God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 540: First lesson for father

Chapter 540 The First Lesson

When the **** storm outside the house, in the underground bomb shelter on the corner of Becken Street, the eight masters, Hua Ziqiang, Xiao Yi and Pepe were hiding inside.

Although the bomb shelter once stood under the bombing of the Allied forces, it was trembling under the attack of the mercenary 120mm high-explosive shells. The dust continued to drift from the stone bricks overhead, and several incandescent light bulbs were also swaying. Endlessly.

Because even when you hide, you don't forget to enjoy the sickness, the old bar owner in the intoxicating bar has been invited to prepare the best cocktails in Becken Street and even Europe.

The gate of an air-raid shelter, which is about the size of a basketball court, is reinforced with 3 layers of alloy steel plates. The thickness can resist the attack of a 200-mm-caliber steel core armor-piercing projectile, and it is as deep as 30 meters underground. It can stand here too.

In order to ensure that no traitors appeared, every homeowner who entered the air-raid shelter could only bring 4 henchmen, and no weapons were allowed, even the nail clippers were taken away.

The door was locked from the inside. Eight of the owners had one key, and no more than five keys were turned at the same time. The door could not be opened at all.

The people who stayed inside learned about the situation outside through the old-fashioned limited telephone, and directed this man to fight. These big guys who had no combat experience at all often ordered only a few words, "Hold up!" "Kill them!" " You can't take a step back! "

It sounds impassioned, but it doesn't do much good.

Facing this battle, Hua Ziqiang behaved calmly, sitting on the sofa in the corner, holding his daughter tightly in his arms, experiencing the tenderness of his father and daughter after 15 years.

The fighting has been going on for 40 minutes, and the 10km long street has been penetrated by more than 50% of the area. The younger brother who died in the war has more than 1,200 people. Those innocent women and the original residents did not know how many died. They are the most helpless pond fish, the cannon fodder under the battle of the strong, let alone determine their own destiny, even leaving a whole corpse has become a luxury hope.

The hearts of all were ignited in the flames of war, or burned to ashes, or turned into demons. The battle that could not see the end point made Orfes, who was full of confidence at the beginning, anxious. He held the wine glass and left a group of colleagues who were anxious in the order. He came to Hua Ziqiang.

"Mr. Hua ... what do you want to say about everything ...?" Orpheus said blankly.

"I don't understand, what does Mr. Orpheus mean?" Hua Ziqiang smiled indifferently.

"Those who are fighting with our brothers outside are really government forces? Let alone talk about stingy government forces. How come there are so many US military equipment, and their fighting methods are not as good as government forces. Some brothers reported that they found mercenary tattoos on the corpses, and there were even Lao people mixed in with them. Igli did not have so much financial resources to hire so many professional mercenaries to fight for them.

At least for us, Becken Street, they were not willing to spend so much effort fighting.

From the beginning, we actually overestimated ourselves and they came to you, didn't they? Orpheus's questioning made the air-raid shelter dead.

"The response is really fast. I thought it would take a while before you will find out, but since you found it, you'll put it in context. That's right, this thing has nothing to do with the government from the beginning. It will kill me. Is there a small official comparable?

At first I didn't intend to involve you, until I saw Pepe become like this, who do I always need to pay a little price for my anger and the suffering of Pepe? "Hua Ziqiang's frankness has completely changed the atmosphere in the air-raid shelter. Some rogues have already looked at this side, and can't help but pick up the table and chairs and disassemble the legs of the stool.

"Your anger, but we have to pay the lives of as many as 10,000 people in Becken Street?" Orpheus smashed the whiskey glass in his hand.

"10,000 people? Except for your 3,000 dogs, have you really calculated the number of those residents? They could have chosen a different life, but they lost their freedom and future because of the **** agreement you signed. With your property, do you feel sorry for them? "Hua Ziqiang sneered." Since you are a hooligan, don't leave yourself to the side of justice, just like me. I have never considered myself a good person, and I know what is retribution. "

When Hua Ziqiang spoke, he looked at Pepe aside, maybe this was his retribution?

"Thank you Mr. Hua for your frankness. If you come out, you certainly understand what retribution is, but it doesn't mean that when retribution comes, we have to sit back and wait. Since you dare to ask it out, don't blame us for making you half dead Going out, not asking the other side to forgive us for our recklessness, or at least to cease the fire and save our remaining brothers. "Orpheus was clearly angry, but still kept the gentleman's calm.

