God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 433: Escape the day of birth

Chapter 433 Escape From The Birth Day

"Is the king ?? awake?" Shen Ming whispered in his heart.

"Wake up, but at this moment I don't want to answer your request." Nizhan, who had been sleeping for a long time, finally answered.

"Why? Don't you love me anymore?" Shen Ming naughty.

"It has nothing to do with love. Your current body is not enough to support the realization of the king. Forcibly appearing will require your life. The king is not afraid of life and death, but he does not want you to die in the hands of the king." Sighed.

"In fact, there is no absolute good or bad thing. It depends on how you look at the problem. For example, half of a glass of water will be negative when it is negative, and half full if it is positive." Shen Ming turned on psychological counseling for the inverse scale. class.

"Please don't fool the king, the king knows that you will never leave that woman for your own life. Although you look extremely stupid like this, but you keep your promise, the king really likes it." Compromising, "Also, the evolved King has acquired new abilities. Even if you completely cut off your nutritional supply, you can still move for a minimum of five minutes, but after five minutes when the King starts to absorb your body energy ?? You I can only live another ten seconds. "Inverse Scale has long accurate the deep life to the unit of seconds.

"Five minutes is enough for me to defeat them. Ten seconds are enough for me to think about life. Come on, let's do it!" Shen Ming patted the concrete stone pillar behind him, and flashed toward the enemy.

The moment Shen Ming and Nick's eyes met, Nick almost instinctively pulled the trigger, but somehow he stopped, and the biting lollipop was even bitten by the hatred of itching teeth.

"Huh? It seems someone has helped." Without anyone explaining, Shen Ming immediately realized that someone had helped.

It is possible that the mouse borrowed the power of Nirvana camp to complete the pressure on the hunter.

"Shenming, you won't end well, I swear!" Nick cursed angrily.

"If the curse is useful, I can live to this day? I am very glad that I have played with you for three days. It is a ****, and we have the chance to continue!" Shen Ming waved goodbye to Nick provocatively.

In Nick's eyes, the guy in front of him was the candle remaining in the wind, and his hardest part of his body left his mouth. But Zhu Zhiyu's order to retreat must not be disobeyed.

So the six soldier ants had to look at the mouth and couldn't chew the meat. They had to spit out and step back.

The reason for the retreat Shen Ming guessed wrong, not that the intervention of the mouse caused Zhu Zhiyu, a crazy scientist to change his mind, just because Zhu Zhiyu's sci-fi ant is about to be completed, Shen Ming will be the best test material to show Zhu Zhiyu's new The power of the invention will allow all members of the Heihe Science and Technology Research Institute to see the performance of his masterpiece.

The strong desire to make Zhu Zhiyu even gave up the victory at hand, and summoned all these soldiers and ants back.

"Shenming, what's wrong?" Pin Fan was already prepared to deal with the explosion or something after hiding behind the pillar, but he heard no gunshot for a long time.

"We seem to have won?" Shen Ming turned back with a smile.

"Is it over?"

"Yes, it's over, and we're still alive, it feels ... good." During the conversation, Shen Ming fainted again in front of Pin Fan, like a giant who couldn't stand up again after falling down.

Pin Fan's first aid efforts have grown by leaps and bounds in recent days, but still unable to wake up Shen Ming. His heartbeat became so slow that he could not even detect his pulse. No matter how you call, you ca n’t wake up.

She panicked again, and she was exhausted to the extreme, but she braced her back to Shenming and ran towards the nearest exit.

Thank God, when they crawled out, the police officers outside were relaxed a lot and did not shoot them at random.

The good relationship between Pin Fan and the police chief played a decisive role here. She reported to the police that she was hunted down by an unidentified group, fled all the way to the sewer, and spent the darkest three days in her life. Shen Ming, as his bodyguard, was also pre-emptively defined as the victim, and was sent directly to the hospital for rescue by an ambulance.

The ambulance was not only opened by police, the doctors on board were professor-level figures in the hospital. When the doctor checked Shenming's physical condition, he even shook his head, thinking that for such patients, he should just drag the morgue and wait for cremation or something.

But Pinfan always begged for the doctor to save him, and even promised to introduce the most beautiful model to the doctor as a girl friend. The doctor's heart, which healed and healed, was completely ignited.

All the best equipment and medicines were selected, and a team of experts was organized for consultation and treatment. They mobilized the blood bag inventory of several hospitals and gave him emergency surgery while transfusion of Shenming.

