God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1373: The strength of the young master

The first three hundred and seventy-three chapters of the young master's strength

"His Royal Highness!" Kun blew his color and hurriedly said: "Your Highness, Ares can fight for you, it is glory, never complain!"

"Yes, Your Highness, Ares never fights!" Ares' other strongmen shouted.

Ares, born for the war, never shrinks.

However, poetry does not want this.

"You can rest assured, Qin Qi, will bring me back." Poetry whispered.

Moses blinked in the eyes.

Although it did not force out the ancient ancestor of Ares, bringing the saint to the Zeus peak is also a huge gain.

"Thank you for your dedication. My Zeus clan will surely do my best for my Highness!" Moses said, his mouth was full of smiles.

Here is the Aris Peak, but that glory, but belongs to Zeus!

Kun tightly bites his teeth, even if he does not wake up the ancient ancestors, but he also wants to play for the smallpox!

"Kun, you are too weak, but if you are looking for death, you can try it." Moses noticed the magical changes in the body of Kun, but he did not care at all, standing with his hands, as if waiting for Kun's shot.

Kun, very close to the Maharaja, perhaps in a few years, with the opportunity of the Great World, it is not impossible to enter the Maharaja.

Now, it is a good choice to destroy his dodge first.

"So far, Lord Kun, and you really don't have to worry, my knight will guard me." The poem opens.

"I will naturally protect my Highness." Moses laughed.

"I am not talking about you."

Moses smiled and said: "His Royal Highness, if you are talking about the former guardian knight, it is a pity that he is not worthy."

"Otherwise, why didn't he appear at this time?"

Moses smiled, don't say that Qin Qi is not there, that is, how can it be?

He is a majesty, except for the ancient ancestors, no one can be enemies!

"Do you want to see me like this?"

But at this time, a voice sounded.

The sound is not big, but the entire Ares Temple is echoing this sound, like thunder.

Everyone is discolored, this voice belongs to Qin Qi.

Didn't see you for a year, did he finally come back?

Moses’s flash of light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Hey, come back just right, this guardian knight's change, still use force to fix it.

Defeat Qin Qi, then what is the qualification of Qin Qi to be the guardian of poetry?

As for the defeat of Qin Qi, Moses did not think about it at all.

Because he is the Maharaja!

"Young Master!" The poetry eyes suddenly lit up.

She will know that Qin Qi will certainly protect her!

Because, that is the young master!

Everyone looks at the door and looks different.

Immediately, two figures appeared.

Qin Qi, accompanied by Lena, came together.

The focus of everyone is naturally on Qin Qi, but Lena's embellishment makes Qin Qi's momentum even stronger.

After all, Lena is Hephaestus, which is enough to illustrate some problems.

"You are Qin Qi, the former guardian knight?" Moses looked at Qin Qi indifferently, and his eyes were full of disdain. He shook his head and said: "It's too weak, just because of you, what qualification is it to become the guardian knight of His Royal Highness?"

Qin Qi glanced at the hall and understood the situation. The heart was still cold.

He gestured to Lena, the lovely girl like this girl, retired and retired, came to the poem.

Qin Qi, who is looking directly at Moses, said faintly: "You said something wrong."

"What?" Moses was high and looked down on Qin Qi.

"I am not a ‘previous guardian knight’, because there is only one guardian knight.” Qin Qi said indifferently.

"Ha ha ha!" Moses couldn't help but laugh, full of ridicule, the smell of his body, gradually stronger, pressed to Qin Qi.

"Qin Qi, your stupidity makes people laugh. Do you think that you are qualified to compare with this monarch?" Moses sneered, the pressure of the Maharaja, and suppressed to Qin Qi.

I don’t know how to be a child, even if the talent is high.

In front of Dajun, nothing is.

"Compared with you?" Qin Qi held a finger at Moses and shook it. "You still don't deserve it."

The strong players in the field are all screaming, this Qin Qi, too mad, even dare to speak like this.

The other party is Maharaja!

It is not at all comparable to the quasi-jun.

Does Qin Qi think that he can compete in the quasi-junior realm, can he match the Maharaja?

"I don't deserve it?" Moses' face finally sank.

"Qin Qi, although your words are very funny, but you have to clearly humiliate the consequences of a Maharaja!" Moses cold channel.

"Shame you?"

"You think too much, I just state a fact."

"Moses Zeus, if I am you, I will get out immediately. Otherwise, you may not have the possibility of moving forward."

Qin Qi held his hand and stood up. Every sentence is so overbearing.

Do not put the Maharaja in your eyes.

He is, really cuddling, or pretending?

But in front of the Maharaja, what can Qin Qi have to rely on?

"Okay, very good!" Moses was already angry. "Qin Qi, you succeeded in angering Ben, then you have to pay for your stupidity!

"It seems that you are not willing to roll, then you don't have to go." Qin Qi said lightly.

"You want to challenge this king?"

"No, I will give you a chance to challenge me."

Too crazy!

Already out of nowhere!

Many strong people are secretly shaking their heads. The more Qin Qi is, the more people feel that they are lacking, and they are more like hard support.

I am afraid that in addition to the poetry's absolute trust in Qin Qi, no one thinks that Qin Qi can defeat Moses.

"Hey, I know what Qin Qi is doing in the game. He deliberately asked Moses to challenge him. As a Maharajah, how can he be condescending to challenge him?" Hera's strongman laughed.

"It turned out to be like this, oh, really awkward, even if I became a saint, I still can't change the inferior habit of the human race?" Apollo's strong face disdain.

Qin Qi asked Moses to challenge him. Obviously, he wanted Moses to hold his own identity and give up the challenge.

It is indeed embarrassing, but it is people who look down.

Even the strongest of Ares could not help but shake his head and was disappointed.

Their family, born for the war, will not shrink if they are not strong enough.

Qin Qi’s approach seems to be smart, but it simply cannot win the respect of others.

The guardian knight of the saint, this should not be the case.

"Do you let this lord challenge you?" Moses laughed, and there was a thunder jumping. Although he was laughing, but he knew him, he knew he was angry.

Qin Qi seems to have not seen, just said: "Yes, of course, the premise is that you have to be courageous."

Many strong rivals of the clan began to laugh and laughed. They knew that Qin Qi had already been riding the tiger. Now, Qin Qi can only continue to force it.

He is betting that Moses will scruple his face, unlike Qin Qi.

"Well, then today, this king will challenge you, as a battle for the guardian knight!" Moses chilled.

It is said that the strong people of Hera and other clan are bright eyes.

Moses challenged Qin Qi, but it would be ridiculous if it was not like words, but if it is a challenge between the guardians, it is no problem.

No matter whether it is strong or weak, Qin Qi is the first guardian knight. Moses wants to replace it and naturally has to challenge.

It can be said that it is justified!

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