"Use me for peace, a very good idea. Seeing that you have a lot of people, it is really a wise choice." Hua Zi Qiang held the cocktail in his hand and took a sip, and Xiao Yi has taken a step forward. At this time, it's her turn to take action, to deal with more than 30 hooligan ... She really hasn't tried it, I wonder if she can kill it in one breath?

"But you overlooked it. I never let myself be in the crowd who wanted to kill me. Being in control of the overall situation has become my habit, and it is my best skill. The world can die, only The people I and I care about must live, and for this purpose mobilize the deepest cravings in people ’s hearts and turn them into demons that obey me. I am also happy. ”When talking with Hua Ziqiang, he was surrounded Behind the gang of gangsters who came up, was a strong man sorrowful to the end, a **** hole in his neck was opened and blood spewed out.

Everyone looked back in astonishment, and saw the old owner of the intoxicating bar with white hair and white hair, holding the two wine corkscrew with both hands, and letting the blood spray himself.

"Old thing! Are you crazy?" Baggio's guard immediately stood in front of him, Baggio scolded angrily.

"Yeah, I'm crazy, I've been driven crazy by this **** Becken Street! From here, for 30 years, I can only watch daily performances on this 10-kilometer street and wait for the same. Guest, I miss the life outside, even the elderly home makes me miss, as long as I can leave here and sell my soul to the devil, I am willing.

Coincidentally, I happened to meet such a devil. "The old man grinned and grinned.

He used to be the first gold medal killer of the Mafia. The sunken corpse he threw into the sea was enough to build a dyke. In the most glorious battle, he broke into the police station by himself and killed as many as 35 policemen. The boss was rescued from the detention center, and because after that time, he had to be abandoned by the gang and thrown into the bird's beak street. He became a bar owner who sometimes couldn't say a word in a day.

Hua Ziqiang promised to take him back to modern times and give him enough comfort to enjoy his old age reward. In fact, even if you do n’t give money, the old owner is willing to do all this. He has long wanted to kill and kill a good one, and to resolve the depression in his heart for 30 years.

"Done him!" Orpheus ordered, and everyone rushed forward, a primitive slaughter, playing with the simplest tools.

Don't look at the old age, the master is getting old, and the skilled action of killing people is like going back in time. In a giggle, he wears a red wine corkscrew through the heart of the hooligan, and their neck, leaving The thread wound cannot be sutured at all, or even covered by hand.

Fallen figures were everywhere on the floor, and blood made the feet slippery and sticky. Xiao Yi originally thought that she was going to do it, but no rogue was free to deal with them. She believed that she couldn't do the same thing as the old master. Killing was as ruthless as a butcher, and she even sat with a touch of happiness on her face.

Several homeowners found something wrong, and quickly called to inform what was happening outside. The savior guarded by the door hurriedly shot the door with a machine gun but to no avail. The homeowners inside the hands trembled holding the keys and gathered at the door. The key was inserted into the keyhole, but it opened more slowly due to scramble.

"Don't hurry, my shame party is not over yet!" In the fight, the old master picked up 6 bottles of strong vodka bundled together and threw them to the door. The bottles fell on everyone's heads It shattered and splashed a strong drink on everyone.

"Oops!" Baggio had discovered something wrong, but he couldn't move at all. The old master in the fight dropped a ZIPPO lighter, and he made a sound, and the fire ignited. Ten of his subordinates and five homeowners burned into a fire. The evaporating alcohol taste was particularly good, especially The taste of being cooked with meat pieces.

"Hua Ziqiang, did you plan to do this from the beginning?" Xiao Yi asked in a low voice, looking at the crazy scene in front of her.

"The plan will never keep up with the changes. There are many details of random changes, but there is no deviation in the general direction." Hua Ziqiang sighed.

"My sister doesn't have to be surprised. From the beginning, I believed that my dad was a devil, and he was doing what the devil could do." Pepe said without frustration.

"Peppe, the world is far more ugly than we have seen. No one can fully trust them. They are greedy, cunning, cruel, unbearable, and you never know what they think in their heads.

If you want to protect yourself, you must be more greedy, more cunning, more cruel, and more uncomfortable than others. Never let others know what you are thinking.

This is the first lesson your father taught you ... "If you can, Hua Ziqiang doesn't want Pepe to know these. If he can do better, Pepe wouldn't have to know these ...

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