God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1284: Sacrifice yourself

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-four chapters sacrifice themselves

"But it is, Li Wanyun, what do you mean in the end, is that the Holy Brother is incompetent, can't hold this demon?" Jing Jing suddenly called.

Li Zhaoyun's face was blue and white.

Of course, he can't say that Saint Jade can't suppress the night.

Damn, appeasement is no problem, these three women, today even again against him, in their eyes, there is no Holy Palace!

Have you forgotten that the entire right-way alliance is nothing but a vassal of the Holy Palace?

"Just leave him a life first, and it is not a good idea to sacrifice the dragon girl for this." The ancients opened their mouths.

Sheng Yuxian snorted, apparently somewhat dissatisfied.

It’s not that he wants the dragon to dance and die, but rather the unwillingness of outsiders to intervene in the right way.

But now it is still important to take the Bodhi tree and not waste time.

"If you have a change, you can marry you in an instant!" Sheng Yuxian looked at the demon night, indifferent.

"Reassured, I still want to live."

He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

And he can't dare to dance the dragon, or even protect the dragon light dance.

Otherwise, if there is an accident, the dragon will die, then he will be finished.

"Big brother, what to do now, that Qin Kong and the demon are cut off in an area, I am afraid there will be danger!" Mosang frowned.

"Hey, that Qin Kong, self-assertion, since he dares to act alone, this shows that he has great confidence in himself, and certainly does not need our help." Li Zhaoyun said coldly.

"No, how can you stay with Qin Shidi alone to face the demon!" Xu Shi'an heard the words and hurriedly shouted.

"Xu Shidi, don't forget that the Bodhi tree is the purpose of our coming here. We should give priority to the Bodhi tree now. So, it doesn't mean that Qin Kong has dragged the demon two!" Li Wanyun said lightly.

"No!" But Sun Jingxi, Li Ningshuang, Dragon Light Dance, and Green Luo and Ye Yuexin shouted together.

The five beautiful people are open together, but this time, people can't help but look at each other.

How can Qin Qi He De, can let these five golden flowers speak for him?

All the men present, I am afraid there is no second treatment like this!

Li Zhaoyun’s eyes trembled a few times. The more so, the more annoyed his heart was, even the hatred!

"Several sisters, is it so contemptuous, but it gives you some benefits, even if there is no principle in this way." Li Wanyun maliciously slandered, "It will not be between you and the Qin Kong. What an ulterior anecdote!"

He is from the Shengxian Palace and is truly high above. Apart from the imperial city, they are the most noble.

But today, one after another, being hit by people, even being humiliated, has already distorted his heart.

When this statement came out, many people showed their anger.

Wang Qianyu’s long gun in his hand is ready to start.

He will never allow others to insult the green radish.

Rao is Xu Shi'an's temperament, but his face has sunk, and he is already angry!

"Li Wanyun, you are already out of the box!" The ancients opened their mouths.

Like the emperor, he was full of majesty, and his eyes glanced at Li Wanyun, which contained the gods, and Li Liyun’s heart trembled, his face suddenly whitened.

The ancients were angry and the momentum was unparalleled.

"His Royal Highness, please also anger!" Other disciples of the Holy Palace, quickly made words and persuaded.

They are also annoyed in their hearts, and Li Wanyun has been smashed thousands of times.

This Li Wanyun, more and more out of the box, has been quite unwise for the dragon dance.

However, the status of the Holy Palace is detached, but Li Guanyun will not change his attitude for the light dance.

The dragon dances lightly and is not worthy.

So they are silent, it is the default.

After all, this demon night is indeed a good fight.

But after this, Li Zhaoyun did not have any convergence, it was like a mad dog, and this is a faction, and there is still a half-right shadow.

It is too ugly.

The face of the Holy Palace was thrown away.

Li Wanyun calmed down at this moment, and knew that he was stunned by anger. He immediately said: "I am dying, and I hope that you will forgive me!"

"After going back, I will punish myself for ten years." St. Yuxian's faint opening.

"Yes." Li Wanyun bit his teeth, but did not dare to disobey the holy jade.

Li Wanyun apologized, and Saint Yuxian gave him another punishment. It really makes people unable to say anything.

