Chapter 475 孬 兵

Before Ergouzi served as a soldier, he delivered courier at home. In those years, in order to make more money, his parents deliberately hired less couriers, so that at a young age, he carried a large parcel and ran around the old street with his feet and hands. Complete the whole process of delivery.

His family is not affluent. There are four younger brothers and sisters underneath to support them. The second dog is very sensible and works hard. He always grabs the heaviest packages for delivery. Later, the family even hired two couriers. That area has the highest delivery rate.

Later, after he became a soldier, his super running ability and negative gravity became his unique skill. He even had a record of completing a five-kilometer off-road with his unconscious teammates and teammates equipped with his own equipment.

At this moment, even in the jungle, the two dogs can keep running at a high speed of 100 meters and 15 seconds.

His sincere character made him never hesitate to receive an order, even if fierce gunfire spread behind him, he never looked back.

As he ran seriously, he listened to the noise of the current coming from the headphones, feeling that the interference was getting smaller and smaller, and that was all he had to do.

However, just before he was less than fifty meters away from the interference boundary, he gave a snoring sound, and a paintball in his right calf.

There was no pain in the imagination when he was hit by a pistol, but his right foot was worn out according to the rules. Following the rules of the exercise, he gave up his right foot and jumped with his left foot, reaching for the big tree next to him and sprinting forward.

Finally, after jumping another 20 meters, Zhao Linger was rushed to the ground and fell to the ground.

"Run! Tell you to continue running!" Zhao Ling's daughter-in-law was three shots, hitting the remaining hands and feet of two dogs, turning him into a waste.

The second dog, unwilling to compromise, turned over and used his mouth to resist the attack, but Zhao Linger, who was ready, shoved a stick into it.

Until now, Zhao Linger has also killed a lot of Red Army officers and soldiers. It is indeed rare to have a rebellious spirit such as Ergouzi. At least he did not ask the Tian Military District, and the Red Scout Company was ashamed.

"Don't resist, you are my captive now, the captive should look like a captive!"

Zhao Linger was extremely skilled at packing the two dogs into a piglet shape, and carried it back.

As for Shen Ming, Shen Ming's battle was long over, and the three players did not have a single mouth. All were shot in the head and in the heart.

"Report to the sir, the task has been completed." Zhao Linger threw the packed second dog in front of Shen Ming.

"You can't win, our team will find you soon!" The two dogs looked indignant as if they had fallen into the hands of the Laogu devil.

"Dan Ding Brother, this is just an exercise. Everyone is incapable of bringing class emotions." Shen Ming said as he unlocked his communication base station from behind. "I need the password for contacting the headquarters. The little brother can Tell me? "

"Dream daydreaming! I wouldn't say even if killed!" Two dogs were educated before departure. At any time, the new communication password must not be passed on, and death would not work. The last time the communications company of the torrent tank company was required Retired, Ergouzi may not be the king of soldiers, but he will never make such a mistake.

"I like boned soldiers, because I am, but I prefer victory over boned bones, so congratulations, you will experience something that you can never learn in the heavenly army." Shen Ming smiled and carried the base station back. On the back, he tied the feet of three corpses with a rope and dragged them back to the stream.

"Dare to ask the little brother how to call it?" Shen Ming asked kindly.

"My name is Ergouzi, your dog's grandfather is me!" Ergouzi's shouting is to brave himself, and he is scared, even Zhao Linger can feel it.

"Don't greet someone's family casually, it's very impolite!" Shen Ming educated.

"Ah? Oh, I'm sorry." Ergouzi also felt a bit off, after all, Shen Ming has been very polite and hasn't done anything.

"It's okay, I'm sorry I'm sorry, because what I'm doing is likely to hurt you." Shen Ming lifted one of the three soldiers with a smile and looked at the two dogs and asked, "You know Who is he? "

"Leader Chen ?!" the second dog cried.

"It turned out to be your monitor, don't you see it when you see the body of your old monitor?" Shen Ming laughed. "Just knowing that you are brothers with blood thicker than water, so now I ask again and can tell me the password If not, I will start blaspheming the body. "

"Are you sick? You want to torture me directly!" Ergou shouted in shock.

"You are my VIP, how can you torture you, and torture the corpse is just fine." Shen Ming grabbed Chen Ban's head with one hand and walked directly towards the stream.

"Chen class!" Ergou thought to come forward nervously, but Zhao Linger pressed him in place, unable to move.

"Asshole, what the **** do you want to do? Did you really kill me?" Chen Ban looked at Shen Ming in a low voice.

"In theory, aren't you dead? Any regrets, take your time to think about it." Shen Ming pressed Chen Ban in turn and pressed it directly into the stream.

