God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1273: Linden

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-three chapters of linden

"The land of Buddhism?"

Qin Qi, they left the void passage and came to the outside world. It was just the picture in front of them, but it was like the chaos of the ancient world.

The ancient temples are continuous, there are bells and melodious sounds, there are sounds of wooden fish, and there seems to be a chanting by the chanting.

Just like, came to the holy place of Buddhism.

"This chaotic ancient world, there is still such a place?" Sun Jingxi surprised.

They all walked out of the hanging mirror and set foot on this piece of Buddha soil, which was a bit shocking.

After all, even if this place is ancient, it is also the boundary of Zhongzhou. Buddhism is popular in the West Desert. How can this scene be there?

There are so many ancient temples that you can't see the head at a glance. Every temple has a Buddha's light, and a heavy light is scattered, full of sacred peace.

The pure land of Buddhism, even the enlightenment road seems to have turned into a smooth road, and some messy inner hearts have become clear and pure.

"Is that Bodhi tree?" Ye Yuexin pointed at the distance, surprised to see the core position of this ancient temple.

There, there is a giant wood, infinite branches and leaves, every leaf, every branch, there is a rhyme in it.

Such a tree is extremely lush, like a dome, covering a radius of nearly ten miles.

In Qin Qi's eyes, this tree has other flavors.

It seems like a tree is a Buddha!

"Buman Bodhi, the first **** tree!" Qin Qi is also amazed.

Bodhi tree has an irreplaceable significance for Buddhism!

The greatest existence of Buddhism, Sakyamuni is the enlightenment under this tree. At the moment he realized it, the whole West Desert began to change, and the heavens and the earth were scolding his Buddha!

Buddhism has changed since that day. It can even be said that from then on, Buddhism is the real Buddha.

Sakyamuni, boarded Mount Sumi, he was a latecomer, but as if he was the one who stood here at the beginning.

What he said is true, what he rejects is nothingness.

The twenty-eight days of the three worlds that were originally supreme were the masters of the Buddha, but the appearance of Shakyamuni became the guardian of the Buddha.

Because Sakyamuni, the ancestor of the Buddha, gave them a new name.

They clearly existed in the world first, but after the title, it seemed to be a latecomer, created by Shakyamuni.

Unimaginable big magic!

Shakyamuni's presence for Buddhism is tantamount to the existence of the creator. On him, there seems to be no limit of time.

He is the past, he is now, he is the future!

Buddha everywhere.

And such a terrible and indescribable existence, his place of enlightenment, the Bodhi tree, will it be idle?

According to legend, under the Bodhi tree, the chances of success will be greatly enhanced, and it will be extremely satisfactory, leaving no lingering.

This kind of power, even if it is the Tianshufu, is not comparable.

It is a pity that after the disappearance of Buddhism in Xi'an, there is no Bodhi tree in the world, leaving only some branches, but even if you invest a huge amount of resources, you can only maintain some divinity.

There is no longer a role in promoting enlightenment.

And here, there is actually a linden tree?

Everyone's eyes are bright.

Most of them are in a state of unrecognized, and they are in the ranks of the nine-and-a-half-sacred, and they are unable to cross the step.

But if you are under the Bodhi tree, I believe that you will be able to realize everything in an instant and enter the realm of Wu Sheng!

"Let's go faster!" Qu Na couldn't help but cried.

Such an opportunity must not be missed.

"Everyone calms down first, so that I can't look so simple, I must be careful!" Duan Kangshi said.

This is not that he has already realized, so this Bodhi tree has no meaning to him.

In fact, the Bodhi tree has an extremely significant effect on the promotion of the exclusive avenue.

In the realm of Wu Sheng, the exclusive avenue is very important, and every promotion is very difficult. If there is such an opportunity, how can it be missed?

It’s just that Duan Kangshi really doesn’t think that this kind of good thing will fall on them so easily.

"Yes, it's good to be careful. This place, although the Buddha shines, but always feels less comfortable." Sun Jingyi also nodded.

This place is sacred, and the sounds of chanting and chanting are constantly ringing, and the gods can be demonized.

However, it still makes people feel uneasy, and always feels something wrong.

"Small illusory, you have been in the void for so long, haven't you been here?" Ye Yuexin raised the empty beast.

The void animal is white, and he really does not want to be touched by Ye Yue.

Especially the soul is still in the hands of Ye Yuexin.

"This place is a bit evil, I don't want to come in." The Void beast said.

"You don't even want to come?" Qin Qi slightly frowned.

He knows the power of the Void, although it is a six-star saint, but it is enough to rival the seven stars.

He didn't want to come here.

"Have someone ever been here?" Qin Qi asked.

"Five thousand years ago, it seems that humans have set foot here." Void beast.

Five thousand years ago?

Qin Qi was slightly surprised. He thought that the Void would say a thousand years ago.

Can it be that one thousand years ago, someone found this place, after the preparations for the millennium, did you finally determine the reality of the place?

The Imperial City and the Holy Palace are obviously for this place.

But I did not expect that 5,000 years ago, someone actually came here.

"What about the millennium?" Sun Jing couldn't help but ask.

"Those who were a thousand years ago, not a powerful one, not a dead one, swayed in a few unformed small worlds outside, and did not come in at all." The void beast dismissed.

In this way, the grandson of the grandson of Sun Jingwei did not set foot here.

He just knows that there is a special place.

However, it seems that even the people of the Imperial City and the Holy Palace have never set foot on this place.

What they once explored was only a small world that was not formed in the periphery. After that, through the celestial calculations, they finally discovered some secrets.

"But since someone came here this place 5,000 years ago, how can it be that no one can come in later, isn't that person not going out?" Qin Qi wondered.

"Remember to go out, and never came again." Void beast.

This is affirmative. The ancient world has been opened once a thousand years. After another thousand years, the person will not be qualified to enter, and will be rejected by this world.

Qin Qi thought about it and looked at Duan Kangshi and others: "I don't know much about these, but you should know more than me?"

Duan Kangshi frowned, said: "Five thousand years ago, I remember that there is nothing special. As in the past, I have brought out a lot of treasures, such as ancient Wu or ancient books."

"Who was the strongest at that time?" Qin Qidao.

"It is the fourth of the heavenly election." Duan Kang said.

This is undoubted. The fourth day of the election, just after entering the election, is still a younger generation. Although it can't compete with the older generation, it is unmatched among the peers.

Now, after five thousand years, the fourth day of the election is already the top Wusheng, and the strength is clear, there are not many rivals.

However, since he entered the Guangming Hall and became the master of the temple, he rarely appeared, and there was no record to follow. How strong is it, no one knows.

The lord of Zhengda Guangming Hall is almost the ally of the right-wing alliance. There is a holy fairy palace behind him, and no one will challenge him.

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