God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1374: Warlord

The first three hundred and seventy-four chapters of the warlord

Many of the strong players have laughed. I am afraid that Qin Qi himself has not considered this point. How can we step down now?

Only beg for mercy.

Ares, Hephaestus, etc. are all sighed, Qin Qi is self-restraint, there is no way out.

"Yes, I accept your challenge." Qin Qi said lightly.

Moses sneered, his eyes were cruel, and he raised his hand and pressed directly.

As a Maharaja, to deal with a guy who is not a monarch, if you use too much power, is it not a joke?

Only need one action.

The pressure of the Maharaja was enough to make Qin Qi kneel down and kneel in front of him, repenting and rebelling against his sins.

Everyone knows that Qin Qi is about to squat, and let you be a wizard, as long as you have not yet reached the Maharaja, then you can only bow in front of Moses.

Have you left?


Qin Qi stood straight, and the great monarch was under pressure, but he did not have any effect on him.

"Well?" Moses couldn't help but frown.

Qin Qi, can actually resist his pressure!

It is not easy.

However, it only gave him some surprises.

"Is this what you snuggle? In front of Ben, it is not worth mentioning." Moses was cold and cold.

His body began to have magical surges.

He wants to move the real thing!

Well, this challenge, which is no suspense, has ended prematurely.

Moses did not use the demon spirit, but he did not need it. His magic turned into a claw and suddenly fell.

This claw is enough to make Qin Qifei annihilate!

Qin Qi did not dodge, but looked at the claws that radiated the power of terror.

Then, raise your hand and fan out.

The fly ash is annihilated.

The claws were directly broken, not to mention the suppression of Qin Qi, it was impossible to touch Qin Qi.

This time, the audience was shocked!

"How is this possible, how did he do it!"

"How can Qin Qi become so strong, even if Lord Moses only uses part of the power, but it is impossible for him to compete!"

Isn’t Qin Qi not in the hard support, but really has the strength to fight with Moses?

For a year, can he grow to this point?

All the strong people have changed their looks, but still do not believe that Qin Qi can defeat Moses.

At most, it is able to compete with one or two.

"Oh?" Moses blinked. "You made me a little surprised. I didn't expect that you have such a strength, you can be proud."

"Unfortunately, you chose the wrong opponent!"

"Killing genius, this kind of thing, I wouldn't want to do it." Moses sighed, but in her eyes, it was all!

Qin Qi, he will kill it today.

"There is too much nonsense, Mahara, can this be resistant?" Qin Qi cold channel.

In the eyes of Moses, the anger flashed and smiled. "You really think that you have a lot of skills, or let you see, how powerful the Maharaja is!"

Behind Moses, Zeus Wushu appeared, and the pressure on him was even more terrifying. The thunder was beating, although not very strong, but it was even more terrible.

Destructive Thunder!

Dajun, you have to really take the shot and show the world the power he deserves.

Still condensed out a claw, suddenly pressed down.

But power, but more powerful than before dozens of times!

Qin Qi, can you resist?

Or is it evading?

not at all.

Qin Qi still stood there, he raised his hand and fanned out again.

But this time, it is different from before.


A dragon rang out loudly, and the power of color flowed out of every inch of flesh and blood in Qin Qi. It was the ultimate physical brute force!


The Thunder was extinguished and was broken by Qin Qi.

"What is the body of the dragon vein?" Moses looked slightly, knowing that this is the power of Qin Qi's body.

I have to say that the body is raised to such a level, and the world is also very rare. At this moment, Qin Qi, in terms of the flesh, I am afraid that it will not be weaker than the wild animals in the same territory.

Even, it is still there!

It is Moses who is the Maharaja, and it is not as good.

"I didn't expect you to be a young man, you can raise the body of the dragon vein to such a point. I am afraid, it is close to the peak!" Moses gathered his surprise, faint.

Obviously, he is still conceited and does not think that Qin Qi can defeat him.

"What about it?"

"Hey, the dragon's body is strong, but if you only have this point, then you don't have to fight again." Moses was cold and cold.

He held out a finger, and the thunder was whirls and condensed to the extreme.


This refers to only the inch, but when it comes together, all the strong people in the room can't help but feel awkward.

