God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 476: Red Army Express

Chapter 476 The Red Army Express

Shen Ming used the thirty-second communication to determine the location of the Red Army headquarters, but unexpectedly, this signal source turned out to be mobile.

"It's time to escape." Shen Ming smiled and turned to start fleeing, Zhao Linger followed.

Within five minutes, the place where they had just stood was bombarded by a rubber rocket and turned into a rainbow.

"Sir, are we really going to sneak in the Red Army headquarters?" Zhao Linger was a little nervous.

"I told them so plainly, can it still be a sneak attack? Should it be a frontal attack?" Shen Ming disapproved.

"Are you serious? Just relying on the two of us, we are going to take down the Red Army headquarters? No one has ever done it, even in the past, the ten strongest Blue Army to a Red Army exercise, Grandpa has not lost the headquarters." Zhao Linger was incredible.

"Your grandfather was very particular about the location of the headquarters. The monitored signals turned out to be moving." Shen Ming ran and retrieved the topographic map on the tactical computer. The signal source was located on the line where the three lines of defense of the Red Army were nearly coincident. .

Because of the road, it is easy to be regarded as a vehicle moving position. In fact, when Shen Ming used satellite signals for monitoring, he saw a straight elevated railway ??

This is a new high-speed railway section repaired by the Tian dynasty, but it has not yet officially opened to traffic and belongs to a sealed section.

Compared to road movements that are more likely to be attacked by sneak attacks, the railways that lie above the mountains, with comprehensive monitoring and guarded by the entire section, are more highly powered and stable. The 260-kilometer-long railway section is half-moon-shaped. The posture encloses half of the exercise site, and runs at 300 kilometers per hour. One can hide the actual location of the headquarters. The other can carry out a rapid large-scale transfer of forces. The vehicle is equipped with 500 elite soldiers and carries heavy weapons for individual transfers. To solve the shortcomings of insufficient air transport power.

In the military history of the dynasty, this was a precedent, and fighting with high-speed rail ...

"High-speed rail? Can this be intercepted too?" Zhao Linger took a breath.

"Accurately speaking, that should be the fourth line of defense of the Red Army. The 260-kilometer line of defense uses a series of tanks to complete a full set of defenses. Very thoughtful, but not without flaws. Unfortunately, we are not discussing **** them now. When he was, it was how to avoid tracking and wear through the Red Army's defense line in the next two days. "Shen Ming took Zhao Linger to start an extraordinary shift.

This is a war of 2 people against 8,000 people. In the vast area, the Red Army used all its power to search for the two remaining enemies. The helicopters were swept 24 hours a day, regardless of cost. Pull-down troubleshooting.

They went over every mountain, over every boulder, and went over every cave. It even found 6 unregistered mineral deposits, saving trouble for the Ministry of Land and Resources and contributing to the gdp of the motherland.

However, no trace of Shen Ming and Zhao Linger was found, as if the air had disappeared. The greedy wolf led the team to search, and Tengu's fighters also exerted all their fighting power, but it was still useless to face Shenming.

"Oh, I was scammed again. The trail of movement is fake." The Chihuahua followed the greedy wolf along the trail of action and came to a swamp. The smelly swamp couldn't be beaten at all, and it contained quicksand. It would surely die once it entered , Shen Ming deliberately led his footprints here, this is the rhythm he wants to kill a few.

"Calm, now everyone should know how bad the prey we tracked is, right?" The greedy wolf was not angry at all for mistakes, but took up an education class, while following his Tengu warriors being tricked, He is also learning Shen Ming's excellent escape skills. "Now let's discuss what he has done this way!"

"Footprints were not processed in time, because the relationship between the accumulated water attracted our attention." The VIP analyzed and pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose.

"Later, we chose to continue on the rocky ground, and the whereabouts should not have been found, but we found a hair break between the cracks in the stone, determined the position, and continued to move forward," Chihuahua added.

"Later, when they entered the woodland, they walked very carefully. There were no footprints or other traces to follow. There were only a few broken branches. They were carefully restored with transparent glue. They were as fine as mines ... That's it. "Finally, the greedy wolf added.

"The traces left by him are specially prepared for us, the most detailed information, to deceive the most professional people. Traces like this, there are no less than ten kinds on the battlefield, just now, I have been receiving The army reports the information about the failure of tracking. He has been playing hide and seek with everyone, showing his anti-tracking skills. "The greedy wolf interpreted tirelessly," faced with thousands of troops, he has no fear, Very old-fashioned to play with us, ask yourself, if you change to yourself, can you be as leisurely as he is, and meticulously make misleading information, and hide and seek with the army?

