God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 481: It ’s so cute without taking medicine!

Chapter 481: You are so cute without taking medicine!

In the hot spring of Kuanruo indoor swimming pool, carved rockery stands at the corner, and the green hot spring soup flows down the narrow path between the rockery and rock, like a stream spring nourishes the human body.

And a tray floating on the water beside Shen Ming is like a lone leaf boat, rippling in this green mountain spring water. The boat carries a glass of warm Shaoxing rice wine, which is far better than Lao Guo's sake.

At this time, if you can come to the last girl to bathe in the same pool, I don't envy you, right?

What do you want? The door to the bathroom behind Shen Ming opened, and his small face could not help being shy. To know this time, Waner had already gone to school. There was only Xiao Yi in Shen's big house. Think of yourself like a 7-fairy girlfriend, and those 105-centimeter-long legs, Shen Ming suppressed for 3 months ** bursting out again.

"Well, I said I was angry, but I still forgive me. After all, when men work outside, it's inevitable that they can't play in the field, can't they not touch the girls? I'm not a guy. Besides, I've always been like a jade. What better to care about? "Shen Ming whispered to himself with a gesture he thought was handsome.

This time, wearing a pair of steamy smoke and steam, a pair of slim long feet stepped into the pool of water, soaked in warm water over the body of red fruit, and even a bath towel was not covered, showing how bold! When I saw him, I leaned forward slightly and washed the petite face with spring water.

Only at this moment did I find Shen Ming staring at her own fruit body, looking as if her soul is out of touch, Li Zuo shouted with a light smile, "Ga! Ga! (Simple bird language translation: look at your sister! Great metamorphosis! !) "

"Panda, I'll go to your grandma's legs! What are you running for ?! This is a pool for human use! Don't you know how to go to the bathroom? I'm alas! What was the soft stuff I stepped on just now? No You are soaring in the pond! Hey! "Shenming growled, the girl in fantasy turned into a bird! Still public! In the end let's not make people live!

And just as Shen Ming scolded Pan Da, the black-eyed ant jumped into the water from the other side, and floated comfortably on the water, just like a dead bug ...

"I've had enough ... you can wash it, I won't soak it." Shen Ming's tears were almost gone, and finally I understood what a mouse **** broke a pot of good hot spring.

Resentful quickly took a shower, Shen Ming ran to the living room. Looking at the beautiful girl who had been away for a long time, he immediately posted it and sold Meng, "Well, you are so bad, I did n’t tell me that the hot spring was used by animals. I still stepped on the bird, and I was disgusted and disgusted. . "

"The electronic housekeeper at the door will show the hot spring use time period. Now it is their use time. You don't see it yourself." Xiao Yi didn't care much about Shenming, but arranged a messy receipt and tax bill before the coffee table. .

"Why so cold? What are you busy with?" Shen Ming felt cold.

"These are all the business tax receipts of Shen's Security Office. I just went to the Taxation Bureau to transfer all of these materials. I intend to formalize the problems left by the history of Shen's Security Office in the past two days and to formalize the business in the future. Solve all the problems. I don't want my man to be threatened because of these trivial matters in the future. Although you have the ability and can handle any trouble, I still don't want you to be threatened. "Xiao Yi's understatement explained but let Shen Ming was moved sincerely. After the love thing jumped over the vigorous eachother, the rest should be the tenderness revealed in the little things at this moment?

"Xiao Yi, I love you, I want to have monkeys for you." Shen Ming said with emotion.

"Don't be disgusting, okay? Don't bother me obediently, let me finish this up." Xiao Yi comforted softly, and the deep confession made her cheeks crimson.

Later, when Waner came back, Shen Ming prepared a large table of wine and dishes, personally cooking, and now celebrating the wedding feast.

Shen Ming expressed his specific usage of the floor at the party, which will always exist as the office floor of Shen's security office. No matter if there is money but no money, Shen Ming must continue to operate, because father and mother ’s emotions are in it. Forgetting the ancestors have no conscience, forgetting that future generations have no feelings. No matter what kind, Shen Ming intends to keep Hold on.

Quiet urban life is always the most longing for Shenming. Even if it is a moment of peace, he is willing to exchange his life for it.

At midnight, after **, Xiao Yi nestling in Shen Minghuai looked up at Xinghe and sighed, "It feels really ironic, we already have everything that others are fighting for, but in the end we ca n’t choose to escape from what we hate the most. Danger?"

"All wishes will be fulfilled. I believe that one day the world will forget my existence and allow me to enjoy the rare peace." Shen Ming stroked Xiao Yi's shoulders to appease.

"Well, will you marry me until that day?" Xiao Yi longed.

"Sure, in my heart you are my wife, no one can change this fact." Shen Ming assured with his soul.

