God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1281: Hell Express

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-one chapter **** express

"It turns out that, it seems that there are two strong reinforcements of the Void and Qin Kong on our side, but there is no fear of the demon." The ancient man nodded.

His voice is very calm, and there is a majesty that is not available to people of this age.

As if, the natural king.

"Big brother, what should I do now?" asked Mosang.

If Qin Qi did not get anything, then there must be a creation in this place, and it must be found.

"Exploring and seeing it first." The ancients said.

This piece of Buddha is very large, and Qin Qi has just passed through some areas.

"The demon is over..."

"Do not start the war for the time being, Qing Litian, after all, it is not simple, there is no need to take the first step to fight the power." Ancient people Jiedao.

Immediately, he looked at St. Yuxian and asked, "What about the Holy Brother?"

"Just according to His Royal Highness." St. Yuxian nodded.

The demon side, like the tacit understanding with the Terran, also made such a decision.

The Terran has changed a lot and there has been more than expected.

However, the preparations of the demon two are very full this time. The masters of the predecessors have given many terrible cards, not the power of the first battle.

It is also for this reason that Sheng Yuxian was not too jealous of Qin Qi.

Qin Qi’s combat power may be equal to them, but the cards are inevitably far worse.

The Terran and the Demon are just in the opposite direction, and each explores it.

Of course, once there is a creation, then the two sides will inevitably be invincible.

Qin Qi glanced at the action of the demon, and left the void beast without leaving any traces.

He put the Voids on his shoulders and followed them with Xu Shi'an.

After a while, Qin Qi suddenly took a look at the Void.

And the Void Beast will know, and instantly open a void portal!

Qin Qi, disappeared directly in place.

On the other hand, the demon acted together and walked into an ancient temple. Qing Litian stood in the forefront and looked cold.

There is nothing in this place, which is too big for the results of the performance.

It’s hard to be done, is it really taken away by the human race?

"Adults, it is better to go directly to war, grab it from humans!" McLean Zeus indifferently.

He is from the Zeus clan, but the **** of this clan, noble and incomparable, very disgusted with the human race in the same sky.

For him, this is a shame, and the air here is muddy because of the existence of the human race.

Only by killing these inferior races can he be better.

The Mozu who can come here are the pure blood descendants of each clan, born with the noble and arrogant, making them extremely disgusted with the human race.

In front of the ancient Tianyuan clan, the Terran is nothing but a pig and a dog.

The more noble the blood, the more obvious this attitude!

On the contrary, Qing Litian, although the blood is not slightly weaker, but she has enough dealings with the Terran, but there is no such arrogance.

"Humans now have a good fighting power. If there is not enough interest, then there is no need to fight." Qing Litian said lightly.

McLean frowned slightly, still insisting: "Adults, the Terrans need to pay attention, but only those people, even if there are some variables, but with our strength, we can still beat them!"

Qing Litian suddenly stopped and looked coldly at McLean.

McLean's face suddenly rose red, and there was a shy anger, but in the end she held back and bowed to Qing Litian.

"McLean, remember your identity, otherwise, it will only make Zeus's surname shame!" Qing Litian was indifferent.

McLean took a deep breath and expressed his admiration for Qing Litian.

Zuo Qing looked at all of this in his eyes. At the moment, he said, "Gui Litian, this is not the way to do this."

If there is really no realm in this place, then they have no idea what it takes to get through this time.

By then, I am afraid that it will inevitably be a battle with the Terran.

"His Royal Highness does not have to worry, this place will never be so simple." Qing Litian laughed.

"I hope so." Zuo Qing frown, this time, their Yaozu must get enough benefits.

"Well, continue to explore, at the same time, put away your arrogance, guard the Terran!" Qing Litian shouted.

Qing Litian’s words, at least the Mozu side, no one dared not listen.

However, my heart is not to care.

There are indeed unexpected forces on the Terran side, but how about it, do you dare to take the lead in not shooting them?

Terran, there is no such ability, and there is no such courage!

"Hello, **** express, start now!"

It was a sudden sound, no temperature.

In the time when the demon did not respond at all, a Buddha's law has directly opened this void.

Half Yaksha, half Rakshasa!

The word 璀璨, composed of a whole 10,000 words, is an outbreak that does not have half a hand.

The egg of creation is shaking wildly.

The ancient gods have shaken the ancient times.

There is also the way to kill, accompanied by the invincible king, despise the world!

The double-print shock is to kill everything!

The attack came too suddenly. No one thought of the Terran side and suddenly shot.

Moreover, this power, I am afraid to reach the extreme, let people despair.

The demon two families, they all picked up, their hearts almost stopped beating, they are very clear, if they can not stop this blow, I am afraid will be killed.

The full force broke out, and it does not belong to the power that they can have in this realm, and it has not been retained.

That is their card, from the gifts of the elders of their respective ethnic groups.

Thunder roared.

The sun **** shines through thousands of miles.

Qinglong impact, Xuanwu tortoise shell, to resist everything.

The demon two, the card is out, to resist the Qiqi this crazy blow.

I have to say that these demons are innocents of the younger generations of all ethnic groups. Even if they suddenly attacked and even interfered with the human king's field, they still responded.

This double-printing method is extremely sublimated, and in terms of power, it is enough to kill them.

It is a pity that it is the strength of one person. It is difficult to resist the protection of the grandchildren by the real strong people of all ethnic groups.

That is not the power that the younger generation can have.

However, the demon still has a sigh of relief in the future, but the vision of the left and right has been shrouded in the shadow of the big picture.

Void grinding disc!

The space in which they live is directly crushed, and the power of tearing the void is to smash their bodies.

The Mozu roared into the demonization and summoned the power of the ancestors.

The Yaozu whistling, the body, the Qinglong basaltic, and other demon, as great as a mountain.

Just waiting for them is another round of attack by Qin Qi.

This connection does not give the demon any chance to fight back. They have no second way to go except to resist.

Luozha Yin.

Yaksha print.

Extremely sublimated, I saw two Buddha arms stretched out, each holding a piece of virtual sanding disc, and then smashed it together to grind it!

This is a wonderful match between Qin Qi and the Void.

With such strength, the void between the two grinding discs has been broken and broken, almost creating chaos.

The demon who was crushed in it could no longer support it, and there was a scream.

Obviously, the slightly weaker ones have been unable to withstand this force and were directly torn into blood.

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