God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 477: 7 divisions for 1 Shenming

Chapter 477: 7 Divisions for 1 Shen Ming

In the movie, whether it is James Bond or the Terminator, almost every hero has ever skipped the train. They have muscles like running on the ground. After getting on the bus, they beat the bad guy down and cry. Father and yell, and finally slap with the heroine. , Happy ending.

But when Zhao Linger jumped, it was very difficult to open the helicopter cabin door at 300 kilometers per hour. The wind pressure that whistled through the body just wanted to throw him backwards, and the wind that propelled downwards just wanted to throw her. Go down to the ground.

In this state, even maintaining balance is extremely difficult, let alone keeping balance.

"Jump!" Shen Ming maintained the balance of the joystick with horrible arm strength, but the air force ripped by the Red Army's express has a great impact on the helicopter. The body is still trembling and crashing when following.

"How do you jump? Is there no safety rope or anything?" Zhao Linger dared to jump up the cliff at the beginning, but now he was trembling with scared feet at this high speed, only because the cliff fell dead. If this speed is missed, the spread radius of the corpse can exceed half a kilometer, don't even think about it.

"Safety rope? Do you really think we're making a movie? Jump now for me, or I'll kick you down!" Shen Ming shouted, Zhao Linger shook in shock, holding the suction cup holder in his hand and leaping and jumping To the high-speed train at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, she had only one chance to absorb the glass-like body, and the chance was only 0.01 seconds. If she missed it, she would die.

Fortunately, Zhao Linger has an instructor like Shen Ming, and all the training she has received in the past three months is to capture 0.01 seconds of vitality.

For a moment, Zhao Linger accurately absorbed the top of the last section of the Red Army Express, and the suction cup took root. Zhao Linger wrapped the bandaged palm and grabbed the handle, so that the whole body fit on the train surface.

She wanted to turn around and talk to the instructor, but the wind on the train's surface pressed her against the train barriers.

"It's me." Shen Ming kicked the helicopter door next to him and was about to lose his hand. I saw four Tengu fighters rushing into the cockpit of the rear of the car. The machine gun aimed at the helicopter.

Shen Ming wasn't afraid of them at all. After all, their bullets couldn't even penetrate the train's explosion-proof glass, but whenever there was free time, Shen Ming really wanted to show them the middle finger.

But who would have thought that the sound of a bump in the rear window was blown into a pile of scattered small diamonds, the machine gunner, and madly pouring a barrage at the helicopter in the sky.

Shen Ming twisted the joystick and made a large evasive action, before she escaped the fate of being sifted. Looking at the train 100 meters away, and the mountain caves that were only one kilometer away, the appearance of these soldiers Definitely good.

"Sir!" Zhao Linger screamed exhaustedly on the train wall, struggling to move his two-handed suction cup holder toward the rear cockpit, and seemed to think he could do something for Shenming.

"Well, it's good to play slowly and low-key, but if you force me to pretend, why are you suffering?"

Shen Ming suddenly said that the entire swivel of the nose was flying sideways parallel to the ground. Under the stunning watch of the four soldiers, the free-fall body slid from the driver's seat into mid-air. Before he was killed, he turned his body and his right arm instantly reversed. Scaling, the fencing saber was thrown out, and the saber, which accelerated like a shell, was nailed to the main beam of the roof.

The suspension system on Shen Ming's ring arm was activated, pulling him toward the train.

At this time, the train just got into the cave, and the uncontrollable helicopter hit the edge of the cave. The bang of the rock exploded into a raging fireball. It turned into a deep background wall against his demon-like smile. Pulled into the cab behind the car, the whole process took only 2 seconds to complete.

At one time, the guns were rising in the cockpit, and the fire continued. The nervous Zhao Linger accelerated the crawling speed. When she jumped into the cockpit, she saw only four fainted corpses and a colorfully painted surrounding, standing here. The drearyness of the colorful world is like a green lotus without mud, without any paint on it.

"Sir?" Zhao Ling'er saw the unscathed Shen Ming stunned, knowing that she thought Shen Ming was really dead just now.

"Now it's not Qingqing and me. Let's change the day. We still have a cart of enemies to deal with. The next thing you will see is slaughter." Shen Ming gently released Zhao Linger's arm, took a pistol and pushed it away. The door of the cab.

The flare and smoke bombs were thrown into the compartment together, and the sound of the gun continued uninterrupted. Shen Ming let Zhao Linger stay in the cab without the first time to accompany him, but he rushed into the chaotic compartment for harvest-type cleaning.

The thirty soldiers in the first compartment had no power to fight, only to become a stumbling block to the deep, delaying the efficiency of his advance for a moment.

Fifteen seconds will clear the field.

