God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1263: Tiger coat

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-three chapters tiger coat

Tirragon, and the white tiger, are the top geniuses of their respective ethnic groups, inheriting the most pure blood of their ancestors.

Their pride stems from their own strength and the addition of various mighty powers.

This is enough to make them stand out from the crowd.

But they are not idiots, knowing when they can despise their opponents and when they should go all out.

At this moment, Qin Qi, step by step, is like an emperor.

The martial arts, never seen, even if the Mozu is proud of the knowledge, there is no record of this martial.

It is only vague, and even if it is the most pure demon soul, the source of Tilagon's pride can't give him any sense of security.

How can this kid be so terrible?

Have not yet shot, have let them feel fear and fear from the bottom of my heart!

It is only a human being, a star Wusheng, how can you suppress them with blood?

"The ancestor, you can feel the inferiority of the people, give him sanctions!" Tilagong snorted, directly into the demonization.

And the soul of Zeus, suddenly rose up, surrounded by endless thunder, as if the once invincible king of God is returning.

This Tiragon is really strong and the blood is extremely pure.

His realm has reached the peak of the Prince of Stars, and at this moment his combat power is enough to be truly equal to the two-star prince.

Even, there is something beyond!

Because there is a special kind of power in him, which increases his combat power.


The mad thunder fell, the hands of the demon god, as if there was a hammer of the gods, gathered the most terrible Thunder power.

At this time, slamming down, the void actually split.

This chaotic ancient world, the law of the void is extremely heavy, and the ordinary can not be broken, but this Tilagong can actually do it.

These thunders, such as thunder!

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

On the other hand, the white tiger is also roaring. He has completely transformed the ontology, which is as big as a hill.

In its body, the blood is boiling, and the power of condensation in the flesh and blood erupts in an instant, oppressing the void.

He lifted a tiger's claw, and the white demon power limit condensed, as if it had become an ancestor, the white tiger **** is smashing!

A paw, like a mountain, slammed down.

The two strong men shot together to kill Qin Qi in the first time, and the power they showed seemed to be able to do this.

Even if it is Samsung Wusheng, I am afraid I will be disappointed.


like water off a duck's back.

On Qin Qi, the twelve-faced Buddha shield appeared.

The attack of a demon and a demon, the power is endless, can destroy the mountains and rivers, but even the outermost layer of the Qin Qi Buddha shield has not been broken.

The strength of both sides is a qualitative difference!

"How can this be!" Tilagon exclaimed that the younger generation could not have such power.

Is Qin Qi a master of the older generation.

Impossible, if the older generation has already been suppressed by the ancient world, the result will only be worse.

Just can't let them think more, Qin Qi has stopped, and then looked at them indifferently.

Yes, just look at them!

In the meantime, I feel that the inner war is directly collapsed, and the ensuing is the boundless fear.

Their knees began to tremble uncontrollably, and then, in the unwilling roar, they couldn’t control themselves and fell down.


That's it!

Duan Kangshi and others, all are discolored, can not help but swallow.

Is that human being?

Take a look, smash one, really like an emperor!

That Tiragon, the white tiger, how powerful, the war force surpassed Duan Kangshi too, but now, have fallen, even the opportunity to resist.

"Hey!" The white tiger screamed, shaking the earth.

Its body, a heavy white halo appeared, turned into a ghost of a white tiger, more ferocious, more powerful!

Tiger coat!

White Tiger entered this chaotic ancient world, how could it not have a strong card.

At this moment, it is one of the abilities of the tiger family to shock the world.

This ability is like covering a body with a layer of clothing, and how much combat power can be raised depends entirely on the maker of the tiger's coat.

This tiger's robes are tailor-made for this white tiger's uncle.

The explosive power in an instant can make him have the confidence to fight with the four-star Wu Sheng!

White tiger cub, it can't stand to kneel down to a human being, it must tear the Qin Qi, and swallow him!


The endless thunder rang, and the Tilagon body also broke out beyond its own power.

Quake hammer!

A divine material flies out of Tilagon, which is derived from the artifacts used by Zeus, the king of the gods, and the power of the Quake.

Although it is only a tiny part, its power is devastating.

These cards were used when Tiragun was preparing to collide with the Emperor or the Sanctuary, but now they have to use it.

The two strong men launched a counterattack, and their companions, did not idle, formed a battle array in an instant, providing them with more power.

No wonder they don't put Duan Kangshi in their eyes at all.

These cards are enough to kill Duan Kangshi and others directly.

Thunder, Tiger!

They are no longer squatting, but stand up and break through the **** of Qin Qi.

And they can't kneel down and kneel in front of a human being.

What they have to do is kill the human being who gave them shame, wash everything with his blood!

"It’s not whoever sounds, it’s amazing." Qin Qi shook his head and said faintly.

Immediately, the slogan was in the head, one hand and one print, and slammed it.

"Boom" two sounds.

The world is clean.

Duan Kangshi and others' chins almost fell to the ground.

So violent, strong and boundless, it seems that it is necessary to counterattack Qin Qi, and even the demon who killed Qin Qi, so simple, was photographed on the ground.

They still have to be embarrassed, and this time, it is very thorough, because under the knees, all the legs are blasted.

I don’t have to worry about it!

"Impossible, it is impossible!" Tilagong snarled, his face was distorted.

He even squatted in front of a human being. He even used his cards. Why can't he resist this human being?

No, he does not accept this fact, he wants to kill Qin Qi.

The magical volatility of a stock of horror radiated from him, and the exclusive avenue was oscillating and began to sublimate.

He is incomparably close to the two-star prince. The reason why he has never made a breakthrough is to wait for the fruits of the big world. At that time, he will be promoted. He can even break through to the four-star Wusheng.

But now, there is no choice.

And he believes that as long as he comes to the ranks of the two-star prince, he will certainly be defeated.

"Also ready to be promoted, what do you think, when I am a display?" Qin Qi is speechless, and Tian Tears directly draws down.

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