, eat with fur and skin, and drink the sewage that is flowing like drinking porridge.

Although Shen Ming could be sick to such a state in order to live under extreme circumstances, when he came to the truth, he was still a bit "unable to do anything."

Time will give everyone the answer ... In the next two days, their footprints covered almost every sewer in Paris, and the fighting did not stop for a moment.

The Ant-Man Corps is hitting less and less, and Shen Ming is also hitting more and more. The dozen medical backpacks he grabbed were not enough to cure his injury, and the blood loss was enough for others to die four or five times, but he was still alive. He ate a large amount of medical sugar and water, made an empty drink bottle and made his own drips. He dangled needles and shot guns, and let Pinfan hold an infusion bottle to help him.

Pin Fan lamented that he was not on the ground, otherwise, it thundered and rained. He had been chopped to death by God.

In the end, Shen Ming's body was pale and paper-like. The blood concentration in the body was reduced to an unimaginable level. It felt like a coffin and a minefield to continue fighting.

In the last three minutes, Shen Ming and Pin Fan were finally forced into a state of despair. This is the newly repaired drainage ditch for the prevention of the flood. An underground space that is half the size of a football field and up to 10 meters in size.

It is supported by boxy concrete stone pillars, and the distance between each pillar is more than 5 meters, like a huge and boundless labyrinth.

There is no other way out except at the entrance. Shen Ming was so tired that even standing was a problem, sitting on a stone pillar and breathing out of breath. His last bag of glucose had been hung up, and everything he could eat except his fingernails was eaten up. The previous p90 was shot long before the gun burst and was scrapped. The only thing left in the hand was the fencing saber, and a revolver, full of 18 rounds of ammunition.

And what about his enemies? The worker ants were exhausted by Shen Ming, but the soldier ants saved 6 staff members and walked into this wide flood prevention channel. The weapons they took were several times that of Shen Ming, ranging from the m24 fully automatic sniper rifle to the four-round rocket launcher.

Not to mention that the current dreary is like a candle in the wind. Even in the victory period, facing them alone is the end of nine lives.

"Mr. Shen Ming, don't hide, come out! I can smell you. There is no other way out here. The only way to survive is to kill us. You have already killed many people. Will the last six come out to clear the market? ? "Holding the m24 sniper rifle immediately signaled with brain waves, and the remaining five members spread out in a single word, each holding a weapon and advancing at a uniform pace. In such a search like cutting wheat, there is no possibility of escape from birth.

"My.queen, are you tired?" Shen Ming smiled and looked at Pin Fan in front of her. After 3 days, she was 3 times thinner.

"Guess? I love sports, but I have never been to such a degree, or in such a ghost place, you have run away with my lower limit." Pinfan said.

"It's okay. It's almost over. It's 5 hours before the start of your new product launch. I think you can take a break and get ready to perform on stage." The enemies who came were ignored by him, but all these memories were trivial.

"Do you still remember the press conference? I had forgotten to clean it when I fell into the sink for the second time." Pin Fan also leaned beside Shen Ming, and suddenly felt that it was nothing to die like this. Scared, at least he died in the arms of likers. It was a little regrettable that in the end I still couldn't see my little brother.

"Rest assured, I will let you catch up. By the way, do I still bring your mobile phone with me?" Shen Ming said suddenly.

"You say this?" Pin Fan said and pulled out the three-proof mobile phone.

"Yes, when I call you, you ..." Before Shen Ming said, he watched Pin Fan remove the cell phone battery and threw it into the gap between the drainage channels in front of him. Washed away.

"You ?!" Shen Ming was stunned.

"Don't find yourself a reason to die with peace of mind. If you really want to protect me, protect me alive, okay?" Pinfan ordered again.

"You ... obey, my.queen." Shen Ming smiled and tried to stand up.


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