God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1283: Have a big freedom

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-three chapters have great freedom

The illusion created before the evil spirits is not completely false, but is manifested by reference to the real existence.

Buddhism here, really has a bodhi tree, just like it was seen before, it is very lush, like a cover.

When the tree came out, everyone's look changed and the breathing became heavy.

The linden tree, as well as the fruit of the big world on the tree, although it is impossible to see how many pieces there are, the number is absolutely no less, at least ten or more!

Sure enough, it is a heavenly creation.

Even the value of the Bodhi tree itself is above the fruits of these great worlds!

After all, many of the people present have mastered the fruits of the great world. Instead, they are Bodhi trees, which have the function of promoting enlightenment.

More meaningful.

The exclusive avenue is worthless for the holy world.

However, the creation in front of us is indeed against the sky.

But it is not so easy to get.

This piece of Buddha's soil has completely changed, and it has been divided into several pieces. It is not so easy to go under the Bodhi tree.

Moreover, at the moment, under the Bodhi tree, there is a monk sitting on the plate, and the treasure is solemn, and the only "Amitabha Buddha" is from his mouth.

Although the breath is very different from the previous evils, Qin Qi knows that he is the evil.

Or, the evil before him is him.

"Several little donors, thank you for destroying the evil images of the poor, otherwise the impoverished can not prove this supreme fruit."

"Master, is this a Buddha?" Qin Qi flashed a light, Shen Sheng.

"Be good and good, not far from the Buddha!" ​​The evil hands are in ten hands, revealing the meaning of piety.

However, the darkness of his chest is so deep, darker than before, and it is really inconsistent with the Buddha who is merciful and compassionate.

"Master is afraid that it is a magic." Qin Qi sneered.

"The donor does not know, the Buddha magic, but between the thoughts, the detachment of the past, the greater freedom, that is, the Buddha!"

It’s great, for the Buddhist monks, it’s the same as Nirvana, super dislocation, and the achievement of the Buddha!

In Buddhism, there is no big freedom. It is a mortal, called a monk, or a monk. Once you are free and detached, it is a Buddha.

Compared to other cultivation systems, it is the realm of the emperor!

This evil, the emperor?

Nothing is possible!

On the day of Qin Qi’s recollection of Qiu Guan, he felt the power of Ares’s ancient ancestors. The power of the Emperor’s Maharaja is not comparable to this evil.

But even if it has not yet become a Buddha, it also annihilates the evil image of the past, and it is detached and successful.

About, it is already above the superpower.

In the realm of Wu Sheng, six stars to eight stars, is the high-order Wu Sheng, nine stars to ten stars, it is the top Wu Sheng.

The top Wusheng is called the super strong.

For example, Jiujian Longsheng is a super strong!

And this evil, now I am afraid it has been ranked above the super strong, the level under the emperor.

At the same level as Li Ningshuang at the time, and the Mizu of the Mozu.

I have to say that it is indeed a Buddha!

"The master said, I don't understand, but I am very curious, what is the master doing?" Qin Qi asked.

And this question, regardless of the demon, wants to know.

They know more about Buddhism than Qin Qi. The evil spirits in front of them have already cut off the past evils and have taken a step closer to the Buddha's fruit.

With his cultivation, the suppression of Qin Qi is a group of people.

It is Qin Qi who directly enters the Eight Stars Wushu, and it is not likely to be an opponent.

"Amitabha, since the donors came to this Buddha's land, they must have a fate with the Buddha. Today, the poor want to cross one of you and convert to my Buddha!"

When you say that you are crossing, you are still evil. You are more comfortable and free from jealousy.

Everyone heard the words, they all changed their looks.

Converting to Buddhism, this kind of thing has never been thought of.

Especially the Mozu, the instinctive aversion to the Light and the Buddha.

"Who is it?"

"Buddha speaks about fate, the poor is waiting for you here, good and kind." Evil whispered, and sat there, motionless.

Seeing this, everyone is slightly changing their look.

In any case, the evil spirits only intend to cross one person, then others have the opportunity to get the fruits of the big world, even under the Bodhi tree.

It seems that it is necessary to rush to the past as soon as possible.

However, before that, there are some things that must be solved first.

On the other side of the Terran, all eyes fell on the night.

On the other side of the demon, it is cold staring at Qin Qi.

"Hey, I want to die, I can do it. Anyway, I haven’t killed enough." Qin Qi snorted, no fear at all.

On the other hand, the situation of the night is not the same.

The demon night is holding the dragon and dancing lightly, and the face is better than crying.

"In fact, I have no hatred with you. Everyone is their own master. It is also a helpless move. It is better to sit down and discuss a solution. How do you mean it?" The night of the night is barely smiling.

This is too pit.

He just came over and disrupted the human race, so that the demon was killed by the Terran.

And being willing to do this kind of thing is naturally because I am sure to go back.

He who has the shadow of the egg, can use all the shadows of this place to escape instantly.

It’s just that evil spirits appear, and the Buddha’s light is enchanted, and the Buddha’s soil is divided. He can’t escape.

As early as this is the case, he really should not be shot.

"Let the dragon goddess, otherwise you will die!" Yu Jing shouted.

The night of the demon smiles, this time the dragon light dance is his last life-saving straw, how can it be put?

"It's better. After security, I let her go again. Now, I am peaceful, how?"

"Do you think that you are qualified to negotiate with us?" Li Wanyun chilled.

"Then I had to die with the girl." The night shrugged.

"You dare!" Long proudly screamed.

How can the dragon light dance be a person of the Huang Daolong Palace, how can she watch her be killed by the Yaozu?

"You said it." Demon night smiled bitterly.

"Do you think that we will succumb to the demon class for her?" Li Zhaoyun gloomy face.

"Li Wanyun, what do you mean!" Jing Jing suddenly called.

"We can't put such a threat on the side, Long Shimei, if I were you, even if I chose to sacrifice myself, I would never let a Yaozu succeed." Li Zhaoyun shouted.

St. Yuxian did not speak, obviously the default.

Long Ao Ming bites his teeth, but the attitude of Shengxian Palace makes him only shut up.

The dragon's light dance is bitter, and her life is really bitter.

"Oh, it’s a good thing to say, it’s not you who are being held hostage now!"

"If it is me, this demon is dead!" Li Zhaoyun said coldly.

"Why should Li brother be so worried, there is a holy brother here, the area of ​​the Yaozu, can you still turn up the waves?" Sun Jing can not help but open the way.

"It is for the demon, but to sacrifice the dragon sister, is this not to let the Yaozu succeed?"

"Yes, for this demon, the sacrifice of the dragon sister, it is not worth it!" Li Ningshuang also said.

Sun Jingyu also counted, and Li Ningshuang even opened his mouth.

In the past, she couldn’t wait to see the dragon dance.

But others don't know, but they are clear about themselves. They are sisters who share difficulties and naturally want to help the dragon dance.

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