God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 479: Hurt parting

Chapter 479: Stinging and Parting

The massive questioning of the Red and Blue military confrontation exercise in the Tian Military District was over. Although Shen Ming and Zhao Linger successfully killed the Red Army headquarters, completely destroyed the Tengu Special Battle Camp, and killed the Red Army Commander-in-Chief, the Red Army was ultimately determined to win.

After all, the Red Army still has as many as 80% of its remaining main forces. The three layers of defense are complete, and there is a comprehensive backup command system. Even if Zhao Qiang hangs, the command and combat effectiveness of the Red Army will not be devastated.

But the Blues are different. They have been beaten as bare-headed commanders. Only Shen Ming and Zhao Linger are two soldiers. If they continue to perform, they will still be killed after being trapped.

Regarding such a result, it is only a formulaic interpretation on the official surface. In fact, anyone who has seen this show understands that as long as there is ammunition, there are circuitous areas, and time, Shen Ming can completely defeat the entire Red Army command system one by one. Even the Red Army platoon leader was no problem.

The victory or defeat is no longer important. All you have left is a long road of review, as well as military rectification. The brand-new development direction of the army has already taken shape. The discussion meeting may take several months. Fortunately, Everyone has a real understanding of the world structure that Luo Shen will show, so in the end, it will still develop in a good direction.

It is a little regrettable that Luo Shen has banned the disclosure of any information about Shenming and contacted him by the order of the executive officer. Everyone also accepts Luoshen's private behavior. After all, Shenming is comparable to a human nuclear bomb. Role, it is still safest to keep him in a funny state.

As for Shen Ming, he didn't have the mood to care how many people were discussing around him and watching his fighting video. He only knew that a commission was over again, and he could return to a quiet and peaceful life. Leaving home in March, saying that she didn't want to miss, it was also deceiving, after all, life on hand is not good.

But before returning home, he still owed a group of girls a decent celebration feast. It was still the naval military base, and even paid for a variety of high-end seafood ingredients and boxes of high-end drinks, set up a bonfire on the closed beach, and held a special banquet.

All the once-armed girls have changed into various bikinis, and they have appeared one after another. Shen Ming personally heads the chef to ensure that each dish has the quality of a star hotel.

The banquet was held smoothly from the setting sun until the moon was thin. Everyone sang and danced, laughing and laughing spread out thousands of miles, so that a group of blue fighters who were accepting criticism and reviewing their actions for resentment in the barracks across the wall were extremely grieved. However, everyone has admiration for the Overlord Flower and the dreadful results. They are admired by two thumb brothers. They deserve all the compliments, because they can achieve victory that no one else can.

"Everyone, be quiet." At the beginning of the banquet, Shen Ming knocked on the wine glass and focused everyone's attention on himself.

"Dear everyone, first of all, congratulations on your successful passing of all my special training programs, and you have also achieved impressive results in the final exercise. You have all done a great job, better than I expected.

At first, I didn't believe that each of you could survive to the end, but you all did.

You deserve to be called ‘overlord flowers’ and I ’m the proudest student. I don't know if I will be an instructor in the future when I shoot myself, but I will remember each of you's looks, voices, and strong manners in my heart.

Whenever there is a chance to meet again, whenever ... I invite you to dinner! "

"Hey, hey! I ’ve been abused by you! Are you just going to eat?" Andy still led the "outrage".

"So what do you want?" Shen Ming muttered.

"At least one person will make one hair!" I wonder who shouted, and everyone blushed.

"Don't, it will be killed by my family." Shen Ming wondered.

"Then let's kiss one by one! You can't run away! Overlord flowers, come on!" Andy roared with wine, many girls kicked off the sandals on their feet, and roared towards Shenming. That energy, if it was used in the assassination of Shen Ming, it is estimated that he would have died a hundred times!

"Oh! Don't! Who! Don't grab it! It's not just a kiss ... who uses a bite!" Shen Ming was crushed under the crowd, how beautiful the 49 beauties are compared to 1, and Shen Ming is more than 20 Min hadn't stood up. If it hadn't been for rest, he would have died of suffocation.

And just as everyone was besieging Shen Ming, Zhao Linger, holding a glass of wine, was standing next to her and smiling. She did n’t need to fight for Shen Ming ’s kiss. After all, she was in the forest ... "Reward" again.

After the banquet was covered with various lipstick marks on Shen Minghun's body, he returned to the right track. Shen Mingqing's pants and the same model of Hulk just defended his man's dignity at the last moment.