The unprepared Chen Ban struggled fiercely, and the stream was poured into his lungs along the nasal cavity and mouth. This kind of pain is not tolerable by modern soldiers.

"Let it go! Let it go! You're killing! Angry this lunatic! This is just an exercise! You should kill!" The two dogs screamed exhaustedly.

"The little brother probably doesn't know where I'm from, even if it's an exercise, it can kill people." Shen Ming explained expressionlessly. At this moment, everyone's heart was hanging, and the second two dogs wanted to speak. , But all forbeared down.

After a full ten minutes, Shen Ming didn't let Chen Ban emerge from the water and take a breath, until his whole body floated on the stream.

Who would have thought that a stream that only drowned the calf could drown the soldiers.

"Animals! Animals! You will go to the military court! They will shoot you!" The two dogs roared with tears.

"These are not the questions you think about. What you should tell me is the password." Shen Ming stepped ashore again.

"No! I will never say it!" Ergou was extremely angry.

"Really?" Shen Ming said, grabbing another soldier, "Do you know this?"

"No! Don't catch me! I can't die! I don't want to die! Two dogs! Tell him quickly! Don't just have a password? I'm your little brother! You can't look at me ??" That panic The frightened elder brother hadn't finished talking, the captain of the three teams next to him kicked and kicked the little boy's mouth.

"This friend, you **** it according to the rules?" Shen Ming was also funny.

"Can I lie to the corpse? Whatever you want to do, naturally you have a natural harvest, I firmly believe." The captain closed his eyes and waited for death.

"Company commander!" Ergouzi didn't know what to say. He had the consciousness of death but didn't watch his comrades prepare to be killed one by one.

"Since it's so stubborn, let's continue!" Shen Ming dragged Ergouzi's hair to Xiaoxi, and the soldiers were begging for mercy during the whole process, Shen Ming didn't care.

Then, next to Chen Ban, Shen Ming pushed him into the stream.

More fierce struggling, covering the water for a longer time, it took 12 minutes for him to stop moving again, floating on the surface of the stream like water plants.

"Company commander, it's your turn." Shen Ming slaughtered the two of them without incident, and walked forward casually.

"You kill me, please kill me, why show me this? Why are you so cruel?" At this moment, Ergouzi's heart collapsed.

"Because this is war, in order to win, everything can be forgiven." Shen Ming smiled and grabbed the company leader of Ergouzi.

"I tell you, I'll tell you everything! I'm going to kill again, I beg you, let go of my company commander." Ergouzi completely compromised.

"You a puppet soldier!" The company commander just wanted to start, and Shen Ming knocked him to the ground first, making him pass out.

"The company commander, I'm not a soldier, I just don't want to watch you die! He's crazy, how can a man win a lunatic?" Ergouza looked at the fallen company commander with tears and regretted it.

"Hey, don't hesitate to talk about it later, come here, tell me the password first." Shen Ming hugged Ergouzi, quickly got the information he needed.

At this time, Zhao Linger became very interested in the two bodies floating in the water. No matter how others cursed Shen Ming as a perverted demon lunatic to make fun of the instructor, no matter how cruel, ruthless and unreasonable he was, Zhao Linger did not believe he would really Killer for innocent people.

Sure enough, when Zhao Linger turned the two bodies over, their mouths were covered with a simple respirator, which was filled with anesthetic-containing oxygen, and they were diluted with anesthetic oxygen ten minutes after entering the water. Stunned. Shen Ming did not kill anyone, but successfully destroyed Ergouzi's fragile nerves.

After obtaining the communication password, the useless two dogs were beaten to the ground, Shen Ming closed the signal interference system, and the very gentleman called the Red Army Command Post.

"Three teams in red, have something to say, did you find anything?" The correspondent was really as polite and cordial as the operator.

"Hello, your scouts have already been killed by me, and I will kill you soon, and bother you to let the commander wash my **** and wait for me. Although I said this, I am not a guy, correct Once again, "Shen Ming reminded.

"Mr. Ultimate Instructor, meet for the first time, fortunately." Zhao Xiangqian took the microphone before the communicator said anything stupid and let Shen Ming hang up the communication.

"Commander Zhao, who has heard of his name for a long time, never visited disrespect and disrespect. Your granddaughter is alive and well, as you are, and you have a good performance. I believe you can really see it."

"Did I get it wrong? I was going to delay the time to mark your position, but now it's more like you're delaying the time to mark my position? Unless you really care about my fart." Zhao Qiangji values ​​humanely.

"Like I said just now, I will find you, then kill you and end this exercise." Shen Ming finished, and then hung up the communication.

"It seems that our ultimate instructor really is Changshan Zhao Zilong." Zhao Qianxiang smiled, "Let's see how he can do it!"

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