God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1262: Who is a pig dog?

The first thousand two hundred and sixty two chapters who are pig dogs

The white tiger's demon power surged, and a white tiger phantom appeared, so fierce, such as the gods, and shocked the audience.

The Baihu family is also the top of the whole Yaozu. The blood flowing on the body is the blood of the gods. Even the Zeus clan does not dare to say that it can be won.

Moreover, the inheritance of this white tiger in the tribe is higher than that of Tilagon in the Zeus clan. How can he be defeated?

"This human being is still handed over to me, the same, no need to calculate in the bet." White Tiger pointed to Duan Kang, cold and cold.

That look, as if you can kill Duan Kang time!

And Duan Kang, his face has been ugly to the extreme.

This demon is a demon, they are treated as pigs and dogs, they can be killed at will, even as a gamble, game, and now they are quarreling for who is responsible for the main knife.

So humiliating, how can you endure!

"Looking for death!" Duan Kangshi angered, a dagger knife appeared, it is the **** of martial arts, and the weapons in his hands, the same.

The dagger's big knife, the dragon's tiger is painted on the long handle. At this moment, it is like a resurrection. The divine nature is stunned, and when the master's anger is felt, the power is even more terrifying.

With a long knife in hand, Duan Kang’s momentum suddenly rose up, like a wolf smoke, straight into the sky.

"There is no limit!"

Duan Kangshi was awkward.

This knife, no fancy, extremely simple, looks like an ordinary knife.

But the real powerhouse can see that this knife is extremely horrible, and there is a kind of returning to the true taste of it. It can be said that it is the strongest knife of Duan Kangshi.

At this moment, Duan Kangshi, the addition of the mystery of the body, the power multiplied, apparently, in the face of such a strong enemy, he also wants to build a merit.

When the long knife falls, the mountains and rivers will be crushed, and the power is indeed strong. Even the two-star Wusheng must be frowning.

However, the white tiger was sneer, the body blood boiling, one hand turned into a tiger claw, directly shot to Duan Kang when this knife.

The demon family is tyrannical, and the white tiger is one of the best. It is full of flesh and blood, like an artifact, and it is almost unfavorable.

A claw shot to the long knife, the white tiger is also a slight disadvantage, but what he did is to draw closer, not a fatal.

This knife, no doubt Duan Kangshi dominated, leaving blood marks on the white tiger's claws.

But that's all.

At this moment, Baihu has already shaken this knife and turned it into a white light.

"Dream!" Duan Kang was cold, and his heart was furious. He held the handle with both hands and stopped before the white tiger.

One claw fell, the gold and iron sang, and Duan Kang was snorted, and a sweet mouth, he would spit out a blood.

The strength of this white tiger is more amazing than imagined, and the speed is too fast.

Things are not right!

Duan Kangshi’s heart sank.

The Yaozu and the Mozu do have racial talents, and they are born more powerful than the Terran.

However, he was not a weak person when he was a Kang, but he was the emperor of the Promise of the Promise. He cultivated Zhou Wu, even if he was against the White Tigers or the Zeus, he could not have the power of a war!

Otherwise, if the gap is so great, the Terran has long been ruined by the demon.

The power of this white tiger is problematic!

But at this moment, the war is still going on, and it is impossible to think about it when the section is Kang. The white tiger is physically strong and can make human beings unable to make movements.

This effort, the offensive has changed, making Duan Kangshi unable to resist.

This white tiger's fighting skills are also extremely strong!

"Hey!" Duan Kangshi had no choice but to scream, and there was a horrible force on the dagger.

The white tiger is cold and shuns quickly.

This is the power of a powerful prince of the Promise Gods for Duan Kangshi to save his life. At this moment, he has to use it.

"Hey, this is your means of life-saving? But so!" White Tiger sneered, scornfully looking at Duan Kangshi.

It didn't even make the body, but it forced the paragraph to make a card.

The outcome of this war has long been clear.

"Tiger brother, have played almost, the fruit of the big world is ripe, let's kill it, this place, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be a change." Tilagong smiled.

Duan Kangshi gritted his teeth and glanced at the center of Shilin, where there was a special altar, and above the altar, a flower bone was about to bloom.

That is the fruit of the great world. If you master it, you can fly in the sky. Do you want to give up?

But leaving a big fight, I am afraid that no one on their side can't walk, and they will all die.

"Duan brother, staying in the green hills, there is no firewood, now the demon is big, let's go first, it is not too late to gather people and kill them!" An imperial prince whispered.

Duan Kangshi's face is blue, but for the sake of the present, it is the best policy to escape.

This demon two, obviously have some kind of power bonus that they don't have. At this moment, it is unwise to fight.

Duan Kangshi finally looked at the fruits of the big world and was ready to retreat.

It’s just that this doesn’t matter, the eyes suddenly grow up.

I don't know when, two people have stood on the altar and are watching the flower bones with interest.

The girl, who was pretty and disdainful, even took the hand to pick up the petals, and was beaten by the man around her.

What is the illusion?

There have been no people just now.

Slow, how the girl is so familiar.

Sun Jingwei?

Xuantian authentic first beauty, Sun Jingwei!

Tiragong and others also noticed something and quickly looked at the altar.

Immediately, like Duan Kangshi, he widened his eyes and was incredible!

When are these two people coming over?

Moreover, there is ancient power protection on the altar. Even if they are, they need to spend some hands and feet to finally enter it and capture the fruits of the great world.

But these two people have already entered.

Is the power left in ancient times gone?

Tilagon’s heart was shocked, and immediately became furious, and the demon spirit appeared, and the thunder suddenly raged and raged!

That is their ancestor Zeus, the king of the gods!

"Human, you **** worms, roll down from there, otherwise, you will soon be ashes!" Tilagon roared.

The white tiger, also roaring, will turn out the ontology.

Duan Kangshi's face changed, and the secret Sun Jingjing was too unwise. At this time, what are you waiting for? Is it necessary to wait for the fruit of the big world to mature?

Since the good luck is close to the fruit of the big world, it should be taken away directly, and the opportunity to not respond to the demon is.

And now, I can't go without thinking!

Sun Jing's power section Kang Kang is still somewhat understanding, very close to Wu Sheng, but has not yet taken the step.

As for Qin Qi around Sun Jingxi, he does not know, but with this point, it can be seen that Qin Qi’s strength is bound to be weak.

After all, how can the strong, Duan Kangshi not know?

Now the demon two have reacted, and they have shaken the power and sealed the Quartet. They can't walk Qin Qi.

"Kill them." White Tiger is cold and cold.

"The man killed, the woman left, although it is a low-lying people, but this is really good, and it is still a virgin, it is worthy of my favor once." Tilagong laughed.

The Mozu, there is a perverted fanaticism about the virginity.

Sun Jing's face is not good-looking. This Tilagong's eyes make her all goose bumps, and she is sick of death.

"Sister, how do you say?" Qin Qi laughed.

"What else to say, kill them!" Sun Jing angered.

"That is what the sister and sister want." Qin Qi chuckled and slowly walked down the altar.

The king behind him appeared, and he came along like that. Every step he took, the momentum increased by a few points. In the end, it was like the emperor!

Both Tirragon and the White Tiger are shocked.

Is this really the human race they regard as pigs and dogs?

In the end, who is the pig!

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