God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 478: Give grandpa a shot

Chapter 478 Grandma Gives a Shot to Grandpa

Shen Ming never hides the existence of inverse scales too deliberately, but this thing is too physical and therefore not used often.

However, for the first time to see this set of nano-armed fighters and leaders, they feel as if they are in the power of science fiction.

Tengu's soldiers are brave and fearless. On the battlefield, they are definitely an enemy's nightmare. They can use their lives to defend the dignity of the motherland, but the war intentions are not the same as strength. In the face of the deep, they used their entire lives. Learning is still difficult to stop.

When fighting all the way to only two cars left, Shen Ming lifted the descaling of both hands and feet, and there were actually ten minutes left before his limit time.

"Sir? Are you tired?" Zhao Linger watched the sci-fi movie all the way, but was not addicted to it. She silently followed behind Shen Ming with a gun. When she was needed, she didn't need Shen Ming to command , I have already put it on my own.

"Tired is a bit tired, but it hasn't reached the limit, and the next one is better to meet in a human posture." Shen Ming smelled like a dog and smelled of the soldier in the other compartment.

Like an ordinary passenger, he pushed open the link door of the compartment. There was no seat in the entire compartment at the back. It was like a flat parking lot from the beginning. The greedy wolf with a saber stood in the center, and Chihuahua stood behind him.

"Finally met my old friend again." Greedy wolf smiled.

"Hey, hey, we've only known each other for a few days. Where does the old friend say?" Shen Ming smiled lightly.

"Although I have only known each other for a few days, we know each other just like my confidants for decades. If my mother hadn't left early, I really doubt that you are my brother who has been separated for many years." Deep feeling.

"Speak carefully, this is not a novel. Besides, if you are waiting for me here, just prepare a knife, is it enough?" Shen Ming scorned slightly.

"I cleaned up more than half of the soldiers in the Tengu Special Battle Camp with one person. What should I prepare?" Greedy wolf sighed, "Actually I was wrong. There is no detour space to concentrate the Tengu soldiers in a row. On the train, rely entirely on the number of advantages to crush your tactics to hit you.

No matter how strong your weird arm is, it is only invincible in melee. It is likely that there are restrictions on use, and there will be a burden on the body after use up, so you want the enemy to be centralized and more conducive to your performance. "

"It's so thorough, then you must know that I'm here with you to rest for a while, right?" Shen Ming smiled.

"Of course I know, but in fact, your rest is not very useful, and you will still be very tired afterwards." When the greedy wolf talked, he rushed forward, his body seemed to disappear, and appeared instantly. In front of Shenming.

Similarly, Shen Ming and the greedy wolf who had pulled out the saber fought a personal sword fight.

The striking sound of the knife edge drew a burst of glare. Regardless of whether it is Shenming or Greedy Wolf, the attack and defense of the sword are aimed at taking the life of the opponent. As long as anyone has made the slightest mistake, he will not be guaranteed immediately. It is by no means a paintball paint. Distinguish them who is the king of the king of soldiers?

"Are you powerless? Would you like to take a rest?" After the flash of the sword flashed again, the greedy wolf stepped forward suddenly, holding his shoulders in one hand, and managed to lose him to the train window on the side. Go out.

Shen Ming pierced the explosion-proof glass with a fencing sabre, knelt on his entire body, and looked up. "Just kidding, it will be tough for 300 rounds, believe it?"

"I believe you have a ghost!" The greedy wolf turned and pursued.

Shen Ming's saber pulled toward, pulling the whole glass burst into numerous tiny fragments, and shot at the greedy wolf like a shotgun.

The greedy wolf raised his arm block and faced, and allowed the sharp glass fragments to cut countless wounds on his body, and did not give in. A knife turning deep in midair was bounced off by the greedy wolf accurately, and because of the angle controlled by the greedy wolf, a **** knife edge was cut on the back of his hand.

When they stopped, blood was flowing from their bodies. They prove their strength by hurting each other and are the most sincere way of communication between men (except for taking off pants).

"Brother wolf wore a knife, did you come out of New Oriental before?" Shen Ming licked the wound on the back of his hand and smiled.

"Not only did the sword work better, I have a better job! Come try it!" Greedy wobbled up again, the two men's blades met in the air, the force was too fierce to split the two tigers' mouths apart, two Let go of the saber.

They didn't even care about it, they smashed together next to each other quickly. For a while, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Sanda, Bajiquan, and all kinds of skills that they had never heard of before were used.

They attacked each other's bodies with **** sounds, as heavy and powerful as hitting the steel plate with a hammer until they broke each other's ribs.

"Enough, I will hit a heavy hand again." Shen Ming bit his teeth.

"Have you lighted your hands? Let me try what a heavy hand is!" The greedy wolf had blood on the corner of his mouth, and continued to walk in the business circle. The back of his fist held with his strap was covered with blood.

