God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 448: Southeast Asian Branch

Chapter 448: Self-Hanging Southeast Branch

In the mountains and forests, even experienced veteran hunters dare to pack lightly and climb carefully. The location next to Bawanghua camp is basically a sloped mountain forest with a **** between 40 degrees and 80 degrees. In addition to trees and grass, there are many sharp rocks protruding from the ground. The mountain is rich in humidity and everything. There is a layer of water and air, and it is extremely slippery. Once wrestling, it is normal to roll out a few hundred meters away. When other people find you again, the corpses are likely to extend dozens of meters away. It was difficult to piece together.

And Zhao Linger's equipment was not only inadequate, he also wore a sick spring training belt and walked all the way to the ground. Climbing the mountain was tricky.

However, Zhao Linger didn't have the slightest complaint, even though each of her muscles was tired and convulsing and painful, she was willing to climb the mountain in search of bamboo forest for the order of Shenming.

Zhao Linger wasn't shaking, but he was always eager to learn from the masters, and severe instructors could kick her **** to force her to perform ascending tasks. But because of grandpa's relationship, no opponent dares to really take her seriously, and no instructor dares to treat her inhumanly.

Too modest education is not the atmosphere of the military at all. What she wants is this simple and rude, ignoring her identity and background, and treating her as the most novice rookie. Obviously, Shen Ming's pervert fully complied with all her fantasies about the instructor. She was cruel, ruthless, hid a knife in her smile, had no humanity, and even did not even make sense.

Huoling little song, Zhao Linger didn't know how sorrowful the camp was. Anyway, she was inexplicably climbing a half-kilometer mountain road and came to a dense bamboo forest.

It usually takes 10 minutes for her to complete such a journey, but under the restraint and extreme fatigue, it took her half an hour to climb here.

Sitting on the ground against the towering bamboo, she cut a vine according to the knowledge learned from the book and poured juice directly into her mouth to supplement her physical fitness. This oligosaccharide-containing juice is a very good battlefield supplement. Although the taste is bitter and sour, Zhao Linger, who was drinking for the first time, was still excited.

After a little rest for a few minutes, Zhao Linger started her own work of digging bamboo shoots. She didn't dare to be lazy, because there was a dinner waiting for her to do it. She was not afraid of the deep punishment, but was afraid of being unable to complete the task. Shame.

Holding a silver spoon, Zhao Linger was lying on the ground and digging up bamboo shoots. This posture was the most labor-saving for her wearing a training belt, but a spoonful of digging was still very tiring.

When Zhao Linger dug hard to dig two bamboo shoots and threw them into the backpack, a strange smell made the cold hair behind her stand upright.

Looking back, a black and white panda was standing just 5 meters away, staring at her.

"Wild Pan Da? Why can you be so cute ..." Zhao Linger as a female's cute spot was completely activated by this meat ball weighing more than 300 kilograms, and couldn't help but want to step forward and hug him.

However, pandas in the wild are not only selling sprouts. They eat bamboo, and of course they eat meat, especially for the meat that enters their territory.

"Woo!" The panda opened his mouth full of canine teeth and fangs, stared at Zhao Linger with his tongue out, suddenly stepped on his leg, and rushed up.

Zhao Linger was completely stunned. This was the first time that he was attacked by such a wild animal. He stood still and couldn't move.

Just before the panda was about to throw Zhao Linger, a pout, a powerful anaesthetic bomb was hit on the panda's buttocks, and he flew to the body in the air. He still hit Zhao Linger to the ground, pressed under him, and drooled. With Zhao Linger's face.

Zhao Linger, who had retrieved a small life, spent the power of nine cows and two tigers before crawling out from under the panda. While touching the saliva on his face, he looked in the direction of the anesthesia ejection, and Shen Ming even stood hanging. Above the top of the tree, the sniper rifle in his hand was slowly lowered.

From the position where the panda was shot to the sniper point, it has a range of 890 meters. It is still a mountain forest with such a large amount of air humidity. A hit ... Shen Ming's sniper name is definitely not blown out. Zhao Linger believes that The ace sniper in the grandfather Tengu Special Forces couldn't get the shot secure.

"Zhao Linger, are you a bamboo?" Just as Zhao Linger was still feeling a lot of emotion, the metal collar on his neck actually heard a deep voice. It turned out that this thing not only blew up his head, but also had a communication function.

"Report to the sir, I am not." Zhao Linger quickly responded, as if Shen Ming was standing in front of her.

"It's not bamboo. You stand so straight and thwart the animals? Or do you have the habit of humans and animals and want to play a mosaic plot?" Shen Ming turned out to be angry. This was the first time Zhao Linger saw and was Scolded a little bit again.

