The first thousand two hundred and seventy-four chapters

On this point, Qin Qi naturally heard about it, Zhengda Guangming Hall, that is where he was sentenced, he could not understand.

It’s just that he doesn’t know that the fourth day of the election has also entered this chaotic world.

However, if it is the fourth day of the election, then at least the Holy Palace will inevitably get the news. How many times will it not send people to enter this place?

I am afraid that the 5,000-year-old is not the fourth of the election, but another person.

This time, Kang Shi also thought of it, so he couldn't help but frown, saying: "If it is not the fourth choice of the heavenly election, then it is difficult to judge. After all, no one at that time can resist it! ”

"Who is the strongest in the world except for the fourth day of the election?" Qin Qi asked.

Wen Yan, Sun Jingwei and Duan Kangshi, etc., all looked at Qin Qi.

"What do you mean?" Qin Qi is somewhat inexplicable.

"In addition to the fourth day of the election, the strongest should be that it was still unknown at the time, but now it is Liu Baiyi, the dean of the Tianzi Academy." Duan Kangshi said.

"Hey..." Qin Qi was awkward, but he did not expect that he would be the dean.

However, he did not know anything about the secret here.

Li Ningshuang is obviously not aware of it.

In this way, even if the dean came here, I was afraid that I had never disclosed any news.

"But let's go to the Bodhi tree. I am afraid that the Emperor City and the Shengxian Palace will come in. We must hurry up." Qin Qidao.

Everyone is nodding.

To guess who is the 5,000-year-old person has little meaning, the immediate benefits are real.

Entering the ancient temple range, Qin Qi and others are cautious and do not dare to venture.

And Qin Qi took the lead and was also duty-bound.

Into the ancient temple, there are weeds on the ground, the walls are broken, full of depression.

And although the bell is ringing, there are even sounds of wooden fish, but among the Buddhist temples, there is no monk, and there is no Buddha manifestation.

These sounds have become a bit strange.

Not to mention suppressing evil spirits, it has become somewhat sinister and difficult.

It’s just that this step is a step away, and there is no danger except for the strange atmosphere.

It’s hard to be true. Are they really too cautious?

In the far distance, the branches and leaves of the Bodhi tree move with the wind, and they know the rate, while the leaves swing, there is a little light, if the stars shine.

Is that Bodhi?

The legendary sacred object!

"It won't be. Bodhi has a big fruit in it!" Sun Jing can't help but guess.

Because the egg of the mysterious mirror in her body has already fluctuated and resonated with it.

This point, Qin Qi's feeling is the same.

This is the so-called **** tree with the fruits of the great world?

The predecessor of Xuantian Orthodox saw that it was the figuration of this Bodhi tree projection in the unformed small world!

Bodhi tree.

Great fruit.

This temptation is really too big.

And this road has come, and there is no danger. Some people have been unable to endure and want to take the lead in snatching.

Finally, as he passed through a temple, one of the team turned in one direction and swiftly flew out.

His speed was raised to the extreme, passing through the temple from the side and rushing to the Bodhi tree.

"Zhang Xiong, this place is dangerous!" Duan Kang called.

It is a genius of the top eight giants. At this moment, I can't help but tempted to grab the fruits of the big world.

"What can be dangerous, starving to death, timid and timid, big fruit is mine!" Zhang Yuanzhou laughed.

This is the fruit of the great world, the key to the great world, even if it is dangerous, it must not be let go.

"Qin brother, what to do!" Duan Kang time frowning, his face is a bit ugly.

"Look and see." Qin Qi did not care.

Such a place, how could it be no danger, at this moment, Zhang Yuanzhou rushed out, but can find a way.

Everyone is looking different and hesitating.

At this time, Zhang Yuanzhou has already flown through the continuous ancient temple. At his speed, coming to the Bodhi tree is only a few breathing things.

This process is not dangerous!

Seeing Zhang Yuanzhou want to succeed, two people in the team couldn't stand it, rushed out, and showed their means to speed up.

The fruits of this great world seem to have more than one, but there is no limit to the number of people who can be captured. If you wait, Zhang Yuanzhou will probably take away all the fruits of the great world.

How can you watch Zhang Yuanzhou enjoy it?

Whether it is dangerous or not, try it!

Duan Kangshi opened his mouth and his face looked very hesitant and difficult to decide.