After telling the story of Shen Ming's return, it should be said that just over 2 months ago, Shen Ming had just set off for the training camp. It was far away in an old town called Fengjia Mountain Village in an unknown forest in the deep mountains. Feng Quan, digging his nostril with his little thumb, walked to the main house of the family in various unpleasant ways.

He had just finished working out of the field, and returned to his home after two consecutive missions. He was summoned to the family house before taking a hot bath to sleep. Naturally, it was all kinds of unhappiness.

But Dad is Dad, not to mention letting him rest, even if he dies immediately, he must not evade in the slightest.

When I came to the homeowner's room, there was a candlestick in the old-fashioned room, a gorgeous Tang suit, and the white-haired and white-haired old Feng homeowner Feng Wanli was sitting at the table, drinking at a table.

An old face covered with folds laughed endlessly, just like picking up millions.

"Koizumi, come back? You have come this time, come here, drink a drink and rest your legs and feet." Feng Wanli looked at his well-behaved little son and quickly poured wine for him.

"Dad, I didn't say you. I'm a bit too frustrated recently. I don't give a rest at all. You know that I can go out to the field non-stop, even if it's a horse. I'm tired of you, right? And I'm not an adult yet, actually Let me drink. How did you become a dad? "Feng Quan frowned and educated while taking a sip from the cup. There was no way but to blame Adie's old daughter red, which was so mellow.

"Koizumi isn't satisfied yet? Do you know that I have been so displeased with your other brothers recently? Everyone ran to me to complain to you, saying that you were full of money, cheated, and forced a sow in the village next door. Feng Wanli muttered.

"Don't you know the cubs you own? Outsiders, insiders, insiders, you believe?" Feng Quan despised.

"Of course I know you won't go to force the sow, but the gossip from the family, you still have to pay attention to it. Take care of the personal relationship, go to other uncles and walk around to send something, no money, no Come to me with a gift, let me give it to you. "Feng Wanli taught tirelessly.

"Hey hey, old man, is n’t the way I opened the copy today? Why is it so good to me? Wait a minute, it seems like you have been really good to me lately? What are you doing?" Feng Quan took chopsticks Stiff hands in the air.

"Koizumi, you are my smartest child and the least obedient one. I want to ask you, what do you think of the old Feng family now?" Feng Wanli drank a bit and suddenly lost his head. Asked on such a sentence.

"Besides having meals too often, brothers and sisters are too poisonous, and there is no other harm." Feng Quan vomited while eating peanut rice.

"Little bunny, don't give me sloppy eyes, I ask you what you really think." Feng Wanli even poured wine for Feng Quan himself.

"Did the old man forget to take the medicine today? Why is this weird? Didn't he realize that he was bent at this age?" Feng Quan was ashamed, but he didn't dare to say it, and replied slightly calmly. "Since you are sincere and sincere Asked, I would reluctantly say the last one ...

Today's Lao Feng's family is luxuriant on the surface. In fact, the internal decay is unbearable. The old school insists on the tradition and does not change. It scoffs at modern civilization and thinks that it has been stuck in the years before World War II.

Many of our brothers have died because of the use of the enemy's modern weapons. In the long run, no more than 20 years will elapse, and the old Feng family will forever die. "

"Do you know? No one has ever dared to talk to me like that." Feng Wanli's smile turned iron-blue like a devil.

"Look, let me tell you the truth. You were unhappy when you said that, it was clear that it was just digging a pit and waiting for me to jump!" Feng Quan laid down his chopsticks, "Come on, I know that I am My mother raised it. No one hurts and no one loves it. If you want punishment, punish it. Little master has no other advantage. It is rough skin. You punish me! "

"No, I won't punish you. In fact, I'm clearer about what you say. But today, I ... have no power to change anything. The future of the old Feng family, I can only hope that your descendants will change. Feng Wanli sighed deeply.

"Oh, do n’t count on me. If you want to count, go and count on your elder brother. He was ready to pick up your class a few years ago. The elders have recognized his identity as a prospective homeowner. Not all of the recent reimbursement for expenses out of him Handle it? "Feng Quan quickly shirk away.

"Your elder brother Feng Qianchi is indeed a martial arts genius rare in the old Feng's family for a century, and it is also highly respected by your uncles and elders, but his thinking, defending the city can still be too difficult to change, and the solidified thinking is difficult to follow. Changes in this era.

Maybe I was really wrong in the past. I have always felt that it is a rare virtue to persist in this flowery world. Now it seems that ... I'm just naive? Feng Wanli has been taciturn throughout his life, never admitting mistakes, and is also the most prominent generation of the 18 generations of the old Feng family. But now, like an ordinary old man, he sits in front of his son and admits his mistakes.

"Hey, old man, what's wrong with you? The more you talk today, the more wrong it is? Did you really forget to take your medicine?" Feng Quan also felt the same.

"It's useless to take medicine ... In the advanced stage of liver cancer, I only have half a year to live. Don't take medicine without medicine, at least I feel cute!" Feng Wanli hehe said.


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