God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 482: 19th landlord

Chapter 482 The 19th Generation Homeowner

Before the age of twelve, Feng Quan's memory of his father was not much different from that of King Yan Luo. After all, Fengjia Villa was a hell-like cage.

He is always very busy, has endless entertainment, can drink with a wine tank, and can make tea like kung fu.

He is most proud of the Feng Family Overlord Boxing. At the peak, it was said that he had once punched a ton of boulder with one punch.

Bawangquan is also the basic skill of the Feng family, just like the radio gymnastics in the school, but to want to practice the Bawangquan, it must be personally inherited by the owner in order for this radio gymnastics to exert its amazing power.

The old Feng family was fortunate enough to receive Feng Wanli's guidance. Only Feng Quanzhao was the eldest brother Feng Qianchi. His identity as a prospective owner is also evident.

Feng Quan is the product of Feng Wanli's drinking and smashing, let alone the homeowner to instruct martial arts, even if he has not been killed on the battlefield, he is rough and stubborn.

Feng Wanli is stricter with Feng Quan than any other siblings. Because he is the youngest, he is naturally not behind the other brothers and sisters in martial arts. As a result, the **** dad threw Feng Quan, who was only eight years old, to the training ground. Shang competed with other brothers.

You know, even the youngest brother is 20 years older than him. At that time, Feng Quan, who was silly, bit his teeth and refused to lose, and moved his mouth to bite. He was interrupted by two ribs and lay for three months without getting out of bed. Now the wind and rain are still painful in the chest, which is the sequelae of falling at that time.

Dad doesn't like himself, nor does he like dad. This wonderful pair of father and son lived together for 16 years.

I do n’t know what happened in the past two years, my father suddenly paid attention to Feng Quan, always let him go out to work constantly, and also changed his guns to his slaves, and grew into a “hundred ghost night walk”. Only the oldest brother in Feng ’s family Feng Qianchi's domestic slave can compare with him.

I ’ve gone out a lot, and naturally I ’ve seen more guests. The name of Master Feng Quan ’s Feng family has begun to be recognized by the outside world, which makes his life in the old Feng family better.

Regarding Dad's change, Feng Quan only thought that he was old-fashioned and didn't care too much, and now he heard the news of liver cancer from Dad's mouth. This kind of news that he thought should be regarded as a universal celebration? Poor old man.

"When did you know?" Feng Quan whispered softly.

"Three years ago, I had been receiving treatment in secret, and every time I retreated, I went out to see the doctor." Feng Wanli said in a glass.

"Did you tell the elder brother? There are aunt, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, my mother?" Feng Quan's mother ranked seventh.

"No, I haven't told anyone except you." Feng Wanli smiled at his youngest son with a smile.

"Why tell me? What's the point of knowing me? Do you want me to sympathize with you or forgive you? Don't be the product of your inferior responsibility, because of your turbulence, my mother became your seventh aunt I have been bullied by your six good wives, and my wild seed has not been spurred by the first 20 elder brothers and sisters. They scolded me as a puppet that should have been used to bury the wall, saying that I am not tall The mother's genetic defect is ridiculous that the group of guys can't even solve the binary one-time equation, can they even know what the gene is? "Feng Quan sneered.

"Actually, I know all of this, and I know every move you make every day." Feng Wanli shook his hand slightly, "Everyone must have me because I was a messy drunk. In fact, I and you Your mother has long had a relationship with each other, but she ca n’t really be the wife of the Feng family owner in her capacity.

So it wasn't until I was pregnant that I dared to take her as a concubine, giving you the status of Master Feng. "

"Should I thank you kneeling? No, you ruined my childhood, ruined my present ..." Feng Quan shouted angrily.

"But I want you to be Feng's new owner."

"Oh, you even want to ruin my future ..." Feng Quan burst into tears with a smile. Replaced with the second Master Feng family, hearing Feng Wanli's remarks, kneeling down and thanking him, the shell shattered floor tiles are not overstated, but Feng Quan did not feel the slightest happiness.

"What the **** are you thinking about? Do you have liver cancer or brain cancer? I ’m a wild seed of someone, and I do n’t want me to eat at the big table, but you let me be the owner? Not to mention those uncles Will the generations divide me into five corpses? Even a few older brothers can swallow me and eat it with Vasami! "Feng Quan was unwilling.

"With it, no one dares to touch you." Feng Wanli put a thumb-sized white jade stamp on the table when he spoke.

"Oh ... old man, you are really here ... Feng Jiayin has taken it out!" Feng Quan took a sigh of relief, and Feng Jiayin was the only evidence of Feng ’s homeowner. When seeing Yin, see Feng homer, the disciples not only had to kneel down Alas, the brothers on the rivers and lakes must also give him face.

