God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1350: I like war

Chapter 1,350 I like war

"So, through this auction, you can see what the future enemies are?"

"It can only be said to a certain extent."

"Why do you say that?"

"For example, Demeter, they also want to get a dragon dance, used to study the Huangdaolong Palace, and Venus, for example, they just like beautiful things. Since the dragon dance is the first beauty of the Terran League, they certainly want to ""


Qin Qi couldn't help but help, for this woman, how much money would be wasted!

Moreover, this woman still owes him four artifacts without returning it!

"I have a bitter life!" Qin Qi sighed and used the system to exchange a large amount of equipment.

These equipments are all produced by the copy of the Chaos Era Abyss. The Mozu can also be used, and the quality is good. Plus the quantity, how many Shiva crystal coins can be exchanged.

Of course, Qin Qi will not be exposed too much, and the quantity will be on the verge of being acceptable.

One hundred million Shiva crystal coins, plus Curtis's 90 million, should always be able to take a dragon dance.

Otherwise, Qin Qi hurts.

After redeeming this part of the Shiva crystal coin, Qin Qi instantly became a VIP of the Shiva auction house, and lived in the most luxurious suite in the auction house at night, waiting for the start of the auction.

In the middle of the night, Qin Qi stood in front of the glazed window and looked at the city that never sleeps. At a certain moment, he said: "What are you going to do?"

After a while, Qing Litian walked out of the shadows. This ability is similar to the Shadow Devil.

"This is Demuel's technology. They extracted some of the strength of Eruibos and can greatly enhance the hidden effect." Qing Litian went to Qin Qi and explained.

"But you actually noticed it, it is really amazing."

"De Mosul..." Qin Qi couldn't help but frown. This clan is too far-fetched, and various technologies are emerging one after another. It seems that we should respect knowledge and deny it will be defeated by knowledge!

"Athena and Demeter, is the relationship so close?" Qin Qi asked faintly.

"Most of the college students in Tianyuan are in Demeter, and most of the rest are in Athena."

"Our ancestors are a symbol of war and wisdom. The family has always been adhering to tradition. On which side of the genius is biased, it will focus on which side."

“Today, there are many people who focus on researching knowledge. There are also many projects with Demeter, so Athena can take the lead in using Demuel’s new technology.”

"So, your talent is biased towards war?"

"No, after I was born, my father personally tested the temperament bias for me. It was the strongest wisdom bias in 10,000 years. Therefore, at the beginning of the tribe, I felt that I would become a university student and even surpass the chief of Demeter."

Wen Yan, Qin Qi has some accidents.

"But you are now the youngest commander of the side army." Qin Qidao.

"Because, I like war!" Qing Litian replied, a smile.

Qin Qi's eyes slightly picked up, the body's killing gradually condensed, almost turned into the coldest winter, although not cited, but as long as the moment, you can kill Qing Litian.

The danger of this woman Qin Qi is very clear, and Qin Qi, there is also hatred that must kill her!

Qing Li Tian silently, but looking out through the glass window, I do not know whether I noticed the killing of Qin Qi.

However, from the slight trembling fingers in her sleeve, it can be seen that she noticed the killing of Qin Qi, but she gambled that Qin Qi would not shoot.

In the end, Qin Qi asked: "What are you going to do?"

"Test a new type of poison." Qing Li Tiandao, when he opened his mouth, he found that his voice was hoarse and his mouth was very dry.

Obviously, it was just too nervous and fearful.

However, the bet is right.


"Do you not want him to die?"

"Well, the auction will kill him at the end."

"Unfortunately, my poison is not so fast, but it must be more tormented than a sword killing him."

"This thing, for Athena, should there be no benefit?" Qin Qi turned.

"There is no benefit, there will even be a lot of trouble, but if you do something big, you always have to choose. You can also think that this is my sincerity to you." Qing Litian laughed.

"Hey!" Qin Qi snorted and said nothing.

Qing Litian, still useful, is not the time to kill her.

Time flies very quickly, and it will arrive at noon.

The Shiva auction is about to begin, Qin Qi and others walked into the venue in advance. Of course, they have a special VIP room, and they will not show up.

When the guests were almost there, the crystal light of the venue suddenly darkened, leaving only one on the stage, shining on a beautiful woman.

In fact, this woman has already made many male demons hot, and if they can auction, I am afraid that they are now madly asking for price.

"How, is it beautiful?" Qing Litian laughed.

"It is really beautiful, and this beautiful feeling seems to be able to draw this conclusion even if you don't look at her." Qin Qidao.

"This is Venus, the succubus family, their power is beauty, and this beauty is actually a very strong combat power!" Qing Li Tiandao.

"Even if you are a lord, I am afraid it will be affected."

"There is indeed an impact." Qin Qi does not hide.

Looking at this woman, it seems that even if she is damned, Qin Qi will have a hard time deciding to kill her.

"But you don't have to worry about it. She is the pure-blooded descendant of Venus. The charm can transcend most people. It is normal for you to be affected."

"This kind of influence is not enough to cause substantial impact." Qin Qi said lightly.

"You look down on her. She is wearing a mask now. If you really meet each other, you may be tempted by her." Qing Li Tiandao.

Not to mention this, Qiaoqiao·Venus has already started the opening remarks.

Then, the first item was pushed up, it was an artifact!

It was an artifact, and the Shiva auction had such an enthusiasm. In the end, it was successfully traded with three million Shiva coins.

Then, step by step, one piece of the item was sent up, each piece caused a competition, and the final transaction price was at least five times the starting price.

However, these are just appetizers, and the VIPs did not shoot until a lot of auctions with a starting price of 10 million.

After that, it was the war of the Majestic clan.

In the middle, Qin Qi also shot twice, photographed a piece of unwanted ice and a disordered flame crystal.

Among them, the desireless ice heart is used to calm the heart, and the disordered flame crystal is the treasure of the fire system. Although it is not as good as the thousand stone, it is also worth 40 million Shiva crystal coins.

This, Qin Qi directly handed to Lina, strengthening her strength.

"Thank you, adults!" Lena certainly rejoiced.

Qing Litian was brows and wrinkles, and there were some hidden worries in her eyes, but she was very hidden and was not seen.

"How can you take this unintentional ice heart?" Qing Litian asked.

"You are not saying that Venus can affect me, this is no desire for ice, just spare." Qin Qidao.

Qing Litian smiled and said nothing.

Moreover, Qin Qi’s attention is no longer on her.

Because, the next lot is the dragon light dance.

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