"Report to the sir, no, it's just ... just a panda ... I didn't expect such animals would actually attack humans. They are completely different from those in the zoo, and my equipment is not enough to solve it." Zhao Linger replied softly.

"The battle that can only be carried out by equipment can be completed with machinery. What do you want? Do you think there will be no war when you invent everything with guns and knives? People are animals. Animals use teeth, claws, and fists It's enough to use your position to kill your life.

Whether it is a prey or a hunter, it depends on who wants to live more.

Zhao Linger, I was very optimistic about you, but now, you can remain indifferent in the face of danger ... If there is another time, my barrel will be filled with live ammunition, and your head must be aimed at. After Shen Ming said it, he stopped paying attention.

After being scolded, Zhao Linger burst into tears for the first time in his eyes, not for this arduous special training, only because of the disappointment of the instructor and his low performance.

From this moment, Zhao Linger vowed secretly in his heart that she would no longer let Shen Ming show a little disappointment to herself, even if she died, she would not let him down!

In the afternoon, more girls were hung on the hanging tree. Half of them failed in the assault and the other half could not complete the training.

The pitiful branch of that big tree is full, Shen Ming feels that the name of the hanging tree is not good, so he gave the big tree a name-"Southeast branch", and it was "self-hanging southeast branch". Found a strong evidence ...

Fortunately, Shen Ming's food will not be deducted, and he eats even better than the food of the Bald Eagle Ace troops. These sisters have already been stabbed to death, and they really need high-calorie food supplements.

But this time, everyone was very entangled in eating. With the experience of lunch, they wanted to eat again when they looked at the rich food. They were afraid to eat it. I was afraid that there would be any abnormal training to make them vomit like pregnant. .

On the contrary, Shen Ming leisurely contented to have a dinner, sat in the crowd and ate, "Are you afraid of any other gameplay? Don't worry, the next 3 hours will be rest time, although I am cruel, But I don't mean to abolish you completely.

If you eat something abnormally, how can you have the energy to play with me for 3 months? So rest assured to eat! "

In a word from Shen Ming, a group of sisters moved so much that they ate in a big mouth while weeping. They were too tired and they were too hungry. What they needed was rest and eating.

If the deepness of the day is the incarnation of the devil, then after nightfall, he is almost an angel. After meals, it's time for a group bath.

The oversized bathroom tents are enough for the people in the camp to wash together. The girls who have been tired for a day are no less eager for hot baths than the refugees in the desert.

The stinky smell always made them feel like they were dead. They all walked into the bathroom happily holding their hands. Surprisingly, even Zhao Linger, who was supposed to be excluded, and Zhu Di, Li Meng, Nono and Chihiro drew into the bathroom together.

In everyone's opinion, Zhao Linger was the first stranger to challenge the Shenming Demon King, and naturally he was also regarded as a comrade in arms.

In fact, it is very simple to cultivate team feelings. It is only necessary to give them a common enemy. Shen Ming is very interested in acting as a villain.

"Linger, have you been wearing this whole day, are you comfortable?" When undressing, Nuo Nuo, the over-aged loli, looked at Zhao Linger's black spring training suit, and frowned. In particular, it was found that she did not take off the training belt on her body even if she took off her underwear.

"This is a resistance muscle training device. I have seen it on military forums. I have always wanted to buy it, but the domestic versions are too simple. They do not have high-intensity effects at all, so I did not buy them. I do n’t think of an instructor. Even this kind of thing has to be known, even if this set is purchased from the US military, it will cost more than 10,000 US dollars! "Zhao Linger praised with a smile.

"I really don't understand why you can still call him an instructor of that kind of beast. He is a devil who is psychopathic. He might have been smashed by dozens of big men when he was imprisoned. Judy, the long leg that had fallen down, snorted.

"Be quiet, if he hears, I don't know how to bully us!" Li Meng raised her finger in front of her mouth in fear.

"Someday ..." Qian Yu said.

"We'll do him." Chihiro said.

"In fact, I think the instructor is very good. I have never seen anyone who is as good at training soldiers as he is. Although we practice very hard, we still have the strength to chat here, indicating that he has mastered each of us fully. "There is no limit to crossing the line. This is impossible in the current military. The quantitative training mode is accurate to the individual plan. We are receiving special training at the VIP level." Zhao Linger said, All the sisters looked at her with incredible eyes.

"I see, you must be in love with that pervert!" Exclaimed Nonogu.

"How is it possible! I just respect him!" Zhao Linger quickly denied that she really worshiped Shenming, but could not distinguish the boundary between worship and love. The ignorant girl was so cute.


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