"Today, I will hand it over to you. From tomorrow on, I will teach you the inner skills of Feng Jiaba Wang Quan. You are born smart, and you have undergone all my hard work. You are all familiar with any internal skills. At the World Martial Arts Conference to be held in the next month, the reunited Feng family will also return. Her prestige at Feng family is second only to me. I have written her a letter. By then, she will stand with me for you. Even if the elder brother and other elders are against you, you are the head of the family. "Obviously Feng Wanli did not plan all of this unexpectedly. He has been planning for a long time.

"No, there are thousands of roads in the world, why should I choose the hardest one to go? Even if you give me a military officer's idle duties, it is better than facing the group of fierce evil goods?" Feng Quan's head was big.

"Koizumi, I just want to ask you ... Have you ever thought of becoming a Feng family? If you have no doubt about your last name, should you do something for its future? I always believe that there are only things between heaven and earth that are only What we can do, I have completed the transformation of the Feng family in the new era, and you will complete the transformation and transformation of the old Feng family. "Feng Wanli clasped Feng Quan's shoulder tightly.

"I'm afraid the old Feng's family did not reborn, I have been peeled and disassembled." Feng Quan faintly felt a hint of crisis.

"Will you?" Feng Wanli picked up Feng Jiayin and delivered it to Feng Quan.

"I don't want to, but I can't escape. Is your blood flowing in your body, is there any choice?" Feng Quan took a deep breath and took over Feng Wanli's seal. The 19th generation of the Feng family was born. .

"Okay! This is my good son, Feng Wanli!" Feng Wanli toasted happily. "Come! I respect you!"

"Old man, can you still drink your liver?" Feng Quan was really worried that he would hang up in advance.

"Do you really think your papa is a pustule? Qigong is inside, and the internal organs on the wine will not hurt the gods, even at the moment before death, it is guaranteed to be tough!" Feng Wanli patted his chest.

"Just do whatever you want!" Feng Quan sighed and toasted his father. The years of grievances between his father and son may not have completely dissipated. At least Feng Quan began to have a sense of responsibility for the family he hated.

Every day later, Feng Quan only felt that he had become a Sun Wukong who studied and learned. He had to run to Feng Wanli's room at three or more in the evening. He couldn't sleep overnight. He learned to roar in the morning before letting go.

Feng Wanli had no trouble at all, and he gave all the shaving things to the bottom to do it. Even during the daytime, even the dogs of Fengjiashanzhuang did not dare to bark at him.

Feng Quan ca n’t do it. There is an endless amount of homework to do every day. He is only 16 years old. He must learn a variety of postures with various teachers every day. He will not talk about such cultural lessons as Wushu and Wushu. However, if you do n’t concentrate on the martial arts, you will whip it down, no matter if you are Master Feng or not.

This is the Feng family's rules. Even if the martial arts master does not grow up, the Feng family is completely acceptable. On the contrary, the more he fights, the more year-end awards will be, forming a metamorphic award system.

Feng spring day become completely that spirit are not, tie a horse can tie asleep, for not suffer less fat martial beat, whip mark on the body of a Road, just s`m lovers in general. The warrior wondered, this product is like this every day, is it addicted to beating? Isn't there a mental distortion?

In the past 20 days or so, the warrior Feng Quan was completely out of temper in the face of stubbornness, and insisted on dozing off in class. "Twenty-one, what are you doing? I have advised you so much, You do n’t even listen to it. The taboo of practice is distraction. If you do n’t pay attention to the fire and go into magic, the immortal is hard to save.

You still doze again and again, you are kidding your life, do you know? The warrior bitterly advised.

"Master, can you put me down and talk again? It's so painful to play! It really hurts!" Feng Quan's tears were backwards, because he was standing upside down with two silver needles against a needle board. The legs were split into a "1", and a bucket of water was hanging on the side. The crotch added weight to a large stone.

"I'm doing this for you, Master. Without this method, you must be dozing off again. I really want to know, what did you do at night?" The martial artist sighed with hate for iron.

"I stole the chicken and touched the dog. What do you care about me at night?" Feng Quan played with the temper of the young master, and it was difficult for him to understand the respect of the teacher in this posture.

"Look at it, you have a problem with your attitude. Since ancient times, the head, the teacher, and the father are one. Since I am your teacher, you should respect me like a father. You, I ’m really distressed. "When the warrior spoke, he picked up a boulder and added it to Feng Quan's crotch.

"Your uncle!" Feng Quan's tears flowed just now, but now she just became a puppet, her hand holding the silver needle twitching and aching.

But the martial artist and himself were surprised that in the past he would never be able to achieve such a method of condensing energy, but now he can support for half an hour without fatigue. Isn't this product ate with fur seal oil or golden jelly? When did it become so sturdy?

Only Feng Quan knew that Feng Jiaba's inner strength and mentality taught by the old man was very overbearing.


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