Shen Ming no longer summoned the inverse scales, but the qi started from the soles of his feet, and the boxing punched out with anger, and the fist that was thrown out had not touched the greedy wolf and had beaten him out.

After sliding on the carpet for 5 meters and stopping, the greedy wolf's valve was stagnated, and the ordinary person had been fainted, but he stood up and shivered.

"My aunt! Are you human at all? Actually ... even qigong!" The greedy wolf only heard that someone would, and he had never encountered such an opponent.

"Can't you lie down quietly?" Shen Ming picked up his fencing saber, with a grudge on his face, and warriors like the greedy wolf didn't seem to kill him and couldn't defeat him.

"Yes, I'll be fine if you kill me." The greedy wolf did not understand qigong, but forcibly walked away, punching the closed valve open.

"Why, why?" Shen Ming took the saber handle behind him with one hand and walked towards the greedy wolf.

When thinking of **** violence, a steel pipe smashed into the back of the greedy wolf, a bloodline shed on the forehead of the iron man, and the greedy wolf rolled with his eyes fell to the ground, finally unconscious.

It ’s not Shen Ming who started, but dare to be a Chihuahua who has been watching from behind. "Sorry, our head is a tendon. If you do n’t give him this, you two are really going to die. Most of them are him. How can people What about winning monsters? "

"Thank you, you have also helped me a lot, but you will be very troublesome when he wakes up." Shen Ming smiled.

"No more trouble will not really kill me, right? Shen Ming, today you are burdock, but it does not mean that you have been burdock, we will definitely exercise to surpass you, and then beat you, you wait!" Chihuahua Seriously warned.

"I believe you can wait for that day to come." Shen Ming knows the importance of goals in training better than anyone else. Whether you want Jackie Chan or Cheng Hu depends on who your goal is and you can run with direction. Faster and more stable.

After walking through the door, Shen Ming and Zhao Linger finally came to the last compartment. All the guards had been defeated by Shen Ming. The train arrived at the next station, surrounded by new soldiers, and there was a 10-minute drive.

At this moment, only Zhao Xiangqian was left in the whole compartment, sitting alone on the sofa, facing the entrance.

"Are you here? Faster than I thought." Zhao looked forward at his watch, 10 minutes before the end of the exercise. Originally, if the Tengu soldiers would support it a little more, the Red Army should have won all round. But when Shen Ming stepped on the high-speed rail train, Zhao Xiangqian already judged that he had lost.

"Grandpa ..." Looking at his grandfather who hadn't seen him for half a year, Zhao Linger praised him.

"I haven't seen you in a while, Linger, you have really changed a lot, stronger and more mature." Zhao Xiangxin comforted.

"Master, are there any last words?" Shen Ming said as he raised a semi-automatic pistol.

"Yes, that is, are you our enemy or a friend?" Zhao Qiangqiang said firmly.

"Is this important?"

"It's very important. If I don't figure it out, I will never die." Zhao Xiangqian was very worried about the answer to this matter, because with his deep ability, if he is the enemy, not only Zhao Qiang, but also every head of the Tianchao Military Region every day Will be sleepless.

"It does n’t make sense to be an enemy or a friend. The situation is changing and people are changing. Even marriage is not credible. What is more permanent? It is important to see the situation clearly and understand the truth. The determination to live. With these things, no matter what kind of enemy or friend you meet, you should be able to deal with it in the best way. "Shen Ming said tirelessly.

"Don't circle me, I'm a female high school student who confessed to you. As long as I have accurate answers, the enemy is still a friend." Zhao Qiang asked.

There was a pause, and Shen Ming thought about it. "My home is in the Dynasty, my family is also in the Dynasty, and my stability lives in the Dynasty. Even if I am not a friend, I will use my life to protect this land. My loyalty is not to the country, but to home. Are you satisfied with this answer? "

"It's not the best answer, nor is it the worst. At least it can reassure me at the moment, so come on and harvest your biggest fruits of victory." Zhao Xiangqian was ready to die.

"No, I don't intend to be the one who ends your life. Someone is more suitable to do this than me." Shen Ming said, suddenly handed the pistol to Zhao Linger's hands.

Zhao Linger froze, after all, sitting there was his own grandpa.

"Tell him everything you want to say. At this moment, I think he is willing to listen to you quietly." This is a graduation gift from Shen Ming to Zhao Linger!

"Sir ..." Zhao Linger didn't know what to say, instinctively raised his pistol and aimed at his grandpa.

"Shen Ming, what on earth do you want to do?" Zhao Qianxiang was a little angry, and although he was defeated, he didn't want to be so humiliated.

"Grandpa, I just want to tell you." Zhao Linger took a breath and condensed, "I have grown up, and in the future, my path will be dominated by me."

After that, a stunned gunshot and the end of the red-blue confrontation exercise were overwhelmed by the Blue Army. The Red Army commander was shot with a complex ending.


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