God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1282: God's left hand

The first thousand two hundred and eighty two chapters of the left hand of God


It was a loud noise.

The demon is angry.

I saw a thunder, turned into a giant hammer, and pushed a grinding disc away.

On the other hand, Qinglong virtual shadow is almost full of this sky, that is, the strength of Qinglong God is recovering, and another grinding disc is pushed away.

Two virtual sanding discs were shaken, and then a large amount of blood mist poured down, and the demon two families, only this one, they were killed and injured!

Just, not finished yet!

Buddha anger dragon print!

"Looking for death!" McLean groaned, holding a giant hammer in his hand, thunder roaring, and there was an extremely terrifying divinity burning!

That is the power from Zeus, one of McLean's strongest cards.

Such devastating power is not at all a level that the Mozu can master, but an external force.

But in such a big war, whoever manages whether you are an external force and kills an opponent is the first.

It is Qin Qi, and it smells dangerous.

On the other hand, Zuo Qing is also mad, the huge dragon body is empty, and the power that is far beyond its realm is shaking.

The Buddha's anger was printed and they were shattered together.

However, Qin Qi, but did not retreat, with the help of the Void beast, directly into the demon.

The word is condensed, like the completion of the tears of the day, the ancient order of the sword, the sword of the extreme!

This sword, straight to Qing Litian.

McLean and Zuo Qing are all stunned, but they are too late.

Moreover, this sword is a complete sword of Qin, who will die!

Qing Litian also changed her look. She will not despise the human race and has been on the alert.

But after all, it is impossible to think that Qin Qi will carry out such a terrible raid.

She is still careless.

But trying to kill her is not so easy.

Qin Qi this sword, even the eight-star prince can kill.

However, Qing Litian’s card can also do this.

The Staff of Truth!

In the right hand of Qing Litian, the stick of truth is shining.

Then, her left hand began to shine, and the divinity contained in it was even more terrifying than that of McLean and Zuo Qing.

God's left hand!

Qing Litian reached out, a slender arm of white, but like a strong soldier.

The sword collided with the hand.


The terrible power directly raged out, and the ancient swords of the heavenly order were scattered, and every sword was very incomprehensible, so that the demon could not approach.

The ground was torn, and the void was broken up in layers. It was a strong confrontation.

However, Qing Litian eventually blocked the Qin Qi sword.

The left hand of God is more terrifying than the gods.

A sword failed, Qin Qi also knew that the opportunity had been lost, but there was no attachment, and it quickly retreated, but did not escape, just to maintain a safe distance.

Qing Litian snorted, her face flushed and her mouth bleed.

However, she did not care, but stared at Qin Qi.

Because, as long as she has any flaws, Qin Qi may want her life!

"Adult!" McLean exclaimed, and the thunder hammer in his hand was even more powerful.

I want to pursue Qin Qi.

"Stop!" But Qing Litian shouted.

"Adult, there is your strength, enough to kill him!" McLean yelled.

Qin Qi is so rampant, a human being in the district, even one person dare to do it to them.

The most angry thing is that Qin Qi has succeeded, and half of the demons have died under the joint of him and the Void.

This is the most intolerable, but it is shame!

"I said, stop!" Qing Litian roared, the majesty of the commander of the magic army.

McLean and other Mozus all changed their faces. Although they hated Qin Qi, they still obeyed and did not continue to pursue.

On the other side of the Yaozu, the beasts are connected again and again, but the devils don’t do it. How dare they kill them alone?

"Unfortunately, I thought I could destroy you all. I have to say that your identity has saved you a life." Qin Qi sighed.

If the other party is not such an important descendant, the old guys of the demon two will not give so much life-saving power.

Without these forces, Qin Qi alone can erase them all.

However, killing half is not bad.

Qin Qi did not leave, just keep a certain distance, which makes the demon they are more angry.

Is this looking at them?

Qing Litian knows that Qin Qi did not look at them, but at the same time gave enough attention.

The position he stood is just outside the strongest attack range of God's left hand. This human being is terrible!

"You are not leaving, are you waiting for your companion, are you ready to completely open the war?" Qing Litian said indifferently.

It is the commander of the Magic Army, and the mind is always awake and will not be stunned by anger.