The face of the Holy Palace is still to be given.

“A decade of face?” Ye Yuexin laughed.

"Miss Ye San, are you not satisfied?" Sheng Yuxian was indifferent.

He does not like people who have different opinions about his decision.

"Nothing dissatisfied." Ye Yuexin shrugged.

After going back, I was facing the wall for ten years.


Then you have to go back.

That guy, can be much more stingy than Wang Qianyu, there is a must report!

As for whether Qin Qi can survive the siege of the demon, it is not too worried.

After all, the demon has not yet shot, and it is obvious that he is also jealous of Qin Qi.

Be wary of the demon night, and the ancients Jie, etc., is to go to those Buddha enchantments, try to break through and support Qin Qi.

On the other hand, the demon two are watching Qin Qi, and Qin Qi is holding the sword.

The Void Beast was blocked in another area. Now Qin Qi is alone, and the reinforcements of the Terran are temporarily unable to survive.

But in the end, there was no outbreak of fighting, and Qing Litian still restrained.

She always felt that once the war started, the result might not be what they wanted.

"You are not going to try to cross these enchantments?" Qing Litian was indifferent.

This Qing Litian, in this case, can still resist?

Qin Qi blinked and smiled: "It is better to try first, I will help you against the evil."

The words of the demon are all showing anger.

Evil need to Qin Qi to prevent?

It is clear that you want to find their flaws and start with them.

"It's better to leave in two directions, how?" Qing Litian smiled.

Qin Qi glanced at Qing Litian's left hand and had to admit that the power contained in this hand really made him feel threatened.

For the time being, take the Bodhi tree first.

"Hey, good heart is like a liver and lungs. If so, then go for each!" Qin Qi shrugged and walked to the left.

It’s just that, it’s really making the demon want to go crazy.

This is a good heart.

Kindly to a person who annihilated half of their hands?

However, after all, it was to endure the anger.

Qing Litian is unwilling to go to war. It must be her reason. From the current situation, it may be the best choice to do according to what Qing Litian said.

Qin Qi left, they went to the right, all did not choose the direction of the Bodhi tree.

Qin Qi walked under the buddhist enchantment and tried to break through. The soul was surging, and the ancient powers fluctuated. However, there was no success, just let the Buddha light a little bit.

Qin Qi continued to add gravity, and more power was exerted.

The cockroaches on the Buddha's light gradually turned into waves, but they still did not break open.

But in this case, it is also feasible to break it, but it is extremely difficult.

It’s just that Qin Qi did not continue to upgrade the power, but instead displayed the word.

The golden light of the word came out, and above the Buddha's light, there were fine babies scattered, and then, like a bubble rising in the water, even opened a circle!

You can cross the past directly!

"Somewhat!" Qin Qi's eyes lit up, stepping across the Buddha's light.

He merged with the Void Beast, and immediately, using the 卍 word, once again crossed the Buddha light enchantment, came to the ancient people and their side.

Everyone was surprised to see Qin Qi, I did not expect Qin Qi to be able to shuttle around here.

However, Qin Qi was in the moment of passing through the Buddha light, but the figure disappeared directly.

At the same time, the demon night was shocked, and the hand was suddenly heavy.

However, it was still a slow step. Qin Qi suddenly appeared next to him, one hand grabbed his sword, and the tears of the day, it was stabbed to him!

When the two are not allowed, the two strong men have carried out a horrible skill competition. However, Qin Qi is too strong, and the field of the king and the contempt of the king are even more threatening to the night.

In the end, he failed to hold the dragon light dance, and was pulled back by Qin Qi, and the tears of the sword that day, still stabbed him.

Such a sword, the sword is rushing, and can not escape at all, all directions are locked.

However, the night is not a general demon, and the combat skills are equally shocking. Even in this situation, there is still a trace of flaws.

He slammed out, the shadows overlapped, and avoided the sword of Qin Qi. Obviously, some secret method was used, and no one could stop him.

Immediately, one person was held again.

Just seeing the person who is being held by himself, the face of the night is suddenly black.

"Hey, Brother Lee is not fast enough to sacrifice himself, killing this enchanting?" Qin Qi called.

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