"Safe." Shen Ming whispered softly, and Zhao Linger then entered the gun nervously.

At this moment, there is no room for her to play, no matter how chaotic in the carriage, no one has hit the deep.

Someone tried to bring him down in a hand-to-hand manner, but eventually fell to the ground and twisted his arms into a strange shape.

Although Zhao Linger once used to be a thousand riders, she was in a large base environment, with the advantage of sneak attacks against ordinary soldiers, while Shen Ming was in a small space, prepared against Tengu soldiers. .

But for him, there was no difference at all.

Many audiences in the Imperial Army Department waited for a few days to see the ultimate instructor's shot, but after he shot, he found that his vision could not keep up with his movements, and only some afterimages continued to jump. flash.

The director slowed down every moment and tried to let everyone see what Shen Ming did, but he still could only see some corners and corners. Obviously, Shen Ming did not let himself appear in the central perspective of the enemy for a moment. Too.

"What kind of monster is this? How could it be that thirty Tengu soldiers could not kill him in this interval?" Finally, the military district chief shouted his doubts.

Everyone looked at Luoshen, because only he knew everything about the mysterious instructor.

"You think I can answer your questions, but I can't answer them." Luo Shen sighed with regret. "All I know is that he represents the highest fighting level in the world at present, and what we think is the strongest seal strike. The team, the KGB agency, was no different from our Tengu fighters in front of him.

What I also have to tell you is that he is a sniper, and the range of 2000 meters is the battlefield he is really good at. "

"Are you or him making fun of me! Is this still a sniper? Picking his skin is probably the Terminator, I don't believe that it is also a human!" Another head shouted.

"Congratulations, now you finally feel my constant fear. What I can tell you is that he is not malicious to the heavens and has a strong sense of justice to the society, so I can only ask him to be our The ultimate instructor.

In the world, a warrior like him is by no means complete with two hands. The most terrible thing is that there are camps that specialize in training such warriors. Whether you believe it or not, someday, when they become our enemies, ... Our troops, the heavy armed forces we rely on, can our current soldiers really block their strength? "It's impossible for someone to answer Luoshen's question, because the answer is already engraved in their minds.

The fighters of the Heavenly Dynasty are too weak, at least compared to Shen Ming, they are too weak to even guard the Heavenly Dynasty. Luo Shen's plan to promote the whole army has become less difficult. Even as long as Shenming comes to teach, these leaders are willing to exchange 7 armored divisions for one Shenming.

"Sir, how did you do that?" Zhao Linger followed behind Shen Ming. Although he was holding a gun, he did not feel that he would have the opportunity to move it. Shen Ming skillfully changed the magazine of the semi-automatic pistol, calmly as if rushing Godzilla in the flock depends on how much he eats and eats.

"This is a skill that can't teach you. At least 3 months, you can't learn more than a dozen times. You can't learn." Shen Ming smiled, stepped over an angry body, and headed for the next carriage. Go, "Zhao Linger, do you believe that there really are monsters in the world?"

"I don't believe it," Zhao Linger shook his head.

"I didn't believe it at first ... I had to believe it until I became a monster myself ..." Shen Ming pushed the door of the compartment in front of him with one hand, facing a direct bombard of a rubber rocket launcher, Shen Ming's right hand was completely Descaling, the black claws grabbed the warhead, and at the same time, the emitted gas shot the paint formed by the explosion completely like a scattered projectile toward the compartment in front.

Waiting for the remaining 50 soldiers to fight back, their bodies were stained with colorful paint.

Looking at Shenming again, the devil's fingertips are smooth and there is no drop of pigment left, let alone paint bombs. Even if it is really high-explosive ammunition, he can stand on the spot without shrinking, because the nano-liquid spread Wrapped his other hand and his spine in black.

"Sorry everyone, because of the timeliness, I will use a little trick to scare you, I hope it will not change your outlook on life and values." Shen Ming said after moving forward, after a few rows of bunkers, there are 6 The Tengu soldiers, who are not stained with paint, suddenly jumped when Shen Ming walked by. Various weapons emerged endlessly, and even the strong man reached out to pull the grenade bag on his body.

But after a dragon howl, the whole car's glass was shattered and sprayed out of the car body. All Tengu soldiers fell to the ground, regardless of life or death, all lost consciousness and passed out.

Zhao Linger, who had a unique skill just now, only felt the pain of the eardrum burst, but he did not hurt his nerves. This is thanks to the special training of sound-proof bombs that Shen Ming has conducted in the past 3 months. She could not escape the result of the coma.

"Sir ... what kind of life are you going through?" In the face of Shen Ming's dragon scales everywhere, Zhao Linger had no fear, only doubt.

"A life that no one wants to experience ..." Shen Ming looked back and smiled.


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