God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 539: Master tricks

Chapter 539: The Master Moves

In fact, the whole line of war is the most difficult scene to describe. At the end of the 10-kilometer street, 800 people killed 3,000 people. The white paper is just a few figures. In reality, it is enough to fill a university. Massacre on the campus. Both sides no longer use the cold weapons of the Knight-King era. From 5.6 mm rifles to 120 mm artillery, these murderous forces are no longer just as simple as head landing. Often, the dead body cannot be found once they are fired.

The pain that other authors describe to you is nonexistent. When a person is hit by that large-caliber shell, he is blown off before he feels the pain.

Fear and tension can cause the injured person to secrete a large amount of adrenaline to numb the feeling of pain. In addition to the slight pain, there may even be a little excitement.

Those wailing and crying are more from fear.

However, once a person is thrown into such a battlefield, even a coward will instinctively take up a gun. Even a priest will not hesitate to kill anyone he can see. This has nothing to do with belief or Kindness or not is just an instinctive response for living things.

Those who can control this instinct can become Shenming, and those who can't, can become Shenming's enemies.

Ten kilometers of streets finally saw the enemy's gangsters raising their long-armed firearms. With the help of houses, vehicles, and roadways as bunkers, they launched a fierce counterattack against mercenary troops who had committed crimes. They may not have enough experience. The marksmanship is not good, but they ca n’t hold their firepower fierce, and the ill Bekan Street World War II equipment storage can be described as demented. It actually guarantees that every eight people will have a Mark Qin-class heavy machine gun, a Bazuka rocket launcher, and all members Assault rifles equipped with 72 rounds of poposa, grenades are enough to use each of them tied with adult bombs, and there are various types of mortars to cover, and the flamethrower sprayers that are suddenly killed are also one Time is running out of trained mercenaries.

The weapons of World War II are actually the darkest inventions in human history. Some of them are as simple as a steel pipe, and have recoil enough to shatter the user's shoulders. They are rough, clumsy, and ugly, which is not in line with modern aesthetics. Because the only requirement they were created was, "How to kill the enemy fastest and most powerfully."

So even though these guys in the rogue are older than the grandfather of the user, they can play a great effect in a narrow area.

"Headquarters! The enemy's firepower is more fierce than expected! We encountered a fierce counterattack and asked for air support!" The commander of Route 2 demanded from his superiors.

The correspondent at the command center just wanted to reply, but was taken over by the BOSS and said, "You are mercenaries, not U.S. troops. When you encounter a problem, the first thing you want is how to survive with your own life, because I pay for your life. Those who have spent money cannot complete the task within the prescribed time. My reinforcements will definitely go up, but they will kill you with the garbage, understand? "The word of BOSS is gentle, but it has scared No. 2 Commander Xiang Du pulled out.

BOSS never jokes with his subordinates. If he says he will kill you, the only thing you should consider is whether you can leave a whole body. The mission was completed within an hour, with an extra minute or second, waiting for them might be a strategic long-range surface-to-surface missile ...

"I don't want to die! Give me a roof! Rocket! Armored vehicle! Get on! Get on! Get on!" The commander hiding behind the armored vehicle patted the car body wildly.

Everyone just thinks that the boss's head is convulsing, so the fierce firepower, but the urge to die? Shouldn't it be the one who wants to die?

The order is the order, hesitating, no dead body, the assaulters of all sides finally took the stance of destiny, and rushed without fear.

They pushed forward with armored vehicles as a bunker, and then divided the team's top shield to avoid artillery fire and entered the building. They were equipped with shock bombs, sonic booms, flash bombs, and room-to-room cleanup, whether it was a hidden stronghold or a cover behind a door Enemies, they all use armor-piercing shells to pair the room with the enemy.

Of course, even more fierce advancement, the mercenaries were sitting and paying casualties, and their bulletproof protective gear was very thick, but for the metal barrage of Mark Qin, it was also guaranteed to shatter all their internal organs before breaking through the armor. And kill them.

Both sides are using this most inhumane weapon to kill, while the other two protagonists are killing in an unprecedented way. They concentrated in the center of Becken Street, but silently hidden themselves. The funeral dragon tried to release the mechanical spider to help spread the visual boundary, but found that a video signal tracker exists throughout Becken Street. As long as the funeral dragon uses the mechanical spider to help, the first person to be exposed is himself.