I said responsibly that I couldn't do it, at least when faced with the siege of the regular army, I couldn't do it. "

The greedy wolf's shame is worse than the voice of everyone. In front of these groups of Tengu who were proud of the status of the country's strongest special soldiers a few days ago, they were flogged and overwhelmed by the overwhelming team of overlords. The pride was completely gone after the teasing.

In the world of war, they are not the top soldiers at all, not even shit. After going to the real battlefield and facing enemies like Shen Ming, their lives are just fish in the disks of others. Can harvest.

Now Tengu are eager to make the exercise longer and let everyone hunt down the deeper rhythm faster, so that they can learn more military knowledge they have never seen before.

As for Zhao Qiang and Shen Ming, they are playing another game. The Red Army Express, which has been maintaining high speeds, has been docked at a temporary platform for repairs. The defense force leading to it has been moderately reduced, and it can even be intentionally left. Out of the passage, a "welcome to come" posture.

Zhao Qianqian even came out from time to time to inspect the military situation and condolences to the little soldiers who had become legged, just to bring Shen Ming to the battle.

Shen Ming could not fail to feel Zhao Xiangqian's invitation, but he never appeared like a ghost.

It seems that he is not interested in the declaration of the commander-in-chief of the Red Army, but is more interested in bringing the Red Army troops to hide and seek in the woods.

Zhao Linger's body camera was also destroyed by Shen Ming, and even the audience didn't know what he was watching.

Quietly, Shen Ming took Zhao Linger across the majority of the exercise site and reached the northern end of the map. This is not the location of the Red Army's military forces, only a small county seat is erected.

Because of the exercise, although the small county is in the exercise area, the established rules of the Red Army and the Blue Army are to be 20 kilometers away from this small county to start a war. Obviously, this rule does not meet the rules of the deep battlefield.

"I don't understand, isn't the chief trying to attack the Red Army headquarters? Why are you here?" Zhao Linger was full of doubts.

"Because our capabilities are simply not enough to take down the Red Army headquarters. Our weapon range is too short and the accuracy is within 400 meters. No matter how hard we try, we can only complete the mission by going deep inside the Red Army headquarters. This is unscientific.

Therefore, there is no way to go in and find your grandpa, so let your grandpa come out to find us. When Shen Ming explained with a smile, she took Zhao Linger to the county's shopping mall to change her outfit, and then she walked to the county's earthquake bureau.

At this moment, there are only the last 2 hours until the end of the exercise ...

The Red Army headquarters received a message shortly after notifying the local area that a magnitude 5 earthquake would be imminent, and demanding that combatants at all levels do a good job of prevention.

The first thing Zhao Xiangxiang thought of was not to protect the lives of the commanders, but that once the earthquake struck, the hidden Shen Ming would probably take the opportunity to make a surprise attack. This was absolutely not an opportunity for him, so he immediately ordered the headquarters to run!

The Red Army Express completed its preparation for departure in just 10 minutes, and quickly set off on the long viaduct railway. Even if the time remaining in the exercise is limited, Zhao Qiangqian will definitely not relax at all during the battle.

At the earthquake bureau, Shen Ming and Zhao Linger got on a rescue helicopter, buzzed to the sky, and flew towards the quake zone, which happened to be head-to-head and the Red Army Express.

"Sir ... Do you want to get in the car directly from the air?" Zhao Linger basically guessed Shen Ming's plan, but he did not expect that Shen Ming would even start the civilian organization for the battle. The director of the stunned earthquake bureau is expected to wake up The neck hurts a week after coming, right?

"This is the idea I learned from" Death Squad ", what's the matter, Niubi!" Shen Ming said with a murmur.

"But it was just a movie ... and the helicopters on the death squads were ordinary low-speed trains ... we were tracking the 300 km / h high-speed train express ..." Zhao Linger was heartily grateful that Shen Ming was not an idea obtained from "Army of the Enemy", otherwise They had to pick up the train with their bare hands.

"Almost, I'm so good at it. I can take the train as a tarmac in minutes!" Shen Ming said later, in fact, driving was not his strong point. He used to have a crash experience with his teammates in Nirvana camp. He was not killed alive by Li Wangmena and others.

A helicopter flew lonely in the night sky, and on the long rails in front of it, the Red Army of the high-speed Mercedes-Benz flew fast and fast.

At the moment of confluence, Shen Ming turned the nose and turned the flight direction to chase up. It was also at the moment when the nose was turned around that the monitoring team immediately discovered that something was wrong. The alarm sounded in the car, and the reaction efficiency was astonishing.

"Finally still." Zhao Xiangqian, who was reading the file, sighed with a smile.

"Commander, I said, he will not give up, there must be ghosts in the earthquake notice." The greedy wolf sitting opposite smiled.

"Of course I know, but if he doesn't move, how can he throw himself away? Replace all the soldiers in the car with the special soldiers of Tengu, this is the party prepared for them." Zhao Qianxiang was all excited. .


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