God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1351: Auction

The first thousand three hundred and fifty-one chapter auction

"You, the next lot, some special, but I think this is likely to be one of the most popular lots!"

"So, let us have the first female disciple of the Terran Huang Daolong Palace, the first beauty of the League of the Right Way, Miss Dragon Dance."

The cleverness of the dragon dance was brought up by her. There were chains on her neck and arms to suppress her strength.

However, the chain is obviously special, very delicate, in addition to unlocking the lock, but also let the dragon light dance more than a few different charm.

People have a sense of conquest.

In addition to the auction, in order to shoot a high price, she even wore a maid costume, although nothing was revealed, but the contrast between warmth and attire is more attractive.

Although she can't talk at the moment, the struggle between the gods makes these demons more excited!

The response was indeed amazing, and the temperature of the entire auction site increased a lot.

Even if it is used to the beauty of the Tianyuan, even if the Venus family is enough to stand on the peak of Yan value, but the dragon dances lightly, but still outstanding, so that the male Mozu is dry.

"So, who can enjoy this beautiful beauty tonight, starting at 90 million, gentlemen, began to fight for the beauty!" Qiaoqiao laughed.

The price of 90 million starts has almost been the treatment of the batch of the finale, but although unexpected, it still detonated the auction.

A few breaths, the auction price has reached 200 million!

The quote of 200 million yuan is already very amazing. It is that Qiaoqiao can't help but be beautiful. I didn't expect the dragon light dance to shoot such a high price.

You must know that the dragon light dance is beautiful, but its identity is special, but it is the human race.

In Tianyuan, the entire Mozu is proud, depending on the ethnic group as a lower race, how to be willing to cast such a huge sum in the Terran?

"200 million, there is a higher bid than this, you know, this is one of the most noble princesses of the Terran!" Qiaoqiao suppressed the surprise in his heart, sweet smile.

Coincidentally, in the fire, she certainly wants to shoot a higher price.

"Three hundred million."

A VIP room called out such a price.

The bid of 300 million suddenly shocked everyone. It was a coincidence that I couldn’t help but stunned and thought I was wrong.

Even added 100 million directly!

"It seems that the people of Poseidon are also very interested in this human being." Qing Litian flashed a light, slightly smiling.

The bidder was just the strongman of the Poseidon clan.

"Hey!" Qin Qi snorted, his face was very unsightly.

It’s not that I can’t get 300 million, just for the dragon to dance, I have to spend so much money.

He has a pain!

He decided that after waiting for the dragon to dance, he must beat her. As for where to fight, Qin Qi has not thought about it, but it must be where the meat is playing.

There is also the stupidity of these bids, Qin Qi will not let go.

A dragon dances lightly, and shoots a price of 300 million yuan. There is no place to spend more money!

Thousands of red stones are almost the same price.

"Three hundred million, is there a higher price than this!" Curious and excited, this has far exceeded expectations.

"400 million." There was a voice in the VIP room.

Add another 100 million.

The auction house is boiling, with a price increase of 110 million, which is what happens when the top Emperor soldiers auction.

"It's Venus, they all said, they like beautiful things." Qing Li Tiandao.

"400 million, is there still?" Qiaoqiao is obviously not very happy.

After all, Venus shot, for her, is the most boring thing.

"700 million!"

Some people have increased their prices, and they have added 200 million directly!

"700 million, Scorpio, it seems that I still underestimated the value of this Terran princess, then I believe that she must not only be the price!"

"If you want to get her gentlemen, you still have a chance. Do you really think that she is not as good as the top emperor?" curiously excited.

"It's Hera." Qing Litian shrugged.

Hera and Zeus, this is the original ally, they have been intimate since the endless years, and they have shot, almost representing Zeus.

McLean said that he would not participate in the bidding, but now it seems that the impact is not great, Hera will replace him to participate.

"You are not ready to take it?" Qing Litian asked.

Qin Qi has not opened a mouth yet.

However, the price of 500 million yuan is indeed too high, and it does not match the identity of the dragon light dance.

If the dragon dance is a quasi-emperor, perhaps it is another matter.

As for the talent of the dragon light dance, it is actually not important. After all, her talent is higher. After being photographed by the Mozu, I am afraid that she will not continue to practice.

Not to mention fighting for the Mozu.

So the value is limited.

500 million, almost the top of the day, and then bidding, that is the temperament.

"They know that I will shoot, so I deliberately put the price too high. If so, then I will wait until they finish playing. I am not late." Qin Qidao.

"Do you have such confidence, with one person, against the wealth of a clan?" Qing Li Tiandao.

Immediately, Qin Qi exchanged 100 million Shiva crystal coins, but the Tianyuan 12 clan, each one is a very long time in the world.

The wealth they have accumulated is hard to count. What does Qin Qi fight against them?

"Why do you know why, they just want to disgust me, in fact, I still want to let me take a dragon dance, as a counter to me."

"Why," Qin Qi paused, and his eyes were cold. "If you really bid, but I have to grab it."

Qing Litian smiled and said: "Remind you that this kind of behavior is absolutely not allowed at the Shiva auction."

"Is there an exception?"

"Unless... there are legitimate reasons."

Qin Qi’s light flashed and he stopped talking.

The bidding outside has already reached 800 million!

Crazy, everyone thinks today is the craziest day.

The finale of the finale has not yet appeared, even if there are already 100 million auctions, even if it is the most valuable auction of this auction, I am afraid that this price will not be reached.

And the one who called out 800 million is Demeter.

This also makes people accept some.

If the Clan is the strongest of the clan, it may be said that it is Zeus, but in fact, Athena and Artemis are also very powerful, and it is difficult to conclude.

But if you ask which clan is the richest, there is no doubt Demuel.

Demeter has mastered too much knowledge, and the treasures, arrays, pharmacies, and exercises that are produced are all top-notch, and they are not sold at all.

800 million, more and more, but less, but less.

Demeter's offer, the reason is naturally different from several other clan, they probably think that the dragon light dance does have this value, it is worth to go back to do research with 800 million.

Since it was Demu's bid, Hera and other clans no longer participated, and did not continue to move up.

This problem is still left to Qin Qi, let him bid with the richest clan of Tianyuan!

"800 million." Qin Qi did bid, but only one more than Demuel.

This makes people a little speechless. After all, such high prices, bidding are all head and face, who will do this kind of thing!

One more?

Can't afford to lose this person!

Moreover, the rules of the auction, this level of the lottery, each increase must be more than 10 million.

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