"Second brother, have we come to this chaotic ancient world to seize the realm of life, is it still naive to expect to avoid danger?"

"Whether there is danger, how to make it, don't miss it!" Duan Kangshi's cousin called, is another star Wusheng.

Duan Kangshi gritted his teeth and saw that Zhang Yuanzhou had already flown into the Bodhi tree and was picking up the fruits of the great world.

There is no danger at all.

Moreover, compared with the fruits of the great world, how to bear the danger, they are ready before they come in.

However, Duan Kangshi still hesitated because Qin Qi did not move at all.

Sun Jingyi is also a tangled face, but it is the fruit of the big world, and even if it is not, the Bodhi tree is also the treasure, the entire chaos of the ancient world, it is estimated that there is no more formal than this.

Now I am in front of me, not to snatch, how to be patient.

However, Sun Jingyi knew that Qin Qi was very powerful, and he also made up his mind to hold his thighs and not relax.

Qin Qi did not go, she had to endure.

Qin Qi, is not the guy who will watch the treasures slip away in front of him. Even the dragon dances, he has to extort, let alone the fruit of this great world.

"Little brother, they all get the fruits of the big world, is it really a problem?" Ye Yuexin frowned, even if she did, she could not see any problems.

"I feel that there is a problem, or not to be close to it." Qin Qi blinked.

He has the swear words and the eggs of the dragons, and he can perceive something that other people can't detect.

That Bodhi tree is very strange. Just like this, I am afraid that there will be big problems.

"Second brother!" Duan Kang Nian bite his teeth, and he no longer wants to wait any longer.

"Wait!" Duan Kangshi still chose to believe Qin Qi.

Even Qin Qi does not move, with them, what qualifications are there?

When you come in this chaotic world, you are indeed prepared to face danger, but it does not mean that you know that you are going to die.

Qu Na and others, and Duan Kangshi made a good deal on weekdays. When they saw Duan Kang, they did not move. They were also patient and did not take the lead.

On the other hand, Zhang Yuanzhou has already got the fruits of the big world. When they are excited, they are swallowed directly, and the strength of the body has also skyrocketed!

"Second brother!" Duan Kangnian couldn't help but scream again.

Only this time, Duan Kangshi did not hesitate, but said: "Shut up, don't allow the past!"

This drink makes everyone surprised.

"What did Duan Xiong find?" Qin Qidao.

"Why should Qin Qin ask me, you should find it earlier than me." Duan Kangshi smiled a bit, but also fortunately chose to believe Qin Qi.

Over there, under the Bodhi tree, Zhang Yuanzhou and others have won the fruits of the great world, and their strength has skyrocketed, but they have not entered the holy world!

This is too strange.

That is the fruit of the big world.

Moreover, it is still under the Bodhi tree.

How could it not enter the realm of Wu Sheng?

If you can't understand it elsewhere, you can't do it. Under the Bodhi tree, can't you do it?

"I don't want to rob the thunder!" Sun Jing glimmered.

She has just experienced thunder, so I was very impressed by this, and I quickly thought of this layer.

"Accurately speaking, there should be no way to let the robbery fall." Qin Qi shook his head.

"Amitabha, why should several donors stay in this bitter sea, and it is better to be poor to cross you to the other side and to enter the Western Paradise?"

Just then, a voice rang.

Immediately, the linden trees that Qin Qi saw were all distorted, and Zhang Yuanzhou’s screams screamed.

I saw that the Bodhi tree, like the paper that was kneaded, eventually turned into a small group, and Zhang Yuanzhou and others, the savage shackles gradually disappeared.

I am afraid it is already dead.

What is going on in bliss, and purgatory is just that.

Such a scene, let Qin Qi and others are in the middle of the heart, the body is cold!

"All beings are ignorant, and they don't know that there is boundlessness in the sea. Only the poor can pass you in the past." A monk appeared. He reached out and took the group of the Bodhi tree from the void.

That turned out to be one of his beads!

This monk, can not tell the strange, wearing a big red 袈裟, bare chest, but it is a dark 卍 word!

It is a fallen evil!

"Amitabha, a few donors, turn back to the shore, let the poor come to cross you!" The evil hands clasped together, then suddenly shook hands of the Buddha string, and shrouded them toward Qin Qi.

"Or let me send you back to the arms of the Buddha!" ​​Qin Qi cold, step forward.

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