The 6 surgical doctors had a spectacular operation from head to toe. It felt like everyone was wearing a white coat around the operating table for a dinner. They took out as many as six types of bullets and shrapnels from Shenming's body, and the length of the suture just to stitch the wound was enough to make a half-bed quilt.

What surprised the experts the most was that even so, Shen Ming's vital signs were recovering little by little, and there were no signs of fart at any time. It turned out that the evolved inverse scale has a ferocious ability. Like the liver, it can store a part of blood and nutrients in its own body. When it encounters an emergency, these energy can maintain its physical function and continue to fight. Instead of consuming Shenming's physical energy, when Shenming encounters danger, it can also feed back this part of energy to help Shenming maintain life.

This ruthless ability is the creator of the inverse scale. The worm division has never thought about it. After all, as an independent and unruly life individual, the nanoworm will not make such changes considered for the host. It can only be said that Inverse Scale really likes Shenming, and he has learned to cherish his life like him.

Pin Fan, who was waiting in the operating room, made a short transcript accompanied by the police chief. In fact, Pin Van knows very little, and she knows nothing about the identity and origin of the attacker, and she will never mention the sale involved in the brother.

The police had a headache and endured the peculiar smell on Pin Van, and at the same time completed the transcript without any eggs. Pin Van looked at the time and looked at the director, "Can I go first? Because there is another important event The press conference is waiting for me. This opportunity was won by my bodyguards, and I must not be absent. "

"In fact, your situation is still very dangerous. We have not caught any of the attackers, and we have not even found a dead body. We cannot rule out the danger of you being attacked again." The director is also in dilemma. Character, let her leave her hand alive, and make another three long and two short, his position is likely to be lost.

"He has helped me solve all the dangers. I believe in him, and I believe that I can cope with the next situation, please agree, please." Pin Fan rarely sincerely asked.

"Well, I will arrange a team of police to protect you in the past. When the press conference is over, you must cooperate with us to continue the investigation." The director sighed helplessly.

"Thank you." Pin Fan nodded his head to thank him, looked at the operating room where the "light" light was on, and turned away without looking back. She believes that Shen Ming can survive, just as Shen Ming believes that she can catch up with the press conference.

When Pinfan was escorted from the hospital by a team of special police officers, Xiao Yi was sitting in a mini car across the road with a surprisingly calm look. "Look that you haven't cried to death and live, presumably he should be fine ... Shen Ming, in the end When will you not end the mission so embarrassingly? "

Pin van quickly rushed to the international exhibition grounds just across the road from the Eiffel Tower, and Jasmine, standing nervously at the back door, burst into tears when she saw Pin van.

"My, queen!" Aside from shouting this, Jasmine didn't know what to say next.

"Don't cry, you must maintain your beauty today. You will be fired if you cry and wear makeup." Pin Fan really restored the essence of the queen.

"Well, I won't cry, it's really good that Queen can come back!" Jasmine laughed with tears in her eyes.

"Are you ready for everything you prepared?" Pin Van walked directly into the back door, half of the special policemen stayed outside, and the other half followed her into it.

"Yes, the bath water has been drained, and the deodorant ..." Jasmine actually smelled the taste of Pin Fan as soon as she met, but she couldn't say anything.

"Very well, you can handle other things." Pin Fan came to his own room, and the special policemen checked the room carefully and went out.

Although Jasmine wanted to ask Pin Fan what happened in the past 3 days, she did not forget Vitamy's rules, and she could never ask the Queen.

Pin Fan hadn't touched the hot water for 3 days, and the moment she soaked in the bathtub, she felt that every inch of her skin was comfortable to fly. The soap, which was originally at your fingertips, is now as delicate and smooth as gold plating when applied to the body.

It feels really good to be alive in a hot bath, and Pin Van almost cried again. At this moment, she hoped that this bathtub could soak another stinking but scarred body and wash away her three days of fatigue with her.

However, Shen Ming was still in the rescue at the moment. He had a dream. He dreamed of breaking into the Pin van office for the first time and watching Jian Pinna ’s exquisite body. He was directly excited in the dream. The little things were on the operating table. The doctors who stood up were stunned.

"This guy is really mortal, not even the little things are Asian versions," admired a male doctor.

"Come here, give him some more narcotics. Standing this way will affect my work!" Said a female doctor who was working beside Shen Ming's thigh.


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