Therefore, the two reverted to the most primitive sniper war that relied on their skills to hide and seek. With a high-precision rifle for the intervener, Shen Ming crawled in an old chimney pipe that traversed half a block. Through the occasional 30 cm air inlet, he could overlook the wide 180-degree space. Shen Ming chose one of them. The rifle was erected, and the **** was disassembled to reduce the length of the firearm in a narrow pipe to prevent the muzzle from being exposed.

This chimney pipe is filled with a large amount of carbon monoxide. Most people will die from poisoning within a few minutes after entering. The small breathing apparatus carried by Shenming can maintain normal breathing for 30 minutes.

The burial dragon leaned on a ruined building just 300 meters away. The gang who had been hiding there had not been fired, and all of them had been killed, effectively hiding his figure.

"So deep, where will you hide and wait for me?" Picked up a miniature camera, the funeral dragon was gently placed at the corner of the window sill above the head, and some gravels were hidden together.

The zoom camera scans the street across, the thermal lens, the X-ray perspective lens, and various images are switched alternately. All the people were found within 500 meters, but no trace of deepness was found.

The chimney pipe maintained a high temperature of 50 degrees, and with the obstruction of metal fragments, modern technology could not find him through the perspective.

Although advanced equipment is easy to use, the sniper's ignorance of burial dragons is indeed very stubborn, but for Shen Ming, the sniper will always be more practical only when he sees the target appearing in the cross mirror, and the bullets fired will fly To be particularly smooth.

"I've been waiting for you, waiting for you to come up." Shen Ming breathed pure air in the respirator, so that the right eye tightly facing the sight did not show a slight gap, because the dust in the air would disturb Vision, "Come, look at the positions I set."

Shen Ming, who was about to pull the trigger, pressed a switch, hey! Huh! Huh! A long fire dragon exploded on the long street, shaking, directly blasting a few locations where the sniper was most likely to be hidden, including the place where the burial dragon was hiding, the roof collapsed, but the burial dragon did not escape too far. Still in the rubble, the cricket shooting posture remained.

"Did you just have this little trick? Playing bombs with bombs? It's a waste of giving you so much time to prepare. Congratulations, I will find you." The funeral dragon adjusted the angle of the camera on the windowsill, Began to lock in Shen Ming. The trap of Shen Shen showed that his position could observe all of his selected locations, and the search range was immediately reduced by 90%.

"Do you think my trap is to deal with you? Sorry, you thought wrong." Shen Ming grinned and grinned, because he chose 20 locations of the explosions, all of which were hooliganized, 19 of which were in the explosion Rogues ran out afterwards, only one ... no one appeared.

Both were pushing their opponents back, but Shen Ming was more efficient, and quickly found a camera that was not the size of a little finger 300 meters away.

"I have found you, may the dead rest in peace" 嘭! Shen Ming drew the first shot.

"Not good!" The funeral dragon found out where Shen Ming was but couldn't fight back, pinching a black projectile on his chest as soon as possible.

"A loud bang!" The three-story building hidden by the funeral dragon was blown up into a huge fire, and the heavy bullet hit the high explosives hidden around the house, using a lead to detonate something It is possible to be terminated by technical means. There is no way to stop it if the bullet is triggered.

The blazing fire formed a small mushroom cloud, and the two buildings next to it were both half-stepped. It is impossible for anyone to survive the explosion.

Shen Ming suddenly punched through the remaining chimney pipe rock wall and fell directly to the ground.

He had just been hiding for a full 10 minutes, and the tungsten core armor-piercing projectile had instantly hit a large hole.

The fall, which was only two meters deep, turned his body, inserted into the wall next to him, and the wall under his foot also shot a large pit with a diameter of 2 meters.

"Cut, this isn't dead. What kind of monster is it?" Shen Ming hanging in mid-air saw in the flaming house, the funeral dragon dragged out the magic reform interventionist and stepped out, his whole body shrouded in a layer Transparent slime, like foam floating on the beach.

Tactical emergency rescue puffing agent, the latest experimental weapon, can secrete a sticky foam covering an area of ​​2 square meters in 0.1 seconds. The wrapped person can not only withstand the heavy pressure of the tank car crushing from the body, but also can withstand the 1200 degree flame , Plus 12.7mm caliber ammunition frontal continuous shooting ... The only drawback is that it tastes like broken fish offal mixed with pig manure.

Sometimes, there is really the courage to die, nor the guts of this tactical emergency rescue puffing agent.

"Shen Ming! I beat your uncle!" Funeral Dragon settled the account of eating "Xiang" on Shen Ming's head.

"I thank you for my uncle." Shen Ming smiled, let go, and quickly fell to the ground, pulling the bolt forward.

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