That is the **** of Leizhi Avenue, who can resist?

One finger down, Moses is confident that Qin Qi is the body of the dragon vein, and can not resist.


Qin Qi is facing this finger, it is a pinch punch, behind him, nine dragons and legends rise, one heavy and one heavy, constantly adding Qin Qi's physical strength.

Also, the ancient gods!

Punching fists, Long Wei Hao Dang!

It seems that something has exploded, but Qin Qi has raised the physical brute force to another level.

That boxing front, that refers to the mang, the collision in the air, it is within the Temple of Ares, the space is also broken down, the quasi-jun does not dare to be a little closer, for fear of being involved.

They can't have the physique of Qin Qi and so on.

The strength of the transfer, Moses that one finger, was shattered by Qin Qi, still is not Qin Qi can not.

At this moment, all the enchantments were shocked, and my heart was full of coziness.

Because Qin Qi can withstand Raytheon, it means that Qin Qi is really able to fight with the Majesty!

The flesh is full of God!

"Hey!" Moses snorted, Qin Qi's strength is indeed beyond imagination, but it is not enough!

Thunder killed!

Raytheon World!

Moses began to show his power, and the Thunder became more and more horrible, and it was constantly elevating and shocking.

Kun feels that if he is involved in it, I am afraid that he will not be able to hold it for a few times and will be smashed into dregs.

Although Qin Qi is the body of the dragon, but wants to resist the eruption of the Majesty, I am afraid that it is not possible.

Indeed, Qin Qi felt the threat.

But when it comes to the outbreak, will he be worse than anyone else?

The form of the gods!

The breath of Qin Qi suddenly surged, and every meridian on the body was like a dragon, full of explosive power.

The flesh is the ultimate, a punch!

Qin Qi pinched the fist, surrounded by nine colorful dragons, and immediately slammed out.

In the flesh and the murder, those who are quasi-strong, all of them sweat up and feel the deadly threat.

Under this fist, don't say their body, it is the soul, it will be destroyed.

So a punch?

Moses was a great earthquake, and it was the Maharaja, and he could not help but panic.


Moses had no choice but to coincide with the demon spirit, and entered the demonization, and the power surged again.

Lei Jun is alive!

Moses was running a violent Thunder, against the fists of Qin Qi, the two forces collapsed and annihilated, and Moses gradually gained the upper hand.

He is the Maharaja, and he has done his best. If he still can't hold Qin Qi, it would be ridiculous.

However, Qin Qi is not a good match. After all, he is not only physically.

He, and the sword, the dragon **** tears!

Sky anger.

God of wrath!

All the strong are shocked.

Qin Qi, the power of the heavens, the king of the thunder!

This battle, violently reached the extreme, the last two even rushed out of the Temple of Ares, fighting in the high heavens, the majesty's pressure shocked hundreds of miles, terrible.

However, Qin Qi is not weak, Tian Lei is in the body, with a low sword!

Everyone is shocked and unspeakable. The battle of the Maharaja, facing the confrontation, has disappeared for thousands of years, it is terrible, as long as they are close to a few points, their souls and bodies will collapse.

This is the power of the Maharaja.

"Qin Qi, Ben Jun admits to look down on you, but, this battle, you have no chance!" Moses indifferently, in his hand, a hammer of God.

The imitation of Quake's hammer, but it is already the peak of the Emperor, even on this Mount Olympus, can lead the power of Zeus peak blessing.

Almost, can stand shoulder to shoulder with the supreme artifact!

This realm, together with the supreme artifact, the victory or defeat of the district, can be reversed in an instant.

Qin Qi, after all, is not an opponent.

Hera and other clan's strong, sneer and again, until now, Qin Qi must move all the power, then, let Moses end the battle with the hammer of Thor, the iconic power of Zeus!

Ares, etc., is worried in the heart, Qin Qi, how to resist the hammer of Quake, which is almost equivalent to the supreme artifact?

"A broken hammer, just give you so much confidence, if you give this stick, do you want to go to heaven?"

Qin Qi faced the inexhaustible power of Moses, just a few sneers.

And in his hand, a scepter appeared.

At this moment, the entire Mount Olympus began to shake!

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