Shen Ming, with a mess of hair, came to the dining table and stood beside Zhao Linger, drinking water and calming herself.

"Brother Shen Ming, here for you." Zhao Linger handed Shen Ming a wet tissue and pointed to the various lipstick marks on his face.

"Thank you, they're crazy." Shen Ming wiped his face awkwardly. "Yes, why not call me sir?"

"Because this is not a military occasion, you are no longer our instructor. Otherwise, we will all be detained if we drink alcohol alone." Zhao Linger raised her wine glass, and she drank too little. His face was reddish, and the identity of instructor Shen Ming was faded subconsciously.

"That's right, they're too noisy. In the end, I created a group of women soldiers, or are they crazy women?" Shen Ming smiled with a smile on his face.

"Brother Shen Ming said just now that there is another ... is his wife?" Zhao Linger was not drinking, and he would never dare to ask such a question.

"Not yet, she is a girl friend now, but she will be a wife in the future." Shen Ming said frankly.

"Xunzi is really happy, can have a man like you as a husband." Zhao Linger really said.

"Me too." Shen Ming's face was shy and happy.

"Brother Shen Ming, after we say goodbye today, do we still have a chance to meet again?" Zhao Linger suddenly wanted to cry.

"I'll definitely see you again. Not only you, but also the Overlord spend it, as long as you live, there will be another day to see it." Shen clasped his head, and never ended the instructor's hesitation and domineering.

"In fact, I still like the way you harshly reprimanded us. At that time, you were mighty and domineering, as bright as a god." Zhao Ling'er looked at the confusion of Shen Ming's eyes.

"You said it was paralyzed? Isn't this acting style popular now?" Shen Ming said, and he also noticed that the atmosphere was wrong.

"You still owe me ... a kiss." Zhao Linger lowered his glass and lowered his forehead.

"Ah? They're just playing around, you still come ..." Shen Ming embarrassedly wanted to mix it up, but found that Andy and others had looked at it with a smile, I believe it is impossible to get over it, it must be fast Point to solve, "Okay, I'm afraid of you, come on, come on, kiss me! I'm out today!"

Shen Ming opened his arms, more generous than the duck king in the duck shop. Who knew that Zhao Linger came forward and gripped his neck tightly, crying loudly to Tianyi.

For many days, the sisters have seen her bleed and sweat, but have never seen Zhao Linger, who works harder than anyone else, cries so sadly.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Cry what? You see, I didn't do anything to her! She cried herself!" Shen Ming was nervous and kissed countless girls, and she had never seen crying like Zhao Linger. of.

"I know ... Impossible! But I don't want to lose you sir! Why can't you stay that long? Why can't you abuse us more? No one is more cruel and ruthless than you, and no one knows us better than you, Believe us, exercise us! Without you! I will just eat and die in the art troupe, I ca n’t let any man really be a soldier!

Sir! Without you! Who will lead us overlords in the future? "

Zhao Linger's distress terminated the cheerful music, terminated the false smiles on everyone's faces, you should not, terminated the dance, stopped the fun, everyone couldn't help being shrouded in real sadness. They all know that the difference is inevitable. It is another matter whether there is any Overlord Flower in the future. As for this teaser instructor. Devil instructors and ultimate instructors are likely to have no more chances in this life.

Everyone gathered around. They centered on Shen Ming and Zhao Linger and hugged tightly, or choked silently, or wept like Zhao Linger, expressing their thoughts on Shen Ming in their own way. A tribute to this unforgettable special training experience.

"Cry ... cry if you want to cry, but remember, no matter if everyone can still be together, Overlord Flowers are you, I will always be your ultimate instructor. Even if I no longer spur you, you should have in your heart A whip urges you to keep working hard.

Not for myself, for other sisters, for the signature of Overlord Flowers, for your handsome face of your instructor, I must always be in the strongest state.

Who dares to bully you and hit him! I can't make a call and ask my sisters to help him! If you still can't win, call me, how far I will help you to beat him! We are one! Always comrades in blood thicker than water, you can give your back to each other's comrades with peace of mind! "Shen Ming also growled and cried.

He couldn't stand such a parting scene. He used to be separated from a girl in the past, but now he did with 50 at a stretch and lived with him for more than 3 months. He memorized every piece of information for everyone, including their personal preferences and small tempers. Favorite flavor, hate star ...

But now, it will come to an end again. Children always have to learn to grow up, just like old parents who sent their children to college. Regardless of whether future children can become successful, the sadness at that moment is only because of miss. That's it ...


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