And her strength, Qin Qi is indeed somewhat unexpected.

Qing Litian’s left hand is too strong, and the divinity inside is even stronger than the artifact, just like a **** in it!

Of course, this is not possible, but it must be taken seriously.

"You, can you fight?" Qin Qi smiled lightly.

This is the end of the matter, and the war is naturally inevitable.

He single-handedly, degraded the half of the demon two, and the rest of the people, the bottom card, the consumption is not small, is already at an absolute disadvantage.

On the human side, if you still don't seize the opportunity and give the devil a final blow, then it is really stupid.

Qin Qi’s sudden action made everyone horrified.

The final result is even more unspeakable.

One person, suppress all demons.

At the same time as the whole body retreated, he took away half of the opponent's hand.

It’s incredible!

However, this is a great opportunity not to be missed!

"Big brother, the machine can't be lost!" Mosang exclaimed excitedly.

If you can leave your opponent here, then for Tianyuan and Nanman, the loss will be huge.

After all, this is the strongest successor of their respective ethnic groups!

"Kill!" The ancients sang a low drink, and when they first came forward, such as the emperor's pro-sign!

The shape of St. Jade is complex, and the power of Qin Qi is stronger than they think.

However, this opportunity can not be missed now.

"Kill!" Sheng Yuxian also drank.

Qing Li Tian is cold, and the left hand of God is shining.

"Adult, leave, or go to war?" Marcus Demeter whispered in the ears of Qing Litian.

Whether it’s a war or a departure, in fact, the demon two still have the choice.

Their disadvantages are not as big as they seem.

"Everyone is living together in peace, isn't it?" But at this time, in the ranks of the Terran, a voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone changed their look. Immediately, they found that the shadows under their feet were like living, standing up and trapping them.

In this way, everyone was shocked and quickly retired, but the shadows were always followed, and they could not be avoided.

However, immediately, the holy light, the infinite radiance of the holy jade on the body, almost everywhere, even the shadows, disappeared without a trace.

"It’s not a holy jade, this bright world is really amazing!" The night of the demon sighed, and a sword in his hand was placed on the neck of the dragon dance.

"You don't want to mess up, I don't have much skill, but it's a killing trick, but it's a must-kill technique. Such a woman, I don't want to burn a hand." The demon night laughed.

He even held the dragon light dance.

"Flamboyant, let the dragon goddess go!" Shu Jing suddenly cried.

The sudden appearance of the demon night, holding the dragon and dancing lightly, suddenly disrupted the human race.

Although he said that he did not have much ability, but who believes?

"Oh?" Qing Litian was slightly surprised, did not expect the Yaozu to have such a master.

"It's similar to the power of Erepos, but it's a little different. He should have gotten the fruits of the big world." Marcus whispered.

"Demon night!" Qin Qi is a cold.

This demon, he was impressed, and even suspected that the letter he gave to the poem would be dropped, but it was the night of the night.

I just didn't expect that after it entered the Wan Clan parliament, it grew to the point where it is now!

It seems that it is really reused!

Qin Qi stood alone before the demon.

The demon night, surrounded by the human race, but also held the dragon light dance, the hand will kill a blow, I am afraid not to talk about it.

Both sides, for a time, stalemate.

This bureau does not know how to solve it.

Perhaps, can you give up the dragon light dance?

Compared to killing so many **** pure demon, the life of the dragon light dance is also less important.


It was a Buddha number, and it suddenly rang through the entire Buddha.

Immediately, a buddha light rushed out of the ancient temple, and they were connected to each other and turned into an enchantment, dividing the piece of Buddha into several pieces.

The demon and the human race are also separated.

"Damn evil, really did not return to the arms of the Buddha!" ​​Qin Qi snorted.

Just like this, he has no support, one person, the only demon.

"This, this is not a pit for me!" The night of the demon is stiff.

Surrounded by a group of humans, this feeling is not very good!

However, the change of Buddhism did not end there.

In the central position, the Buddha’s light is flourishing, and there is actually a **** tree rising from the ground!

Bodhi tree, bodhi tree, contains the fruits of the big world!

This is the reverse of the day.

Finally appeared!

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